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Lv 2743 points

Autumn Ruby'Mae♥

Favorite Answers8%

Hey:3 I'm 15:D my birthday is 20th March andddd thats about it really. I hate trolls on here -.- and i have 3 best friends; maria, holly and charlotte :D So um... Yeah....

  • what font is this... (used in swag-notes.tumblr)?

    what font is this used in this photo? link:

    also, what website do you get this font (free of charge) thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts9 years ago
  • What do you think of these names:)?

    What do you think of these names & what's your favourite?

    Olivia Dalilah (I prefer the spelling Dalilah instead of Delilah)

    Lydia Rose

    Jemimah Lily (I think the name Jemimah looks nicer than Jemima)

    Ella Rose

    Lola Rose

    Elijah Alex

    Riley Joe

    Oscar Dylan



    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • I'm 14 & I'm literally OBSESSED with having kids?

    I just turned 14 6 days ago (female) and i'm still a virgin and it's staying that way until i have a long term b/f.. BUT! Since i was like 8 I have been LITERALLY obsessed with having kids! Like I plan their names, how old I wanna be when I have them, how I want them to look etc! I've even gone through catalogues writing baby lists of things like the cots i want, the pram etc. I've even planned out how I want their rooms to be!

    I know I can't have kids yet and I'm not going to because I DO want the best life for my future children, I want to be around 27-29 when I have my first child (I want 3) and until I do have children I'm gonna put my education first and future career... Anyway! My question is, is this normal? And I'm literally thinking about this all day every day I just can't get babies off of my mind! Is there anything I can do to take my mind off of it?

    Also, I can't babysit because where I live parents don't let teenagers look after their babies/toddlers and even if they did they would want certificates etc... I am really good with babies aswell :)

    Thank you xxx

    7 AnswersAdolescent9 years ago
  • How do you pronounce the name Lhouraii?

    i was just watching snog marry avoid, and this girl was called Lhouraii, i really liked the name but i just forgot how to pronounce it -_-'


    P.S: i think its lee-or-ree-ay or something but im not 100% sure

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Are mobile phones allowed during airplane flights?

    I'm going Egypt this year and I'm wondering if I can keep my BlackBerry with me during the flight?

    Also, I've just read an answer for a similar question to mine saying 'put it on airplane mode', I have a BlackBerry Curve 8520 how do I put it on airplane mode? Thanks

    7 AnswersAir Travel9 years ago
  • Can any experienced dog handlers/vets help me with this rash thing on my 5/6 month old puppy?

    My puppy Bella (female) has been getting these weird rashes/allergic reactions (i dont really know what they are) on her tummy and legs, i'm taking her to the vets on Saturday but im pretty worried so yeah.. i took some pictures and i hope they work!! By the way, she's a staffordshire bull terrier if that helps and we've had her since november time.

    By the way, do you think she looks like a staff? Here's another pic:

    Thank youuuuu so much & please put how you know your informationnnn! ty

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Does Ella Rose & Sadie Nicole sound nice for twins?

    Do they sound alright for twin girls? (rate out of 10 please)

    If you think they don't go, what name would go with Ella Rose and what name would go with Sadie Nicole?

    Optional: what are some names with similar qualities to these names (like they're not that old fashioned etc..), that would go as names for twins? Thanks

    7 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Need middle names for Ruby & Sapphire?

    My nieces names are going to be Ruby and Sapphire (their surnames are Allen) and we're looking for a middle name for them (a different mn for both), as Ruby and Sapphire are both gems, we would like the middle names to be related (eg: both flowers for example).


    P.S: no names like Audrey, Jane, Victoria, Elizabeth, Genevive (however you spell it), Aurora etc.

    also, no names too 'out there' please! The middle names NEED to be related :)

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Need middle names for Ruby & Sapphire?

    My nieces names are going to be Ruby and Sapphire (their surnames are Allen) and we're looking for a middle name for them (a different mn for both), as Ruby and Sapphire are both gems, we would like the middle names to be related (eg: both flowers for example).


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • WDYT of these names (first & middle)?


    Olivia Cherri-Dalilah

    Lydia Rose

    Isabella Alice Marie

    Jemimah Lily


    Oscar Dylan

    Dylan Riley

    Riley Joe

    Elijah Alex


    What ONE name do you prefer out of Lydia Rose, Olivia Cherri-Dalilah or Jemimah Lily?


    (GIRL) Alannah Louise OR Sian (pronounced Sharn) Liora?

    (GIRL) Scarlett Adele OR Imogen Sierra?

    (BOY) Archie Noah OR Ollie Elijah?

    3 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Describe the pain that you get whilst giving birth?

    Some people say its like their hips being crushed, and my mum said its like someone punching her in her stomach while someone is stabbing her in her back...

    What was your experience or other peoples experiences?

    3 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • What are some good middle names to go with these names?


    Isabelle, Isabella, Brooklyn, Jodie, Kendall, Millie, Ocean, Lola, Phoebe, Sadie, Ruby-Mae, Scarlett, Sierra, Rosalie


    Archie, Declan, Dylan, Jayden, Ollie, Oscar, Riley.

    Best Answer will be chosen!! :) Feel free to give suggestions.

    BQ: What do you think of the names:

    ♀ 'Olivia Dalilah', 'Lydia Rose',

    ♂ 'Oscar Dylan', 'Dylan Riley', 'Riley Joe'

    1 AnswerBaby Names10 years ago
  • What do you think of these names? +BQ?

    Best answer: names have to be rated out of 10 and leave a comment, can use name suggestions.

    Girl names:
































    Boy names:





    Joe (NO NOT JOSEPH!)

    Ollie (no its not oliver... its OLLIE!!)



    Please don't try and correct them and say "these are nicknames" (such as Joe), I don't want CORRECTIONS, because I like them the way they are, but feel free to give suggestions to DIFFERENT names. Thank you!

    BQ: When I'm older I want to have 2 boys and 1 girl (adopt 1 boy, i know you cant choose what gender but still..) But, do you think I should plan to adopt a child or have biological children?

    BQ2: Can you make 4 name sibsets from the list that i have made - all of them for 2 boys and 1 girl!

    5 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • My Bestfriend gets bullied... read description?

    She is a great person, always puts her friends and family before herself, has a beautiful personality etc (shes basically like the perfect bestfriend)

    she gets bullied at school but we're not in ANY of the same classes apart from P.E and thats only twice a week (Monday and Friday). but when we're with eachother at lunch and break, i always stick up for her but her older sister told me how she comes home everyday and cries (i didnt know this until today) and we have both noticed how she has stopped eating and grown VERY skinny and seems very depressed all of the time. She gets bullied because of the way she looks (frizzy hair, glasses, skinny) but to be honest she really just doesn't have any confidence.

    i have found that she always cries and she has actually said she wants to commit suicide, we are both christian and i have said stuff like "you're beautiful God made you" but she still always seems sooooo upset. and also i think its because both of her older sisters (one goes to our school) is always getting boys attention and always getting asked out etc.

    so what do you think i should do to help her with these issues and how could i raise her confidence? please no mean comments..

    3 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • Do you prefer the name 'Olivia Dalilah' or 'Lydia Rose'?

    I have twin nieces on the way, they should be here November 23rd and i'm allowed to name one of the girls; i've narrowed it down to either Olivia Dalilah or Lydia Rose but that's where I get stuck D:

    Please don't give any suggestions or say "I prefer it being spelt Delilah" because i'm giving you two options and not asking for you to say what spelling you prefer ^_^

    I will only consider Best Answers when the names have been rated out of 10 and reasons please!! Thank you veryyy much(:

    10 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • How do I change my name on Yahoo Answers:)? Read Description!!?

    I wanna change my name, but i'm new to Yahoo Answers and i'm not sure how to do this? Help please:3

    Also it'd help if you did it in easy steps cos' I confuse myself easily!! XD

    PS: sorry i put this in the incorrect category, it's just this is the only category i find where people answer quickly!

    1 AnswerBaby Names10 years ago
  • what age is the youngest a girl should have sex?

    i dont want to get married coz most likely you will get a divorce and would be a waste of money.

    so what age do u personally think is the YOUNGEST a girl should have sex? not just like a 1 night stand but like if u really liked ur bf and stuffsssss(:

    also how long do u think u should be going out with someone before u have sex for the first time?

    plz no rude comments i dnt want to have sex its just one of my younger friends who's 13 has had sex 4 times and her mother has put her on the pill and tells her "its alright if u have sex atleast u wont get pregnant" and my friend smokes cigarettes and weed (yeh i know its SOOOOO bad i tried telling her to stop but she dont listen). so basically i was just wondering if its casual to actually have sex at the age of 13 after a 1 week relationship (she lost her v-place last year when she was high)

    and this isnt a troll im actually being serious

    15 AnswersAdolescent10 years ago
  • Gonna be an Auntie for the 2nd time to Twin Girls! Allowed to name one of them, WDYT of these names? :D?

    well i already have a 3 year old nephew called Reece, and my sister and her husband are expecting twin girls on November 23rd and still havent thought of the names. My brother in laws mother is naming one of the girls and they said im allowed to name the other, cos they cant choose. So im gonna give you a list of names i LOVE and i want you to rate them out of 10 and give reasons.

    Also if you could narrow down your favourite name (including the middle name, no horrible comments please D:) to one name, then i'd be really grateful! :D


    1. Lydia Rose

    2. Olivia Dalilah

    3. Autumn Liora

    4. Amelia Sadie-Mae

    5. Phoebe Spring

    Thanks again.. (:

    7 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago
  • what would you say are "indie" names? examples please?

    i saw a question on here and it said something like "need some indie names" but i dont really get it, so could someone explain to me what is classed as an "indie name" and give some examples? tah

    3 AnswersBaby Names10 years ago