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Should I break up with my boyfriend? (Opinions needed)?
So I'm currently living in ontario and my boyfriend lives in vancouver. He s going to 11th grade and I m going in to first year of university.
He told me the fastest way to live together is that I have to try to transfer to the university there (UBC) and that it is totally possible for me to do so (I have a relatively wealthy family and good grades). The problem is, i don t want to. The university i m in is amazing and has everything i need.
When i told him this, he said he couldn t wait for 4 years. He said I need to put in effort as much as he did. He s currently applying for jobs to save money and come here if I don t end up moving there.
He s everything I find in a boyfriend and I want to live with him, but I don t want to move until I finish school. Any detailed thoughts would be appreciated!
5 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoHow do I make friends in a sea of foreign people?
So I m in college now and it s the orientation period. I want to make friends but the majority are chinese and african-american. They hang out with their own races. As an Indonesian, I don t feel like joining/starting a convo. I may look chinese (I m a chinese descent) but I don t speak the language... What can I do??
3 AnswersFriends3 years agoWill my family still be happy when I'm leaving for college?
So, I'm leaving for college soon and I just want to know if my family will be doing okay. There is always a good relationship between me and my family so I'm feeling a bit sad about my departure.
Totally open for any experience :)
A parent saying goodbye to their child or a leaving-to-college experience would be great.
Thanks :)
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)3 years agoConvince me to sleep with my dog on the bed?
I just don't get why people sleep with their pets on the bed.
I love my dog and all but i'm just not convinced enough to let him on my bed and sleep with me. I'm just afraid that his hair will be all over the bed and I'll be breathing his hair all night. Not to mention the probability of unwanted animals. There might be mites all over his body even though I make sure he's clean before entering the house.
Please make me feel safe on letting the dog on my bed.
11 AnswersDogs4 years agoMake my short story anti-mainstream?
So my teacher told the whole class to make a short story that is about teenager problems. It has to be realistic so i decided to make a story about friendship.
The story is about a girl who fell in love with this hot guy who is older and left her best friend. Her best friend caught the guy being with another girl and tried to tell her. She eventually found after denying that to her best friend. There s a part where she cries very loud in the toilet but thats not the point. Then she talked with her best friend and they apologised each other.
My friends are telling that the story was too mainstream. Can anybody give any ideas so that there is some kind of twist that i can add to the story? Thank you :)
5 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years agohow can i look normal in front of him?? any advice?
I've been liking this guy. After a year of hiding my secret, i told some of my closest friends. I told them to not make it obvious, but i realised now, it was a huge mistake.
every time when i'm close with friends and we past that guy, they will be nudging and saying things like "hey who's that guy hehehe". They also laugh so hard that it makes him notice. We used to be normal strangers. Now, he is sort of-well-trying to avoid me. This is REALLY BAD, because this way, we can't talk as normal as we usually do.
please give me advice on how to make him take me as a normal friend and not some weirdo who likes him.
thanks :)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoHow can you stop a friend that likes to interrupt the conversation?
I have this friend. Every time I am talking to my friends, she pokes me and say something like, "OMG this book is so funny. Read it BLAH BLAH BLAH"
Not only on a conversation. When I m studying, she would poke me and say some other useless stuff that doesn t relate to the subject at all
I hate it. My friends hate it, too. When I am trying to avoid her, she would say stuff like "wow you ARE a traitor." and that just made me sick. She is a good friend and all, but with these stuff keep happening, I just can t handle it.
So, how can i stop her for being so interrupting without making her saying "traitor" and all? I want to have her as a friend; a friend that understands when i need to focus and talk without being interrupted
4 AnswersFriends5 years agoDoes he like me?
Well... I really want the answer so answer this based on your experience!
Heres the story
I've been observing this guy (cuz i probably have feelings for him too :v), who's sitting next to me.
He is the type of guy who can fit in with any guy. He can be really cheerful and playful with guys and several girls who are close to him (FRIENDS). With strangers he just met, he might seem a little bit cold. Well to sum it up, he's the guy who is cool with strangers but feisty with friends.
While he is sitting next to me, he really likes to stretch his legs to my table. Sometimes to the point it touches the table. He does it more often to me than to the other girls so it might be a sign :3
About starting a talk, i guess since we are not that close, he only asks me when he doesn't understand something in school. His body posture is always towards me when talking (another sign haha). He doesn't smile when talking though, but its normal since he isn't the type that likes to show feelings to people he doesn't know.
Please tell me what you think!!!
If he does like me, how should i react to him? how can i be closer to him?
If he doesn't, then what is he doing with the legs and stuff?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoDoes he like me?
I'm eager to know this
ok so there are two boys
1. All of this happened last year
Starting of school, we were awkward around each other. then one day we were made into a group. thats when we started to become close. After those days he started to ask things he doesn't understand to ME. Its not usual for him to ask other girls. But at that time i was just a little kid (7th grade :v) so i ignored him, mostly because i don't want ppl to ship us. I don't know that is love and i don't understand love. since that he started to go away. when he goes away, that is the time i feel a little bit empty. and i found interest to him. sadly, he has no interest to me anymore :(
next year we barely made eye contact. maybe because we are in different classes.
BUT, one day I was assigned to send something to his class. I went inside the class and put the thing on the teacher's table. He was at the teacher's table to and said "Hey so now you're one of the student council now?" I just, well, smiled and walked away
pls tell me becuz i wanna know. Like RLY.
and tell me your stories if you want to becuz i rly like reading stories :D
1 AnswerFriends5 years agoHow can i control my breathing when singing?
i love singing! the only problem i have is when i breathe in, it makes a noise. I've tried recording myself and when i breathe in the sound is heard rly well in the recording. Pls help! I don't know whats wrong with meee
3 AnswersSinging5 years agowhat are some good softwares for drawing in mac?
i've got a tablet for my bday but i dunno any apps that are good for manga stuff. help!
Drawing & Illustration6 years agoHow can i show my friends i can rap and sing?
i wanna show my friends i can sing and rap without looking like a show off, but how? i have no idea how to do it!!
- i sing and rap kpop songs so yea...
3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop6 years agoMy seedling's root has cut of a bit! PLEASE HELP?
I have this little chili seedling that has gone to around 4 cm high. i was going to transfer it to a bigger pot. While i was trying to get it off from the soil, a part of the root snapped and was gone ._.
So heres the thing, will it still grow? should i do some special care for it? thanks :)
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape6 years agoHow can I have a better nose?
So I have this nose since i was a kid, every time i looked at it in the mirror i thought "dayummm my nose is so small". let me tell you how it looks like physically:
- The nose bridge isn't visible, but i can feel it inside
- The tip is quite close to my face, not like the normal noses
- This nose makes me look like i have small eyes, but i really don't :V
My nose is HEALTHY. I have no problems with it (medically).
Please help me. I want to have a nose bridge. I want to have a narrower nose. Any way i can fix it without anything besides my hands? Thanks
1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years ago