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Lv 55,580 points

Crossroads Keeper

Favorite Answers8%

Basically a wondering pet although I don't write nearly as much as I want to or used to. With the most beautiful lady in the world although she always argues that with me. My life has been a hard one; but, I can't say that it's been boring.

  • Does excessive drinking of ginger tea cause upset stomach and diarrhea?

    Recently I have included instant ginger tea (at least a cup a day, at times more) in my normal health regiment. Yesterday I started getting an upset stomach and yesterday I started getting diarrhea. Today anti-diarrheal stopped working. Is there a possibility the tea and diarrhea are connected? I also seem Moe sensitive to the cold tonight.

    Other - Health8 years ago
  • What are the rules f conduct at a wedding?

    It's almost embarrassing. 33 yo and never been at a wedding except for my own. Well.... It's finally happened. I've been invited to my worship leader's wedding by the worship leader herself.

    Well... Again. I've never been to an actual wedding. Me being 33 yo I'm pretty sure that I'm going to expected to know how to respond, behave, and act. Any tips? Pointers? Things to avoid?

    3 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • A hoodie, t-shirt and long pants?

    People who have lived on the streets before or are currently living on the streets please do not answer. I wanna know if the outsiders can get it. First one that gets it right gets the points.

    It's 30 degree weather and all your have is a hooded sweatshirt, t-shirt, pants, socks, and shoes to keep you warm. You have to work the next day. How do you sleep and stay reasonably warm at the same time?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Need help with my anger problem.?

    I need classes; that is painfully obvious now. I know I have a problem and the problem is with me. All I have known all of my life is the fight and how to survive.

    After 8-9 years on the streets it appears I will get off soon getting job placed. Problem is the monster that used to serve me well will destroy me if I don't put him in check. I'm not sure where I will be placed sao something over the weekends would probably be ideal prefferably in Dallas, TX along mass transit. I don't have much if any money right now but am wuilling to pay at a later date.

    Please only serious replies.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Need help with a fictional book?

    I am wiring a book in which some supernatual investigators are investigating the suicide of a caucasion homeless male. I need a substance which is extremely painless. Whether it is traceable or not is not an issue.

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • What's with the new pill on the market to stop the period?

    Okay; it sounds like supid questioning; but, I am a man. therefore I have limited understanding in such matters. A pill just hit the news that is designed to stop a woman's period even though they don't know how it works and if you ever stop taking it the period comes back worse and hellified.

    I guess my question is are women comfortable with it? Moreover; is it safe and are the side effects worth it? I dunno what the side effects are; but, there has to be some. There are with any chemical contraption we come up with.

    Like I said; this question may sound stupid. However; as a man I have limited understanding in such matters. Even though I attempt to understand what I can, there are things I will never understand about the opisite sex; which makes them all the more beautifull actually. With that said; answers?

    8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What do I do with a friend that I know is guilty of domestic violence?

    I have a friend that is currently incarcerated for Assault 4, Which in Washington State is what domestic violence is under.

    I'm pretty sure he did it. Met some witnesses and; unfortunately with his girlfriend, he fits the abusive personality to a tee. Manipulative, arrogant, all of that.

    However; he claims to be innocent and is pleading innocent and is trying to convince me of this. This personally pisses me off for the simple reaon of I was falsely charged with a slightly more serious charge in Texas (Assault to a family member with attempt to do bodily harm) and could not defend myself because I had little money.

    I am not one to abandon a friend and the ethics I fall under (Christian) require me to be there for him while he is incarcerated. However; he is seriously pissing me off. Suggestions? I already want to grab his neck and shake really hard; but, it's not right so I won't.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • If you could change one thing about your past what would it be?

    If you could change one thing about the past what would it be and why? How do you honestly think it would change you and your life as a whole? If it is a regret why did you do it and why do you regret it now?

    Disclaimer: This is a public forum. Please do not confess to any crimes that the statute of limitations has not run out of yet. I don't personally care but I am not the only one reading this question and trust me jail is no fun.

    16 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • How do I get my girlfriend to trust me?

    My girlfriend at the current time has been in previous abusive relationships. For seven yers even though she was in love with me she got in some relationships that she came out not so good in. I've ben in some not so good relationships to involving incarceration for false charges and ttemps to kill me. I've now grown up and realized who I should'vebeen with the whole tme and love her dearly.

    To complicate matters further because I have permanent business to take cae of here I live all eh way across the country from her. We are also from different faiths which surprisingly I think I accept more than she does.

    When I do get a chance 2 prove myself she has a habit of sabatoging it. HELP!!!!!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • The newspaper for Austin, TX?

    Does anyone know what newspaper serves Austin, TX?

    8 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • The newspaper for San Antonio?

    What is the name of the newspaper that serves San Antonio, TX?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • The newspaper service 4 Kansas City, MO?

    What is the name of the newspaper that serves Kansas City, MO?

    12 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What is the most effective, painless, and traceless poison?

    I'm doing research for someone. I need to know what the most painless and effective poison there is. Traceless would be nice but not neccessarily neccessary.

    15 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Who invented bread and the proccess to do so?

    Mom asked me a question about 2-3 nights ago and I actually think it is a good question. Whjo exactly invented bread? More specifically whop figured out that yeast would rise to make bread? Who exactly figured out the proccess in the time when knowledge was limited?

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Need information on jobs and housing in Oklahoma City?

    Me and my wife just touched down in Oklahoma City becuase my friend said housing and jobs were better in Oklahoma City and he could assist us in getting housing. Now I find out we can only stay two weeks before a criminl background will keep me from being on his lease.

    I was wondering if anybody either in Oklahoma City or knowing about Oklahoma city knew any jobs in the city that don't worry about past felonies and/ or don't do background checks; and any apartment complexes that do not do background checks in this area. If there is a way around any of these problems in the state of Oklahoma that would be greatly appreciated as well.

    1 AnswerCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What are Seattle Washington's newspapers?

    I know Seattle has two major newspapers from last time I visited. What are they named and what are their websites?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Can any minister perform a wedding in the state of texas and does ordination status ever expire?

    We have a lady that has been working in the ministry for a long time. We want her to perform our wedding ceremony. Problem is the fact that she got her ordination papers many years back and she does not know if they are valid and if they are whether or not they are valid to perform a wedding ceremony.

    So, are they valid and can she perform the wedding ceremony? She is a Christian minister.

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What is the Falcon position?

    I saw a while back several sexual positions that someone asked which one was the best. One of them was the falcon position.

    I am not familiar with this position and neither are the real world friends I have asked. So, what exactly is it?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • For a marriage, what is better? Ceremony of JP?

    We have VERY little money to work with and very little help scrounging it up. The best I could do ceremony wise would involve being in downtown by 0630 hrs. She's up for whatever. So, which is better, ceremony of justice of the peace and why?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago