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Rhode Island Red

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  • Would I go by 26 or 28 days when figuring out O?

    Hi everyone! TTC over a year now, one MC in June. Since bc has been out of my system I am on a 28 day cycle, so regular that it happens on a Friday between midnight at 10am. In November it was a 26 day cycle which threw me for a loop. When trying to figure out O this month, do I go by 26 days or 28? Thanks in advance! Good luck to everyone else TTC!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Period after Miscarriage?

    Hi everyone! I need some help/advice. I was pregnant as of 6/25 and miscarried 6/29. My gyn said it was not a period I had, even though the symptoms and duration were the same. My period would have been due 6/21 so when should I be getting my period? I thought it would be today, 28 days from the 21st, is that right? Or does the day of miscarriage count as day 1 of a cycle? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Period or Pregnancy Sign?

    Hi Ladies, ttc for 11 months now. On cd24 currently and since yesterday I have had shooting pain in my hips, right on my hip bones. It's not bad enough for meds or anything but I have not experienced this before so I was just wondering if any of you had and if it was an AF sign or possibly a PG symptom? Thanks for your thoughts in advance! Baby dust to all!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • OPK-do I put positive or negative?

    Hi Ladies, quick TTC question. Had a positive OPK yesterday around 6:30pm, cd15. Took another one today, 9am, which was also positive but it was earlier than they recommend. Just took another one right now, 6:30pm cd16 and it's negative. Which result would you go by? Thanks.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Late period this month?

    Hi all, ttc for 8 months. Went through all the testing, I'm fine, hubby fine. I had a laperoscopy and chromotubation on 3/11 to check my tubes and all was fine(cd13). My cycles are anywhere from cd27-29 since coming off the pill so I thought I would get a +opk cd 14 but no, got the positives on cd16 and 17. My question is since I O'd later than usual, I think between cd18 or 19, will my period be later this month as well. I'm on cd28 and nothing yet but -hpt last night. Any advice would help, thanks.

    ps-I know not to test before period but I was getting excited; our one year anniversary is next weekend

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Has anyone been refered to an RE and if so were there issues with initial testing?

    I am 34 and my husband and I have been ttc for 8 months now with no luck. I have had blood work done to check progesterone, insulin, thyroid, the works and all levels were normal. I am ovulating, I was temping for awhile but quit. I had an ultrasound to check for folicles, present and everything was clear. I had a laperoscopy this month also to check my tubes which were normal, every test is normal. Hubby had SA done, he is fine too. They will recommend an RE next week and I kind of don't see the point if we are both ok. Just wondering what your experiences have been. Thanks.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Spotting?Period?Help!?

    Hi! TTC for 8 months now, I am currently on cd28, 13dpo. I have taken a hpt today which was negative. Around 11am I noticed blood on tp (brownish red) and put a pad on. There is some red when I wipe but it's been 3 hours now and nothing in the pad. Is this spotting or my period? I have never spotted before a period or at anytime so I am kind of confused. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What is a more accurate way to determine ovulation: opk's or cm?

    I have been charting for 5 cycles now and I am confused as ever! My cm was most fertile 11/20-21 however I took opk yesterday and today and both are positive however my cm is creamy. Which is more accurate? I stopped birth control in June, was on Ovcon 50. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Mittelschmerz Pain question?

    Hi! My husband and I are TTC and I have been off the pill since June of the this year. I usually get Mittelschmerz, when I was on the pill and before the pill but August was the first month I felt it since going off the pill. My body is just adjusting again as the dr.s tell you. Anway, I felt the pain on 8/29, I know it was it, same place, sharp pain.

    My question: I am using Fertility and even though I put my information in every day, they think I ovulated 9/3. Can you ovulate that late after feeling the pain. Hubby and I have done the bd 8/22,24,26,29, 9/1 and 9/2. What are our chances? I am so confused any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Finally, we have the final names!?

    Hi everyone! Not preggo yet but TTC so wish us luck. We have finally narrowed the names down and I just wanted your opinions please. Thanks!


    Seth David

    Wyatt Levi

    Harry Christopher


    Sabrina Barbara

    Cassandra May

    Carlee Joy

    30 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • I am TTC frustrated!?

    Hi Ladies, hope you are all doing well. I am frustrated. This is our second month TTC and I am confused. I only went off the pill 6/20 and got my first period 7/18 but nothing is going smoothly. I chart my BBT daily, I don't understand it so I joined Fertility Friend and guess what...they don't understand it either. I'm at day 30 right now, no period but I took a First Response pregnancy test Friday which was negative.

    I know many of you on here have been TTC longer than we have and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I don't understand it. None of the old symptoms of ovulation are present in my body yet so I have no idea if and when I did. My temperature is all over the place and it's taken within 2 hours every day.

    No real question here just venting and asking how do you do it month after month? I am ready to stop the BBT and just throw it all out the window and let Mother Nature take it's course. Suggestions, comments. Baby dust to all!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Need help with LH please?

    Hi everyone. Hubby and I TTC. My period was 28 day cycle last month. I got my period on 7/18 and took my first LH test today. It was negative. Could that mean I already had my LH surge and my BIG question-how long is the LH surge? A day, two, an hour? I can't find that information anywhere. We TTC on day 9 and 11 so could I have already had it? I don't feel any ovulation pains but my hormones are out of control. I know you aren't doctors but could someone give me some info. Thanks a bunch!

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Middle name for Brooke?

    Hi! We love the name Brooke but I cannot find a good middle name for it. I like a lot of M names but it is BM and reminds me of poop. Then there are J names, prevalent in my family but again she would be BJ, oh no. Our last name begins with an S and I am looking for something that would flow nicely. I don't like C or K names, blends too much with the K in Brooke. Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Opinions on our baby names please?

    Hi everyone! We are TTC and I wanted to know what everyone thought about our baby names. We chose some unique first names and most of the middle names are family names. Please rate 1-5.


    Seth David-both of our father's names are David

    Wyatt Levi-my husband's grandfather's name was Levi

    Also like-Patrick, Drew, Mason


    Sabrina Barbara-Barbara was my mom's first name

    Brooke Barbara-First daughter will have Barbara as middle name

    Natalie May-MIL's middle name is May

    Carlee Joy-Lee is my husband's middle name, Joy is mine

    Also like-Nina and Arden

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Preggers, not, what's up?

    Hi, I'm new to this topic. My husband and I are TTC. I was on the pill for almost 3 years. My last period was May 13. In June we were going on vacation so June 7 I started a new pack of pills-spotted/bled for 2 days. Stopped the pill June 20,spotted on June 22, should have got my period this week but nothing. Took a home pregnancy test Monday and yesterday, both were negative. Went to my OB/GYN Wed. and she ordered a blood test for next week. Only had sex twice since June 20-that night and July 1. Any thoughts? I am nauseated but I am taking the One a Day prenatal vitamins, headaches but I am cutting down caffeine. Thanks and good luck to each and every one of you TTC as well.

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Caffeine and Pregnancy?

    My husband and I are going to start trying to get pregnant. I bought a few books, all that say you have to completly get rid of caffeine, at least the woman does. Now some websites say you can drink 8 ounces a day, some say none. If you have had a baby or are trying, what did you do? I am used to a 32 oz coffee daily and while I'm down to 6 oz daily it is killing me, I am sleepy at 2pm and cannot function. This can't be good either, right? Please let me know your experiences. I have a doctor appt. Wed. and I am going to tell her what is going on.


    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • If anyone needs wedding favor advice...?

    I got married 4/4/09 and I am having my reception this Sunday. I am so stressed out because my guests are dropping left and right and I got personalized favors to match colors at each table. This isn't so much a question as a helpful hint to all brides to be...don't get too specific, it will ease the tension. Thanks and good luck to all!

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Yes or No to the Parent Gifts?

    Ok, this is the last thing I need to worry about before our wedding. My fiance's mother is paying for our Vegas reception so we need to get her a present. His father/stepmother are not coming to Vegas but our other reception, do we get them a present? My parents are both deceased so do I buy a present for my paternal grandmother, the matriarch of my family? If yes, do we buy a present for his grandmother too? It gets all too confusing...

    The only one that is financially contributing is his mother so do we still buy for the others?

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What type of memorial candle?

    My fiance and I are getting married 4/4/09. I just saw online the memory candles which you can get your past loved ones names on for the ceremony and for the reception. This is my dilemma.

    My parents have both passed along with my aunt, maternal grandparents and great grandparents. My fiance would also like to put his grandfather's name on who just recently passed.

    Question is I really want to honor my parents, not that I don't miss the others but it will not be the same without them there. Do I put my parents names on one candle and the grandparents on a separate candle? Or do we each get one? I am confused. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have the wedding planning blues?

    I cannot stand it anymore and I hope there are more out there like me. We are getting married April 4, 2009 in Vegas and having a reception here at home April 26, 2009. I have been planning and planning and planning for over a year now and I have had it! All the big things went well, now it's the piddly little crap that is giving me a headache and stressing me out beyond belief! I can't take much more of this. Does anyone else feel this way, please? I can't wait to be married but if I encounter one more "problem" I will explode!

    4 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago