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Python words for programming?
Hi guys i have a computer science hw due in tmw and i have no idea what to do. I have searched all over the internet but i cant find the answer. Does anybody know 5 python words that can be used for programming ie. String or str()
Programming & Design5 years agoPython words for programming?
Hi guys i have a computer science hw due in tmw and i have no idea what to do. I have searched all over the internet but i cant find the answer. Does anybody know 5 python words that can be used for programming ie. String or str()
3 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years agoLOSING WEIGHT ADVICE?
Hey Guys, i m a 14 year old boy who is quite over weight and i also have asthma so i can t do proper exercises to get rid of my weight. i also DONT want to take any pills.
Any Tips or advise on easy exercises or other methods on how to lose weight?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years agoANY GIVEAWAY?
does anyone know any YouTubers or websites that are doing giveaways because i'm desperate for free stuff. thx
1 AnswerYouTube5 years agoMATHS ALGEBRA QUESTION?
Hi guys i have a test on maths tomorrow and i m trying to revise but i don t understand this question. Can someone help on explaining.
x(x+1)=42 which is x^2 + x = 42
Theyre both the same and i dont get it. Plz help
3 AnswersMathematics6 years agoPlaystation OR Xbox One?
Hi guys,
I wanted to get a console and i wasn't sure to get the ps4 or the xbox 1.
i have a price max of £300 and i want to get a game with that aswell. Bare in mind i play fifa 15 ultimate team ALOT and maybe play some GTA.
Most of my friends have xbox but lots of people have been telling me ps4 is better and also bare in mind that i want to buy coins from MMOGA (fifa coins) aswell so which is better for me?
Please don't be Biased and say the one you like! say the one that best suits me
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agowhy do trees get struck by lightening?
so basically i got a homework on "conductors" and "insulators" and the question i wasn't sure on was "why do trees get struck by lightening?"
i've heard that trees are conductors and i'm confused on that. can someone plz tell me why trees get struck by lightening?
Please help me... it's way passed my bed time and the homework is due in tomorrow. plz reply
3 AnswersHomework Help6 years agomy right hand side stomach (above my hips) hurts?
last week i was in a drama lesson and i was given a role to play as someone who was having a fight so therefore during the play i threw myself across the room and landed on my right hand side stomach (above my hips) and i had a thick book in my blazer pocket which really hurt and stopped me from breathing for a second or 2 but after i just had a bit of pain... but after a while it got worse and worse and now that 1 week has passed i feel a lot of pain when i walk, breathe, cough, sneeze or even move a bit....
has i broken a bone or something? Because i can barely move.
( p.s. i have a bruise on the same place )
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years agoI lost my mum's Post office card, please help!?
Ok so let my mum borrow £300 of me because she was going out shopping and the post office bank was closed so there fore i have her £300
but today my family was going out for a treat and i asked my mum for her post office credit card so i could go and take my £300 out of it, when she gave it to me she repeated to NOT LOSE IT like 10 times and i promised i wont but then after a few shops i went to try on some trousers in a shop and i think the card dropped there but i'm not sure,
Then when we came home i searched my pockets but i couldn't find it so i told my mum and she went all crazy and started shouting at me... Anyways what do you think i need to do to solve this problem
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships6 years agoFood Webs - Science?
Hi, I've recently got a science homework and i'm really confused!
The task is to create a food web that includes:
2 Producers
2 Primary Consumers
2 Secondary Consumers
1 Tertiary Consumer
Please help me! I really need help on my Homework and if i don't do it i would get a detention
1 AnswerBiology7 years agoHow to change 1,000 followers to 1K?
Hi ive got a Instagram account with 1,000 followers and i want to change it to 1k but i dnt know how. I know they're the same but 1K looks better!
1 AnswerOther - Computers7 years agoYoutube Username Help?
HI guys i want to make a youtube channel and i want it to be about facts. so basically i'm telling people fun facts about stuff. i tried names like, OMGfacts - CrazyFacts - CrazyFactz but there all taken. PLEASE HELP!!!!!
1 AnswerYouTube7 years agoYoutube Account Help?
Hello My Name Is Asadi And Me And My Helpers Have Got A Youtube Channel Named - asadisuper ( and we needed more subscribers. so if you sub to us, we will really appreciate it and as an honor we would name your channel to all our friends and members to subscribe and like your stuff.
Your Sincerely
1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago