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Favorite Answers30%
  • Why are there so many stupid answers that get voted as #1?

    Why are there so many stupid answers that get voted as #1 on Y Answers? Can't Yahoo make it so people can't vote for theirselves? But then again, I guess one could create another screen name & vote for theirselves that way. I voted the answer to this question as no answers were good but look what happened...also see my comment;_ylt=AmvRl...

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is yahoo changing their security questions?

    once in awhile I get this notice pop up saying yahoo is changing their security questions incase you forget your password...when I try to sign into my yahoo account. I was wondering if this was a true yahoo security question pop up? I also received an email from yahoo security saying I needed to change my password due to a security breach on my account. I've had this email address for many years & was wondering if all this was from the actual yahoo security or not?

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • Sea Salt vs Dead Sea Salt?

    Was wondering if anyone knew if there was a difference between sea salt & dead sea salt? I read that it helps psoriasis & since Dead Sea salt was so much more expensive...was wondering if sea salt would work just as well ( but at a cheaper price)

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Any Hints on how to treat psoriasis at home? Including the scalp?

    I have psoriais on my elbows / arms. knees & scalp & ears . does anyone know of anything that might help? I've tried just about everything & that coal/tar shampoo don't work either. Currently I am using vasoline on my arms & knees to keep the scales down. I'm waiting to find a dermatologist that my insurance will cover. Need help badly

    8 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much spam answers on yahoo answers?

    Is there a password stealer? Was wondering if there's actually spammers creating accounts to cause the spam problem or is someone stealing passwords to other peoples accounts?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Having severe pain on outside of my leg (right leg) between my knee & ankle.?

    I was wondering if anyone knew what could possibly be wrong? I can barely walk & only for a very short distance. I went to the emergency room & the doctor said I had a mild case of arthritis in my knee, but that can't be the problem with the severity of the pain.

    So I went to an internal medicine doctor & they had a venous doppler test done & there's no blood clot. I was then referred to an orthopedic specialist but I can't get in to see him until mid june, which is pointless because I'll be dead from pain by then. Pain medication isn't working either, that's how bad the pain is. I've heard of tendonitis in the leg but could this be it? I'm taking Ultram for pain which is an upgrade from Naproxen that the emergency room doctor prescribed me. Any hints on what this pain could be & how I could get rid of it?

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Do home pregnancy tests ever fail?

    My daughter has been trying to get pregnant for about a year now. Last month she had her menstrual cycle but she only had her period for 2 days & it was very light. This month, she thought she was about a week late when she took a pregnancy test at home. This was one of those cheap $4 ones & it said she was'nt pregnant. She is now 2 weeks late. I was wondering if anyone out there has taken a prenancy test & you were pregnant but the test said you were'nt? She's also been getting a small upset stomach when she eats but no vomitting.

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Insurance check signed before repairs are started?

    Someone backed into my daughters parked car. My daughter got an estimate for front end body work to be done & submitted the estimate to the insurance company. She received the check from the insurance company BUT it DIDN'T have the body shops name on it too. So, she calls the body shop & told them she had received the check & she's ready to make an appointment for repairs. The body shop guy told her she was to bring the "signed" check in, then he would order the parts & make an appointment for the repairs. O.K., so to me, this sounds funny/strange. I have NEVER signed a check over to a body shop or any other car repair shop "BEFORE" the work even started. I always paid afterwards, after the work was completed. So I told my daughter to deposit the check in the bank & we'll look for a different body shop because what he said to her sounds fishy.

    I was wondering what everyone else thought about the situation? Do you think she should sign the check over before the work has even started?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Barnes & Noble College Book Stores?

    Anyone know if you get much money back if you do the "Book Buy Back" at a college Barnes & Noble book store? You know, where you buy their high priced books for college semester & then when you're done with them you can sell them back.

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between a Jelly Roll pan & a cookie sheet?

    I want to make a jelly roll & was wondering if I could use a cookie sheet instead of a jelly roll pan?

    Cooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can't open Limewire. Anyone happen to know what might be going on with Limewire?

    I had Limewire pro & it wouldn't connect...but yet it worked fine a couple days ago. So I deleted my Pro version & downloaded the free version in hopes that would still doesn't work! Either that, or does anyone know where I could get free music downloads other than Limewire?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Searching for an Incredible Hulk movie?

    My grandsons birthday party is tomorrow & he LOVES the Incredible Hulk. He wants a Hulk movie. Since the new one isn't out yet, I was wondering if there is another Hulk movie that's out there somewhere? I need the title, when it came out & who is in it....need the newest that you know of.

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Need help with knowledge of college loans :o)?

    My daughter is signed up for a college in ohio. She will be receiving a small federal stafford loan. I'm planning on helping her with a parent loan but not sure how to do it or what we can use the parent loan for besides paying for college courses. Can you pay for books with it? A computer? ect. & what kind of parent loans for college students are out there? any kind of help would be greatful, thanks!

    & does the loan go directly to the college or to you & then you pay?

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Poison Ivy, Oak, or Sumac?

    My 17yr old son developed a rash on his legs possibly Poison Ivy, Oak or Sumac, not sure which one. We live in the country & I have never known him to get poison ivy before so I was wondering if it was one of the other two listed. Anyways, When my other kids were younger, they took bleach baths if they got it. Well, we tried that this time & it didn't work. We also tried full strength bleach directly on the rash & that isn't working either. The rash is still spreading slowly & what first started out as a small rash is looking alot worse, more puffy of a rash. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to help get rid of this & / or stop spreading?

    Skin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Any one know of a good recipe for biscuits on an open fire for camping?

    Can be biscuits or corn bread or both. Got a huge camping trip soon with LOTS of teenagers! (my foster children)

    Now that I'm still thinking about it, got any good pancake recipies for camping as well??? Thanks in advance :o)

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • '98 Cevy truck shuts completely down?

    I have a '98 chevy 1500 work truck. It will start right up, run smoothly. I go & put it in gear & it will move a few feet & it will completely shut lights no nothing. I wait a couple minutes & it will start right back up again with lights & everything. Any suggestions? & was also wondering why my automatic gear shifter fely a little loose as well? It's very cold in my area...just for some extra info & don't have a garage.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Body shop Lost my car keys & the keyless entry gadget thing.?

    I took my car to a body shop to have over $3400 worth of body work done on it. Once it was done, they called me & told me it was ready but they had lost my keys to it so bring another set. They not only had lost my car keys but they had also lost that little black thing that has the buttons to push to lock, unlock, horn sound, & trunk open on it. They said they'd make it right with me..but if they don' long should I wait...& what should I do if they don't. It's a 2002 Pontiac Bonneville. Any suggestions?

    15 AnswersPontiac1 decade ago