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  • Pregnancy Symptoms come and go?

    I received a positive pregnancy test over a week ago, and at first I felt every symptom, but the last couple days they come and go. Sometimes I feel sick and sometimes I don't. My breast are not very swore, they did fill heavier but not so much anymore. Is it normal for the symptoms to come and go, I am 5 weeks 2 days.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Faint line on a pregnancy test?

    I am not due for my period until Sat, and I have had this intuition (guess that's what you can call it) that I may be pregnant. I have had symptoms like I was going to start my period, but I thought I better go ahead and take a test. I used First Response and the first test came out with 2 lines, but the 2nd line was faint, but noticeable and then I took another test and the same results. The lines were faint but my husband double checked and yep I wasn't seeing anything. Could I be pregnant? Has this happened to anyone before and turned out to be pregnant?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What should I wear to my bridal shower?

    My bridal shower is this coming weekend and I am not sure what to wear. Its at a church hall, The weather is suppose to be 59 degrees and rainy. Not sure is jeans would be Ok, anyone have good ideas?

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Wanting to relocate, but how?

    I am getting married in less than 4 months, we both have talked about moving, and we want to move to but no idea how to go about doing, we have talked about moving to washington D.C, or surrounding areas. I know I will need to get a job, and the market sucks but have no real clue how to go about doing any of it! I need advice

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What to do when mother in law wants boyfriend to be in my wedding photos?

    Our wedding date is may 22, but parents are pretty much paying for the entire wedding. My fiancee mom has a boyfriend she has been dating for a couple years, and she is expecting him to be in the wedding photos and I don't feel to comfortable with him being in the photos, but I don't know how to approach the situation, my fiancee would tell her but usually twist and turns it and he gives in. I just feel like I don't want this man who I don't care for to be in my wedding photos.

    16 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is there a chance I could be pregnant?

    So, beware there may be to much TMI but only serious answers please.

    I am about 6 days late and I have taken two pregnancy test and both came out negative. I have been getting back pain and feeling sick to my stomach and my breast are very tender. I have been having discharge that is watery and sometimes clear and stretchy like. Is there a chance I could be pregnant? My period has been regular for the last 6-7 months.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Gassy a signed of pregnancy?

    I know gas is apart of your period, however lets me honest it smells bad (at least mine does) But I have notice that I am gassy but no smell? At all, been like this for a couple days. Period suppose to come soon, but no feeling of it yet...

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Implantation Bleeding?

    Had unprotected sex on june 5, which was during my ovulation time, on the 15 of June I went to wipe and has small pink discharge only when i wiped and it happened once. I thought maybe I was going to start my period. I took a pregnancy test that same day and came up negative. Today is the day I would start my period if I was on a 28 day cycle, however I am a little late usually.

    Could that have been implantation bleeding? If so when should I test?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • what kind of discharge should you expect?

    I was wondering, is there discharge when you first find out your pregnant and what does it look like. Also what position is the cervix in once you find out your pregnant?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Are tender breast always a sign of pregnancy?

    I notice that everyone has signs of tender breast... Just wondering if you can have other symptoms and still be pregnant without the tender breast?

    I know later in pregnancy that happens...

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How to make sure you pee -Pregnancy test?

    I was wondering, has anyone peed in a cup then put the stick in there for the amount of time?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What does a positive TB test look like?

    I work at a hospital and had to get the yearly TB test... Just wanting to know what does a positive TB test look like

    By the way I'm not a nurse or a doctor

    3 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is there a chance of being pregnant?

    So, I've asked plenty before, but as days get closer to when my period is due, I've been noticing different things with my body, but I don't want my mind to play tricked on me.

    I was getting back pain for the last couple days, that go off and on. I have notice minor ab pain. Really tired lately and clear discharge. Also yesterday I wiped and there was a little pink discharge, but nothing since. I had started my last period May 22, thus I should start this week either thursday or friday..Giving my cycle 28-29 days

    Have had unprotected sex and not a on BC. I took a test Friday and of course negative and took another one last night and it was also negative, but the line was faint.

    What are my chances of being pregnant? I may be over thinking things, and I guess how do you get threw the next week always wondering?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway I could be pregnant?

    My last period was May 22 me and my fiancee had unprotected sex at least 4 times where he came inside off me. The last couple days I've been feeling sick to my stomach, but not throwing up, mainly after I eat. I went to the restroom and wiped and there was a faint line that was a very light pink color. I am not due for my period for another 4 days and that usually doesn't happen. Any suggestions, I may be freaking out...but i took a test on friday and it came out Negative, but the line was very very faint....

    Also, no symptoms signs for AF

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Faint Negative results?

    Has anyone had a faint negative result, but still came up positive...After doing figuring it out, I may have tested too soon, but the I took the one step test from walgreens and the second line was bright blue, while the first one was faint, but read a negative.....

    I am getting cramping in my back and feeling sick to my stomach, and I can smell everything!!!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I have a wedding situation, not only with mine....?

    I am getting married 5/22/2010, I am having a huge catholic wedding... I have tried to included all my closest friends which has put me at 7 bridesmaids, however one of my bridesmaids recently got engaged and they are having a quick wedding, which is in about a month....She is my fiancees cousin, as well as his best friends (best man) Over the years I thought we have gotten close and we tend to hang out all the time....So putting her in my wedding was not even a second guess. Well fast forward to now and I am not in the wedding. She is having three friends she grew up with, WHICH is fine however I can't help but to be bitter. I tried to be the bigger person and offer my helping hand, but only to get turned down and she wont even talk to me about the wedding.......

    I came to her fiancee and was honest about my feelings and he didn't give me a real answer, but told me they still wanted to be do the music...ggrrr

    How do I deal with this, even though it may seen childish (I know) I just thought that the feelings were the same...

    Please serious answers

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • young and getting married?

    I have been told that I may be young to get married, I am 23 and will be 24 by the time I get married. My fiance is going to be 25 when we get married. I have a college degree, currently working on get a professional job, but due to the economy its really hard. We have been together for 4 1/2 years now. I am not having any second thoughts of getting married, I just dont know what to tell people when they say oh your soo young why rush...I guess I just need a good come back.

    Also, how old were you when you got married?

    30 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • how irregular are periods after BC?

    Got of the pill March 15 had a normal period, haven' started or any signs of starting.

    How long should I wait until I am concerned about not having a period. I know that period are irregular after the pill. Just curious

    Please serious answers...

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Getting off the pill?

    Has anyone came off the pill and known or had symptoms

    Had sex maybe 6 times this past month...unprotected sex, but not ejaculated in me.

    Ended the pill march 15.. had a normal period that ended on March 23.. and haven't had my period since.

    I currently feel pains in my lower pelvic side, very tired, discharge (feel like im leaking but not) and sometimes feel sick to my stomach.

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Could I be getting False Negative?

    I got off BC last month, started my last period on the 18th of March ended the 23rd...It will be 5 weeks wed since my last period started...I took a test and it came up Negative, however still no period. I called my doctor today and he told me to wait 3 weeks!! He didn't really answer any of my questions. Never missed a period EVER and I know the pill can do this but seriously wait three weeks? Should I get a second opinion? I just hate playing the waiting game

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago