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  • Why is it good people date jerks?

    I have a huge crush in this guy who is seemingly all i want in a person to date. we are friends and have gotten to hang out before but just for whatever reason he picks girls who are stuck up and just have nothing in common with him. I'm not gonna that he doesn't seem to show interest in me but the girls he likes are so rude and take advantage of him that it kills me to see such a good man treated like crap. I was just wondering if there is a reason in particular that good guys seem to only date slutty, stuck up girls who treat them like crap?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • what should i do next? a question about a guy..?

    recently i have gotten really close to an old acquaintance after being introduced by a mutual friend we have been talking a lot and seeing one another many times a week either going to one anothers work or with friends. last saturday was our first time being alone with one another..i went over to his place and we put in a movie..we ended up talking through the whole thing and just cuddling on the couch. i really like this guy. he like me is very shy and i feel like we're on the same page, we both have told one another how we feel and it's out there. i feel like he wants to go further and kiss me but is just holding back and being shy. how would it be if i stepped out of my comfort zone a bit and made the first move? would it be a turn off if i kissed him or should i wait and let him make the move?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Sevylor inflatable kayaks?

    I was checking into getting a kayak that i can easily have with me on vacations. not anything too wonderful but just something to take out in the bay or gulf of mexico. maybe light usage on lakes. are sevylor inflatable kayaks any good for such usage? it seems appropriate and convenient. i am not looking to go on white water or anything too serious and with not much storage space i think the inflatable is the way to go. so if anyone has any input on whether the product is good and worth the price i'd love to hear your opinions.

    1 AnswerWater Sports9 years ago
  • What are some interesting south american native animals? tattoo reference?

    i am in the beginning stages of planning a sleeve tattoo but i want to get all native south american, mostly brazilian species. i also would like plants if you guys know of any that are interesting to look at or are beautiful. so far i really like blue poison dart frog, emerald tree boas, rainbow boas. i have an existing portrait of my pet green cheek conure and i'd like to expand this tattoo into a sleeve. so if you have just some picture examples of any interesting birds/amphibians/reptiles/plants native to brazil please share them.

    2 AnswersZoology9 years ago
  • having trouble moving finger after dog bite...?

    i was bitten by a dog friday morning. when the dog latched on she shook my hand back and forth with my ring and pinky fingers in her mouth, i immediately rushed to the doctor where they cleaned and treated the puncture wounds and gave me antibiotics and pain meds. i am going back later today to reassess and possibly be sent to a specialist, there were no broken bones on xray so they are worried about soft tissue damage.

    anyway, i have noticed i have barely any muscle control over my ring finger, i can very slightly flex and extend it but only by a half and inch or less. i was just wanting to know what are the odds of having to have surgery to repair torn tendons?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • question about the sternal wires used in open heart surgery?

    my grandmother had open heart surgery a little over a year ago and had some issues with an infection of the wires that they used on her sternum..a few months ago she had a surgery to remove the infected area. now that it's all healed up she still has pain and today the doctor said they have to go back in a third time and remove some more of the wires. anyway one question is why didn't the doctor just take all of the wires out in the first place?

    but mainly she's currently a part of a class action lawsuit dealing with chinese drywall, and after doing some research online i read that in many cases people have health issues from asthma to nosebleeds..and the drywall corrodes the wiring in walls so is there any way that it could have affected the wires used for her surgery? just curious cause many of her health problems didn't exist before moving into her current home..

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • how old is too old of a guy for a 21 year old female to date?

    i'm 21 and have a crush on a 34 year old friend, the question is simple is that too old for me to date? should i find someone closer to my own age or pursue my current crush?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • crush on an older guy? just some input needed..?

    basically there is a guy that i know through a dog rescue that we're both volunteers for, he's 34 i am 21. we're not great friends by any means but acquaintances yes. last night was his birthday party and he seemed to be around me a little more than usual, talking a little more and such. anyway i have developed a crush on him, he's cute funny and really just makes me smile to think about. i would potentially be interested in getting to know him more as friends and then seeing how it could go, or if he'd even be interested in me. anyway the age difference is the only thing that may bother me, or more so my parents who don't really have a say in the matter of my love life, but it would be strange to tell them the guy i'm after is 13 years older than me.. so just what is your impression of this? is it something worth looking into if he seems like a great guy or just a crush that will pass with time?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • motorcycle question? yz 125 or kx 250?

    i at age 15 got a crf 150 trail bike and it was a great beginner bike. 5 years later i decided to sale the bike and move up. i basically would like advice on what size bike to get. i was originally thinking on a yz 125 but found a great kx 250 that is slightly used but a great bike and the much cheaper price would is a huge incentive to lean towards the 250. i'm only a little concerned that the 250 may be a little too much bike for me. i've ridden my dad's 200cc and a yz 125 and felt comfortable on both. for just a little additional info i'm 5'8" and about 170lbs. so which should i go for.

    4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • motorcycle question? yz 125 or kx 250?

    i at age 15 got a crf 150 trail bike and it was a great beginner bike. 5 years later i decided to sale the bike and move up. i basically would like advice on what size bike to get. i was originally thinking on a yz 125 but found a great kx 250 that is slightly used but a great bike and the much cheaper price would is a huge incentive to lean towards the 250. i'm only a little concerned that the 250 may be a little too much bike for me. i've ridden my dad's 200cc and a yz 125 and felt comfortable on both. for just a little additional info i'm 5'8" and about 170lbs. so which should i go for.

    2 AnswersMotorcycle Racing1 decade ago
  • should i give up on him?(20 characters)?

    there's this guy at work, i had feelings for him and he found out about it, but since he was in a relationship we were cool staying friends. recently, the feelings have come back, partly because he's flirting with me agian and we are just, i don't know, closer i guess. and partly i think because it's valentine's day and i get a little lonely this time of year. he is still in a relationship and there's a big age difference between the two of them, from the way he's been talking and acting lately it seems like the relationship won't be lasting too much longer. but reguardless, i have these feelings, and the more he talks to me about how badly she's treating him it hurts to hear, i just know if it were me that i'd treat him right. i feel like there is and always has been more there between it a lost cause, should i just give up on the idea? or would should i continue being there for him hoping that something will happen? he's a good friend, i love him, and i'd just like to see him happy whether it be with me or someone else.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • could it ever work? guy in another country?

    there's this guy that i've become friends with online, he's from australia and me america..we met through a mutual friend who used to live there and knew him. he's super cool and we chat quite often online and on the phone on occasion. reguardless we have so much in common and i know he likes me, he's offered to come here to meet and to see our mutual friend but i'm so unsure about this kind of stuff the online meeting and relationship stuff. it's just so complicated and a bit fairy tale like ya it could never work because of all the factors. i have developed pretty deep feelings for this guy but am just scared to try it, is there any possible way some situation like this could work? or am i correct in that i feel it's too complicated? and finally do you know anyone personally who has been involved in such relationships and it turned out well?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • another simple guy question?

    there's this guy that has a huge crush on me, we met through mutual friends and he's a great guy but i'm no really into him in that way. we exchanged numbers and text a few times a week sometimes daily. talk about lots of things, from music to deeper issues and he's pretty much perfect for me in that sense, but i just don't feel that physical attraction and "spark" when i'm around him. i mean he straight up told me today that he will eventually ask me out and i told him honestly that it's nothing against him but i don't feel that way but that i am cool with things the wat they are.

    my question is am i leading him on? i would feel horrible if i were but i was honest and put my feelings out there. should i stop having so much contact with him or is it possible to be friends and continue down the road we are on without hurting him? he says he gets it but i'm afraid he doesn' exactly should i handle this situation?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • tattoo shops in alabama?

    does anyone by chance know if tattoo shops take driving permits rather than licenses as acceptable ID when getting a tattoo. i have an 18 year old cousin who's comming to visit in december and wants to get tattoo, but he's from texas and waited a while to learn to drive, will be eligible for a license in december but not sure if he's gonna get it before he comes out. anyway i was just wondering how shops would handle this, does he need a license or is permit acceptale form of ID if he is over 18

    1 AnswerTattoos1 decade ago
  • this guy i like, does he seem to like me? based on this conversation?

    i feel that he might, based on his actions such as talking mostly every day, what seems to me as flirting like teasing me and smiling about it. but last night he was out with another female friend which i thought was a date, he was talking to me today and mentioned the girl...i said"who is her you've mentioned her but who is she" he said "a friend" i said "friend, as much as i've heard about her she must be cool" he said "yeah sometimes" i replied "well no one's cool all the time especially me." he said "you're kind of awesome" then it went onto blah blah and so on

    i know this is kind of a boring post and i really thank anyone who replies. the question is based on this conversation alone do you think the feeling is mutual because that's the vibe i get. and i want to tell him my feelings.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • there's this guy who i really like. do you think the feeling is mutual?

    do you think he likes me..

    basically we met through a mutual friend when i got a job at the same place he works. have become friends and talk regularly.

    we went to a movie together as friends and enjoyed it very much. on other occasions we have been in group settings and he always sits next to me, at lunch at work with 10 other people he could choose he picks me. at his halloween party and many occasions since he has teased me and started a flirty sort of thing. and will call/text/instant message me daily to just talk. as well as make out of the way trips for himself at work to come by and say hi to me. basically i have developed feelings for him, and think it may be mutual. today at work we were painting and he teased me so i splatted him with paint, then he got right back at me.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what kind of oil does a 2001 dodge ram 1500 use?

    i do not have an owners manual and would like to change the oil myself so does anyone know what kind of oil it uses.

    4 AnswersDodge1 decade ago
  • question about online dating sites?

    i recently started a profile on one just to see how it all works because i apparently suck with finding guys on my own. so now i have been emailing with this guy for a while and he is very cute and somene i could see myself dating but he asked me if i wanted to hang out sometime. my question is what do you think of online dating sites and what about meeting new people from them? would you do it or is there a cause for concern?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why is there a double standard with tattooed females? or do you feel there is?

    when browsing the answers tattoo section i constantly see questions like "what do you guys think of girls with tats?" and so on. so i was wondering exactly why do so many people view tattoos on women as trashy or whatever to me it does seem like there could be a bit of a double standard there and i was curious as to why or even if anyone else feels this way. now i will say i do also see plenty of negative comments about men with tattoos but why so many overly negative views of women?

    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • has anyone's dog had bladder problems? if so what were the signs?

    my dogs go to a day care so to speak that is offered by my vet clinic and when picking them up today the man in charge wanted to talk to me about my my dog urinating rather frequently. i have noticed that she goes quite a lot but she also drinks more than my other dog so i just always figured it was normal. she shows no signs of pain or blood in her urine nor does her urine have an odor which i read was a sign of bladder problems. this week she will be getting her urine tested by a vet to just check her out but can frequent urination be a sign of any kind of bladder problems? of could it be a possible sign of diabetes? im just seeking any advice since the test will not come until later in the week. thanks in advance for all who answer.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago