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Miss 1928
I'm an Opera Singer. I'm an American living in Rome with my new baby girl and Italian husband and one insane black cat.
Where / How can I get a "legalization issued by the Secretary of State"?
I need this for my Birth Certificate and (lack of) Criminal record in order to apply for my Italian citizenship.
Thank you.
2 AnswersEmbassies & Consulates1 decade agoCan the apps in Facebook really tell who checks my profile?
I have tried a few of these apps and they give me friends who I *know* haven't been on Facebook in a while and don't give me friends who I know *have* been checking my profile. So, these apps seem completely bogus to me.
I've tried looking up in Facebook's privacy policy to see if that information can even be divulged, but haven't been able to find anything regarding that. Perhaps I'm just not looking in the right place.
Thank you.
6 AnswersFacebook1 decade agoHow do I get an official copy of my criminal record? (Or rather lack there of)?
I need an official document that states that I have no criminal record. (Besides a few traffic tickets from many many years ago, my record is completely clean.) I am applying for dual citizenship (I'm American and requesting citizenship in Italy) and I need proof that I have not been convicted of any crimes, but I really have no idea of how to do this, or even whom to ask. In the states I have only ever resided in California, so that is where I need to ask, right? but as I said; Whom do I ask? Where?
Thank you for any assistance you can give.
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoPirated DVDs illegal, but recorded movies not?
Let me start off by saying that I would never purchase a pirated DVD (or cd). I don't like to break copyright laws.
But I just want to know what the difference is between a pirated copy or downloaded DVD and recording a movie from TV or cable on your DVR then dubbing it onto a DVD to watch again later. Obviously for personal use.
Or, if one is not allowed to copy movies on their VCR or DVR then what are they for?
4 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade agoWhat is the name of this short lived TV series about sea creatures?
The series came out a few years ago... I don't recall exactly since I saw it here in Italy and we get everything later than the original USA air dates. I think it only lasted one season.
It had several plot lines:
One was a boy who discovered a "baby" sea creature who kept it in his bath tub, for a while.
Another was a female (brunette) marine biologist who also discovered evidence of these creatures.
The third was a man who's brother was eaten by one of the deep sea creatures.
They all "find" each other in the end.
I don't recall any of the actors or I'd just check on IMDb.
This has been bugging me. Thanks!
1 AnswerDrama1 decade agoHow do I freeze an uncooked turkey?
Sadly we have to "postpone" our Thanksgiving. :-( But we already purchased the turkey (fresh, not already frozen). I'd like to use it for Christmas and I'm wondering if I can simply just stick it in the freezer to conserve it, or is there something more complicated.
Also, when it does become time to use this frozen turkey, how should it be thawed?
Thank You.
19 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoHow will mild Dental Work affect my breast milk?
I think I'm going to get a cavity filled which will require Novocaine and I am concerned that it will affect my breast milk in a negative way.
Does anyone have any recommendations? How long will the drug remain in my system? Is it ok to breast feed afterward or should I 'pump and dump'? My Baby is exclusively breastfed so I'm wondering if I need to pump in advance and if so, how much? I've searched online but I can't seem to find any information about breast milk and dental work. Any helpful advise is welcome. Thank you!
13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoWill you wish me happy 4th of July? Are you in the USA right now? (I'm not.)?
I'd like to wish a Happy Independance Day to all American Citizens! (Especially those who find themselves in another country right now.)
Would you do the same for a patriotic expatriate?
I miss my country today.
I do love where I'm living in now (Italy) however there are times that I really miss my homeland (California USA).
Here it is just Wednesday.
Have fun today!
Eat a hot-dog and enjoy the fireworks for me!
Thank You!
19 AnswersIndependence Day1 decade agoIs it Absurd to plan a trip to The Grand Canyon in the end of August?
Will it be way to hot?
What will the Temperatures be?
Will it be too crowded with tourists?
When is a better time of year to go?
What would be the minimum amout of time to get a good experience of this National Park?
Thank you!!!
5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoMoms, how close did your first baby arrive to its due date _and_ how tall are you?
A friend of mine and I think that the mother's height and build have a lot to do with whether her baby arrives before, on, or after her due date.
Our theory is: if you are short and slight of build then there is just no more room left for the baby to grow.
In general my taller friends had their babies arrive late; my shorter and more slender friends and I had our babies arrive early. (Mine came 16 days early! I was expecting her to be late because everyone says first babies come late.) What do you think?
(I wonder also if age has anything to do with it.....?
My friends and I were all in our mid to late 30s when we had our first babies.)
I'm asking only about normal pregnancy experiences with your first born. (I mean that perhaps multiples oughtn't to count for this little survey.)
Thank You!
32 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago