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Lv 2697 points

Mommy to a Angel Baby RIP

Favorite Answers22%

I'm a very curious person. Open honest and blunt, I often give straight up honest answers that might hurt someone's feelings sometimes but I feel that if want to know the truth than the truth shall be told! I love answering ppls questions cuz I have alot of advice to give and etc. Almost 99.99% comes from experiences with family, friends or just being out in public and seeing things go on.

  • All you mommies and pregnant mommies out there a lil help here??

    I know this is TMI for some of you ladies out there, but I'm in desperate need to see if any of you have experienced this as well...last 2 wks I have noticed sometimes when I wipe I will have a light pink discharge and its always a glob of it, sometimes its just a small strand...but I'm needing help to see if any of you ladies ever had this problem or have heard of it? I thought it was just irritation from maybe wiping to hard or irritation from the soap I use to bathe with. I have had some uncomfee feelings in the lower stomach possibly from the muscles and ligaments stretching for I am a big girl and I'm 20 wks pregnant.

    Can anyone out there help me? I did call my drs office, but they wouldn't let me speak to the dr, the nurse was out for the day so therefore they was going to call her and have her to call me, but I'm still waiting on her to call...its annoying...this waiting game...but can someone help me?? Cuz I am getting a lil uneasy and nervous that something could be wrong!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many months am I?

    How many months am I if I am due Dec. 21, 2008? I'm havin problems w/ the dr. seems like she's really rude, and just doesn't want to answer any questions I have. I cant switch dr.s without being approved by the DHS office here where I live...its pathetic I just answer my question please. I seem to think the dr is wrong about the gestational age and how far along I really am. SO WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME OUT AND TRY TO GIVE ME AN ACCURATE LINK THAT WILL TELL ME??

    Its funny how someone who is not as far along as I am(friend is really 8 wks preg.) and she's due Dec can my dr possibly be wrong or is she just full of it??

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What happened at your first dr.s appt??

    First time mommy here, so bear with me! I am currently as of today(May 15th) at 10 wks which is 3 months and so well I made my first dr appt today and its Monday the 19th where they will just do lab work and orientation where I gotta watch a video about what's goin to happen and all that...

    At the 2nd dr appt is when I'm going to be more nervous I HAVE HEARD SO MUCH STUFF I almost dont even wanna go to the dr!

    Some bad things happened to me when I was little and anything that's not human contact (such to do with a pap smear and etc) I wont allow to happen, horrid memories flashbacks and all that. If its happened to you then you'll understand what I went thru!

    Will you girlie's feel ok to share with me what ur dr appts were like??

    Thanks and congrats to all the soon to be mommies out there and those that already got kids =]

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What's the best webcam you have ever used??? HELP ME!!!!?

    I buy almost all my stuff for my laptop from, what's the BEST webcams out there that you have ever used?? Gimme the pros and cons that you've had with yours. And what's your advice if you know anything about 'em. I am needing one for a laptop that will connect to the laptop. I have one already that use on my desktop computer and its logitech stingray that's no longer made.

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Some good songs to download?

    What's some good songs?? I like Classic country (Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings etc), I like Rock N Roll (Lynyrd Skynyrd, Metallica, Def Leppard, ZZ Top, KISS etc), I like Country (Josh Turner, Carrie Underwood etc), I like Blues (BB King, Stevie Wonder etc)


    Someone wanna help me out here?!?!

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • MOMS & DADS AUNTS & UNCLES: Baby names!!!!?

    What are the names (first and middle) of your kids, nieces, nephews? I'm doing this to try get some ideas for when I want to have kids. Currently trying but no luck, so therefore, I'm just wanting to find out sum names and sum ideas that way I can get a hint and see which ones I like best.

    So will ya help me out?!?!? THANKS IN ADVANCE =]

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Ok ladies help here!! Shaving questions!!!?

    I shave reguarly just like everybody else!

    I shave my legs and I get nicks and razor burns How can i get the razor burns to go away and I'm not pressing to hard either cuz that'll cut me really easily...

    What would u recommend for sensitive skin(as in shaving gel/cream, lotion for legs, or something)? I have really sensitive skin!

    Please help!!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Boosting Immune System?? HELP!!!?

    What is good to boost your immune system? And what are good sources of vitamin b and vitamin c??? I dont like taking the chewable vitamins or anything like that it leaves a yucky taste in my mouth LOL but some help here!!!

    11 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Flu... home remedies?

    Last nite I took a friend of mine to the ER while we was there, there was 4 people in there with some kind of stomach virus, rather it being the flu, upper respiratory infection or something else, I myself am still batteling the Upper Respiratory Infection and cant seem to get rid of it but it takes time, having been exposed to the flu, what's good to use to help maybe slow it down or even stop it from starting?? Rather it being medicine from the store, or home remedies, etc. I know its always been chicken soup and crackers and toast, but kinda gets old after a while! Also need to keep from getting it since my dad is taking chemo, since he has brain cancer, but he's ok I just dont wanna put him at risk when I go home and visit him next help!!! PLEASE!!!

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • how does print off coupons work?

    how does the print-off coupons work if you print them from your computer??

    how do they work if u take them in store and use them???

    and where are some good sites to get them FROM for FREE!!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Could possibly still be pregnant even w/ period?? HELP!!!!!!!!!?

    Alright here goes! I was 12 days late on period, then I started, and its like really heavy and uncomfortable, sore breasts, cramps, etc...could I still possibly MAY BE pregnant and bleeding this heavily? Or is it because period was delayed 12 days and its catching up?? HELP!!! I cant go to the dr. I dont have any health insurance! So I'm looking for advice...I'm thinking to take a test after I stop my period but I've had history of being negative tests the last 2 times I was pregnant and miscarried...pleaseeeeeeeeee help me!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Making Gif's for free and avatars?

    Which programs can you use to make Animated GIF's and/or avatars that are free? PLEASE HELP!

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • The inlaws and my parents HELP!?

    Ok, here goes my question...i'll start off by saying, my dad was diag. with Brain Cancer last year. gave 14 months to live, he's been thru chemo and radiation and is back on chemo again, we're close to the 1 yr mark and feeling very good about this dont get me wrong, but my hub's real close to his mom and step-dad, each parents both live 2 1/2 hrs away at the most, they(his parents) are always wantin us to come and stay with them every time my hub gets a day or 2 off, he works 2 jobs with hardly any time off from work...I always tell him no but he gets mad at me...I am very very VERY close to my family and hardly get to see him since he works 2 jobs and only have 1 car, I gave up everything for my hub, school, my family etc, and yet he complains if I wanna go and spend a day or 2 with my family...they smoke which bothers him but they limit it to us when we're around i love him and his parents dont get me wrong but I try to talk to him and he wont budge, might i add he is deaf.any sugg?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Could I be pregnant?

    Ok! Here goes my question! Me and my boyfriend have been wanting a child, twice we have miscarried in the last 2 yrs we've been together...the dr. said I lost them due to high levels of stress. So we thought we'd try again this year, well we tried once, and for some reason when I took the preg test last week it showed up neg. then this morning I started, but I've got a history from last 2 miscarriages of showing negatives, I took the test 4 times each time I was preg before I had those 2 last miscarriages. Is it possible I still could be pregnant? With these weird food cravings, hungry all the time, sleepy as can be, dizzyness, fatigue, and feeling nauseaous as can be??? The dr.s said last time when I miscarried that I need to take it easy and relax when I think I am cuz I have bad habit of gettin upset easily. PLEASE HELP! A little advice might help me calm down and stop freakin out! Either answer the questions on here or email me!! THANKS! =]

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago