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  • How to afford college without a cosigner?

    So I'm in my second year of college. Both years my parents begrudgely signed for private loans to aid me in attending University. But this year my dad made it clear he cannot finally afford to co-sign again as I come from a large family and he's juggling aiding multiple of us as the three he's helping (including me) are in our early 20's. He won't try to apply for a PLUS loan because he knows he'll be approved. I've applied for private loans but am not approved as my credit is too small and I also do not make enough yearly. (Sallie Mae requires 24k a year to be approved on my own). So next year I'll be 6k short. Can't pay out of pocket with no other cosigner available to me. I am considering an associate's but I'll lose my big scholarship at my University. They also said there's not much else they can do to help me. Any suggestions on what I can do to keep going to University? What are my other options?

    5 AnswersFinancial Aid1 year ago
  • Can you get an associate's degree at a four year college?

    Currently I'm attending a four year college for undergraduates. Unfortunately since college is so expensive I can't see the four years out. I'm in my second year and almost have all their pre recs done. I am hoping to work a few years and then return to college. But in the mean time I'm hoping an associate's degree will help me find a better paying job. My issue is I'm not sure if I can get an associate's at my four year college. I will email them but wanted to ask on here what steps I would need to take in order to obtain that degree?

  • Should I expect my boyfriend of 8 years to propose?

    Obviously we've been together for 8 years since we were 15. We moved in together a year ago and are very happy. But a few things that have given me red flags that we may never get married is if he ever mentions getting married he says "if I ever get married" saying himself and not we as in me included. I guess maybe since we're not engaged it makes sense but we made a promise that we'd always be together. We're at a wedding today and all the couple's were like holding hands and being sweet and I reach for him but I wishhe would have made the move. We're going to Hawaii in 6 months with family but I have my heart sort of set on him proposing as it's our first real vacation together somewhere special but I'm afraid of being disappointed he won't. We've also had some minor fights in the past where he'll blatantly said "this is why I haven't married you yet". So I doubt he will this vacation but I really want to because I feel ready.

    When we were thinking our original idea was to marry after we graduated from college but at 23 only I have done 2 years of college. He's mostly been sitting me. We also had a recent conversation that if he joins the military and gets deployed or relocated he would have to marry me to be able to take me with him and that it would be the opportunity to pay for both of our college years. I told him he wouldn't be obligated to marry me at that point but inside I would have liked if he wanted to do it. It makes me feel unloved.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • My boyfriend wants me to talk more during foreplay and sex but it makes me feel awkward. How do I get better at that?

    He thinks it's fake and weird that I'm so noisy when we're doing foreplay. I'm really into moaning and it helps me get aroused which I've told him. For a while he's wanted me to talk to him while doing foreplay but we've been together for like 5+ years so I trust he knows what I like and he does. He complains sometimes that I take too long while kissing him or I spend too much time on myself (even though I'm not aroused yet) and he wants me to talk even though I feel awkward and have no idea what to say. In the past we've fantasized about adding a girl into our bed and it gets hot sometimes but othertimes I get jealous and don't get off from that kind of talk. Recently he was telling me he doesn't want to hear what I think he wants (like what we talked about before) but I have no idea what to say. I often spend time going down on him and sucking him off but somehow he thinks I don't pay enough attention to him and talking works more for him. But what do I say? I think it sounds dumb to be all like "that feels so good. Yeah keep doing that". Sounds dumb. What else do I say?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • How to keep vaginal odor away when you're sexually active and all natural?

    I already know I can't have kids but I still take birth control just in case. Anyways been with my man for 8 years and I let him come inside because of how it feels and how much better it makes the sex. Anyways I have been fighting vaginal odor and have to make sure I am fresh and clean (would do anyways but like I'm always self conscious) before getting it on. Already tried antibiotics and seeing an OBGYN who have been useless so I wanna ask you ladies put there how you keep fresh and have no odor.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health2 years ago
  • How do I get over gym anxiety? And workout anxiety? Should I switch gyms?

    I get anxious and want to leave when I go to my local gym because it's always packed and is on the other side of town (cheaper to go to) the gym by my house is more expensive and not 24hr (but has a pool). When I go in and try to do strength training I get very self conscious because a lot of other women are in shape there and I'm not and they do their **** easily right next to me. It's intimidating and I hate it. I hate people being around me. The gym near my house would be easier to go to because it's closer but also has a ton of people at it. I can't go outside of peak hours when it's dead because job. I get depressed when I am at home and can't find the motivation to do anything there. I am at the end of my rope with the gym and eating healthy. I just can't drop the weight. I need some serious help.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • Will eBay give me my money back when I cancel after a few days of paying their fee like Amazon will?

    So Amazon charged me for Prime after a 6 month trial period and though I already made one payment I was able to cancel it and they refunded my money. But eBay says that I made a payment which they automatically charged me and I want to cancel and get my money back. Will eBay do this like Amazon did?

    3 AnswersCorporations2 years ago
  • Prolonged vaginal bleeding after taking antibiotics?

    I was taking flagyl an antibiotic for vaginosis which was causing a prolonged odor that was a hindrance on my sex life. It got rid of the smell but the day after I took a week's worth my cervixs started spotting. now I had been taking bc while taking antibiotics because my doctor (gynecologist) didn't say not to so I kept taking them and still have constantly. A week and a half later I am still spotting and have sometimes light tinted (like fresh blood) to dark blood mixed in with the mucus around my cervix and usually dark discharge like the end of your period. To me this isn't normal and I want it to stop. Any idea what's going on?

    Women's Health2 years ago
  • How to apply to college, send high school scores, and ACT/SAT scores to colleges when you've been out of school for over 4 years.?

    This is for my boyfriend. He graduated high school in 2014 and he took the SAT/ACT and could obtain his transcripts from his highschool but should we obtain these things any ways or just apply without submitting these to the college until they ask for them? Do they even matter anymore since he's been out of school for so long?

  • Should I say I was terminated from a job within the first 90 days when applying to a new job? What should I say?

    I am trying to apply to a new credit union. I was previously a teller for two months but was let go do to a documentation error on my part. So it was my fault that I was terminated but I am unsure about what I should say to explain why I was "let go".

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment2 years ago
  • Should I put the job I was at for two months but was terminated from on my current resume?

    So this was a teller position and I made a mistake and in my state it's a hire at will state. Because of my mistake they labeled me as committing Freud (which this was my real first job and I am pretty young so there was a misunderstanding which I explained but they fired me anyways). I will say I could have fixed or avoided the mistake but hey we all make mistakes. Anyways they didn't have me sign a paper but my HR and manager signed a paper stating I committed fraud. Will this be in my record and should I put the work experience in my resume and explain my situation with future employer's?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • When will the Parent PLUS loan be disbersed?

    We applied and were approved for a PLUS loan two weeks ago. We did all the consultations and yet the money is not being dispersed. We applied for the loan to go towrad the current academic year and yet we have no idea why the school has yet to receive the money. Does the government only disperse money at a certain time each semester or what? Am I missing something?

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid2 years ago
  • Why do I get so anxious and scared when I try to attend my college classes?

    So I'm in my second semester of college after summer break. The first two days of college were rough. I commute 30 minutes to school, get up at 6 everyday after going to bed by midnight because I work until 10:30pm with an 8am class. I'm so emotionally confused. I have a hard time getting out of bed because I'm so tired, I've missed two classes for one subject and this morning I was 10 min late to school that I couldn't bring myself to walk into class late. I know I'm scared and that I need to attend class but I am having a much harder time this semester wanting to be here. I am also dropping a class because of school and then literally straight to work everyday. I hardly have time off because I have to support myself. I had a huge anxiety attack at one class, a lab, because I knew I forgot to bring something and the professor made me leave to get it and because I felt like I was in trouble I didn't go back. I was embarrassed to forget what I needed and literally everyone else had it.

    Now I'm missing more classes because I'm embarrassed to go back. I feel like quiting.

  • If my bf says he misses another girl, like even just a friend, is it okay?

    I read over my bf shoulder while he was texting a girl, a female friend from work. I know they haven't been working together long and she recently went out of town. He said he missed her in context that he was happy she was back in town. Is this weird? I'm not sure how the context was and based off the little I read it doesn't seem like she likes him or anything so I thought maybe he was just being weird and overly friendly? I mean, we've been in a long committed relationship. Recently things have gotten bumpy because I'mp rone to anxiety and angry outbursts.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • I don't trust my bf of almost 7 years and it causes me anxiety every time he is out of town or I am not with him?

    Major events that contributed to distrust that I believe never were mended. Age 16, he cheated on me with one of his female frineds becuase she was afraid to be alone one day while I also was out of town (a coinsedence), Age 18, graduating highschool, he is in love with another girl who doesn'y like him back, We break up for 3 weeks and get back together. Then periotically between ages 18 and 23 there's been instances when he has talked to the girl he cheated on me with, has been on dating sites until I snooped onto his phone and we mended out relationship. Theres's always been a part of me that just doesn't trust him. I may never have. Every female friend he has I get jelous, suspicious, and recently because I am that way he will hide wanting to hang out with female friends. He tells me usually, but sometimes not. This worries me. What should I do? I do nto have nay guy friends because I gave them up for him. I need help.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Is it okay for mu bf of 6 years to break up with me because I can't and won't get in better shape?

    Issue is I can't keep up with him physically and after 6 years of it he's pretty sick of me not being able to keep up with him while kayaking or hiking or something. But issue is I have no motivation to go to the gym. Or work out at home. I would rather sit around and relax every day than have have to go exert myself myself doing that super hard ****. I just don't want to. And my gym is now across town since we moved. It's too expensive to switch to a closer gym and I'm just sick and tired of the struggle. I'm not fat but a little over weight and it kinda effects our sex life too but I just can't get myself to go work out. I dunno what to think or do.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Is my boyfriend in the right to be upset when I'm not in the mood to initiate sex?

    So some back story to start. I'm super happy and like giving my bf a bj. Happens ofte . Sometimes I'll just push past not being in the mood and do it for him anyways because he's a super sexual person and I really don't mind doing it. Honestly its the only way I get turned on recently. Been together 6+ years and recently moved in together. There's an unspoken issue that I never initiate sex but I'm not in the mood. Like ever. It's hard to get aroused by literally anything. Today, he came home from work and we did it and I mentioned wanting more so we flirt about doing more tonight. After I get back from a short closing shift and he mentions me brushing my teeth. Sign that he's up for it. But I kinda ignore it because I'm not in the mood. He goes to bed and I'm up until he sends me a text to come take care of him. Ive been turned on by that kind of text before but I'm still not in the mood and go into the bedroom, hoping for a quicky when I lay down. Silence. Then he mentions I need to make him excited. Every time he's ever said that to me I freeze up and cannot act sexy at all and it always ends in a fight. I tell him I wasn't prepared for that and he just rolls over and says he's going to sleep. I feel a bit bad because I know he's a very sexual person and needs a lot of physical love but I'm just never in the mood. It's rare for me to initiate things and he hates that. Am I wrong though to kinda sabotage this? Like I didn't want to because I wasn't in the mood.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Can you name this book series about a knight, his paige (or like sidekick) who unknowingly rescue an evil witch from a tower?

    So I read this book a few years ago and I cannot remember the name. It has two or three books to it. The first deals with a noble knight and his paige (I think he's a paige) who, against the knight's father's will goes to a tower and saves a damsel. Thinking he did something noble it turns out the lady was actually some evil witch. To right his wrongs, the knight tries to recapture her but instead she imprisions him and like uses her magic to make it to where he also has magic.

    In the next novel he is disowned by his father (a baron) and travels to live with his sister (I think?) The most memorable part of it to me was in the last part of the nove the dishonored knight is riding his stead and like pumps magic via his hand to make the stead go faster than any horse ever could. Last thing I remember is the knight is branded by his father, the baron, before he is exhiled.

    If this sounds familiar please let me know!

    Books & Authors3 years ago
  • I'm always angry and upset and respond defensively to my boyfriend. Why?

    Back story: I recently moved in with my bf against my parents will. They're pretty upset and disappointed in me and I value their thought of me. I am trying not to let it affect the fact that I am always upset or angry at my bf because he didn't tear me from my family. I left and it's them who is upset with me.

    Second, a year ago we were going to move in together but I freaked out because I wanted to go to a college far away and have a ton of adventures with trips the school offered. My sister goes to this college and I'm now seeing all the missed opportunities and I'm sure that's a factor about why I'm upset. I do feel like he's holding me back a little because he wouldn't move with me but I didn't want to break up.

    There's several personal things about him and his friends that I dislike. We live with his parents for now so that doesn't help. I didn't do anything cool at my college that was the next best.

    I have extreme low self esteem because I'm out of shape and he's mentioned wanting me to become fit.

    I love him and I wanted to stay a couple. I don't think I resent him but I don't know why else I may feel so defensive against him.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Should I hang out with my boyfriend and his female friend?

    It's kinda dumb to ask on here but my bf wants me to go hang out with him and his female friend that we've known for years. I've been with my bf for 6+ years (met at the end of HS and now we're 21) and we've known his friend for a while too. Ive hung out with them before (she had another friend with us at the time) and it was okay but no matter how many times I try hanging out with them I don't like her and hate having to go hang out. A parr is jealousy because she's beautiful and has interesting hobbies and is interested in many of the same things my bf does. I do trust that nothing will happen since he constantly reassures me that he doesn't like her that way. I also just don't like her personality. She holds a fake happy face all the time and is never very sincere (at least when I'm around) so again I don't like her personality. I just don't like her. Anyways point of the question is should I hang out with her and my bf to support my bf or just tell him go on his own because I don't want to go? Would it be better of me as the gf to go? Suggestions?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 years ago