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Lv 2723 points

Almost mommy!

Favorite Answers13%

Um...I love to run, read, talk...(haha), debate, write, draw, speak in front of large crowds, sing, dance, do make up, cut and dye hair, cook, work on cars, hack my dad's computer (Tee hee), and spend time with my man! Yup that's me for ya!

  • How to warm up my son to a sibling this young?

    OK this is really worrying me. My son is 6 months old right he'll be 14 months when I have the baby...I have no understanding of how mature a child of that age is and how they would handle suddenly having another baby in the house. I'd start now,....but there's nothing he'd understand.....Does anyone have experience here?

    3 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • How to warm up my son to a sibling this young?

    OK this is really worrying me. My son is 6 months old right he'll be 14 months when I have the baby...I have no understanding of how mature a child of that age is and how they would handle suddenly having another baby in the house. I'd start now,....but there's nothing he'd understand.....Does anyone have experience here?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • How to warm up my son to a sibling this young?

    OK this is really worrying me. My son is 6 months old right he'll be 14 months when I have the baby...I have no understanding of how mature a child of that age is and how they would handle suddenly having another baby in the house. I'd start now,....but there's nothing he'd understand.....Does anyone have experience here?

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Experiences with castor oil ladies?

    I'm 39 weeks and took 2 tablespoons of castor oil 3 hours ago. Then just a bit ago I took one more. I lost my mucus plug and was dilated to 1cm when they checked me almost a week ago. I was wondering how long it takes you to feel anything...even diarrhea...because I haven't felt anything different and it's been 3 hours. Does anyone have any experience with taking it and labor?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 39 weeks and wanting to try castor oil?

    I'm 39 weeks and going nuts! I have all this pressure between my legs and it's horrible! I love my mucus plug over a week ago and when the doctor checked me 5 days ago I was dilated to 1cm and I've gotten contractions but all of the sudden i've stopped! But I'm scared it the castor oil won't work and I'll just end up crapping all night. Any advice? Should I try it? Do you think it will work?

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • 39 weeks and wanting to try castor oil?

    I'm 39 weeks and going nuts! I have all this pressure between my legs and it's horrible! I love my mucus plug over a week ago and when the doctor checked me 5 days ago I was dilated to 1cm and I've gotten contractions but all of the sudden i've stopped! But I'm scared it the castor oil won't work and I'll just end up crapping all night. Any advice? Should I try it? Do you think it will work?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How big would this be? Help!?

    I'm trying to fit a baby bassinet in my small space and I looked up the measurements on the ones I wanted. I'd like the bigger one but I might have to get the small one. The sizes were 33.5 x 13.6 x 10.5 and 35.0 x 21.7 x 7.0........i have no clue what those numbers mean. Can someone translate that for me? lol

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago
  • Will doctors attempt to save a baby before 24 weeks gestation?

    I just read about a doctor who wouldn't do anything to save a baby born earlier than 24 weeks. One mom had to lie about her baby's age to get help, Another had her baby left to suffocate and die in her arms. I'm completely horrified by that. Is this true?

    I just want some evidence...maybe links? Does anyone have any stories with this?

    Please share!

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Sudden Pineapple reaction! What happened?

    I'm not allergic to pineapple...and I've been eating it my whole pregnancy so far...anyways....this sounds weird but....I'm 5 months pregnant and i cut up a pineapple for em and my siblings and I decided to much on the core and see what i could get off of it ;) juice dribbled down my arms...I wiped it off with a paper towel. All's well right? No...I have red swollen curvy lines going down my arms now. Does it have to do with my pregnancy? What happened?! I've never had pineapple juice do this before!

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • What should I get my mom? (Yes it's a little early)?

    I love my mom...and i just don't know what to get her for Christmas to show her how much i love her. i'm so poor it's insane...and I'm pregnant and she's done nothing but be there. Christmas gift ideas!?!???

    5 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Am I really feeling my baby boy?

    I'm 18 weeks pregnant. That's about 5 months right? Around 16 weeks if i put my hand on my stomach I could feel little flutters. Then later if I put my hand on my stomach I could feel him kicking. Now I swear I can feel him moving and kicking around in there just throughout my day. it feels like I can feel my heartbeat in my stomach....except it has3no rhythm. (The doctor says he's REALLY active and almost never stops moving.) Is that really him or am I just imagining it?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Does this sound right?

    18 weeks pregnant. that's about 5 months right?Around 16 weeks if i put my hand on my stomach I could feel little flutters. Then later if I put my hand on my stomach I could feel him kicking. Now I swear I can feel him moving and kicking around in there just throughout my day. (The doctor says he's REALLY active and almost never stops moving.) is that really him or am I just imagining it?

    4 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • i've been posting this over and over for an HOUR...opinions please?

    I can wait to find out the gender....i jut wanna get some opinions for fun ;) These pics were taken at 15 weeks :) Tell me what you think!

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • How much time will he serve?

    My boyfriend was charged with:

    Possession of Heroin, Meth, Tobacco (Not being old enough), Stolen property, burglary tools and Paraphernalia. He was also charged with no headlamp on bike, failing to obey traffic laws and Burglary x2. This is the first in his record was completely clean. He's 18 and i'm pregnant. How much time do you think they'll give him?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • How does a baby's father sign the papers if he's in jail?

    My boyfriend went to jail today....if he's in there a long longer than 5 months, there's a possibility he'll miss the baby's birth. I want the baby to have his last name...How does everything work there?

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • How does a baby's father sign the papers if he's in jail?

    My boyfriend went to jail today....if he's in there a long longer than 5 months, there's a possibility he'll miss the baby's birth. I want the baby to have his last name...How does everything work there?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • Will I get to see my baby?

    my due date is May 4th so I'm probably almost 12 weeks along. My second doctor's appt. is tomorrow and I just kinda wanna idea about how it will go. Kinda want your guy's experiences. will I get to hear the heartbeat? will I get to see it? Will I be able to tell if it's a baby if I do see it? just tell me about your 12 week appointments!

    (oh and my friend that's the same timing as me AND the same doctor got to see her baby at 10 weeks)

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Will I get to see my baby?

    my due date is May 4th so I'm probably almost 12 weeks along. My second doctor's appt. is tomorrow and I just kinda wanna idea about how it will go. Kinda want your guy's experiences. will I get to hear the heartbeat? will I get to see it? Will I be able to tell if it's a baby if I do see it? just tell me about your 12 week appointments!

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Will I get to see my baby?

    my due date is May 4th so I'm probably almost 12 weeks along. My second doctor's appt. is tomorrow and I just kinda wanna idea about how it will go. Kinda want your guy's experiences. will I get to hear the heartbeat? will I get to see it? Will I be able to tell if it's a baby if I do see it? just tell me about your 12 week appointments!

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • How soon can I tell the gender of my baby?

    Is it possible to tell the gender in an ultrasound earlier than 20 weeks (5 months?) If so how early? Experiences? I'm 9 weeks.

    5 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago