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  • Started a new job. Why do I only care about being friends with the attractive coworker ?

    I am a male and currently have a girlfriend. We have been dating for 4 years and things are relatively serious. However I just started a new job at school and am getting to know my coworkers. One coworker is very attractive and I immediately wanted to get to know her and have tried hard to be friendly. I have no intention of doing anything with her in a relationship but she seems nice and I would love to be friends with her. However another coworker I have is a fairly unattractive person in my opinion. She seems just as nice as the first girl but I have no interest in trying to initiate any kind of friendship and I think it’s solely because I don’t find her attractive. Why is this that I want to be friends with the attractive person and don’t care as much about the unattractive person when I’m not looking to get into a relationship with either?

    Singles & Dating8 months ago
  • Why did my betta fish die?

    I just got a betta fish yesterday along with an African dwarf frog, the betta seemed to be doing well and adjusting to his new tank. The water was at a stable temperature around 80 degrees Fahrenheit and I tested the water before and after putting him in there and once I realized he was dead. They all came back with no levels of nitrate/nitrite and no chlorine. The pH of the water was in the neutral zone so everything appeared to be going fine. I have a 3.5 gallon tank and gave the frog and betta 4 fake plants and structure they can hide in. I fed them each a tiny amount at dinner time but certainly not enough to over feed him. I have a filter in the tank as well so I feel like the betta should have had everything it needed. When I woke up this morning it was dead. Why would this be??

    4 AnswersFish11 months ago
  • I like this girl but I have a girlfriend?

    I am a college freshman and recently moved in and started meeting some new people. My girlfriend goes to the same university as me but we haven’t seen each other much because we decided it would be a good idea if I branched out and tried to make some friends. There is this girl that I met who is just amazing. She is one of the coolest people I’ve met and once we started talking we discovered tons of common interests and she is so fun to talk to. I think she is gonna be a great friend but I’m confused because I feel like I’m starting to get attracted to her. I already have a girlfriend and we’ve been together for over a year and I love being with her and spending time with her but this girl just is so incredible to be around because she just brings out the best in me. How do I balance this because I really want to be friends with this girl but don’t want to mess up my relationship

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Is it wrong of me to want my girlfriend to put more effort into her appearance?

    We have been dating for a year and a half and I love her for so many reasons. I find her very attractive and don’t put that much importance in looks because honestly we both love each other’s personalities and are best friends. She’s grown very comfortable with me and stopped putting really any effort into her appearance. Don’t get me wrong I don’t need her to dress up or wear makeup all the time. I would prefer she not because it’s not super important and takes some extra work but at the same time I look back at pictures of her in the past and would wear really cute outfits and do her makeup or hair and look like exceptional. I get it she’s not trying to impress anyone anymore and it’s not like I dress super nice all the time either, but she wears makeup like 5 times a year and pretty much always wears a t-shirt and running shorts. Like I don’t want to sound so needy and focused on her looks I just sometimes wish she would put in a little extra effort and look super good every once in awhile. Am I wrong for wanting that?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Girlfriends sex drive disappeared out of nowhere?

    We have talked about it and she said ever since she went on birth control she just doesn’t want it as much. My sex drive meanwhile is really high and this has been really difficult. What can I do

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • I’m very good friends with both people in this breakup?

    Me and my girlfriend went out on double dates with them all the time and they both became some of my absolute best friends. They just broke up today and are both struggling badly. How do I help them both without taking any sides

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • I never get time alone with my girlfriend?

    She’s a freshman in college and I’m a senior in high school. She has 3 roomates at school and when we go back to our houses, there’s always people there. We very rarely get to do anything sexual because of this even though we want to. What can we do?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Got pulled over for going 15 over on the highway?

    My mind wandered and it was late at night so I was just following the flow of traffi which was going very fast basically I got tagged and pulled over. I'm 16 only had my liscense for 3 months. Don't lecture me I know what I did was wrong and I'm never going to speed again but I got caught in this situation. I was going 85 in a 70. I'm being charged for speeding and a juvenile traffic offender. What exactly will this mean punishment wise when I go to court? I live in Ohio

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Just got pulled over I need help!?

    I'm 16 have had my liscense for about 3 months. I'm a good driver but me and my friend were coming back from a day trip we took and we were just trying to make it home. It was late at night so we were talking to keep each other awake and my mind kinda wandered. I was just following the speed of traffic the guy next to me was going faster than me. Next thing you know I'm going 85 in a 70 and a cop pulls me over. I get it it was obviously stupid and I never meant to do it. I pulled over wa very polite to the cop but he gave me a ticket. I called my parents immediately and told them what happened. I drove slowly the rest of the way home and had no other proablems. I was cited for speeding and juvenile violator (whatever it's called). What exactly should I do along the lines of fighting it or accepting it and what punishments will I recieve? I live in Ohio if that is important

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years ago
  • Is it weird to find my 3rd cousin hot?

    Just saw her for the first time since I was a baby I'm 16 she's 18 but I find her very attractive is this weird?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Should I move on?

    There's this girl I work with who I like quite a bit but we have only worked together a few times. We talk at work all the time and she shows me pictures or her and other funny things she finds on the internet. She also asked me a lot about myself when we first met. We seemed to be getting along really well although she is just very friendly in general. I sent her a follow request on instagram last night and she rejected it. Now I'm not sure if she didn't know who I was because my profile picture was very distant so you couldn't see it was me and we didn't really know each other that well that she wouldnt know my last name for sure. She is also out of town and may have just not paid much attention to it. This just made me really confused cause I thought we had something going at least to just get to know each other but she denied my request. I don't work with her for another 3 weeks and have no other way of seeing her what should I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why would she reject my follow request?

    This girl I work with we don't know each other all that well but have talked multiple times and she for sure knows my first name. I found her instagram and decided to request to follow her. My account said my name and she has more than 1,000 followers so it's not like she doesn't let anyone follow her. My profile picture wasn't a picture of me so that might be part of the problem and she just doesn't know who I am. Could you think of any other real reason to think she would reject my follow request? We get along very well when we are working so it's not like she dislikes me or anything. Any ideas? We are 16 and 17 btw

    1 AnswerOther - Internet4 years ago
  • Why would she reject my follow request?

    This girl I work with we don't know each other all that well but have talked multiple times and she for sure knows my first name. I found her instagram and decided to request to follow her. My account said my name and she has more than 1,000 followers so it's not like she doesn't let anyone follow her. My profile picture wasn't a picture of me so that might be part of the problem and she just doesn't know who I am. Could you think of any other real reason to think she would reject my follow request? We get along very well when we are working so it's not like she dislikes me or anything. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What to do to make a girl interested?

    I like this girl I work with and I really want to get to know her. When we work together, we talk all the time so I do know some stuff about her but she is like that with most people at work. I'm just always around her cause we work by each other for a large portion of the shifts. She is a year older than me and goes to a school near mine but it isn't the same school. She has said she has this guy she is talking to but she isn't dating anyone at the moment. How to I get her attention and make her interested in me?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I like a girl I work with what should I do?

    In my job we have alot of time where we can talk with the other people who have the same job as me. This girl I was working with is very attractive and very friendly. I don't work with her a whole lot but I really like when I do. She's so friendly and talk to me a lot and shows me pictures of stuff and asks about me. She has mentioned a few times that there is a guy she is talking to but isn't dating him. What should I do I really like her?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How is this fair brother uses my PS4?

    About 2 years ago I saved up $400 as a like 13-14 year old kid and bought a PS4. It took me close to a year to save up the money and I worked hard to get it. I finally got it and had fun with it but then my brother started acting like it was his too. He still does up until this day I do t really care if he buys the games and plays when I don't want to use it but he doesn't buy any of the games and refuses to get off when I want to play. My parents sometimes make him get off but also just let it happen and I don't understand. It's my system and I don't mind if he plays it but why should he get to play when I want to since I bought it?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games4 years ago
  • I have feelings for 2 girls who should I pursue?

    Girl A: Goes to my school, one year older than me. Attractiveness: 9/10 personality 7/10 Likliness I could get with them 5/10 Very good looking and also nice know her better than the other girl but less likely she would go out with me

    Girl B: Goes to a different school but I work with her. One year older than me. Attractiveness 6/10 Personality 9/10 Likliness I could get with them 8/10. Less attractive but still very good looking extremely nice haven't known her for as long. More likely to go out with me

    They both are actually friends which is unimportant but I do like both of them in different ways but I don't know who I should pursue who do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Already starting to like her after we just met what should I do?

    I just got a job recently and am still meeting all the people that work there. Today was the first day I worked with this one girl. She was kinda training me so I was following her and basically we had a lot of time where we could talk. She was just awesome and really nice and funny and I immediately found myself liking her. We talked about a lot of things including school and just random funny things she also was asking a lot of random things about me. At the end of our shift she was talking to one of the other workers and she was talking about how she liked this guy who she was friends with. I was disappointed because although we just met I liked her and wanted to get to know her. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Just met my co worker and already have feelings for her what should I do?

    I just got a job recently and am still meeting all the people that work there. Today was the first day I worked with this one girl. She was kinda training me so I was following her and basically we had a lot of time where we could talk. She was just awesome and really nice and funny and I immediately found myself liking her. We talked about a lot of things including school and just random funny things she also was asking a lot of random things about me. At the end of our shift she was talking to one of the other workers and she was talking about how she liked this guy who she was friends with. I was disappointed because although we just met I liked her and wanted to get to know her. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Girl randomly snapped me?

    There was a girl that I go to school with that posted on an instagram story to add her on Snapchat. I figured I would and added her and she added me back within 10 seconds. Now a day after that, she snapped me a random selfie of her. I responded and then she was like oh I know you and sent about 2 more snaps and then left me on read lol does this mean anything?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago