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  • Why is anti male sexism so acceptable in advertising?

    For example: AT&T's latest iPhone ad. "Family travel is so easy now. I" says the superior female voice "bought the tickets, found snacks near the terminal and found the kids favorite movie. Then my Husband " sarcastic accent on husband " asks did we turn out the lights?" I wonder why if they both left the house at the same time somehow HE is the idiot who didn't turn out the lights. "So 'we' turned out the lights from my iPhone" Again, sarcasm on 'we' implying that only SHE could fix this monumental mistake that HE made by leaving lights on. So why is this acceptable? If the same commercial were written with black people playing the idiot role they give the Husband, would there not be outrage? What if we made the wife the idiot...would that now be sexist? Is it not true that ANY other group besides men placed in the husband role would draw outrage? Why must there be a villain at all...can AT&T not proclaim the virtues of the phone without disparaging anyone?

    5 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Is this agreement legal?

    The small company I work for was bought out 3 months ago by another company, who is owned by a third company, who is owned by a fourth company.

    Officially the name of my company hasn't changed, due to contracts with 48 states. My paycheck still comes from my original company, and my business cards and email still have the original company name. I still work for the same company.

    Today we got a non-disclosure agreement from the company who owns us, and it referenced the company who owns them as the source. I have already signed a non-compete with my original company.

    The friendly email said please read this document that all our employees sign, and return it signed at this meeting in a couple weeks.

    The opening line says "In consideration of becoming or remaining employed, I agree..." Whats the point of reading further? It says right there to sign it or be fired.

    Is that legal? I'm being coerced to sign something under threat of losing my job.

    I don't object to standard intellectual property rules and not disclosing client lists and all that. But this thing has statements like:

    If you break or appear to break any part of this agreement, we can file an injunction without bond, regardless if any harm to the employer is ever proven in court.

    So if I do nothing wrong and can prove it, I can still be fired, taken to court. It says I will be responsible for any attorney and fees for any legal proceeding.

    AND, if I leave or am terminated, I cannot get a job in my field for 2 years any where in the country, because our product is used nation wide.

    So I ask, is this legal? Does anyone think these are reasonable terms that I should agree to?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Nothing against Hockey but...?

    When you call yourself a 'Hockey mom' are you really relating to most moms? Football, baseball, basketball, soccer, gymnastics or scout moms would far outnumber hockey moms wouldn't they? How many moms out there even know how many periods there are in a hockey game?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are Republicans removing legal registered voters again?

    Excerpt from this link detailing how Republicans remove legal registered voters including soldiers in Iraq

    "Greg Palast: Yes. People ask me: Are [Republicans] going to steal the 2008 election? No, they’ve already stolen the 2008 election. We still have a chance of swiping it back...

    I present the evidence that Karl Rove directed a guy named Tim Griffin to target suppressing the votes of African American students, homeless men, and soldiers. Nice guy. They actually challenged the votes and successfully removed tens of thousands of legal voters from the voter rolls, same as they did in 2000. But instead of calling them felons, they said that they had suspect addresses.

    BuzzFlash: In which election cycle?

    Greg Palast: 2004. And in 2006 and 2004, they challenged tens of thousands of black soldiers. They stopped their votes from being counted when they were mailed in from Baghdad. Go to Baghdad and lose your vote -- mission accomplished.

    BuzzFlash: How did they do that?

    Greg Palast: By sending letters to the homes of soldiers, marked "do not forward." When they came back undelivered, they said: Aha! Illegal voter registered from a false address. And when their ballot came in from Fallujah, it was challenged. The soldier didn’t know it. Their vote was lost. Over half a million votes were challenged and removed by the Republicans -- absentee ballots. Three million voters who went to the polls found themselves challenged by the Republicans. This was not a small operation. It was a multi-million dollar, wholesale theft operation."

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • McCain said on social Security...?

    McCain said "Social Security isn't hard to fix. We know what the problems are and we know how to fix it." fI it's easy and he knows how to fix it then why hasn't it been fixed?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Besides pregnancy, what could cause prolonged tenderness and swelling of breasts?

    My friend is 27, and has had one child 4 years ago. She is 5'4", 108 lbs, and a 34B. She is single and has not been sexually active for several months. She last had her period 2 weeks ago.

    She has complained of tenderness or soreness of both breasts for about 6 weeks. In the last 2 weeks, there is also some swelling. A self exam didn't reveal any lumps. The tenderness is clear through both breasts, and there doesn't appear to be any single spot that is more sensitive than the whole.

    So ruling out pregnancy because of the period and lack of sexual activity, what are some possible causes of tenderness and swelling for someone her age and size? Has anyone ever experienced something similar?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago