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I love identifying creatures, especially from good photographs. I am a certifiable geek in many ways, and love field guides and researching.

  • I've got two moss samples I'd love identified.?

    I love learning new things, and while I don't mind researching on my own, I just am not that comfortable with botany (ZOOLOGY is MY thing.) Here's a couple of photos:

    They may or may not be the same, not totally sure. I assume they are moss as well, but you know what assuming means. ;)

    Let me know if you need more information on them. Give me details, and I don't mind trying to find them out. I have a degree in biology, so I know how important extra information can be!!

    If you can ID them, please provide scientific names and links to pictures as well.

    Thanks bunches!!

    1 AnswerBotany1 decade ago
  • I've got a bluebird box that bluebirds do attempt to nest in, however, wasps run them out before they lay...

    What can I do to keep the wasps from nesting in the box as well? This has happened three years in a row now, and I feel for the bluebirds. Invariably, I find the wasp nest after I notice no more activity by the birds, and even though I remove the wasps, the birds do not come back.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I have a nice cherry table that someone left a glass on, so now it has a watermark ring...?

    I've tried furniture oils and even Mayo (my aunt suggested it), but really have no clue as to how to get rid of it. My hubby started scratching at it with his fingernail, and I told him no, because it may remove the finish. How do I get rid of the ring caused by water off someone's glass?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Have jet contrails ever been enough to jumpstart cloud formation....?

    I've always wondered if the contrails could not only cause formation of clouds, but could also lead to precipitation. The only time I could think of it possibly happening is when the atmosphere is already not stable. Please cite scientific sources if possible.

    2 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • I have a Canon Powershot S1 IS and would like a telephoto lense. What is the best?

    Unfortunately, I am quite an amateur at photos, but I love the versatility of the camera and can take great pictures. I'd like to be able to take more wildlife photos for my own personal enjoyment, but I am not sure what is available for the S1 IS. I looked at the Canon website, but the language is very Greek to me. I admit that I'm more a "point and shoot" kind of person, and would like to have a better understanding of the terminology so I can pick better lenses as well. So, what, in your opinion, is the best telephoto lense for the S1 IS and where can I find a site that explains the terminology? Oh, and here's a few of my shots with the said camera....

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • I've got a white-spotted talking catfish with really no room to put it anywhere....?

    My hubby had this fish donated to his classroom by one of his students, and so it has been living in a 55 gallon during the majority of the school year. He had to tear the tank down since the school year ended, and did not want to mess with the fish as his school is 30 minutes away. I'm not maxed out on my 56 gallon, but I suspect that it would attempt to eat my corys if given half a chance. It is full grown at about 5 inches. Currently I have it in a 10 gallon that I intended for using with my corys, and unfortunately do not have another working aquarium to place it in. My other big tank cracked several years ago when I moved, darn it. It has a few guppies and a small crayfish that he couldn't give away in with it. Should I leave it, or can I get away with it in the bigger tank where I think it would be more comfy? I've got gouramies and several tetras in the 56 gallon, along with 6 corys.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I've been interested in adopting pacers for a while now....?

    I've read up on pacers and trotters and would eventually like to adopt a pacer off the track. For those of you who work with them, or who owns a former racer, are their personalities a lot cooler than say, a thoroughbred? I currently own an anglo-arab that really just has too much energy for me, but the research that I've done says that the harness horses are calmer and pretty intelligent. The horse would live on a 600+ acre cattle ranch in the Ozarks of Missouri, and would be ridden in anything from Western to English, to even an Aussie stock saddle by me and my husband. If you do suggest one, then where are the best agencies to adopt from?

    1 AnswerHorse Racing1 decade ago
  • How did Testudines get their limbs and scapulae under their ribcages?

    Turtles appear suddenly in the fossil record, but I can't remember from my herp class 8 years ago if we had discussed any theories or hypotheses as to why they are this way morphologically. I really can't remember what happens embryologically, either, and whether that would give a clue as to how it happens.

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Will a reverse flow powerhead affect the nitrifying bacteria in an UGF.?

    I currently have a 56 gallon column Perfecto aquarium with two Maxi-Jet Model 900 powerheads and an AquaClear 500 powerfilter. Yes, I'm aware that this is quite a bit of filtration. I vacuum weekly and do water changes as well, but there is quite a mulm buildup underneath the plate that has built up over the last 3 years. I know that I could take a small hose and vacuum out underneath the plate, but it is difficult due to the depth of the tank. I also admit that I am a little bit lazy as well. :) I am thinking about putting in 2 AquaClear Model 70 powerheads with reverse flow capabilities. Have any of you done this with a mature tank? Would it affect the nitrifying bacterial colonies already present? I'm worried about mulm decay eventually poisoning the tank. I wish I didn't set up the UGF, as I've had tanks do perfectly well without them, but it came with the tank, and stupid me, I set it up!!

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • My little guy's lips become pale while he is sleeping... It kind of scares us, but he is easy to wake up.?

    He's 4 months old today. From the start his lips almost become white, and his face pales as well when he sleeps. He's an exclusively breastfed baby who sleeps on his back for naps and nighttime. When he's awake, his face is pink and has plenty of color. I still take prenatals and his hematocrit at birth was normal. He's also a redhead with a very fair colored mommy. Am I being a paranoid new mom?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • This is more of a curiosity question about fish rather than help with anything...?

    Now that many of our freshwater tropicals are able to be bred commercially on farms or by dedicated fish breeders, how important are the water parameters such as pH and hardness to these captive bred fish? For example, discus need a lower pH and alkalinity than say that of African cichlids, where the opposite is true. Having talked to several fish people in my home area, which unfortunately is not very many in SE Missouri, the reaction is mixed. My water is very hard and has quite a high pH (around 8-8.2 straight out of the well), but my tetras (Hemigrammus ocellifer, Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, Paracheirodon innesi)(all in italics of course, darn formatting seem to be doing very well. What are the thoughts of others here? Are commercially raised fish able to withstand larger water differences than that of their wild counterparts?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • I've got bronze cory cats that breed fairly regularly, but I can't get the eggs off. Now what?

    I believe that they are Corydoras aeneus, but I'm not totally sure. I've got 4 in a 56 gallon community tank with gouramis and tetras, and they have been pretty prolific about spawning. My problem though is that they place their eggs on the glass of the tank, and when I have tried to scrape them off to place them in a smaller tank, I have been breaking the eggs. My pH levels are actually pretty high (8.2-8.4) for these guys, and so I'm wondering as well if the pH could be affecting the integrity of the egg. Unfortunately, I cannot lower the pH unless I opt for a reverse osmosis system, because I have well water. Bottled water gets to be too expensive when I do weekly water changes!! So how do I get the eggs off? And better yet, once I do, what's the best way to hatch the eggs?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • A lady just asked if she should wake her 4 month old to feed him. I'm wanting to know, when will he sleep?

    I'm a an exclusively breastfeeding mom of an almost 4 month old little guy, and he is still waking me every two to three hours to breastfeed, with a cluster feeding at every hour starting around 4 in the morning. He sleeps in a cosleeper next to me, and although I ignore the first little snuffles and grunts, eventually he gets pretty insistent, although I don't let him get to the point of crying. I don't want to put cereal to him yet. I want to wait another couple of months before solids. However, when was the average time that your little boobie babies started giving you sleep?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago