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  • I'm thinking of dumping this guy...and just being friends.?

    Okay, I'm in a relationship with a guy. While he has plenty of nice things to say whenever he wants to say them, he always turns around and says something negative about me. It's like he just can't be nice to me. Everytime he talks about people who get on his nerves, he'll find some way to make it about me. He'll always say "he's just like you." or vice versa. I'm getting fed up with it. I hung up in his face and then I called back and left him a voicemail to tell him that if he thinks i'm so horrible, then what the hell does he want me for? Maybe that will make him think and he can decide to go away if he wants. He's always complaining about his relationships going awry but from where I'm standing, he doesn't want to take part where his contributions behavior wise are concerned. I think I'm done with this. I'm trying to recognize where I need to work on giving people a chance to better themselves. However, the old me is coming out and I am just ready to kick him to the curb and be done with it. Just thought I'd get a second or third opinion before I do.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is it time for a new oven or is it something I can fix?

    My oven does not bake right. I can always bake a chocolate cake and it's comes out right. Any other type of cake will be dry. I used to be able to cook corn bread and cornbread muffins. Now, I can't even do that anymore. If i bake corn muffins, they all have sink holes in their undersides. they are done on the outside and raw/doughy in the middle. this started happening recently with my corn muffins/corn bread. i can still cook a roast or some type of meat but it just won't let me bake. Recently someone tried to make a pound cake. they were convinced that i just didn't know how to use my oven or work with it. well, when they were finished it was the same...raw and doughy on the inside and cooked to perfection on the outside. is it time for a new stove or does this sound like something i can fix?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years ago
  • Can I use hojuelas de papas to make potato chips?

    I saw them in a mexican food mart and they look like dehydrated potato slices. I figured they might save me the work of having to slice and soak in salt water and pat dry. I just want to know if they would fry up okay without any problems.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Is it safe to eat yucca root?

    I've seen people cook with it. I've also seen people make soap/shampoo or some kind of cleaning agent with it (not the leaves, the root). I've read reports that it makes a great soap and even lathers and has great antibacterial properties. Now I'm confused. Does anyone know for sure if it's safe to eat. I don't want to ingest something that I should be making soap out of...thank you.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape7 years ago
  • What's the Difference Between 3 dollar wine and 9 dollar wine?

    Okay, I saw some Bay Bridge Sweet Red Wine at the store and was interested in trying it. I noticed that it was less than 3 dollars for a bottle. My cousin once bought a bottle of Gallo (or is it Galilo or Galileo?) sweet red wine and it was delicious. I had never had wine before and that was my first time trying some. Anyway, it was ten dollars but for a slightly larger container. I was wondering if there really is a differnce in wines and the price point signifies quality or if it really doesn't matter and some of the lower priced wines taste as good and are as good of a quality as some of the higher priced ones? I tried to do some searching online but really couldn't find any suitable answers so maybe there are some wine enthusiasts who could help me out.

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits7 years ago
  • Calling Someone even if you don't Visit?

    My sister says that it's stupid to call someone to let them know you are in their area if you don't plan to see them. Like if you go out of town and you happen to know someone that lives where you are visiting and you think about them. The purpose of your trip may not have been to see them but you call anyway just to say hello and touch base and you tell them that you happen to be there but will catch them on the flip side if you don't get a chance to see them on your current visit. I've done it before, and I've had people who were travelling visiting family and inlaws to call me when they had breaks but not necessarily because they had plans to see me. It's not a big deal to me because I know they may have had other plans but it's always nice to hear from them. However, my sister says it's a waste of time to call someone you don't plan on visiting and that no one does that. My question it really stupid to contact someone if you're in the area even if it means you can't necessarily spend time with them? Thanks.

  • Extra Stout Guinness for oxtails?

    I've read reports that when extra stout is used for braising, it makes the dish that true? if so, how can I combat this? or should I try to use something besides extra stout? I've also read where some people love it and say the dish is not bitter to them at all. I don't want it to be bitter and I certainly don't want my relatives to taste beer or question me about a funny taste in their food. I want to stay true to the recipe I have which calls for Guinness but I want my family to love it.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • How Can I Change My Dating Scenario?

    I want to attract better quality men and I don't know how to go about doing it. Here's my problem. I don't go in clubs or anyplace else where you shouldn't go if you want to meet quality people. i'm into the arts, fitness, have a plethora of interests and travel a lot. what i'm finding is that i can meet men who are not bad boys. and they're still some of the biggest jerks ever. however, i could meet a nice guy in the grocery store or just out in public common places and talk to him. we laugh, have a great time, etc. only to find out he is a bad boy and i can take it no further than friendship or acquaintanceship. if it weren't for the type of life they live, they'd make really great boyfriends (the ones i've met and known thus far, i know there are some who treat their women crummy). i can't say if i'd marry them but i surely wouldn't hesitate to date them ( i just can't bring myself to be a ride or die chick and don't want to, i'm not into bad boys). but then when i meet guys who are not like that i have to always deal with something stupid like "you won't convert to my religion." and i even had one to just tell me he doesn't know why but he's just not interested in me anymore. i can't understand what's wrong with me. i'd love to get married to have a family but everytime i meet someone either i can't pursuse it because of their lifestyle or i want to pursue it and have to deal with stupidity. how can i change this? i'm not ratchet or gheto. why do i keep attracting jerks?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Where Can I Buy Frozen Sandwich Croissants?

    I like croissants for my sandwiches and am lately finding the ones that bakeries have to be too dry or have a bad taste. I know I can get them wholesale online but don't need 100 or anything like that. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place where I can buy frozen large sized sandwich croissants? any place like Sam's or Costco's have them? or any smaller retail grocer? Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink7 years ago
  • Anyone Have an authentic cheesecake recipe?

    I believe the majority of the recipes online are fake. I want a dry cheesecake that is dense and melts in your mouth upon contact. I don't want a creamy cheesecake at all. I've been too allrecipes,, etc. you name it i've been there and when you find the recipes, the people who have had success have had to alter several things. the recipes i find that claim to yield a dry and dense cheesecake have at least 6 to 7 eggs, cream, and other wet ingredients. that seems to be too many wet ingredients for a dry, dense, cheesecake. i'm convinced that those who work with the online recipes know how to bake cheesecakes already and can spot what needs to be done differently. is there someone with a recipe for an authentic thick, dry, dense cheesecake? thanks.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Does Weight Loss Change Your Personality For The Worse?

    Okay, I have a friend who had weight loss surgery a year and a half ago. She lost a lot of weight and has since become unbearable. I finally stopped hanging around her. Some people lose weight, become arrogant buttholes, and then want to pretend like they are just confident and people can't handle their confidence. Now, before anyone says it let me put it out there. I'm not jealous. I was heavy alongside with her. Lost all my weight but did it via exercise and lifestyle changes (I'm not big anymore so I have no reason to be jealous).

    Now, she lost weight quicker than me because she did the procedure and at first it felt like she was being a jerk about it until she noticed my pounds coming off. Then she stopped trying to throw it in my face and started actually confessing that she wasn't completely happy (loose skin, etc.) where before she was taking 20 to 30 pics a day (not exaggerating) and emailing me every chance she could get. I even felt like she was trying to sabotage me. I'd order a soup and maybe undress it (take out some ingredients i wanted to avoid) and she'd say something about it while we were at dinner or something. Then she'd try to entice me to eat sweets or things she knew i was no longer having. I finally broke down and pointed out that I had to work hard. I didn't have a band around my stomach to control my appetite so I can't just eat anything like i used to.I finally walked away. We hadn't talked in six months. One day she called me out of the blue and i was trying to be nice and go back to being friends but the behavior hasn't changed. i lost weight too but i'm not being cocky about it. i just can't take her bad attitude anymore. it's too much. i have talked to her about it but it's made no difference. we been friends for 10 years and i hate to lose that but i just can't take anymore. i'm thinking of writing her a dear john letter and just forgetting about her. i like my friends nice and down to earth and she is no longer that type of person. should i go ahead on and just cut her off?

    18 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Birthday Present for Boyfriend?

    Okay here's the deal. I'm a little bit cutthroat when it comes to matters like this so i have to ask a second opinion. My friend has a boyfriend who is currently overseas. Now, the mom adores her and treats her well and the entire family is crazy about her (just to put that out there so it's not like she hasn't met this guy or anything). Well, her birthday just passed and he called her to wish her a happy birthday. Now, his birthday is coming up and she was going to wire some chump change over to him so his brother could surprise him with a gift since she hadn't been able to get anything to him in the mail in enough time. Now she's debating whether or not it's too much, considering that he hasn't put that much effort into her. I'm not tactful so of course i want to tell her to shove the idea and just wish him a happy birthday. see, his mom lives in NY and he could have very well arranged something for her through his mother just like she's trying to do with his family but he didn't. So a huge part of me wants to tell her to not put that much effort into someone who didn't even put that much effort into her. A phone call and a happy birthday will suffice. I don't know if I'm overreacting or not so do you think I'd be right to tell her not to spend so much money on him when he hasn't even done the same for her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What TV series and which episode?

    I'm thinking it was either: Tales from the Darkside, Tales from the Crypt, or Monsters. However, it may have not been either of them. I just remember the plot (somewhat).

    Anyway, in this one particular episode there were these two hookers (one caucasian and the other african american) that worked the streets in front of a club where rich people hung out. One of them, the caucasian lady somehow unknowingly sold her beauty (i guess) to an extremely wrinkled and beyond ugly woman to get a lot of cash. Or she paid to lose her beauty or something. Don't know which way it went. Anyway, she finally was able to get in and snagged herself a rich one. during the course of the relationship with this guy, her beauty starts to fade. She seeks out doctors and treatments to try and cure her unexplainably rapidly fading beauty. She begins to look like the sales woman at the beginning of the show. She goes to the lady and tells her that she must sell the mask in order to get her face back. That's after she kills her boyfriend because she doesn't want him to see how ugly she's gotten (she had began wearing veils and closing the curtains in the house they share). She accidentally bumps into her old hooker friend and the mask drops and breaks and the hooker doesn't recognize her and tells her to watch where she is going and calls her an old ugly trifling *****.

    which show was that and what was the episode called?

    2 AnswersDrama7 years ago
  • Blackmail through Parent?

    I don't know exactly what to say to my friend. I know she's being blackmailed but i'm not the most tactful person out there. My friend got into an accident with her car and it was totaled. Her mom got her a car a year later because my friend had been out of work so long her credit/pay history was too bad. So the mom put the car in her name. My friend pays the note and insurance, but that was just done that way so she could get the car and go back to work. Everytime her mom wants something, she uses the car to make her feel guilty into doing it and will say "I bought you that car." so recently the mom got into an accident and is without a car and she expects my friend to drop her job and cancel appointments to do everything for her including making sure she goes to work until she gets a rental car. When it was my friend, she didn't get to work. She had to sit out for a year until she had transportation and she got around the best way she can. They don't live together and my friend takes care of herself. I've told her that there is nothing wrong with helping her mom but i think it's selfish for her mom to make her sacrifice her life instead of being considerate and working around other peoples' schedules to get help any way she can. Anyway, I think she has a very toxic relationship with her mom and I want to advise her to detach herself and get counseling...what do you think?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Best Way To Doctor a Cake Mix?

    I was wondering what the best way to doctor up a cake mix with pudding is? I've seen two recipes with flour and sour cream, and one without flour and sour cream. Has anyone tried it both ways? If so, which one is the best. I heard the sour cream is optional and I hope it's true as I've read it gives the cake a pound cake texture and that's not what I want. I want moist, sink your fork into it no need for a glass of milk cake. So which one would be the best way to yield those results? Also, since the cake mixes are no longer, 18.25 ounces, does the doctor recipe change as a result or can it stay the same despite the smaller boxes of mix? thank you so much.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Cheesecake Density, Richness, and Thickness?

    I absolutely love cheesecake and I adore the ones that the cheesecake factory makes as well as the Swiss Colony. However, when I try to make cheesecakes at home, they never come out as dense, thick, and rich as those are. I've seen some people add flour and i recently found some recipes wheret there were only 2 or 3 eggs in the mixture so i know the filling is stiff before it's even baked.. So my question is how do i get the dense, fluffy, thick texture and rich flavored cheesecakes that i buy when i dine out or order from other companies when i bake them myself? I've even watched videos online and the cheesecake slices are not even as pretty from people who have established themselves as reputable cooks. It's got to be something about these recipes that i'm finding that are off.

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • What is The Recipe for School Cafeteria Spaghetti?

    hello school cafeteria workers, or anyone who knows what i'm talking about,

    I was recently visiting an elementary school in Houston County (Warner Robins, GA) and I needed to drop something off to the cafeteria for a teacher. Spaghetti was on the menu. I know it's not prepackaged because I saw a worker dropping noodles into the cooker. Anyway, long story short, the taste was phenomenal. It was scrumptious and of course the portion was skimpy but that's school lunch for ya! Anyway, how do you all do it? I can't get my spaghetti perfectly mixed like that with the right ratio of meat sauce to noodles. It looks like it's baked afterwards because it has a cheese layer on top and they scoop it and serve it. I would like a recipe and tips on how to get it combined and perfectly baked. when they serve it, you get noodles and sauce with cheese and it's perfect. not too much noodles, not too much sauce, not too much cheese. and it's not separated either. i looked up baked spaghettis on youtube but they are all dry or separated ingredients. I tried to do it myself but failed miserably. Thanks in advance!

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease Question?

    Okay, a friend of mine came to visit me and he told me that his girlfriend cheated on him with several other men and he found out by catching a disease. He told me that he could be rid of it within a couple of weeks or so with medicine. I have been friends with him for three or so years. I don't really hang out with people at their houses or anything like that because that's just not me. I hang out with people on the outside and that is it. I have no idea how clean he keeps his clothes or his home. So, after he left, I immediately scrubbed down my furniture. Especially since I have no way of knowing what he has contracted (he didn't tell me and i didn't ask). Is that the appropriate thing to do or is it not necessary?

    4 AnswersSTDs8 years ago