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  • Bitter taste in mouth?

    My dad, my brother and myself all have been experiencing a bitter taste in our mouths, especially when it comes to eating something. We have all been eating blanched almonds recently and this is the only thing I can link this bitterness to, as it is the only thing we have done differently. I have tried googling "bitter taste in mouth after eating almonds" but nothing comes up. Is it the almonds causing this? How can I make it go away? I haven't eaten any almonds in a two days and am sick of this constant taste in my mouth.

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • What's wrong with me?

    When I had my first period, about 8 years ago, I would experience severe cramps that required prescription medication. Over the years, my cramps improved significantly and they could be controlled by taking an over-the-counter pain reliever. Last month, I had the most painful cramps I have ever had, I had to take some percocet I had left over from my wisdom teeth removal, in order to get some relief. In addition to the cramps, I also experienced the urge to urinate frequently, almost like a UTI but there was no pain or burning. These symptoms lasted for this first day of my period and by the second day, I was back to normal. Also, my flow was no heavier than normal. My period is due any day now, (it has never been completely regular but usually between 25-35 days), yesterday I experienced the same urination issues and today I have a dull ache in my lower back and pelvis. I am nervous that there is something wrong and I am really scared to have my period, as I fear the pain will be the same as last time. I am going to make a doctors appointment on Monday but in the mean time, can anyone provide some suggestions to what this may be? Thanks.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • How can I tone my body?

    I go to the gym 6-7 days a week for about 3 hours. Each day, I take a intense cardio class like cycling or bootcamp lasting about 30-45 mins, ride a stationary bike on level 5 for an hour, then go on the elliptical for 20 mins at level 10. I also do exercises to tone my legs and abs and go rollerblading for about an hour a day. I eat really healthy as well; 1500 calories a day, mostly lean proteins, fruits, vegetables. I have been doing this for a few months now and I haven't noticed much difference in the way my body looks. What am I doing wrong? How can I tone up? I am 5' 8" and 130 pounds.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Should I wear my retainer?

    I had my wisdom teeth removed 5 days ago and have not worn my retainer since. I am thinking about trying it tonight but I am scared of disrupting the healing process. Will it be okay? Should I wait a few more days? Thanks.

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Can we get car insurance with two different companies?

    My mom and dad have their cars insured with one insurance company, we are going to get another car and wanted to have my mom as the primary driver and me as an occasional. The problem is the rates are really high for an occasional driver when you have three cars. Is it legal for my mom and me get insurance with a different company? Can my mom be insured with two companies for two different cars?

    10 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Do I need to take physics?

    I am in grade 11 and I want to be a dentist, do I need to take physics?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago