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Would you judge someone who had a hearing aid?
If you saw someone in a public situation wearing a hearing aid, what would your thoughts be? Would you treat them differently than others? Would you prejudge? What are your opinions on hearing aids? Are they embarrassing to you? Would you discriminate that person if you were an employer and they were seeking a job? Would you associate with someone with a hearing aid? What about music, would you dismiss their taste in music and use their hearing problem as an excuse?
I want honest answers please.
4 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years agoYour best hangover cures..?
I'm on a mission to find out the best hangover cure. Recently my hangovers have become unbearable to the point where I can't even bring myself to get out of bed. So what are your hangover cures?
If you're going to be cheeky about it and say don't drink alcohol, don't waste your time! I love alcohol and I'm not about to stop drinking because some stranger told me to.
Thanks :)
9 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years agoWhat are the most popular UK forums?
What are the most popular UK forums for discussing everything from movies to travel?
1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years agoWhy are Beliebers such attention seeking *insert rude word*?
If you are on twitter, you know what I'm talking about. Fire away!!
5 AnswersCelebrities8 years agoHas anyone over the age of 20 ever been to Magaluf? Advice needed.?
So I'm booking a holiday to Magaluf in August for a group of 8 girls ranging from 23-32 years old. I'm quite comprehensive about feeling old out there in the peak season. The hotel we're planning on staying in is the main reason I'm feeling this way. A lot of alleged break ins etc.
Has anyone ever been to Magaluf who could give me a piece of mind please?
4 AnswersIslas Baleares8 years agoA good metabolism boosting diet arrangement?
Hi. I've decided after trying out several different separate weeks of eating as many metabolism boosting foods as I can that this would be a great diet to go on as the results were great in the short time I did it.
I'm wondering has anyone tried this before, and if so, how did you plan your meals etc out?
Many thanks.
4 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoHas anyone got any ideas as to what I should wear to a Lady Gaga concert?
So my friends and I are attending Lady Gaga's BTW Ball soon. We are planning on queuing early as we want to get into the Monster Pit. We've read on her website that the way we dress can help our chances of getting in, and even getting backstage.
We don't want to go too over the top, but there are 4 of us and we want to do something fun with our outfits!
Any ideas?
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment9 years agoJared Leto Triad Question?
I'm a massive fan of Jared and 30 Seconds To Mars but in the past few days someone mentioned to me about the Illuminati and their symbols, and also how they're apparently using public figures to influence and brainwash their fans into the whole prospect as part of their masterplan to take over the world. It started to really freak me out and even more so when I was on Jareds twitter (I go on it all the time, even before this) and immediately thought of the All Seeing Eye symbol when I looked at his tattoos of the 30 Seconds To Mars 'Triad' symbol which I believe has only come up in the past few years. Could someone please tell me what the exact meaning of this Triad symbol is supposed to mean and why they decided to use that exact symbol. I think I know deep down that his involvement is rubbish, I want to believe it, as I can't imagine someone so inspiring like Jared and the other guys in the band who make such amazing, meaningful music to be part of this cult. Please don't be rude to me, I don't mean to offend any of the Echelon by asking this. I love him just as much as you all do, I just would like to know. Don't sugar coat it either, I'm a big girl, I can handle the truth.
2 AnswersRock and Pop10 years agoWhere can I listen to Celtic Thunder songs on the internet?
I've listened to Celtic Thunder over the years, on and off, but not with as much interest as I do now. Kieth Harkin's voice is just actually amazing, does anyone know where I could listen to their songs online? Without downloading them. I've tried youtube but there isn't much choice of songs. I'd appreciate it so much.
1 AnswerOther - Music10 years agoCould anyone tell me what the song is in the Discover Northern Ireland advert?
Anytime it comes on i sing along but can't seem to find out who sings it or what it's called, one line of the song is look around you, they sing it a few times on the advert? Thanks
2 AnswersLyrics10 years agoHave 30 Seconds to Mars ever played in Northern Ireland?
I'm going to my first proper Mars gig next month in Belfast (I seen them last year at Oxegen) and I'm wondering whether they have ever played up North before? I know they've played down South a few times but I'm curious to know this?
Please refrain from judging how much of a fan I am because I don't know this. Other than that, thank you in advance :)
2 AnswersRock and Pop10 years agoWould people judge me at a My Chemical Romance concert if....?
Hey, I'm 20 and I'm going to my first MCR gig in 2 weeks in Dublin. I'm so unbelievably excited as I've never had the chance to get to one before this. Though there are a few things I'm slightly worried about-
1. Will I get judged because I will be drinking alcohol? I'm a student, and I love to drink, before anyone asks, no, I don't have a drinking problem. Will it be frowned upon? It would be understandable if we were wrecking the place etc,, but I'm quite a shy girl and I keep myself to myself mostly. Also, will the o2 be selling alcohol like normal gigs?
2. What would be suitable to wear? I was thinking maybe black shorts and a top? Although I love this band and the whole genre, I don't fit into the stereotype, a lot of people laugh at me when they find out what type of music I listen to :)
3. Has anyone any idea who the support acts are?
4. Will there be anyone my age there or will it just be full of teenage girls? (If I offend you, I'm sorry.)
If you have anything else to share about the gigs that you think I'd be better off knowing, please let me know :)
7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago