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  • What is the force (thrust) of the rocket?

    The engine is mounted to the wheel at an angle θ = 15 degrees from a line tangent to the edge of the wheel as shown.

    You find that when you light the rocket, the wheel will spin a total of 2.25 revolutions in a time 1.5 seconds while the rocket is still burning. What is the force (thrust) of the rocket, assuming the thrust is constant while it is burning?

    The spinning wheel has a mass of 2.1 kg and a radius of 0.55 m, is a uniform disk, and the mass of the rocket can be neglected.

    Give you answer in Newtons. Can someone show me how to do this step-by-step?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • how fast is the pulley rotating?


    The pulley shown above, with radius 0.7 m and mass 4.5 kg, has a rope wrapped around it. If one end of the rope is pulled with a constant force 5 N, how fast is the pulley rotating after it has gone through 4 revolutions?

    Assume that the pulley is uniform, so its moment of inertia is 1/2 M R2, the rotation is frictionless, and the mass of the rope can be neglected.

    Give your answer in rad/sec.

    Can someone show me how to do this step by step?

    3 AnswersPhysics5 years ago
  • will the string break?

    Consider the pendulum shown above. A spherical mass M = 6.5 kg attached to a string starts at rest with the string horizontal as shown in the top diagram.

    The mass is released and swings down as shown in the bottom diagram. However, the string will break if the tension is equal or greater than 170 N.

    At what angle θ, as shown in the diagram, will the string break?


    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Programming ethical-decision-making strategies?

    what are some ethical-decision-making strategies when programming?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • msort Terminates - Haskell?

    Does anyone know how to prove this?

    Theorem(mT) : (merge xs ys) terminates ^ length(merge xs ys) = (length xs) + (length yes)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Partial fractions?

    I got part A, but I am a little stuck on part B, because I am unsure on how to factor this?

    Write out the form of the partial fraction decomposition of the function, do not determine the numerical values.

    b.) ((x^2)/(x^2+x+6)

    3 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Evaluate the integral?

    I completely stuck on how to solve this problem, could someone show me step-by-step?

    integral ((x^4+9x^2+x+2)/(x^2+9)) dx

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • coefficient of static friction?

    How would you do this step-by-step?

    1.) A solid ball is released from rest and slides down a hillside that slopes downward at an angle 51.0 ∘ from the horizontal.

    Part A

    What minimum value must the coefficient of static friction between the hill and ball surfaces have for no slipping to occur?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • angular momentum/equilibrium?

    Can someone show me step-by-step on how to do part B?

    A 316-N, uniform, 1.15-m bar is suspended horizontally by two vertical cables at each end. Cable A can support a maximum tension of 461.0 N without breaking, and cable B can support up to 400.0 N . You want to place a small weight on this bar.

    Part A

    What is the heaviest weight you can put on without breaking either cable?

    Answer = 545 N

    Part B

    Where should you put this weight?

    Answer in meters

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • programming java Recursion?

    How does the base case change depending on how many elements we have in the array?

    In other words, how do we set up a stopping condition that will handle both even and odd numbers of elements?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Newton's 2nd law?

    Your cat “Ms.” (mass 8.50 kg ) is trying to make it to the top of a frictionless ramp 2.00 m long and inclined 19.0 ∘ above the horizontal. Since the poor cat can’t get any traction on the ramp, you push her up the entire length of the ramp by exerting a constant 52.0 N force parallel to the ramp. If Ms. is moving at 1.70 m/s at the bottom of the ramp, what is her speed when she reaches the top of the incline?

    Part D

    This problem can also be done without the work–energy theorem.

    Since the forces acting on the cat are constant, the cat is moving up the ramp with a constant acceleration. Therefore, if you know her acceleration, you can use the equations of motion for constant acceleration to find her final speed. Use Newton's 2nd law to find the magnitude a of the cat's acceleration.

    Express your answer in meters per second squared to three significant figures.

    I got 1.92 as my answer but it is wrong, can someone show me step-by-step how to do this problem?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Find the mass?

    I got parts both wrong twice, can someone show me step-by-step how to do this problem?

    You are at the controls of a particle accelerator, sending a beam of 2.10×107 m/s protons (mass m ) at a gas target of an unknown element. Your detector tells you that some protons bounce straight back after a collision with one of the nuclei of the unknown element. All such protons rebound with a speed of 1.80×107 m/s . Assume that the initial speed of the target nucleus is negligible and the collision is elastic.

    Part A

    Find the mass of one nucleus of the unknown element. Express your answer in terms of the proton mass m . answer in m

    Part B

    What is the speed of the unknown nucleus immediately after such a collision?

    answer in m/s

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Find the magnitude?

    The nucleus of 214Po decays radioactively by emitting an alpha particle (mass 6.65×10−27 kg ) with kinetic energy 1.20×10−12 J , as measured in the laboratory reference frame.

    Part A

    Assuming that the Po was initially at rest in this frame, find the magnitude of the recoil velocity of the nucleus that remains after the decay.

    I got 5.01x10^-10 but it is wrong, can someone show me step by step how to get the correct answer?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Find the maximum distance the spring will be compressed.?

    can someone show me how to do part B step-by-step?

    A spring of negligible mass has force constant k = 860 N/m .

    Part B

    You place the spring vertically with one end on the floor. You then lay a 1.60-kg book on top of the spring and release the book from rest. Find the maximum distance the spring will be compressed.

    Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • find the magnitude?

    The nucleus of 214Po decays radioactively by emitting an alpha particle (mass 6.65×10−27 kg ) with kinetic energy 1.20×10−12 J , as measured in the laboratory reference frame.

    Part A

    Assuming that the Po was initially at rest in this frame, find the magnitude of the recoil velocity of the nucleus that remains after the decay.

    I got 5.01x10^-10 but it is wrong, can someone show me step by step how to get the correct answer?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • What is the angle of inclination?

    could someone explain how to work this problem? I am completely lost

    A physics student playing with an air hockey table (a frictionless surface) finds that if she gives the puck a velocity of 3.71 m/s along the length ( 1.73 m ) of the table at one end, by the time it has reached the other end the puck has drifted a distance 2.45 cm to the right but still has a velocity component along the length of 3.71 m/s . She concludes correctly that the table is not level and correctly calculates its inclination from the above information.

    Part A

    What is the angle of inclination?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • What is the angle of inclination?

    could someone explain how to work this problem? I am completely lost

    A physics student playing with an air hockey table (a frictionless surface) finds that if she gives the puck a velocity of 3.71 m/s along the length ( 1.73 m ) of the table at one end, by the time it has reached the other end the puck has drifted a distance 2.45 cm to the right but still has a velocity component along the length of 3.71 m/s . She concludes correctly that the table is not level and correctly calculates its inclination from the above information.

    Part A

    What is the angle of inclination?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • What is the coefficient of static friction?

    A crate of 50.5-kg tools rests on a horizontal floor. You exert a gradually increasing horizontal push on it and observe that the crate just begins to move when your force exceeds 329 N. After that you must reduce your push to 213 N to keep it moving at a steady 27.0 cm/s .

    Part A

    What is the coefficient of static friction between the crate and the floor?

    Part B

    What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the crate and the floor?

    Part C

    What push must you exert to give it an acceleration of 1.20 m/s2 ?

    Part D

    Suppose you were performing the same experiment on this crate but were doing it on the moon instead, where the acceleration due to gravity is 1.62 m/s2. What magnitude push would cause it to move?

    Part E

    What would its acceleration be if you maintained the push in part C?

    How do you do these problems step-by-step? Having trouble on how to do these..

    Physics5 years ago
  • Calculate the magnitude?

    A box with mass 10.0 kg moves on a ramp that is inclined at an angle of 55.0∘ above the horizontal. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the ramp surface is μk = 0.300.

    Part A

    Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the box if you push on the box with a constant force 140.0 N that is parallel to the ramp surface and directed down the ramp, moving the box down the ramp.

    Express your answer with the appropriate units.

    a1 =

    Part B

    Calculate the magnitude of the acceleration of the box if you push on the box with a constant force 140.0 N that is parallel to the ramp surface and directed up the ramp, moving the box up the ramp.

    Express your answer with the appropriate units.

    for part A I got 18.3, however it is wrong. Could someone show me how to do these problems step-by-step?

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Finding the volume?

    Stuck on problems 1 and 7, could someone show me how to do these? I keep getting the wrong answer.

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago