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  • Is it bad to be clingy?

    And by clingy, I mean always wanting to message him and have him respond in a timely manner, otherwise I'll get upset. It's not that im keeping him from doing whatever it is that he needs to do. I just want him to think about me throughout the day, and for him to know that I am here for him. think there could be something wrong with me LOL

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How to ask manager about Salary?

    Hi there.

    So I recently started at a cafe job for the very first time. I had training that came before this so I would say that this was my very first day there. I believe that I did work hard, despite my nervousness that was shown and picked up on by the manager - who wouldn t be nervous on their first day at work? It s just that while I was doing some cleaning, the girl who wktked with me cane up to me and told me that it was 3oclock now and that I could go home. It was so abrupt and I wanted to speak to the manager before I left but he seemed to be busy interviewing another girl. What I wanted to ask was whether I got another shift and whether I goy paid for today s work - or how I would be paid, as I am at a cafe, andthey did not take dormant of my bank details. Therefore I assume I get cash in hand. Now, im a little but stuck because I don t really want to go without my pay, bevause im really scared that they might let this one slip and I might not get paid for my time working there. Can someone help??

    I know I may sound superficial about the money, but it s just something that I don t want to let slip. I am trying my hardest when I am at work. But it seems as if my nervousness takes over and then I am left not doing as well as I want to because of it. This is something I need to work on

    6 AnswersLaw & Legal5 years ago
  • Is platonic love good love?

    Im asking this question in relation to what has happened to me over the past few years, with this guy i used to have feelings for.. like, very strong feelings for. but left and I've never seen him since. i was probably too in love with him to figure out this for myself, but now that I'm forever alone, i was just thunking about the time when he called the relationship between us as "platonic love" and I've always seemed as if this love was more than just a casual brother and sister love - like something more existed between us which he, maybe didn't feel.

    Ive always thought that this kind of love that he was describing was a good love, and undoubtedly thought that it could evolve into something much more than that someday. stupid to think that right? there is never really a statement called "young love" that lasts forever..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • not doing so well in year 12?

    I was a funded child who needed help and assistance with my school work and everything since i was young.. and when i was in year 7, i got put on an individual learning plan, which basically means that the government gives the school money for them to help me in my schoolwork..

    i dont know if its how i study, or if i understand the concept going on in classes.. but i believe that i do try really hard to concentrate and understand whats going on in class, but when it comes to my tests or exams.. it shows that im not doing very well.. ive had been getting really low scores since year 7 ish.. and i dotn know what to do anymore.. i try really hard, but then i dont know if its how i study or what i understand that makes me do worse than i think..

    Can someone offer me some advise.. and some study tips? i STILL dont know how i study.. ive been doing study cardss.. but i dont thnk that, that has been helping me.. i make posters and i recored my voice.. ive done the whole lot, and ive been getting like 75 and everything in tests and everything..

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Not doing well in Year 12?

    I was a funded child who needed help and assistance with my school work and everything since i was young.. and when i was in year 7, i got put on an individual learning plan, which basically means that the government gives the school money for them to help me in my schoolwork..

    i dont know if its how i study, or if i understand the concept going on in classes.. but i believe that i do try really hard to concentrate and understand whats going on in class, but when it comes to my tests or exams.. it shows that im not doing very well.. ive had been getting really low scores since year 7 ish.. and i dotn know what to do anymore.. i try really hard, but then i dont know if its how i study or what i understand that makes me do worse than i think..

    Can someone offer me some advise.. and some study tips? i STILL dont know how i study.. ive been doing study cardss.. but i dont thnk that, that has been helping me.. i make posters and i recored my voice.. ive done the whole lot, and ive been getting like 75 and everything in tests and everything..

    1 AnswerSpecial Education9 years ago
  • Year 12 Maths Advise?

    so as you may know, I'm in year 12 this year.. and its only been like a week at school and i actually feel horrible and depressed from school. All my teachers are fine and everything but theres just HEAPS and HEAPS of things to learn and understand.. and sometimes i forget them all really easily..

    I am doing further maths right now, and our topic right now is break even analysis.. things to do with linear graphs and equations.. and i don't know why but I'm finding it extremely hard to concentrate and to get my head around the concept of all of it!i understand the whole cost and renevue functions but when it comes to graphing.. I'm completely stuck and i need help!

    I feel that when i do it y myself at home, i loose it all, get the wrong answers and then i become really stressed and upset. This never used to happen to me before, but now its like this stuff is new to me and i don't know what to do! Can someone give me some work advise, on how to cope, or how to study.. or even advise on break even analysis's.. that would be very very helpful!



    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • order of applying makeup?

    i was just wondering what the order of applying makeup is.. this is mainly because i have my year 12 formal coming up soon, and i don't really want to pay to get my makeup done when i could just do it myself kind of thing..

    The things i do when i put makeup on is apply moisturiser, and then primer, concealer and then liquid foundation and the bronzer.

    Is this the right steps? please let me know if I'm doing something wrong!


    7 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Ethics In Research For Psychology?

    For psychology, a question it asks is to list and explain the following terms which relate to ethics in research! these are;

    - integrity

    - Respect for persons

    - beneficence

    - Justice.

    I can't find the definitions anywhere. Can someone help?



    2 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • I have this Language Disorder?

    Okay, im in year 12 this year.. and we all know that year 12 is the big year and everything! but since primary school I've had a language disorder which means that it takes me longer to interpret and understand the information than everyone else.. and ever since high school, i havnt been getting great scores on tests and exams.. which puts me in anxiety for this year because its the "big year" and everything. It really shits me how my sister does so much better than i do with school and tests and I'm older than her. Isn't it funny how I'm the only one in the family who has a language disorder?

    And now, I'm just wondering what things i could do for me to be able to understand or for me to help remember the content that i need so when it comes to tests and exams, i don't forget anything?

    Its really hard for me to remember things because of the disorder i have.. but i try - like right now i have posters of all the things that i need to know on my wall for me to look at.

    im wondering what else i can do?

    Thankyouu xx

    1 AnswerSpecial Education9 years ago
  • Health and Human Development Help?

    Out of the VCE Unit 3 and 4, Health and Human Development, one of the review 1.3, Question 4 asks: "Indicators of percieved health status have actually been found to be a good predictor of peoples future health care and mortality" - Explain what this statement means.

    Im not too sure, but i think that when people have the opportunity to get asked about their health, they could openly talk about their level of health.. but im not sure!

    Can someone help?

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • i feel so stupid that i have a tutor?

    I've always been and intergraded student in primary school and also in secondary school.. and by intergraded i mean, that i always need someone to help me in class, because i might not understand or can't interpret what is going on.. This went on since primary school.. and got better during high school.. but lately - because i have a tutor that helps me and everything.. i feel so stupid! my parents were never educated.. or didn't finish their schooling.. and they don't speak fluent english in the house either.. but then sometimes i think that if i had parents who spoke more english.. who cared more about my schooling and school work.. that i would do better in school and everything.. i have a language disorder.. and i can't help but think what i can do to help me understand or interpret things more that i need to. I'm thinking that i might have done so much better in school right now if i didn't have a language disorder.. or that if EVER my tutor was my 'mother' lets say.. that i would be fine at school and wouldn't need the extra help.. I'm going into my final year of schooling this year.. and because i havnt done very well in understanding and tests and everything.. I'm just really afraid. i want to try my best, but sometimes i just don't understand.. or i just don't remember the material that i need to know to keep in my head..

    Can someone help me?


    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I don't have many close friends?

    im not the type of person who leads or is the most 'popular' person in the groups that I've had been in. I never had a solid friendship group, as i would know people who are my friends here and there, which went through my high school years. Ive actually never had a best friend, whom i can rely on for guidance and advise when i need it and they usually would have another friend who they would go to. I don't know what this feeling is, but i just don't feel like i have any close friends anymore.. like the ones that i hang out everyday, the ones that i get along with and the ones that make me happy... my birthday i coming up and I'm planning to have a small dinner party with some of my closest friends.. but now I'm not too sure who really is and isn't. I usually am in a sickish mood most of the time - like everyone is from time to time but it feels like there is no one there that would listen and help me.

    i don't know why I'm feeling like this .. its just sometimes i want a friend to say that they are glad to have someone like me in their lives..


    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Should i stay friends with someone like this?


    i have this friend.. lets say her name is Ashley. i met her through another friend and although she had always been in our group.. i didn't really make the effort to talk to her. When we talked at one of my other friends Birthday party, i thought she was a pretty cool person, and after that party, we started talking at school and online and everything. That was kinda how me and her met.

    I thought that we had a great time together, and i could feel the closeness i had with her when i see her or talk to her.. but somehow things have changed when she met this other girl.. lets call her Jen.

    because of the whole situation with our groups at school.. i don't really have a solid friendship group, because our large group to start with drifted off into little groups.. and because of this, i don't get to see or talk to everyone that i used to very much. Me and Ash were kinda always together and it had been like that until Jen came along.. and well, basically took over, and it made me feel as if Ash may have liked Jen so much more than she liked me, because of the way she acted with her, and how it was different from how she acted around me.. like she has more fun with her, and can talk openly with her than she ever did with me.

    Things got worse, and worse, as then i started to notice, that each day she would ALWAYS be around eahcother.. like wherever they went.. at school. As for me, having no solid friendship group i had to run back around to other people because i would have no idea where they both went and stuff like that. Ive also tried sitting and talking to them, but it doesn't work, as i would ALWAYS feel like the 3rd wheel, and would just sit there while they make fun of each other and talking to each other. iT was so awkward and i had no idea what to feel. basically it felt like hell.. like i don't matter anymore..

    And then things soon became quite bad as for our formal tables.. i remember so clearly because i remember how i felt at that time.. that i was standing there with both of them.. and i was JUST about to mention something about being on the tables together.. but she beat me to it, and was begging nd yelling at Jen to be on her table... when i was clearly standing right there next to her, waiting to be asked as well but wasn't.

    and well now, i just want to talk to her about it.. but every time that i try to talk about it with her, she blows me off and gets angry and everything, its ridiculous. i really want to yell at her and say what going on.. like how i know that her and Jen will always like and be close to each other than me and Ash ever did, that when her and jen were off playing "best friends" i was all alone, and had to run and find a group to be in, because back then it was me and her... that she does not understand, and probably would not understand how much i am hurting, and the worst thing is, everyone can see my pain except for her. she's just clueless.


    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • Am i over-reacting about this friend?


    i have this friend.. lets say her name is Ashley. i met her through another friend and although she had always been in our group.. i didn't really make the effort to talk to her. When we talked at one of my other friends Birthday party, i thought she was a pretty cool person, and after that party, we started talking at school and online and everything. That was kinda how me and her met.

    I thought that we had a great time together, and i could feel the closeness i had with her when i see her or talk to her.. but somehow things have changed when she met this other girl.. lets call her Jen.

    because of the whole situation with our groups at school.. i don't really have a solid friendship group, because our large group to start with drifted off into little groups.. and because of this, i don't get to see or talk to everyone that i used to very much. Me and Ash were kinda always together and it had been like that until Jen came along.. and well, basically took over, and it made me feel as if Ash may have liked Jen so much more than she liked me, because of the way she acted with her, and how it was different from how she acted around me.. like she has more fun with her, and can talk openly with her than she ever did with me.

    Things got worse, and worse, as then i started to notice, that each day she would ALWAYS be around eahcother.. like wherever they went.. at school. As for me, having no solid friendship group i had to run back around to other people because i would have no idea where they both went and stuff like that. Ive also tried sitting and talking to them, but it doesn't work, as i would ALWAYS feel like the 3rd wheel, and would just sit there while they make fun of each other and talking to each other. iT was so awkward and i had no idea what to feel. basically it felt like hell.. like i don't matter anymore..

    And then things soon became quite bad as for our formal tables.. i remember so clearly because i remember how i felt at that time.. that i was standing there with both of them.. and i was JUST about to mention something about being on the tables together.. but she beat me to it, and was begging nd yelling at Jen to be on her table... when i was clearly standing right there next to her, waiting to be asked as well but wasn't.

    and well now, i just want to talk to her about it.. but every time that i try to talk about it with her, she blows me off and gets angry and everything, its ridiculous. i really want to yell at her and say what going on.. like how i know that her and Jen will always like and be close to each other than me and Ash ever did, that when her and jen were off playing "best friends" i was all alone, and had to run and find a group to be in, because back then it was me and her... that she does not understand, and probably would not understand how much i am hurting, and the worst thing is, everyone can see my pain except for her. she's just clueless.


    7 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • what did my friend mean?

    ive been feeling like crap latley about my own life and with my friends latley.. and ive been having these reoccuring thoughts as if one of my good friends like to be with other people more than she likes being around me - and how she gets a long with other people in other groups than in my group..

    And ive been wanting to tell her that i do feel this way. And then there was thing that goes on about how my two other friends - lets call them Carrie and Sally - dont like spending time with the other girl .. which isnt infact true- it was because of a totally different reason.. as it was the person that she was hanging out with that we dont like.

    and then today i thought i should have questioned her about it and i asked if she has really felt about Carrie and Sally this way.. and that we all like spending time with her.. and she responded with "uh huh" The conversation went on and then she said someone that goes like this ;

    Me: it doesnt matter - you can hang out with whoever you want too. (me wanting to end the disscussion with her.. and not wanting to fight)

    Her: But it goes both ways though.. doesnt it?

    Me: both ways, how?

    Her: well like - they have to be your friends too right?

    What did she mean exactly? i thought she meant that if i tell her that she can hang out with whoever she wants.. then she doesnt have to choose to hang out with me? This is riciclous as all it was, was a question.. and i wasnt accusing her of ANYTHING.

    and my only fear right now is her going and telling someone else in my group.. which im not sure if she will do or not.. and its really daunting.


    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • Feeling sad, all the time?

    Sometimes, i just feel good. Its like the day has been going on and i feel like my day is getting worse and worse. I just don't feel okay sometimes.. and i just want to know if there is anything wrong with not feeling okay - because lately, I've been feeling like this and comprehending that there might be something wrong with me. Maybe i think too much. lol

    I grew up with the thought of "if you have a problem, and you can fix it, then change it - but if you can't then let it be, and leave it. but i don't know - i just feel like there needs to be some days where you just don't feel okay, and there would be nothing wrong with you if you feel that way.

    I sometimes feel like i am always really sad. i don't know why, its like because I'm lacking self asteem and confidence and I'm shy and I'm moody and things like that make me feel really bad and stuff, and i think i may have some sort of disorder, but I'm not sure, and I'm trying to convince myself that I'm not.

    Any thoughts or advise?

    I need some help . lol


    4 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Feeling sad, all the time?

    Sometimes, i just feel good. Its like the day has been going on and i feel like my day is getting worse and worse. I just don't feel okay sometimes.. and i just want to know if there is anything wrong with not feeling okay - because lately, I've been feeling like this and comprehending that there might be something wrong with me. Maybe i think too much. lol

    I grew up with the thought of "if you have a problem, and you can fix it, then change it - but if you can't then let it be, and leave it. but i don't know - i just feel like there needs to be some days where you just don't feel okay, and there would be nothing wrong with you if you feel that way.

    Because i may think about this, and how low self asteem i have, and how unconfident and shy and miserable i really am, i think that i may have some sort of disorder from feeling so sad.. but I've been trying to convince myself that i don't, and try to live happily. but i don't know if its working, i dont

    know if i could ever be happy.. kind of.. but i know sometimes i need to be sad.. i don't know if that makes any sense to you. lol

    Any thoughts or advise?

    I need some help . lol


    1 AnswerMental Health10 years ago
  • is it okay, not to feel okay?

    Sometimes, i just feel good. Its like the day has been going on and i feel like my day is getting worse and worse. I just don't feel okay sometimes.. and i just want to know if there is anything wrong with not feeling okay - because lately, I've been feeling like this and comprehending that there might be something wrong with me. Maybe i think too much. lol

    I grew up with the thought of "if you have a problem, and you can fix it, then change it - but if you can't then let it be, and leave it. but i don't know - i just feel like there needs to be some days where you just don't feel okay, and there would be nothing wrong with you if you feel that way.

    Any thoughts or advise?

    I need some help . lol


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • i can't really seem to get over him?

    I met this genuine guy, Scott, last summer 2 years ago. When he came along, we talked casually and i didn't really think about liking this guy very much - because it never crossed my mind. He was a friend of another guy friend that i know. And one day in September.. it happened, when he made me feel really into him. We were talking about our boyfriend/ girlfriends. and how his girlfriend and him were having some problems to deal with.. but she was on a holiday.. and coincidentally so was my boyfriend at the time. Then we started talking about how it may have played out differently if we were both single and if we both broke up with our boyfriends/girlfriends to be together. I think that night was what started the spark for me, to actually figure out that i really do like this guy.

    From then on, we would always be up all night talking to each other until we fell asleep, and messaging each other within school hours just to talk to each other. we would talk for hours and hours about ourselves, and what it would be like if we got together one day.. and how "one day" was the day where everything will be perfectly in place and we would be happy together. Until i messed thing up badly.

    i don't know why i did this, but i also had the feeling that he may have not liked me the way that i have liked him, because i knew he was talking and flirting to all these other girls, and i also found out he has a lot of girl friends then he does boy friends that he hangs around. Because of this i starting doubting myself and the connection that me and this perfect guy had, and i remember the night distinctly where i said that "i didn't want to do anything too fast, because i am still really confused" - He must have took that the wrong way, because after that i hadn't spoken to him for weeks, and then he was keen about this other girl that he had been talking to.

    After that, we got talking again, and i thought that if it was that easy for him to go off and talk to another girl without feeling bad and not thinking about me, then i thought that this guy wasn't the right one for me. Although i thought this, we stilled talked, and flirted and stayed up all night for hours and hours.. we just simply enjoyed each others company. He was saying things like "it will happen one day" and "i wish i was there with you" which made me feel like maybe he did like me again.

    Though things ended with me and him now, and i cant really forget all the things that he has said to me. Its almost been 2 years since that happened, and i think about what could have happened everyday, but why it didn't was because it was my fault in the beginning.

    Maybe it was supposed to be platonic love.. and maybe we weren't ever supposed to be together.. but i won't forget the things he has said to me, then things that reminded me of him and the things that he gave me to make me think of him. Maybe i find it hard to forget because it had been 2 years almost, and because he was someone that i really did love, but i didn't know until the very last minute.

    Any Advise for me? i think id need it.

    And it would be greatly appreciated.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • He doesn't want to get in the way of me liking other guys?

    well I was talking to my close friend lately, and we both have this thing for each other but he has a girlfriend, but I am not going to do anything that would ruin things for him, even when I like him so much. I am prepared to wait for him, but sometimes I think that when we are together that whe will have lots of girls to flirt with, and so on- because he flirted with me, when we first met and that's hake we become how we ate right now.

    But anyway, I was talking about going to the beach and i was kind of mocking him - and said that i was seeing guys without their shirts on.. and maybe you should be here with me.." and then he says something in the lines of "wow, well don't let me get in the way of that" - what does that mean?

    I want him to tell me that I can't do that and stuff but he says that, he is a genuine guy and I just want him to knwow how badly I want to be with him.

    Can someone help?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago