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  • How do I cancel my yahoo answers account?

    This site is a waste of my life and doesn't answer questions as much as a platform for inaccurate streaming opinions. Do I really have to get a hotmail email account to separate myself from this nonsense?

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Fox called Bush winner of first term?

    So super awkward... wasn't it fox news that called Bush the winner even though their were clear problems. Recount in Florida, what are the odds of Jeb Bush country weighing in on OUR decision.The second time around, I find it appalling that a moron who can't complete sentences won over a decorated war vet, so this is what americans wanted for their futures... doesn't seem their enjoying that outcome too much! So when I correlate some peoples frustration with what has happened to this country I can't help but wonder why these nut baggers are confused about who to be mad toward... fox news creates hysteria and phony drama to convince you our president is out to get us. Not only did our previous president actually take everyone and their mother out to dry but this one wants to give you health care which is unamerican and by the way listen to this trance of racist lies and coercion so maybe after enough of it some nut will snap and the rep will have their biggest regulator taken out... for free. They don't have to pay for the chaos they stir... Call yourselves PROPAGANDA USA ... step on them and drag your feet all the way to the top of your lungs!

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Will anyone really remember Fox News in 50 years? 100?

    In 50 to 100 years from now do you think our grand kids will actually use old fox shows for insight into the "news" of our time? Do you think they will notice the difference between a news report and an opinionated outlook on the story? Seriously will their teachers even allow fox news "reporting" as accurate and credible forms of acceptable information? And for further insight, do you think by then their will be a clear consensus on the medias impact on society to the point where if any article doesn't contain clear sources,quotes or proof of their claims.. it just wont be allowed for the masses to misunderstand.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How does Fox News operate?

    How can this network be allowed to slander and lie to viewers while misinforming the masses? Why does no one care about these propaganda like shows, and how can this be going on in this country? It's so embarrassing to have to explain the way of no common sense to family in Europe... you know what we look like to the world.. they think we all can't find our baby daddies b/c of Maury and while we "spread democracy" to other nations... this country tears itself down with the most un- patriotic hate infused rhetoric I've ever heard. Please sign this petition against Glenn Becks comment that president Obama has a deep seeded hatred for Americans, and lets show Beck what his clear racist views against the president is not only unpatriotic but unacceptable.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Sarah Palin blasting Katie Couric?

    B/c she looked like an uneducated moron when she couldn't answer a simple question about reading material she's looked over. i mean she couldn't even name the Anchorage daily..nothing. Is she mad b/c Couric proved to the world what a small braincell count she has or my favorite a woman who doesn't even care to know about the lower 48. An example of that is when Couric asked her about the Bush doctrine of preemptive war. Palin is to be trusted with furthering a policy she doesn't even know the basics on. This is far beyond laughable but in the words of my hero a teachable moment. What do beauty queens do in pageants.. talk nasty about the winners, give bull chit borderline learning disability answers, and quit when it's clear some real work need be involved. I can only pray she IS a candidate in 2012, oh the entertainment and SNL clips that would be. Any one catch our other beauty queen outcast Kelly Prejon on Larry King last night... these future pageant moms sure do know how to put on a show. when confronted with some real push back!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So Lou Dobbs throws in the towel ayy?

    Funny how the main advocate for immigration reform is married to a mexican woman, who by the way was removed off a plane for caring a concealed weapon on board. His children are half hispanic but wants to send them all back ayy? Oh the irony in being a white male!

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does sour faced Republican Bohner claim his name is sounded out as "bayner"?

    I mean in between ill informed rants and no solutions besides divisive opposition, where did he have the time to come up with this whopper? I mean I can read and im not seeing a silent A or Y here?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So if only 20% of americans identify themselves as republicans?

    Is it safe to say they are all on here now? I mean did all you one in fives decide screaming no counts as debate because your typing it? BTW the day of fox news is over, I would personally like to thank you all for the non stop bias racist infused "news" stories that brought you loones to light. Where can I send my donation for your cause? Iraq?

    yeah I said 20%, here's the article you poor rich bastards

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • So if only 20% of americans identify themselves as republicans?

    Is it safe to say they are all on here now? I mean did all you one in fives decide screaming no counts as debate because your typing it? BTW the day of fox news is over, I would personally like to thank you all for the non stop bias racist infused "news" stories that brought you loones to light. Where can I send my donation for your cause? Iraq?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is the White House really calling Fox News for what they are in real life?

    I must be dreaming, I can not believe Top Dogs Emanuel and Axlerod are bringing the big guns and depicting Fox noise as the "opinion" not fact based commentary channel as it is. Did everyone eat breakfast today or is this what an able moving office looks like. Wow, you know sometimes it's like arguing with wax statues on here, but I am truly amazed by Obama's cohones for giving this reality check the go. In the words of Anchorman's Ron Burgundy, " I'M NOT EVEN MAD AT YOU, THAT'S AMAZING!"

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Muslims claim Jesus was a sinless man.?

    That's what they write about him in the koran, they say he was just a prophet.Since all man is born with original sin, doesn't this prove he wasn't just a man by their own definition? And further more if they claim jesus was just a prophet why would they chose the prophet Muhammad to follow, I mean clearly nothing adds up with these medieval thinkers!

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Government run health care is offered to?

    seniors, veterans, and elected officials. It is government run because the government pays for it, your job doesn't pay for all the costs but these people are entitled to free, government provided health insurance. So once again, why do republicans enjoy free health care but get to say it's bad and will kill your grandma. In that case a couple old farts on the right should have already been taken care of by their government run plan. Thanks for not answering to those who can't come up with a feasible lie.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do republicans enjoy government run health care as all elected officials do?

    but they get to lie to old farts and tell them its a bad thing. If it's so bad why don't they give theirs up? And for further baffling points what do you have to pay these people on the news to think outload?

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is there anyway to speed up Republicans turning on each other?

    The way they're limiting the party pretty soon all that will be left will be Sarah Palin and someone's armed racist grandma. How can we speed up this isolation process?

    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Don't republicans resemble communists because they torture?

    Isn't it odd that while Bush was spreading "democracy" behind the scenes without congress consent he was torturing like communists? Can't I factually hold up rep are commies signs?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone dicrediting the facts in todays yahoo news article?

    The article states 85,000 Iraqis were killed from 2004 to 2008 with 148,000 wounded. Two paragraphs down it says 87,215 were killed inbetween 2005 and 2009. 15,000 unidentified dead and another 10,000 missing. Also they have no numbers on the invasion in 2003 and the months following.. unsurprisingley.. so please look at any of these numbers you have issue with from the article. You add, subtract and divide whatever you'd like and you know what you get.... the toll those poor people have endured under our invasion. Why can't anyone answer who is to blame?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do the republicans oppose a healthcare bill?

    but added over 100 amendments to it? Is it because even they know there will be a bill and are trying to water it down?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are my questions being deleted?

    I think this is a reasonable question.. why does Michael Vick get jail time for dog fighting but Sarah Palin gets to shot wolves from a helicopter? Who gets to chose acceptable family traditions that are cruel to animals?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago