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  • Should 9/11 be a national holliday?

    A full day of memorial, schools and buisnesses closing, like veterans day?

    36 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why is it that when I look up 9-11 on google a conspiracy theory is among to top 10 hits?

    And isn't it wierd that this is the only question about 9-11 on 9-11?

    Anyway, i was trying to get some good photos off the internet for my town's memorial and i get some poorly photoshoped flash film called "loose change," why can't the paranoid liberal, jew hating, bush bashers just stop the bullshit. When chronicaling Pearl Harbor "Rossevelt had US planes bomb own Navy" should not show up. I understand free speach but all these conspiracys are just misinformation and plain sadistic.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people think this war is about oil?

    If we went into Iraq to get oil, you liberal idiots and your talking-head idols would have less to piss about. If we just wanted oil we could have done what we did in the first Gulf War; had SEALs sieze the oil rigs and then set up defensive perimiters around them and the land-wells. we wouldent have to worry about people dying then, as it our troops mostly get killed patroling around trying to catch terrorists before they blow up helpless civilians in a crowded market place or mosque.

    and who the heck started spreading the idea that religion has something to do with the conflict!?!

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • 3rd American Revolution?

    I here alot of neo-liberal quacks saying stuff about another american revolution. maybe we do need one. to get all the government hand-out protesters who drag down our economy, cripple our defense, and just make trouble. How about you go get Mr. Dean to rule you, HE can raise you taxes for you, and sell YOUR country's sole to a buch of raggedy *** criminals with explosives and a confused religion. so go on, go relive the glory days of Carter and Clinton, just do it AWAY from us normal folk. Go sell your racial hippocracy to the choir, you like that. How much you wanna bet the United States of America would have a minority president before the Northern States of America?

    Condi in '08!

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How far should we take 'Free Speach' be taken?

    does free speach mean being able to yell GUN on a crowded plane, the right to cuss at children on the street, does it mean being able to post pornography on kids sites, or church doors, does it mean the ability to harrass people on vacation with thier families?

    and if it does should every aspect of it be protected?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is calling left-wingers hippys, and communists the same as calling right-wingers facists and nazis?

    Liberal ideology does include very socialist elements, mixed with a strong enviromental and civil rights defence(regardless of if it is practical or not)

    But Conservatives do not promise the country a return to former glory, or an advance to one, they do not advocate a military dictatorship, a more centralized government in other words(which is the possition of the democratic party), and they do not advocate the slaughter of jews, blacks, and slavs, or the superiority of the german race. so whats the deal?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should the US switch to Nuclear?

    Nuclear Power is the most efficient, clean, renewable source of power. FRANCE:the most eco-crazy country in the world, relies entirely on Nuclear Power. The US currently uses coal-coal produces almost 100 times the radiation Nuclear does and produces tons(literaly) of pollution.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people think Hezbollah is seperate from 'Lebanon?'?

    Hezbollah has 14 seats in the Lebanese Council(enough to veto any decision by the remaining seats), 3 Ministers(simular to our secretaries of state, defence, etc.), and 5 governors. Hezbollah makes up approx. 60% of the Lebanese Army, effectively rules southern Lebanon-the part with a border with Israel. And buys guns from Europe with the Lebanese governments money and has them flown in to Lebanese Airforce bases, or shiped by sea, or trucked in from Syria.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will there be another depression because of the real estate 'bubble'?

    The basic concept of the real estate fad is to take out a bank loan, buy a house-fix up the house then sell it for more than you paid for it. BUT, most end up taking out ANOTHER loan and buying a bigger house-fixing it up....

    But, now that interest rates have gone up will these this fad of taking out multiple loans cause another depression?

    Should the government try to stop a possible depression?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why are we in Iraq?

    I'll tell you; in 2001 the UN reported the posibility of WMDs in Iraq

    2002 the UN's inspectors were denied access to certain areas of Iraq

    2003 Saddam Hussien Expelled all weapons inspectors

    2004 the UN confirms there were WMDs in Iraq that were smuggled out to Syria and/or Iran

    2006 US marines find Sarin and Mustard Gas

    Saddam had contacted Al-Qaeda as a means of striking the US; a gass attack in New York or Los Angles could have killed over a million

    17 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why do people attack Israel?

    these people will stop Israel from disaplining its citizens when they rise up and kill people, but don't giva a **** that China attacks peaceful relegious people belonging to Chritianity, Buddhism, or Falun Gong every day. "Illigal Occupation," could say the samething about Tibet, Manchuria. You could say Iran, Syria, and Turkey's 'illigal occupation' of the Kurdish State. So Why dont you?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people think Jews are the source of conflict in the Middle East?

    Shia hate Sunni, Arab muslims hate Kurd muslims who hate Turkish muslims who hate Palistinian muslims. and there would still be those christians in Lebanon who would still be attacked. Also Shia and Sunni groups have infighting too; about how devout they are, and what exactly Mohammed said and did. They have been fragmented for about 1000 years, in the 1000s Ozman of the Ottomans entered the muslim world with his mid-asian hordes. Then after about 500 years the Ottoman Empire Conquered all of Arabia, Turkey, Pursia, and most of the Balkans and Muslim Africa bringing relative peace(rebellions and crime still present) to the middle east(now remember these are Turks not Arabs). eventualy after a further 500 years the Ottman Empire became decrepit and unable to control the insane Arabs, so when it became involved in WWI Britain just gave it a firm push, and it went away. The Arabs just created their own seperate nations and used them to fight each other(the palistinians had their own country for like a month, and then Syria took them over) so after the rest of the world finished WWII the muslims were in bad shape, which led to America and Great Britain moving in to make coherent borders(this required trust) but when the US and UK thougth they would kill two birds with one stone by giving the palistinians their own country and using the unsettled land to make Israel the palestinians decided they wanted it all and fought the Israelis-who crushed them the Arabs started not liking the 'West'. And so now the Arab's hate for Jews make them attack Israel to help the Palestinians-who the Arabs hate less.

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should we be more like Israel?

    read this: if some motherfrickin' terrorist organization kidnaps one of your people you have every right to kill them and the people who fund them, and the public should support its government/military's decisions. The Israelis are just Americans in 5-10 years; see they have had terrorists pulling 9/11s and USS Coles for 60 years. And they dont giva damn about the stupid some UN that doesn't give a crap when your people get killed, but start kicking and screaming and demanding you abandon parts of your country when you move against the terrorists. And Israelis dont go and volunteer to protect murderers, or block tanks with their bodys, or go around preaching conspiracy theorys about 'its all the governements fault'

    Israelis ROCK!!

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think of human shields?

    I just read about several thousand pacifists-mainly from America who vollunteered to be human shields for the Iraqi Army days before the war, making our troops jobs just that much harder. Even if you don't agree with the war what would compel you to give up your life to protect some of worst mass murderers in modern history?

    10 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Should Condeleeza Rice run?

    I think she would be great. She has done great as our secretary of state, and as our homeland security advisor; having stoped 3 terrorist attacks: Sears Tower(stopped in Canada),2nd New York(stopped in US), Omaha Nuclear Command Center(stopped in US), and having created millions of jobs(I don't know who these "the economy is in bad shape, just because gas cost too much" people are talking about. there are jobs everywhere) AND she would be the first minority president.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • More Lies?

    Or is it just ignorance? Why does the media persist in its defeatist, fact ignoring coverage of the war?

    > Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the

    > United States in

    > January 2005 for the reestablished Fulbright

    > program?


    > Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?!

    > They have 5-100-foot

    > patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval

    > infantry regiment.


    > Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three

    > operational

    > squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US

    > C-130 transport aircraft

    > (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day

    > and night, and will soon

    > add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?


    > Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit

    > and a Commando

    > Battalion?


    > Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over

    > 55,000 fully

    > trained and equipped police officers?


    > Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in

    > Iraq that produce over

    > 3500 new officers each 8 weeks?


    > Did you know there are more than 1100 building

    > projects going on in Iraq?

    > They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15

    > hospitals, 83 railroad

    > stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and

    > 69 electrical

    > facilities.


    > Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the

    > age of 5 have

    > received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?


    > Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were

    > enrolled in primary

    > school by mid October?


    > Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone

    > subscribers in Iraq and

    > phone use has gone up 158%?


    > Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that

    > consists of 75

    > radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television

    > stations?


    > Did you know that 47 countries have reestablished

    > their embassies in

    > Iraq?


    > Did you know that the Iraqi government currently

    > employs 1.2 million Iraqi

    > people?


    > Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated,

    > 364 schools are

    > under rehabilitation, 263 schools are now under

    > construction and 38 new

    > schools have been built in Iraq?


    > Did you know that Iraq's higher educational

    > structure consists of 20

    > Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4

    > research centers, all

    > currently operating?


    > Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened

    > in June of 2004?


    > Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi

    > presidential election had a

    > televised debate recently?






    > Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we

    > get photos of flag

    > burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing

    > snowballs at the

    > presidential motorcades.


    > The lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq

    > serves two purposes. It is

    > intended to undermine the world's perception of the

    > United States, thus

    > minimizing support, and it is intended

    > to discourage American

    > citizens.


    > *** Above facts are verifiable on the Department of

    > Defense web site.

    > ***

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Same-Sex marriage fad going down the drain?

    By ANDREW GLAZER, Associated Press Writer

    11 minutes ago

    ALBANY, N.Y. - The highest courts in two states dealt gay rights advocates dual setbacks Thursday, rejecting same-sex couples' bid to win marriage rights in New York and reinstating a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage in Georgia.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you like Country Music?

    Despite what you may think, this IS a political question.

    45 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Evolution?

    When I questioned the Big Bang theory one person used the Theory of Evolution as an example of a widely exepted theory. However, this theory is also flawed; spontanious generation has been disprooven since medieval times, and was subsequently replaced with the LAW of Biogenisis: stating "any living thing must come from a previous living thing" so the begining of the Theory of Evolution; in which amino acids randomly combine to become living things is impossible. Also, although natural adaptations have been recorded in history not one species of living organism has ever changed species.the odds are also agenst the evolution of man, A russian atheist(who is a very prominent mathematician) once calculated the odds of amino acids randomly combining into bacteria and then proceding to evolve into man(in order to show flaw in what he called "a bad explanation) as about the same as the odds a tornado will go through a trash dump and assemble a Boeing 747 in flight.

    6 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • The Big Bang?

    Why do people support this theory as the true beginging of the Universe? It's not even a theory for "How The Universe Was Created" its a theory for why its expanding. The Big Bang is: the universe was at one time a super-commpressed speck then, randomly, it exploded into the universe. THat doesn't even make sense, besides where did the speck come from?!? things dont randomly explode

    --Newton's three laws of motion

    and matter does not randomly apear

    --Three laws of Thermodynamics

    Do people believe in it simply it is the only theory that the 'scientific community' has come up with?

    5 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago