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  • what are you looking forward to most after baby is born?

    aside from the obvious...holding your baby and having this new little person to love and take care of

    I mean the selfish things:-

    1) for example i personally am looking forward to having my body back, not having to share it with some1 else

    2) not having to be afraid that the way i am lying to get some sleep is harming my baby

    3) can't wait for the backache and hip pain to go away

    4) i want to be able to see my feet again without feeling like im looking over the edge of a cliff lol

    5) i also want my sex life back...(so hard to feel sexy when you feel like a beached whale no matter how much your husband tells you that you look amazing)

    the not so selfish reasons :-

    1) watching my husband be a dad to a new born baby, whilst we already have a daughter together he was in the Royal Navy and so spent a good part of the 1st 3 years of her life not being able to be there, now he has left the navy and is never away from home, thank god.

    2) watching my daughter be a big sister and doing with her dollies what mummy does with the baby (we have got her everything for her dolls that we have for the baby:- pram stuff, cheap nappies, bathing stuff...should help her to let me care for the baby without feeling pushed out)

    3) Can't wait to find out what sex the baby is, still don't know and didn't want to know.

    4) Watching the baby grow up and become as amazing a little person as my 6 y/o daughter is...

    now you have the idea tell us what your most looking forward to....

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • going to alton towers @ 16 weeks pregnant?

    as the title suggests im going to alton towers (not my choice btw) my brother-in-law kindly bought the tickets since we are going to visit him, now i have no intentions of doing rollercoasters etc, but im just wondering will i be ok to go on some of the more tame rides...sounds sad but i havent ever been to talton towers and i've always wanted to go....i have talked my husband into taking me next year when im not pregnant but i still want to have fun so that im not putting a dampner on every1 elses day...any ideas?

    I have been on the alton towers websites but it doesnt give you much info....i will be seeing my midwife before i go so i will ask but just curious in the mean time

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • im pregnant and he's on dating websites?

    im 14 weeks pregnant and he is on dating websites saying he is looking for "causal encounters" and "discreet relationships" im so furious with him i only just found this....he has done this to me before ( yeah i know i was stupid to forgive him and try to move on but i love him, I have just in the past 2 years began to trust him again and only in the last year completely trust him) but i just don't know how to approach him about it this time. We already have a 5 year old together and i just don't know how he could do this to me again........ I need ways to approach him, not leave him, i don't know if he has actually met any of the women so i don't think he has actually cheated but how do i make him own up to his mistakes

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • what are you most excited about?

    we get so many people on here asking about health issues etc, and thats cool we like to answer and help out how we can :)

    but how about something just to cheer us up.....

    1) what do you find most exciting about being pregnant?

    2) is this your 1st baby if not how old is your other child/children?

    3) how far along are you?

    4) how long have you known?

    i'll start us off :-

    1) im just really excited about the whole thing, cant wait to start to feel the movement though

    2) this is my 2nd my eldest will be 6 in august

    3) im currently 13 weeks and 3 days

    4) i've known since i was 3 weeks so known for 10 weeks but its flown in :)

    your turn ......

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • breast or bottle? what are you gonna do? your view?

    ok a little back story 1st.

    I had my 1st daughter when i was just 18 i tried to breatfeed and lasted until the 3 week mark but i was so exhausted from lack of sleep, worrying if my baby was being fed enough and not feeling like anything but i milk machine that it contributed to me sufferring from post natal depression which ended up lasting 2 years.

    I have vowed not to put myself or my family through this again. i need to be happy and healthy for my 5 year old and the new baby when it gets here.

    I know that breast is best for both me and baby and i wont deny my baby the milk but i intend to express as and when required that way others can help with the feeding and im hoping that it will help me to be able to relax rather than worrying if my baby is getting enough.

    My midwife is trying to talk me out of this but im the mum and i know what i can cope with....

    what are you gonna do? breast? bottle? or technically both?

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • why are we being asked if girls are pregnant?

    ok i know sometimes that you just dont know and you just want to bend an expierenced ear, but no matter how many times i answer a question that has "am i pregnant?" in there somewhere no matter how i may vary my response i will always say the same thing...."take a test" and/or "speak to your doc" if you have taken a test and still think your peganant i would always say..."wait 2 weeks and do another" and/or " speak to your doc"

    i know it seems harsh and i totally admit i am guilty of asking stupid questions but i dont come on here looking for medical advice and anything that is said i take with a pinch of salt as every1 should i feel...

    anyway sorry rant over, but how do you guys feel about it?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • how early did you start to show that you were pregnant?

    im 10 weeks pregnant and from about 8 weeks i went up a whole dress size but you couldn't really tell i was pregnant it just looked like i had gained a little weight. But all of a sudden people who didn't even know i was pregnant have noticed. I should say im not unhappy about it. Im rather proud of my little bump. This is my 2nd child with my 1st i was nearly 6 months before i started to show. And im a little heavier now than i was then. Just curious to know how early other people started to show

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pale pink spotting at 6 weeks?

    Im 6 weeks preganant with my 2nd child. I had some pink coloured spotting on Saturday whilst i was at work so my 1st reaction was to call NHS24 who refered me to the out of hours service at the local hospital. ( the spotting has also carried on through to last night havent had any today yet)

    The GP there referred me to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit who werent open until today, So i have call them up and they have told me to wait until Wednesday to come up and see them.

    I tried to ask if it would be possible for me to visit today but she just said no sorry we recommend you come on wednesday to allow your body time to settle and then proceeded to tell me i might be mis-carrying (which i am already aware of) but its like she was saying yeah well you might be mis-carryin sweetheart but you know its best to wait for 2 days and stress yourself out. I tried to tell her the GP thought i might just have a urine infection and thats whats causing the bleeding but she just didnt want to listen.

    I hate to say it but i felt almost sort of let down, and like she just didnt want to listen to me. I have tried to call NHS24 to ask if there is any other clinic i could be seen at and they said they would try and they'll call me back but im so furious right now at the girls laid back attitude, i know she sees this stuff on a daily basis but this is my baby and if im not mis-carrying surely the stress of thinking I am can not be good for the baby.

    Any other experiences like this? or any other Advice?

    Please note i know these guys are the proffessionals and i know they allegedly only have my best interests at heart but im kind of struggling to believe that i know it is prob just down to the stress im feeling like this but i cant help it.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Finlay and Finley-Rose?

    well i dont know what im having yet, not far along enough to find out,

    but we have been talking about names for a 2nd child since we had our 1st little girl who is 5 and a half now

    we always said that we would call the baby Finley, regardless of sex,

    but im now thinking just Finlay if its a boy and Finley-Rose if its a girl (rose is part of my husbands mums name which is why i kind of thought of it)

    what do you think....and finley is actually a unisex name, i did check

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What gift do I buy for a couple i dont know?

    My husband told me on 31st March that we have been invited to a wedding on the 9th of April, I dont really know the couple, the groom is a friend of my husbands from work, we have been invited to the evening reception, I dont even know the brides name, what on earth do i buy as a gift,

    here is the info i have already

    Wedding date :- 9/04/2010

    Location :- Paisley, Scotland (UK)

    Age of the couple :- in thier 30's

    Budget £50.00 (since i dont know them im not gonna break the bank on them, if you can understand that)

    tbh thats about all i have, it will most likely have to be a store bought item instead of online as it would never get here on time....

    please help

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • instrumental or full version?

    so ok im getting married on 2 weeks this saturday and i still haven't decided what version of my song im going to play as i walk into the going to play U2 a beautiful day, but i don't know whether to go with the

    instrumental version

    or the full version

    i know either the way the song is a little long but what we are gonna do is have it put on just before i walk into the church to give me a moment to compose myself (and make sure my dress is sitting properly etc.) then im gonna listen out for a specific note or have my dad count me in cause he says he will just time it on his watch for me then we will walk in

    but i just cant decide whether to have the words or not...your thoughts please

    sorry for the ramble im getting married in 2 weeks and im a nervous wreck (but in a good way)

    oh and you guys should know i have had my heart set on this song since we decided we were getting married 6 years ago

    1 AnswerWeddings1 decade ago
  • What did you do the night before your wedding?

    im getting married 5 weeks today and im now thinking about what im going to do the night before the wedding....

    my mum has agreed to cook the whole family dinner @ my little brothers house (its more central for every1)

    which will be mum, dad, 4 brothers 1 sister 5 partners of my siblings 5 nieces and nephews and my daughter that's a total of 19 people (she is brave woman i have to say lol)

    then we are gonna head home with my daughter and 1 of my nieces to watch movies and have a small drink whilst the girls are in bed (i would never get drunk when the kids are there BTW just a small celebratory drink before the wedding day just me and my mum)

    my question is this....

    what did you do the night before your wedding and was it as hectic as mines is likely to be? lol

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Is it just me or do all brides act like this?

    My wedding is in 6 weeks, and im totally freaking out.

    I love my husband-to-be and its not that he is putting me off, im just a nervous wreck. Here are a few of my weird moments...

    1) I was talking to my man about the wedding then i just burst into tears and when he asked what was wrong i just sobbed "i don't know"

    2) 5 minutes later he was on the phone to his mum asking her what to do and she just told him to be nice and i'll calm down so he started to be nice and it made me laugh then i was in floods of tears again.

    3) i was at work and had been talking about the wedding with my colleague then i felt sick and had a dizzy spell for like an hour

    4) i was in the local chemist getting stuff for my hair rehearsal and almost collapsed

    5) i burst into tears at the most inopportune moments (worst was when he treated me to dinner people thought we had been having an argument (oops))

    you should know i am eating properly and im not drinking any alcohol (maybe thats the problem i might need something for my nerves lmoa)

    my question is are any of you other brides having similar things or grooms noticing bizarre mood-swings and stuff.... Im just curious

    15 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • mum Vs Mother in law?

    my mum = mum my mother in law = mil

    my mum hates my mil i ask my mil for help with lots of things because she has a sense of style which my mum does not and she used to do model dressing for a living my mum thinks my mil and i are pushing her out, but im not i ask her for help on everythin but she still isnt happy, she came up to help me try on my dress at my mil house the other day and spent 3 hours standing around making pathetic comments and pulling faces behind my mil back its childish and making me hate her, i know she is entitled to her feelings so dont give me it as answer but she doesnt need to act like a child about it, my 4 year old daughter is behaving more like an adult than my mother right now she even went complaing to my brother who phoned me today saying i had really upset her...

    i love my mum and want her to help but i dont want to compromise on my big day just to suit her and make her feel good cause it'll only make me miserable, i have tried to talk to her about it but she doesnt wanna know when i bring it up she just changes the subject or starts yell, who is the parent here? me or her?

    help me how do i deal with this

    5 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • How do I compile a portfolio about Midwifery?

    so ok I have decided that it is time for a career change and midwifery something that i am really into, i have a child of my own and have a great reverance for what they do. So I have been looking at college and universities to check out what is required and on a few of them it says

    "Personal research and a portfolio demonstrating awareness of current midwifery issues is recommended and likely to be discussed at interview."

    meaning that i need to research current midwifery issues and stuff but i have NO idea where to start, please can some1 point me in the right direction i would love to get onto the course and am desperate to prove its what i really want. (any1 studying it at the moment I would love to hear more advice from you even about what the course gets like)

    thank you

  • what colour shawl would look good with a green dress?

    ok my bridesmaid is wearing a mint green dress and im trying to find her a shawl and shoes to match i don't want to go green for them cause it would just be a green overload, so im wondering what other colours i could possibly also trying to avoid white if possible (if it comes to it i will use white, just rather not) was thinkin maybe a pale grey shwal and silver shoes but not sure if it will work and my bridesmaid is being of no help what so ever, she hasnt even given me her dresses sizes that i asked for 3 weeks ago

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Bridesmaid dress green or blue?

    so ok here is what happened, im gettin married in august and i wanted my bridesmaid to be wearing blue, but my soon to be mother-in-law suggested green as it is the main colour in the grooms family tartan and they will all be wearing green jackets (i had already been considering green but settled on blue) so my fiance demands that i change the dress colour to green so after considerable deliberation and discussions with my mum i decided that i could opt for a light green like a mint or something really pale but still green, and purely because my soon to be mother-in-law had a point it would look better if she was in green, so i told my fiance that we would change it to pale green and he now tells me it has to be the same or similar shade of green as thier jackets so she would be wearing a dark green dress.....

    my question is this, should i just put her in the colour of green he wants or have i compromised enough by putting her in any shade of green when i really wanted her in blue?

    13 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • pastor still have to be preaching to conduct my marriage?

    so ok im getting married in august and have asked a family member if they will conduct the ceremony, they have agreed but are trying to get in touch with the minister at the local church, she has not been preaching for a few months and is still registered under the Marriage (scotland) Act 1977 and will still be registered at the time of the ceremony, however she is not sure if she is still able to do it as she hasn't been preaching for a while and it looks doubtful if she will be preaching again by the time that we get married, she is getting back into her original profession. To give as much info as i have, the venue for the ceremony will be a hotel and the church she is getting in touch with is her local church but is in a different town from mine (different side of the country actually but still governed by scottish law)

    question then really is this...

    does she still have to be preaching to conduct the service?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is it the venue or the person who has to be registered to perform a wedding ceremony?

    so ok im gettin married this year and i REALLLLLY want my sister-in-law to be the person to perform the ceremony but there is some confusion, in Scotland UK is it the person AND the venue or just the person that has to be registered

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago