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السلام عليك يا ابا عبداللهPedram

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السلام عليك يا رسول الله السلام على الحسين و على علي بن الحسين و على اولاد الحسين و على اصحاب الحسين " . . . . now that I could not help you when you needed most help . . . I shall mourn you every morning and every evening, AND I SHALL CRY BLOOD FOR YOU INSTEAD OF TEARS . . . " i wish i could have been with you in Karbala Ya Hussain. and now i just wish i had even more tears so i could cry for you day and night. Ya Hussain, where is your 6 month old Ali? Ya Hussain, what did they do to your brother Abbas? where are his arms? Ya Hussain, pray to Allah SWT so i would die in the way of Allah SWT, in a land like Karbala, in a day like Ashura. pray so i would die next to your son, my master Imam Mahdi (as). pray so i would be his follower, and pray that i would die next to him. Ya Hussain, Allah SWT loves you and will grant you your wishes, so please pray for me. ISLAM/SHIA/TRUTH 4 LIFE THE TRUTH SPEAKS FOR ITSELF...... اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج

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