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Mom Face

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  • Too personal for a birthday gift?

    I would like to give a male friend of mine a gift for his upcoming birthday but am worried that what i have in mind may be too 'personal'. He is an old-timey type who takes great deliberation in all his actions, who also seems to derive pleasure from the daily rituals of life.

    I thought i'd get him shaving soap and a badger hair brush, and that he'd probably like it. However, because i like him (and he likes me, and i'm in a relationship and he's involved - woah. messy) i'm over thinking the whole things.

    Just for the record, i adore giving gifts and watching people enjoy them makes me giddy. Its actually a selfish action in and of itself :)

    ....So, should i give my make-believe boyfriend some shaving soap? Or is that like giving a chick, like...I dunno. Whats the equivalent, ladies? Don't we give each other sugar scrubs and lotions and shtuff all the time? Jeez...

    Also, please no judging on the whole pretend-boyfriend thing. My situation is complicated and i am dealing with it. His situation is jovial and inconsequential. The two of us laugh and hang together but never had and never will cross that boundary in the 'wrong' way.

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Starting a modern mother blog and no clue what to call it.?


    I am working on a blog which will detail not only the ups and downs of motherhood, but all the terrible advice, things i really wished i had known, product reviews, nursing support etc etc etc -

    The only thing is - i have NO idea what the title should be

    (as in www.(???????).com!

    I could really use some suggestions from the many, many moms out there :)

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How to improve my self-image?

    I gave birth about 3 months ago, and while i am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, by no means am i back to my pre-pregnancy shape!

    I have no qualms with my lower half. I fit into my size 6 jeans, but i have a bit of a saggy middle and "muffin top". Its a total bummer!!

    My husband is very sweet , and we have a great intimate relationship, and although i am working out - I still frown a little bit when i see myself in the mirror - I just think "Uck". I used to have a super-hot bod :)

    Has anyone been there? How can i help myself accept this temporary me?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • An important question about my infants immunity...?


    I have a friend coming to visit from Mexico a month earlier than she had previously planned and a six week old infant who has not yet been immunized. How concerned should i be about what ever it is that my traveling friend is bringing north with her? Yes - I realize it sounds totally crazy and over protective, but being that she is so young and her immune system is SO immature it is easier to worry.

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the two phrases needed to make civil Marriage legal in WISCONSIN?

    I know there are two phrases that must be said by who ever is officiating the ceremony to make it legal. I can't remember them...

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Mercury Lynx Wagon...Anyone feeling opinionated??

    Have any of you had a Lynx Wagon? I remember my Dad had one for a couple years of my childhood...

    Did you love it? Did you hate it? Or did it just get you to where you needed to be...

    2 AnswersMercury1 decade ago
  • 1993 Mazda Protege' with an exhaust leak? Any Mechanics out there?


    I was just looking at a 93 Protege' up for sale, which apparently runs like a pro, with many new parts. However, it is stated that there is a *very* small exhaust leak and my question is how much does it cost to fix? How detrimental is it to the vehicle on a timeline? And is the car worth a grand, anyway?


    3 AnswersMazda1 decade ago
  • Am i a name hoarder?

    Hello beautiful pregnant ladies;

    It just occurred to me that i am totally hoarding my babie's names like secret sock-drawer chocolate! I have one around the house, and one inside the belly, and i just can't ever bring myself to use their names here because i have always thought of them as unique, and imagined them staying that way...

    How selfish is that??

    I guess my question is - What gives? Not only with my secrecy of names, but also, finding the 'perfect' name.

    I always thought my kids (even the squirmy unborn one) named themselves...

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Are you kidding? I just ate a whole seedless watermelon while answering questions?!?

    Damn voracious appetite :)

    Any ladies out there amazed at the beast that is pregnancy?

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How long should i run on my elliptical machine?H?

    Hey ladies!

    I'm wondering if any of you other moms-to-be have experiance on the elliptical? I'm in pretty good shape, but don't want to send my babe's heart beat a-thumping. Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my babies heartbeat this mobile??

    I'm 17 weeks pregnant, and have heard my babie's heartbeat 3 times. The first two times the doppler was used, the heartbeat was found way to the right, in the farthest reaches of my abdomen, almost touching my hipbone. This last time, the doctor just randomly plopped the doppler down all the way on the other side, nearly touching my left hipbone and landed right on the heartbeat, which was slightly *faster* than 4 weeks ago. I am curious for a couple reasons. Doesn't the heartbeat get slower as the fetus grows? And is that kid really so mobile? It doesn't feel like it is moving that much inside :)

    I don't have my first ultrasound for another week...

    Any OBs or technitians out there?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need variety. Anybody have 2 cents that are worth it?

    I love my fiance', but i need more variety in the sack. He is very bread a butter, formulaic, and i know just what to expect every time. He seems to have an aversion to exploration. We fuzzy hand-cuffed me once and it went no where fast. If i mention anything out of the ordinary, he just gets very quiet. The man is 36 years old...Sheesh.

    It keeps me from being hot out of my mind for him.

    help, Any body?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need some variety. Any body have 2 cents that are worth it?

    I love my fiance', but i need more variety in the sack. He is very bread a butter, formulaic, and i know just what to expect every time. He seems to have an aversion to exploration. We fuzzy hand-cuffed me once and it went no where fast. If i mention anything out of the ordinary, he just gets very quiet. The man is 36 years old...Sheesh.

    It keeps me from being hot out of my mind for him.

    help, Any body?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Where can i watch the Debate online?

    I want to see the Clinton, Obama debate in texas. Anybody know where i can view it online?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Help with dinner...?

    What kind of delicious can i make with spinach and potatos? I need help because i am preggo and anything remotely food related sounds great, and then i cant decide!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Black jeans??

    I have never owned a pair of black jeans, but now i am looking at a maternity pair online. Is black un-fashionable?? Can i get away with them?

    8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Plants for goldfish?

    I have a very large tank with one butterfly koi and a couple goldfish. They are very healthy but i would like to provide them with some (real) plants. In the past, they have devoured every green thing i put in the tank, and while that is well and good and expected, i was wondering if anyone knew of any plants that weren't as attractive to my fish as a meal, and more of a cover??

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago