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  • 2 different people claiming to be landlord?

    I recently moved into a house with a guy who said he owned the house (and lived there too). He said he recently bought the house and had me sign a rental agreement and pay deposit. A month later, I start getting calls from another man that I don't know. He says that HE in fact is the owner of the house, the other guy is a tenant like me, and he proceeded to serve 3 day notice to all of the tenants. I have never met or heard of this man, at all, ever btw. The 2 of them keep telling me not to communicate with the other. Each one tells me the other is lying. What do I do? How do I know who is telling the truth? I am very close to reporting both of them to the police, but what would they do?

    Please help!!!!

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • ear infection... please help!!?

    i've had an ear infection for a couple months now, although i didn't know it was actually an ear infection until a week ago. it never hurt, and just occasionally i would hear something similar to water being in my ear. so i never really minded it. well last night it started hurting so i said i'd go get medicine for it today. i woke up this morning and now my ear is killing me AND my throat!

    anyway i have using medicine in my ear starting today... already tonight i have started coughing up some phlegm, sometimes pretty yellow in color. is this normal? is the ear infection draining into my throat instead of out the ear canal? or is the infection in my sinuses? i do not feel sinus pressure at all or any symptoms of a sinus infection, except for the phlegm. i haven't had an ear infection since i was a small child so any help is greatly appreciated! it hurts really bad and i am kinda scared!

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • should i take my 3G phone back?

    well my b/f gave me an old iphone he had so i went in to att to start an account and re-activate the phone. being the ever-so-gullible girl that i am, the salesman managed to talk me into buying a 3G (since i was starting an account, it was relatively cheap)...

    well i get home and realize that all the crap he told me i couldn't get or download onto the old iphone, actually is already on it... there were a lot of things he said i could only do with the 3G but the other iphone has things on it that he mentioned. (freaking salesmen GRR!!)

    so i was wondering if anyone has had any luck with returning their iphones?? or am i stuck with the new phone? i would rather take it back and get my money back, and just activate the older phone. anyone know how much of a pain in the rear this going to be? (sorry just laying in bed wondering how much of a hassle this is going to be, if it were early enough i'd already be back at the store heckling the guy...)

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • equestrian coverage????

    does anyone know what times and dates the olympic equestrian competitions will be shown on tv?? what channel? ... or where i could find this info?? thanks so much!!!!!

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • who sings this song?

    its a classic rock song the chorus is like

    "i want to change the world

    but i don't know what to do

    so i leave it up to you"

    i don't know any other words, this song kicks *** though i hear it on the radio all the time but they never say who it is..

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • jump rope??

    i want to buy a jump rope to use for exercising, it seems like it would be a cheap and fun way to tone my legs.. where can i get a good jump rope? i want one that is strong and will hurt when it hits me, like what boxers use or something... not like the cheap cloth ones at wal-mart. would i get it at a sporting goods store or something? or could i find that kind at wal-mart too?

    7 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago
  • the golden compass? no country for old men?

    anyone else disappointed with these films?

    i especially was hoping the golden compass would be good... it wasn't great at all, in fact by the end the only thing i enjoyed was pan being pretty cute.

    i liked no country for old men more and its not even the type of movie that i would ever watch. but even when this one ended, i was like "wtf?" what happened to anton? is he just walking around with his elbow sticking out of his arm? did tommy lee jones give up on being the sherriff?

    i thought both movies had stupid endings...

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • looking for certain clips of NBC's "to catch a predator"??

    i was on youtube and saw a clip of this guy who apparently got caught twice... joel calls him "goofy pervert guy" LOL...

    he's at the end on the "clip of the week"... does anyone know where i can find the whole segment on this guy? i laughed so hard at this and he was only on there for 2 seconds...

    ps - sorry i know its lame to make fun of people... but jeez i can't help but laugh my a$$ off....

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • storm in california?

    i'm just north of l.a., ca... it started getting pretty windy outside so i looked up the weather and there was a severe weather alert, this is what it says...







    oops sorry for the CAPS it just copied it that way... but seriously though, waterspouts and funnel clouds? i'm from ohio so we have tornadoes pretty regularly... i've never heard of one out here, and i've talked to lots of people out here about tornadoes. i know they can happen anywhere... but this sounds like an exaggeration? is it going to be that bad?

    ps - any time it rains here people think it's a "storm" so...

    4 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • toning my thighs?

    i want to start doing some exercises to tone my thighs. i am 5'8", 120lbs so i don't want to lose any weight, i'm really happy with my body except for my thighs and butt! what are some good exercises i could do to get some definition? do pilates really work?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • ankle/foot problems?

    when i was in highschool i severely sprained my left ankle, that was over 6 years ago and my ankle never completely healed... it has been doing great for a long while but has recently been giving me problems (in the last week - 2 weeks). it started as the pain you get when you tweak your ankle or step on it the wrong way, then moved to the front (where my foot bends). in the last couple days it has moved to my heel as well. i'm trying to ice it as much as i can, but it's hard to stay off of it as i work 3 jobs that all require me to stand for my shifts... are there any braces that you guys recommend? any stretches or home remedies you know of? i don't have insurance so i try to steer away from the doctor unless its a real emergency...

    thanks for any help!

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago