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Well, I am an electronics tech. I spend most of my time fixing all things electronic. I also design and build my own electronic things. I design and etch PCB's(Printed Circuit Boards) for my projects. I live in New Zealand(of Lord Of The Rings fame...), and run my own service business. I also work with PABX/PBX telephone systems, nursecall systems and security systems. Some of these I have designed myself. I also love cars, and use most weekends to tinker on engines. I prefer 70's style cars. I would love to get my hands on a '69 Dodge Charger or a '67 Mercury Cougar - these cars are an awesome sight and sound! Other things I like: Helping with problems, beer, The Simpsons, Star-Trek, Music(most types, except Rap - apologies to any rap music fans reading this...) and WOMEN!!! I was born in 1974, and own a 1975 Vauxhall Viva, which I have just finished souping up. Thank you for reading my profile, and have a nice day! :)

  • Facebook temporary lockout - how long does it normally take?

    Locked out of Facebook - keeps saying I am temporarily locked out. Got the email about sending copy of photo id, so I sent Drivers license - got email back saying they had received the copy of the ID.

    That was more then two weeks ago now, and I still can't get in.

    How long does it normally take, for Facebook to review photo ID's to restore access?

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • The new YM is really sluggish?

    Is it just me, or are others having this problem since the latest YM update? I do like the new themes, but the forum-like message layout is a bit odd, although I can get used to that, and in certain emails back and forth, I can see the use for that, although it perhaps should have been an option, rather then having been forced on everyone...

    The new mail is just really REALLY sluggish in operation. I have tried Firefox and Opera browsers. I used to use Firefox all the time, as since the last YM upgrade, Opera would not work, but Firefox did, so.....

    However, now even Firefox is incredibly slow - mouse scrolling, arrow scrolling, page-up or page-down, button clicking, message list updating - everything is painfully slow, and it feels like I am running YM on a Win95 system with an old 486! :D

    Printing has also not been fixed yet, and I was kinda hoping that the new update would have at least fixed that - printing more then one page has been a problem since the last YM update. :(

    I tried Opera browser, and even though it is not actually supported, it run YM mail fine in the new version, something that could not be said of the last update, which basically forced me to have two browsers running at the same time - Firefox just for YM, and Opera for everything else. Not that this was a problem for me.

    But the speed thing is really frustrating me big time - it is so S-L-O-W.

    Is it just my system, or are others seeing speed problems?

    I note there are plenty of other questions here about the new YM issues, but nothing specifically speed related, so I just thought I would see what the community has to say about that aspect.

    Thanks for any replies.

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Song in HOUSE OF 9...?

    This song starts at 41:00(41 minutes in), and runs through to 44:13 when the dialogue starts again.

    The scene when they are all drinking booze...

    A phucking brilliant song.

    In the version I have, the end credits are cut off, and I have no way to know who this band is, or what the song is.

    I would LOVE to know - can someone help me?



    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Can't print from Yahoo Mail?

    Since the latest round of changes to YM, I can't print any email. Any attempt to, results in only the first page of the email, the rest of the message is dropped. I tried several different emails, in case it was just the layout of the main one I wanted to print, but it is all the same. Anyone else seeing this, or is it just me? I forwarded the mail to my Thunderbird email, and printed them just fine from there, so it IS a YM problem with respect to printing. Well, for me anyway.

    5 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • How do you get the Yahoo Mail message pages buttons back?

    I have more then 5000 messages in my sent box, and I am trying to delete most of them.

    My normal mail settings were for 50 messages per page, so I changed this to 200 messages per page, and saved. YM wanted to refresh, so I clicked [OK], and it did so. But now, in the sent messages, I can only see one page of messages, whereas before, I could use the >> button to go to the very last(oldest) page of messages, and then delete them all by ticking the all-messages box. Still, doing it this way, 50 messages at a time, was going to take ages, so that's why I changed the mail settings to 200 messages per page, but now there is no >> button, or for that matter, no > single page forward button either.

    What's going on?

    Can anyone help?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • How do you insert more then 4 recipients in Thunderbird email?

    TB allows me to add up to four recipients to an email, but I need to send the same mail to all my contacts, to let them know my new email address - it would be a real pain in the posterior, if I have to repeat the same message about 20 times, before everyone gets my new email address.....

    Is there any way to do this?

    Had a quick look on the help pages, but they only mention up to four recipients...

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Can't attach ANY attachments - anyone else got same problem?

    Hi folks. :) I can't attach anything to any emails, either by reply to original sender, and attaching, or by creating a brand new email to the sender and attaching from there.

    What happens, is that I am allowed to select the file, and it actually looks like it uploads fine(the correct size shows along the lines of "574KB used of 25MB" - that kind of thing), but the attachment just shows up as a red bordered square with an exclamation mark, and the message that "An error occurred during upload."

    In a message worthy of Bill Gates, they don't tell you what the problem actually is?

    Is it my file?

    Is it my browser?

    I'm using the latest version of Firefox.

    Attachments used to work, so I am assuming this is something that they are working on, but just so I can reassure myself that it is not my machine or files, has anyone else had this problem too?

    1 AnswerAttachments and Photos8 years ago
  • Yahoo Mail won't accept GIF attachments?

    Anyone having this problem? YM won't allow me to attach GIF images. In my case, it is a GIF image from a net-banking receipt, but YM keeps moaning that there was an "Error during upload." It does not tell me sweet f-all about what the problem actually is, it just rejects it. Image viewers open the file fine, so it is not a corrupted image file. Anyone seen this?

    2 AnswersAttachments and Photos8 years ago
  • Will the new YM ever support the Opera browser?

    I note that several of the issues I have been having are most likely related to the fact that I currently use Opera 12 as my browser, and it has been brought to my attention(and confirmed) that Opera is not officially suported in the latest YM update.

    This is NOT the cause of ALL of my problems with YM, but probably has something to do with some of the other ones.

    For example, not even a supported browser like Firefox was working with the recent issue where you could not reply, send or forward mail. This seemed to be a problem at the YM end of things, and was fixed by the next day, from memory, so there are issues with YM that will be affected by unsupported browsers, and other issues which are global across all browsers.

    So, in a nutshell, can I ask the YM gurus or even someone in the know at YM itself: Is the Opera browser ever going to be supported, and if not, can you please indicate why not?

    Thanks everyone.


    1 AnswerNotices and Errors8 years ago
  • Is there an email address to talk to the folks at YT?

    I really need an email address where I can get a response from a PERSON, rather then the stupid f-ing auto-response computer, which is not helping at all. Does anyone know of an address like that, or perhaps the process to apply to obtain an email help ticket from the YT support team or something like that? I am having major issues not being able to get into my old YT account(see my other question posted here yesterday), and am getting nowhere at all with the automated help system - I need to email with a human being to sort this issue out, as the computer help is just running me around in circles and I am getting nowhere. :(

    1 AnswerYouTube8 years ago
  • How do I sign into Youtube using Yahoo Mail?

    I signed up for a Gmail account, which is now active, but I used to use my Yahoo Mail address and a password for Youtube to log into Youtube.

    Now this won't work, and I have lost access to my YT username and all my favourites etc.

    Does anyone know how I can get back into Youtube the old way?

    Or even a new way would be fine, but the login refuses to accept anything other then the new gmail e-mail account as the login - that DOES work, but it creates a totally new YT user, which is not what I want - I need to log back into the original one I always used to use... :(

    12 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • Can't reply in Yahoo Mail?

    Anyone else got this problem? The latest in a LONG line of problems since the last YM update... :(

    I can't reply anymore - I was able to till today, but now clicking reply hangs the website - the browser is still running other tabs fine, just the YM tab hangs. I get the reply pane, but the message details are not loaded, nor are the sender's details or topic. I cannot click on any of these, and cannot close the tab(in YM) with the X - the site just totally ignores me from that point on - you have to completely reload the page to get back to your mail.

    Anyone else having this problem?

    I am using Opera 12. Someone suggested to me that Opera might not be supported in the latest version of YM, so I tried in Firefox, which I updated to the latest, but am having the exact same problem, so it is not a browser compatibility issue.

    3 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages8 years ago
  • Where are my Yahoo Mail contacts?

    Hello. :) With the latest YM upgrade, yet another problem has come up which is that my contacts list has vanished. When I click on the CONTACTS button, I get the message that "You have no contacts." and "Click here to add contacts" blah blah blah. Now, I know the contacts are there, but YM refuses to show them to me. How can I be so sure? When I click on COMPOSE, and start typing the e-mail address, all the addresses I can choose from from my contacts pop up, so YM knows they are there, but won't show them to me in the CONTACTS page. Anyone else seeing this issue with YM? I would not be surprised if there are others - the latest YM upgrade seems to have annoyed quite a few people, and caused lots of stress... :(

    3 AnswersCalendar and Contacts8 years ago
  • What's with the new Yahoo Mail forcing you to log in every five minutes>?

    Since the last upgrade to YM, I am being forced to enter the account password every time I try to refresh the mail to see if there is any new messages. This is a pain in the @rse. Does anyone know why this is happening or are they having the same problems since the latest upgrade to YM? Under help, they do mention that you can tick the box along the lines of "Keep me signed in on this computer", but while there did used to be that checkbox in the last version of YM, it is not there anymore on the sign-in page, so I am being forced to re-enter the password every ten mins or so when I want to check my mail again. VERY annoying, and there are no contacts you can e-mail(that I could find anyway) to tell YM of your problems. Does anyone have any ideas?

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors8 years ago
  • How do you load music onto an iPod WITHOUT itunes?

    I f-ing hate iTunes, is there any other way to get MP3's on an iPod(a Nano in my case) without being forced to use itunes to do it? This is one of my hates with respect to iPods - any other MP3 player in the world: Drag and drop the music you want directly from explorer or My Computer, to the player's drive icon, the files copy, and you can play them - shock horror! With the iPod series, you seem to be forced to use shitty iTunes which then tries to take over your entire music collection and convert them in the background, among other things - I hate it. So any way OTHER then iTunes? Perhaps I could just install rockbox on it...

    4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Which iPod's have the 30-pin docking connector?

    I want to use an iPod with an external microcontroller using the serial commands, but I need an iPod with the 30-pin docking connector to be able to do this at all. As I don't have an iPod of any description(yet!), I need to make sure I buy the right one.

    I know that the standard iPod has it, what about the iPod mini? The Nano? The later-generation shuffle?



    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • What is the login password for SUSE live CD's?


    Have the open SuSE Linux distros, both the KDE and the GNOME versions of 11.1

    I boot from the CD, it loads everything(in text mode), then asks for a login and password, both of which are not listed on the website, and no amount of tinkering will let me in - whatever I try, the result is: "Login incorrect." - this just goes on like this forever, no matter what I try or what combination of obvious words(or no words at all).

    Does anyone know what the password is for the SuSE live CD's?

    I never get to the GUI, and I am never asked to enter a username or password before this prompt.

    It's a pretty crap thing to do, to make available iso's of an OS(any OS), which require passwords that are not provided or displayed prominently on the download page...

    Not impressed really, and it has almost put me off this distro just because of this annoyance. It is the same problem no matter weather I try to use the KDE or the GNOME live CD - blocked at every turn by a stupid request for an unknown login and password. *sigh*

    Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago