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  • Tough question for science buffs: Why doesn't ATP have longer chains?

    As you know, ATP is composed of adenosine and three phosphate molecules. There is also ADP which has two phosphate molecules and AMP which has one phosphate molecule.

    ATP was created to store more energy than AMP and ADP. If our body is so energy conservative, why couldn't it create longer chains of phosphate molecules? Why stop at only three phosphate molecules? Why not make it 100 or 1000 phosphate molecules? That'll give you more energy when needed instead of wasting energy to produce ATP.

    What do you think? I can't come up with an answer.

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • What's a good company name that sells American made products?

    I'm thinking of starting a company that sells American made products exclusively.

    I can't come up with a good name. What should I call my store?

    By the way, does this sound like a good idea? Personally, would you buy a product that costs $5 extra but is made in America instead of typical Chinese made products?

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What is the salary of a lawyer just out of a third tier law school?

    Average salary please

    Can you also provide a job description? I would think that a student out of a top tier law school (harvard, yale, etc) would be hired as an associate and would be paid $130,000. I might be attending third tier school. Does that mean will I will have to do the horse work?

    10 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Can nurse practitioner open up their own practice?

    I was wondering if a nurse practitioner can open up their own practice? If so, how much are they capable of earning?

    3 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Is it worth being a physical therapist? to open a practice?

    Do physical therapist who have their own practice make six figure income? I know that if they work for someone, it will probably be around $70k to $80k a year but is the income increased by opening their own practice?

    4 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • What does "dress business casual" mean?

    I got an interview offer and in the email, it said "dress business casual". What does that mean?

    Do I have to wear a suit? or just dress pants/shirt and a tie?

    I hate wearing ties (actually I don't know how to tie a tie) so is it okay if I don't wear it?

    It's a financial-securities firm, I don't know if that matters or not.

    9 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What's up with people named "Bob"?

    Every single person I came into contact with named "Bob" are the strangest people.

    I used to have a friend named Bob who was a creepy kid and was hated by everyone but somehow he lived in a reality that everyone liked him. He was rude as hell, said the meanest things, selfish and cheap.

    I worked in a nursing home where there was an old fart named Bob who was very lonely. He never got along with anyone and say by himself to eat dinner every night. He was very mean and forgetful plus he got angry for no reason and he hated "colored" people.

    One of the person I worked in the past was "Bob" who enjoyed ripping people off (sales position), especially the elderly. He felt happy at others misfortunes or an accidents.

    My friends son is oddly named Bob who is a total d**k. He's a bully.

    I met a guy name Bob on a cruise a long time ago. He had a very dark and extremely bizarre sense of humor. For example, he thought it was funny to pee in the swimming pool and actually took a dump in it at night when he was drunk. He thought it was funny when he saw a little kid crying in the corner because his parents were fighting with each other.

    So what's up with people named "Bob" and their personalities? Any suggestions or opinions? Any Bobs who want to tell their side of the story?

    11 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Better business to own: Liquor store, Gas Station, or Convenience Store?

    Which is a better (profit wise) business to invest in and why?

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when it says incentives in MLB salary?

    For example, if a player were to get paid $500,000 a year in base salary plus up to $1 million in incentives. What do they mean by incentives and how are the incentives earned?

    4 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Question for Chiropractors: Is it worth it?

    I'm thinking about choosing a career in Chiropractic medicine. I have heard some good things but have read lots of bad things about chiropractors.

    As a practicing chiropractor, do you feel like it is a rewarding career? Not just financially but other aspects such as mentally and spiritually.

    I've read on some websites that chiropractic schools costs a lot but once you're out of the school, it's hard to make any money unless you open your own practice. It's extremely hard to get capital to open your own practice since you're already in debt from chiropractic school. Even with a private practice, you can expect to make around $50,000 to $70,000 a year. Is it all true?

    I've read that if you work for someone else (if you're lucky enough to even find a chiropractor job), you can expect to make no more than $50,000/yr. Is that true?

    I'm not focused on money but if I'm going to pay $150,000 for school, I would like to get paid decently. Also, if you don't mind sharing what do you make annually.


    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • Free ADHD testing for students?

    I'm a college student and I'm 95% sure I suffer from ADHD.

    I haven't gotten tested for it yet because it costs $1000 and I don't have that type of money. I can barely pay my tuition after talking out loans and grants.

    Does anyone know where I can get tested for ADHD? Are there any free or cheap governmental or private non-profit organizations that provide these types of services?

    5 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Should I be sad or angry?

    I'm 22 yo male.

    Past: I was an alcoholic for 6 months. Then I got a DUI about five months ago. Since then I've been free of alcohol. I also promised my loved ones that I would not drink alcohol.

    When I was in the alcoholic stage, I basically ignored everything in my life and didn't do anything about my future (school work, responsibilities, etc.)

    Now: I don't drink anymore or do any type of drugs. I'm just really lazy so I don't get anything done (school work, think about my future and actually do something about it, etc.) and sometimes neglect my responsibilities. I think I have ADHD but my parents don't believe it so I haven't gotten checked for it or anything. I know this because couple years ago, my friend gave me one of his ADHD pill during final exam week and the day I took that pill, I got so much things done during that day and I actually studied like I'm suppose to.

    This behavior (laziness) leads my parents to believe that I've been drinking alcohol or doing drugs behind their back.

    How do I deal with this? The best I can do is deny the allegations but that's not good enough for them. In their minds, I'm doing what I'm not suppose to be doing even though in reality I'm not doing anything that I'm not suppose to be doing. What should I do?

    I know I'm suppose to earn their trust but it just seems impossible.

    Right now, I feel really sad/depressed and I don't know how to deal with this. I thought about killing myself but that only shows my weakness and doesn't solve the problem. Help

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why do we do the things we do?


    9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why do I suppress my good/pleasant memories?

    Whenever I have drink a little amounts of alcohol (2-3 beers), I get buzzed. Sometimes when I listen to music when I'm buzzed, some songs brings back old memories when I had a such a good time (e.g. mostly good times during college/high school years).

    Whenever that happens, I deliberately skip the song or stop listening to it. Why do I do that? It reminds me of the best times I've ever had in my life.

    There are only two explanations that I can come up with. 1) I'm trying to preserve these memories. 2) I'm avoiding the best memories because I feel that I can never go back to those times and experience them again. Also, the same experience will never occur in the future thus I might as well get over it.

    Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • Describe "Cash Flow" in layman's terms.?

    For example, a business is for sale. Below are the details:

    Asking price: $700,000

    Gross income: $800,000

    CASH FLOW: $120,000

    Can you describe what is cash flow without using big finance mumbo jumbo? Something that an average person can understand.

    Also, include an example to illustrate the definition.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Where is the ideal place to buy patio doors from?

    I need a new sliding(gliding) patio door. I live in Chicago suburbs and I've been to Menards, Lowes, and Home Depot but their prices are somewhat out of my range.

    Does anyone know a good place to buy patio doors from? Something that's not very expensive (around $500). Are there any direct outlets that sell patio doors for less than hardware stores?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Drinking vs Stealing. Which is bad?

    The Story:

    About 22 years old college student, lives with close family (not parents) that are about 34 years of age. The student lives in the house for free (doesn't have to pay money for rent, food, or driving their car) but he picks up some chores around the house sometimes and babysits. The 22 year old gets a job at a company. The 34 years old relatives want to steal/get extremely huge discounts on items from that company. The 22 years old student goes with it, giving them free stuff and huge discounts that are against company policy. After about 5 months, the company found out and fired the student. The company made student responsible for all the damages and had to repay them. The 34 years old relatives agreed to pay the amount on behalf of the student since they are the ones who caused this.

    Now, if you were to blame someone, who would it be: the 22 years old student or the 34 years old relatives? Why?

    About a month after the student got fired, he got a DUI. The same student had previous alcohol related near-death/life-changing personal injury. He had promised that he wouldn't drink alcohol after that injury but he still did and got himself in a DUI.

    The relatives he still lives with took his mug-shot and framed it and put it in his room so he has to see it everyday (so he would never drink again). The relatives constantly call him and put a label on him as "criminal" and "once a criminal, always a criminal" type of things.

    Now, is it right for the relatives to call the student criminal and discriminate against him (keep in mind about stealing from a job for these relatives)?

    If you were to pick one side, whose would it be: the 22 years old student or the 34 years old relatives? Why?

    10 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Which is worse? DUI or ...? Who would you trust?

    Here are two people:

    Person #1: At the age of 20, the person drank alcohol and did something stupid that almost killed him and required a big surgery. At the age of 21, he became alcoholic (on and off). At the age of 22, got a DUI. After the DUI, the person realized his mistakes and has given up alcohol altogether. Overall, the person is has good intentions and is overall a good guy but makes bad choices and has bad habits (such as smoking, etc).

    Person #2: At the age of 28, started his own business that was "unique" in its field. It was closed down 6 months later (business failure). At the age of 30, bought an another business in his field of profession. It only made enough money to survive, no profits as expected from similar businesses. Part of it was due to the sellers' failure to disclose all the facts. It was sold after two years. At the age of 29, bought a half million dollar investment house in an heavily attractive tourist spot (he still doesn't have a house of his own, he lives in an apartment). After five years, he wasn't able to make the payments and foreclosed on the house. Now he needs a new car and wants to buy a house but can't get a loan because of that foreclosure even though he has six figure income. Overall, he is a good guy with good intentions and good virtues but just makes grave financial mistakes.

    Now my questions are: Who would you trust? The guy with DUI or the guy who can't handle the money? Would YOU cosign a loan application for a house for the 2nd guy given his financial history?

    Is it justifiable if the 2nd guy blames the 1st guy for being an idiot and make dumb mistakes?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Installing windows xp over vista?

    I have Toshiba laptop, model Satellite A135-S4527. It came with Vista but I just installed Windows XP. The problem is that all the drivers I need to install from Toshiba website are for windows Vista.

    How do I install drivers so that they'll work with windows xp? or Where do I find drivers that will work for xp?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Best brands for Laptops?

    What do you guys think are the best brand for laptops?

    I already have Toshiba Satellite series that I got about 3 years ago and it's already broken even after taking really good care of it. I need to buy new laptop.

    Consider durability, life, processor speeds, reliability, etc. when rating.

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago