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  • My Friends passport was impounded by Mumbai Immigration on arrival from Doha Qatar?

    He was working in Behrain and his passport was not given back by his employer as he want to go back to home. So he reported at Indian consulate lost passport. He got Travel Document but at the departure His Employer gave back his Passport and took the Travel Document back form him and so he travelled by Original Passport.

    Now on the next trip to Doha- Qatar He again travelled by his Original Passport but while coming back from Qatar he was stopped by Immigration Dept and his passport was Impounded by Sr.Immigration Officer saying that your passport was reported "Retained by Sponsor" and you obtained Emergency Certificate from embassy of India, Behrain in lieu of above passport reported lost Passport.

    Please guide me how should I explain Passport Officer in my case to get the my passport.

    As I need it for my employment.

    2 AnswersMumbai9 years ago
  • Doctor's opinion plz..about puls rate.?

    I have a mild blood pressure (100) and I take amlokind AT every day.But when I take the pills regularly, I get pulse rate 60 / minute.But When I do not take pills for 2/3 days it goes up to 72 / minutes

    Is it normal?

    I consulted my physician who said,if you do not have any problem then it's normal.

    Should I change my pills for pressure.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • What should I add to make liquid dish washer more thick and transparent?

    Fatty acids are basic chemicals but if I want to make the detergent what should be additives.

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • How divorce deed can be registered?

    I have applied for renewal of my Passport in Surat Gujarat.I wanted to change in detail of spouse name as I have divorced my first wife A.Second wife B which I mentioned in new application form.Now passport office is demanding divorce deed registered in sub registrar's office.As my ex-wife is from Bombay I contacted an advocate regarding the same he said it can not be registered in collectors' office you have to file petition in court and the court order is required for that.Now my ex-wife is refusing to attending court matter as it need to go frequently and she is working in school and have no time and leave from school.Is there any registration procedure in which we get registered our Divorce Deed through any govt authority in Mumbai?

    Divorce was done as per Muslim shariah (verbal talak in presence of two witnesses) in 1997.

    My haj application in haj committee was selected but due to this problem I couldn't submit my passport in time before 30th June 2010.I may not go for haj this year.I approached passport authority to give passport only for haj purpose but refused to give me.Even Passport office has not accepted my application form also without the Divorce Deed.

    Those who knows the matter should give suggestions please!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Could I adopt a baby child from Indonesia,Malaysia or Thailand?

    What would be the sources and what are the legal procedure for her citizenship.

    2 AnswersMalaysia1 decade ago
  • Where does the smallest people live on the earth?

    Indonesians,chinese are short in height but which country's people are shortest in the world ?

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Who can release the smallchildren of Muslims and Hindus from the jail of Porbunder in Gujarat since GODHRAKAND

    One of my relative was taken to jail of Porbunder in Gujarat,(India)for some civil case wrongly accused on him.When he started crying in jail as he was innocent and never thought of the day in his life.Some children surrounded him and sympathized,"Uncle why are you crying being a big man,see we are so small and since many years we are in jail,we are not crying".When he inquired,he came to know,one hindu child was accused for theft in his uncles house was charged under PASA.Many muslim boys lost their childhood in Jail,are there since Godhra Kand in Gujarat.Anybody there to look - what about the education and future of the children in jail ?


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago