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Favorite Answers32%
  • Any Russsians/Eastern Europeans that can identify this veggie...?

    As a child, born in Auz of Russian Immigrants, my mother used to make a soup that she called 'Kislaya' - sour soup. I remember picking the leaves for this out of our garden. It looked like spinach/silverbeet. I remember her adding egg to this broth, but not sure if it was lightly beaten or.....?

    The taste I have never forgotten, but the vegetable that was used for this soup - the main ingredient for a thin broth like soup - I have never been able to identify. I hope it has not been sitting in front of me these past 50 years!

    Any and all assistance in identifying this veggie - and hopefully the recipe (have tried to find on i'net) will leave me more grateful than you could ever appreciate or understand!

    Many thanks to those that offer assistance.

    2 AnswersOther - Education8 years ago
  • How do I get a 'water dispenser' to stop 'dispensing' water when it should not be?

    I asked this earlier, but perhaps in the incorrect section, so will try again. It is to do with my chooks and a home-made water dispenser - one which self re-fills as the chooks drink the water, so the level remains the same.

    I made one ages ago and it has been working beautifully. I have just replaced my original bucket with a larger one, now it keeps running water out of the holes all of the time and I can't figure out why.

    My 'design' is simply, a large bucket with a tight fitting lid. This sits inside a large deep sided pot plant base. I drilled a few holes in the lower part of the bucket, below the rim of the pot plant base edge. As the chooks drink the water and the level drops, the now exposed holes then allow water to run out and refill the pot plant base to the brim again. (Water stops running out obviously) This allows my chooks to have fresh water for several days without my having to keep refilling their water dish. Great for when I have to go away for a few days!

    I have just today replaced my 10 litre bucket with a 20 litre bucket using the same principal.....except the water just keeps running out all the time - and I can't figure out why! Maybe because am so tired.

    Except for the different size bucket, which should not make any difference, the only other difference is that with my original bucket, I tried to soften the base and 'mould' it a bit to fit a bit of a bump in my pot plant base. In doing so, I managed to burn it and in doing so, melted a rather large hole into it. It still worked and was the only bucket I had, so used it - and like I said, it worked brilliantly!Wondering if this gaping hole in the bottom of the bucket is why it worked - and this one today is not?

    Any geniuses out there that can offer any suggestions please? I am wondering whether I should drill a couple of big holes into the base of the new bucket to create some sort of airbubble effect or something?

    Any assistance and all suggestions will be enormously appreciated! Got me somewhat stumped! It has taken me ages to find a suitable bucket - and they do not come cheap (around $40 - so don't want to be cutting or drilling more holes into it without good reason).

    I DO realise I should just do what I did before, but I would like to know WHY it works.....before I stuff up an expensive bucket possibly. Just in case?!............. I cannot re-install the first one - it got damaged.

    Many thanks.

    3 AnswersGreen Living8 years ago
  • My home-made chook water dispenser won't stop leaking water....?

    I made one ages ago and it has been working beautifully. I have just replaced my original bucket with a larger one, now it keeps running water out of the holes all of the time and I can't figure out why.

    My 'design' is simply, a large bucket with a tight fitting lid. This sits inside a large deep sided pot plant base. I drilled a few holes in the lower part of the bucket, below the rim of the pot plant base edge. As the chooks drink the water and the level drops, the now exposed holes then allow water to run out and refill the base to the brim again. This allows my chooks to have fresh water for several days without my having to keep refilling their water dish. Great for when I have to go away for a few days! I have just today replaced my 10 litre bucket with a 20 litre bucket using the same principal.....except the water just keeps running out all the time - and I can't figure out why!

    Except for the different size bucket, which should not make any difference, the only other difference is that with my original bucket, I tried to soften the base and 'mould' it a bit to fit a bit of a bump in my pot plant base. In doing so, I managed to burn it and in doing so, melted a rather large hole into it. It still worked and was the only bucket I had, so used it - and like I said, it still worked brilliantly!

    Any geniuses out there that can offer any suggestions please? I am wondering whether I should drill a couple of big holes into the base of the new bucket to create some sort of airbubble effect or something?

    Any assistance and all suggestions will be enormously appreciated! Got me somewhat stumped!

    Many thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Why is it that a huge percentage of the questions asked in this Forum are all from students wanting someone?

    ....else to do their homework/assignment for them? Laziness???? They obviously have the internet!

    There are still, however, people whom I don't mind trying to help...............EXCEPT the greater majority of them have absolutely NO MANNERS! No 'Please assist', no 'Thankyou for your time/effort' etc. In fact, many seem to DEMAND that other users answer their questions!

    Is it just me - or do others feel the same way?

    I am no longer going to respond to anyone that does not show basic manners!

    4 AnswersHomework Help8 years ago
  • Do you consider it appropriate, normal even, for a Grandfather to shower in the nude with a grandson?

    This topic came up over the weekend. I would appreciate thoughts from all age brackets, in particular mature adults who are parents and grandparents.

    Do you consider it appropriate for a grandfather in his 50' - 60's to shower, totally nude, with his grandson from age of toddler (12months onwards) to 10 years of age and older?

    Please give you age if kind enough to offer your thoughts. I am trying to get as broad an opinion as possible. Many thanks.

    6 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • stove tops - which are better and especially, more econimical?

    I need to replace my oven and seperate stove top on the 'non-expensive'. (Middle aged disability pensioner) I have 'googled' till my eyes are hurting, but cannot get/work out - a definitive answer as to whether the 'ring/coil' type element or the 'solid' type electric tops are the most effective and least power hungry types. Any help from persons with personal experience with either types - preferably both - will be seriously appreciated! There are a couple of sales of these appliances on in my town at the moment, so I should perhaps take advantage?.............Also...

    Do any of you have anything constructive/helpful about white vs stainless appliances? White will cost me double, but I don't want to install something that will look like shayza in a year or two (live in tropics). I have a conscience! Some appliances seem to last (look great) better than others for a long period of time and with regular and normal care. Just don't know about stoves and ovens where heat is involved. Never had stainless type before.

    For other helpful persons, yes, I would love one of those glass type cooktops, but aside from the price range (though if you reccommend i may have to find something to sell to accomodate this necessity) I have heard and 'googled' that they can get cloudy/white/scratched etc.

    Thankyou all for any and all assistance. PS sorry for spelling errors - PC been playing up for ages and am sick and tired of going bck and trying to correct - when usually I cannot.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • How come, when I choose a 'Best Answer', it ends up getting chosen by the 'Community'?

    I've only asked a few questions. The most recent regarded my chooks. I chose the answer as 'Best' - even though it was the only answer - another Alsation lover!!!!, yet this site tell me - as it has done on a few other occassions, that my choice did not matter, it was 'Community' choice? Same thing when I have had multiple answers. It is my understanding that I have 4 days to deccide from when I come I don't get to make the choice?

    Yes, have read the rules etc. still don't get it!

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • I have a handful of chooks raised from 2 days old?

    I built a terrific home for them, cooked for them when they were little chicklettes (eggs, rice lettuce etc. ) would get up during the night to refill the hot water bottles to keep them warm etc. etc. etc. They now free range around my couple of acres and after spending a fortune in money, effort and time with my little girls, they are all laying prolifically!

    My quandry is.... two of the little buggers (my only two white ones) are naughty - they come onto the patio to my dogs dishes, raid my veggie garden, assault my wild birds out the other side of the house that come in to have some seed and water etc. I got seriously pissed off with them one day and when a 'friend' rang to say Hi I half offered her these two chooks. I have been supplying her and my grandpups with eggs regularly. She was as always, very drunk when I said that maybe they would be better off elsewhere - didn't think she would remember, but did. Now she is preparing to take my little chickettes and I don't want to give them to her! They will be living in a small cage. Don't like how she 'cares' for my grandpup and another pup she 'inherited' from her son (original owner) and certainly don't want her to have any more creatures!! Always drunk. I have to puppysit when she is not up to it anyways, so ...............

    How can I politely and inoffensively renig on her getting my chooklettes? I will still supply her with heaps of eggs (I and my 4 pups can spare her around 4 dozen per week for herself and my 2 grandpups), just don't want her to have my chooks.

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden8 years ago
  • Fuel prices.....could you tell me in which part of the world you are and how much fuel costs?

    With another massive fuel price overnight here, I am wondering how much fuel, whether diesel or petrol costs per litre or gallon (will try to convert) in other parts of the world. Would also like to know whether the fuel cost at the pump jumps when you have school or public holidays coming up. Last but not least, your opinions please on whether the supermarket chains are causing the exhorbitant prices and are they justified?

    Here in Australia we are getting ripped off big time. Our 'watchdogs' - Govt - are totally bloody useless and just accept what the powerful fuel companies and two major supermarket chains - Coles and Woolworths - tell them! Fuel price for unleaded petrol went up 10cents overnight again. Currently paying $160.oo per litre for the cheapest unleaded!!!! Diesel, which needs less refining is almost 20cents per litre more!!!! Thanks. (not sure which category I should ask this in)

    4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years ago
  • Is there some way to disable an airconditioner without damaging it?

    An airconditioner in a bedroom - is there some way I can 'disable' it, without damaging it.

    Got a major problem with my kid - told not to use it, but continues to do so. My home is way behind in the mortgage and every single cent counts. Not to mention the stench that comes from his room (which used to be mine before he moved in - biggest and he has more stuff). Sweat, stale food - which I have constantly told him he is not to have in there - cigarette smoke, etc. etc. etc.

    Power bill has more than tripled. NO, keep demanding, but does not contribute. Cannot throw him out for numerous reasons, but really want to.

    Need help in at least disabling the aircon.....but so that I can do it and so that I can fix it again without expense when have to put my home on the market. Which is all too soon. Thanks to kid.

    8 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Am in Australia so don't know if this is everywhere...?

    Am I the only one that finds the ads that load up on the right hand side of the page seriously annoying and frustrating? I have the highest speed internet available in my area, but everytime I go to a new question etc. it takes several seconds of waiting before the page loads because these stupid ads are being loaded first! It has gotten to the point that I don't even want to use this site anymore! How do others feel about this.......and is there some way to complain and get them removed?

    2 AnswersOther - Australia8 years ago
  • What do people that ask questions really want?

    It is very obvious that the greater majority of people using this site for assistance with some problem or other are receptive to the answers offered by others that care. What I am wondering is........if any one of you asked a question that strongly suggested you were of a less than desirable type of character and your personal selfishness etc. would adverseley affect someone who did not deserve the treatment they got from you - would you want an honest answer, or one that made you feel good and justified your disgusting behaviour?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • what is the deal with pre-loaded programmes on new PC's?

    My new Pavillion laptop (2mths) comes pre-loaded with Microsoft Word. It has stopped working last couple of days. HP says is Microsoft problem. Microsoft tell me I have to buy the programme as my 2 month trial has run out. Selling store says I need to do a 'Restore' back to factory settings as I clicked on the 'I have purchased' button when setting the unit up, instead of some other button. This is my 3rd laptop in 2 years - (HP - good for 3 years then big probs, replacement nothing but trouble for 8 months and virtually unusable and now this one nothing but trouble with various probs!!!!!) So.... am told by HP and store that I need to restore unit to factory settings for the various probs am having - especially the Word programme not working - and start all over again (clicking the correct button/tab this time). It takes me around a week to set my unit up (physical probs as well as lack of PC literacy) so not looking forward to doing this unless no choice. QUESTION is.... when buying a laptop worth over $2,000. do I have to buy a Microsoft Word /Office programme 2010 (basic home use only) as well, or is the guy at Hardly Normal where I got it right - and the curry-munchers at Microsoft wrong??? They telling me to buy, buy, buy. Tried to explain to them over the course of a couple of phone calls, but either they don't or won't understand what I am saying - just like I find it extremely difficult to understand them!

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Suspicious email in my name?

    I recieved an email from a former employer in my personal email at home. The email, although sent to me, was actaully addressed to another person whose name I recognised as being a client of the same employer I was with. I printed out the email. At the top it has my full first and last name and my email address. (Not entirely sure when I opened my gmail account that I used my entire first and last name) In the message section, it has the name of my former employer with email address, below where it marks 'To' is has the name of this other person (that the email was supposedly sent to) and their email address.

    My and the name of the supposed email recipients names are totally and completely different - mine is very difficult, the other name is simple.

    During the time I was employed at this particular place, I had my own computor access set up, however, it was a corporate email address as well as access the business financial/MYOB records only and my private home gmail address/password was never used.

    Once or twice when I checked my email at work as my home PC was away for repair I went via internet to get to Gmail. The ONLY times my personal password was ever used. I ALWAYS logged off - because the only way I could access the internet was to use the login of the person for whom I was filling in whilst this person was on holiday. Yes, I had permission. In order to do the work I had to do, (most of the day, every day) I always had to log off in order to access work programmes totally differently, using the boss's paswords. Incidentally, I quit this organisation about 4-5 months ago.

    When picking up my PC a couple of weeks ago when in for a quick repair, I asked the computor tech what he makes of this, as I had just the week before recieved this strange email. He seemed to think that somehow my personal gmail account (which the business has on record obviously) has been hacked. Possibly my entire laptop. I am asking for help from all of you who are good enough to read this question to offer your suggestions and knowledge please. Before I make a fool out of myself confronting my former employer without my facts straight.

    Any ideas please?????!!! Thankyou for any suggestions, knowledge and/or advice you can offer.

    I do not understand how this has happened or why.

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam10 years ago
  • How to make something flammable that doesn't evaporate quickly?

    Have a small acreage. My gravel driveway - about 200metres long - got overgrown with weeds during the extended wet season. I've poisoned the weeds, but need to burn them off before they mulch down and even more grow. Have tried petrol, metho, kero etc. to spray them with so can then burn, but the fuels evaporate too quickly and it is costing too much. Can anyone suggest how to make something, or mix something with whatever flammable liquid that I can spray the dead weeds with and burn without it evaporating so quickly? Am finding that I will spray an area of driveway about a metre wide and a metre long, then fuel evaporates before I get a chance to light it up and keep it burning enough to incinerate the heavy (dead and dried up) weeds And yes, I kinda need it to be sprayable so can use my backpack sprayer, otherwise it will take forever and I can't stay on my feet much due to serious back and knee injuries I got in my 50's (even carrying the backpack with 10litres causes agony!) Thanks. PS I tried mixing petrol with motor oil - it was a bit more effective, but still far to expensive for this disability pensioner.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Does it sound like this puppy has Parvo? Or an upset stomach? Or something else??! Please Read!?

    This question asked by someone recently and is now in voting.....didn't know how else to make another suggestion for them/their vet to check out so hoping this works.. Don't know why didn't think of it sooner, but the pup unless already given a completely clean bill of health, should perhaps be checcked out for an 'enlarged eosophagas'. Can be a problem for pups from birth or can develop later on. Basically, there is sometimes a blockage in their eosophagas which stops food and liquid passing through to stomach so they vomitconstantly and end up starving. Or, they will develop like a 'bowl' in the eosophagus which traps food/liquid and results in same as above. Really truly hope the pup in question just had a tummy bug or whatever and is OK. Described problem unless gamble with several thousand dollars of surgery rarely have a good result. Though, treatment is available and doesn't have to be too expensive if caught early. An Xray will be necessary though. Been there. Done that. Keeping fingers, toes, legs and eyes crossed for your pup!!!! SORRY FOR BREAKING THE SITES RULES! PUP MORE IMPORTANT!

    1 AnswerDogs1 decade ago
  • can I get paid if people advertise on my facebook profile?

    If my facebook profile attracted a lot of people (like Lady Gaga but not so many obviously!), wouldI get paid when advertisers posted ads on 'my' page/s? Or any sugestions on what sort of thing to do without setting up own website so can earn ome $$$'s? Have good idea, just don't know how to go about it. Thanks. PS Not being greedy - trying to generate income to support disability so can keep my best mates - my dogs.

    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago