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  • What's the best treadmill to buy?

    Interested in buying a treadmill. I want one that has a fan, race track display, and is ifit compatible and incline/decline functions, and at least a space for iPod and water bottle to sit while I run (I don't necessarily need a holder or iPod plug in. Any suggestions? Or any comments on treadmill u may own? Or anything else I should look out for??

    2 AnswersRunning8 years ago
  • What's the best treadmill?

    Interested in buying a treadmill. I want one that has a fan, race track display, and is ifit compatible and incline/decline functions, and at least a space for iPod and water bottle to sit while I run (I don't necessarily need a holder or iPod plug in. Any suggestions? Or any comments on treadmill u may own? Or anything else I should look out for??

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What do I do for shin splints?

    Any ideas how I can minimize my shin splint pain so I can run everyday? Sometimes I run one day and my shin splints hurt so bad I can't run again for a week! Looking for any remedies or advice to alleviate or stop shin splints please

    1 AnswerInjuries8 years ago
  • What do I do for shin splints?

    Any ideas how I can minimize my shin splint pain so I can run everyday? Sometimes I run one day and my shin splints hurt so bad I can't run again for a week! Looking for any remedies or advice to alleviate or stop shin splints please

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • What do I do for shin splints?

    Any ideas how I can minimize my shin splint pain so I can run everyday? Sometimes I run one day and my shin splints hurt so bad I can't run again for a week! Looking for any remedies or advice to alleviate or stop shin splints please

    2 AnswersRunning8 years ago
  • What temp should flat iron be on?

    It takes forever for me to flat iron my hair. Wondering at what temperature my flat iron needs to be on. I have a chi with ceramic plates. If its too high my hair sizzles and any lower and it doesn't straighten at all or frizzes more. It seems to me that I'm not doing this right. Help please

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Is he interested or nice?

    I'm confused. I work in a hospital and occasionally I see a certain police officer I'm attracted to.They do some overtime shifts patrolling the door of the emergency room. When I arrive he always says hi,smiles,waves,and sometimes bows his head a little lower as if he's embarrassed or shy. One morning I was in the cafeteria with a group of about 4 coworkers and he came out of his way a bit from a table, looked directly at me (he didn't seem to acknowledge the other girls with me) ,smiled,waved,and bowed his head shyly before returning to his post in the ER. One of the girls with me smiled a huge smile at me and asked what that was about curiously. On another occassion, I got caught at work late helping with a very difficult out-of-it patient and made a comment about my mood being "seriously jacked up" to the patients nurse. When I turned around my crush was there observing the whole encounter. I was embarrassed by my attitude to say the least but he just looked directly at me and smiled and waved and that made me smile and wave back. As I was leaving, my best friend and co-worker walked me out to my car because it was midnight. He was now standing outside and smiled and said to me "go home,have a beer,relax, and listen to some cuban jazz". I am shy myself so I always steal glances at him and once he caught me staring at him as I walked by but he was on the other side of the room and he raised the one eyebrow I could see( because I had a profile shot and his hand was kind of touchig his forehead and cheek) and continued to stare back til I looked down embarrassed. On another occassion he showed me a video where he got tazed kind of as a work training thing. And he calls me "pollo tropical" and smiles when he sees me now because I worked there as a teenager and he would frequent there on lunch breaks. All of this and he hasn't asked me out or for a phone number or anything. We're both in our 30s. Not sure how to interpret all this. Why isn't he making a move????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How long do u hang around waiting for a crush to get the hint and ask u out ?

    How long do u hold on to hopes of a crush asking u out before u get over it? I mean someone u don't really know just admire from afar and the occassional small talk may take place but its limited. And they always smile or seem to perk up when they see u and u may stare at each other from afar but no movement has been made to ask for your number or ask u out. How long would u wait to see if they get the hint that u like them before u give up hope?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do guys secretly despise beautiful women?

    I mean if u meet a beautiful woman would u be deterred from dating her if her attitude or personality sucked or would u date her anyway? If she felt entitled to the world or treated other people poorly would u still date her just because she's attractive? If she was stuck up or on some high horse would her behavior be excused because of her physical appearances?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Wondering if I'm the only woman that goes through this? Maybe the girls can help me out on this one....?

    Does it make u nervous or worried when u see a woman u consider more attractive then yourself trying to chat up your secret crush?? Am I the only one who goes through this? I mean he's not my boyfriend.... I'm not even sure he's single. But I have a huge crush on him and I wonder if any hope of us getting together is gone if a girl I think looks supermodelish tries to chat him up

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Can guys usually tell when a woman has a crush on them?

    There's a guy I have a crush on. I usually stare at him but I try not to appear weird or stalkerish with my staring lol. But sometimes when I see him he's usually staring at me. He always says hi and smiles and waves even the one time he saw me in a bad mood. He seems very nice and friendly. He's given me a little nickname and usually calls me that at least once a day when he sees me I think to get my attention as I walk by because he usually turns around in a full circle to see my response which really makes me smile. Do u think he likes me? Do u think he knows I have a huge crush on him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do independent successful women really scare men?

    I read a question on here earlieron this topic that was deleted before I could give my input. Do u think independent successful women really scare men? I here people say maybe the guy doesn't think he's good enough for the girl? Guys always say they want an independent women. But when we work and make good money and can take of themselves then we become too good for them so where is the middle ground exactly? I'm a single independent woman who owns my own home (its a townhouse) and have a good job making 55-60k a year and can pay all of my bills on my own. Guys say I'm beautiful and funny and like my personality yet I never get asked out. I find that alot of my female coworkers in the same situation who r just as successful maybe more so and own their own homes r single also. So is it just the good job and ability to support ones self that scares then away?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Is he interested or friendly?

    I really don't know how to read this guy that i have a huge crush on. I see him every now again at my job doing security but he doesn't really work at the same place I work. They sign up I believe for overtime shifts. He always smiles and waves when he sees me. Sometimes he calls me a little nickname from a job I used to work at as a teen because he recognizes me from there but I don't know if that's him trying to flirt or him just trying to make conversation and usually he only does that when I'm walking by without my friends. Sometimes I see him looking at me from across the room and other times he has caught me checking him out from across the room. But then there's times when we walk past each other in the hallway and were completely alone and I feel like if he's shy and available and interested that that would be the time he would ask for my number or something but he hasn't so is he just being friendly and trying to make Convo or might he be shy and interested

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does this mean I'm going to die young?

    This may sound weird. I always hear people say how they envision their future. I'm established in my career and own a home I'm 31. I can say " oh well next week I'm doing .... Blah blah blah" but when it comes to say ten years down the line I have nothing "envisioned" per say or I don't see or think about the future. Do u think that means ill die young? Or maybe it just makes me a spur of the moment person? Your thoughts please

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What qualities do men look for in women?

    What qualities do men look for in a women that set her apart from the rest? What is your ideal woman like?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • At what weight do guys consider girls too heavy?

    At what weight or size do guys no longer consider women to be attractive or as attractive? Or what ideal size do you guys prefer girls to be at?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago