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  • Restaurant or misc jobs, above minimum wage???

    I need another job....For morning, maybe 8am-3pm....

    I like Restaurants, since I've been working around those since I was little (Family job)

    I live In CA.....(CALIFORNIA)



    that pays like +$9 dollars, what other restaurants pay above the minimum wage????


    3 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • Who do I call about bug found in can of food?

    I found this very strange animal in my can of garbanzo beans (and I've never seen anything like it) Like some kind of red thing....

    So who do I call now? I want to know what in the world it is, and since some family members ate from the can, maybe they eat it's juices, so I want to know if the thing is poisonous or not,....

    I called Environmental health, but they told me to call the company that sells the thing...

    -Any thoughts?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Illegal interview question???

    I had an interview a few days back....The person who interviewed my asked why I could not work on a certain day. Because I go to church...The person looked a bit funny and then

    the person then went to ask "Do you go to church the whole day than?" I said that It was a religious day so I could not work....

    Now...I'm pretty sure that they can't ASK about religion...Was that not an illegal question?


    10 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Why the gov. should not regulate content on the radio or tv.?

    This is a question that I had for school...

    "Why shouldn't the goverment regulate content on the radio or tv"

    SO far the only aswer is: Freedom of speech..any other ideas? -Thanks!!!!

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • How much do Frito Drivers get paid?

    My uncle wants to work for Frito lays and asked me If I can find out how much they earn. We live in CA anyone have any idea on how much they make?


    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Question about Anime Expo (Convention)?

    I tried to go today with my sister (at around 10a.m), to my surprise there was a long line with about 5k people. My question for those who went, was that the line to get in?

    And do you think that there will be less people on Sunday and monday? -Thanks

    2 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • my coke rewards question (not asking for codes)?

    Ok so I put the numbers in, I just have a question for all of those that have actualy goten a prize.

    How does this shipping work? Does it take points? or do you have to pay for it?


    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • How will you think that Inuyasha will end?

    Ok so I'm sure that all of you are hopeing for the manga to have a good ending where Naraku does die, but what do you think that will happen to everyone else?

    *Possible Spoiler*

    I mean in one of the later chapters Kagome says that at the time that she did not know that she would have to chose between worlds. (Because if they use the jewel, then the link between both worlds may expire)

    So do you think that:

    A).Kagome will chose her world (and maybe Inuyasha will join her)

    B).Chose the other world and leave her family (a messed up ending that may also affect the future world if she has kids)

    C). Not use the jewel and keep jumping between worlds

    D).Story is open ended and they still chase naraku


    F).She dies somehow

    5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Children who single out another...?

    Ok, so I will make this as easy as possible:

    1).My grandma is very sick, and they found, what I can describe as “fat” near her lungs. She appears to be very sick and her body aches.

    2).My Mom is worried so she wants to leave the USA and go to Mex. To see what is wrong

    3). She is one of about nine siblings and apparently some agreed that one of the older sons should be in charge. The one that was sort of chosen is not very bright, ignorant and hot heated.

    4). Some of them have in a way told my mom that her opinion is not needed. Even though a few months ago she told them to get grandma an oxygen tank, give her x prescription and has also given them other tips that they laughed at, but later learned from a doctor that they had to do.

    5).My mom gets advice from the another family member (from dad’s side) That has saved one of my cousins, and has operated on him 2 times (on mom’s side) and has given plenty of medical advice to my grandma and her kin. However my aunts and uncles do not appear to care about his advice and rely on the advice on some doctor that says that she has nothing.

    6).The family member that is a doctor says that she could have cancer and that she needs further testing (something about some types of cancer that appear to look like fat) So he told my mom, she told her siblings to get further testing.

    7). Grandma also had another test that showed something wrong with her colon (the family member that is a doc. Told my mom that perhaps something was wrong with the colon, and this was 4 weeks ago, after he heard of her condition).

    8).As it stands, my aunts and uncles think that grandma is OK! And that my uncle should decide what happens. I am at a loss of words for how ignorant they are and why they would tell my mom to not get involved...HELLO! She is a daughter of the lady!

    And so they say: Leave uncle in charge, he will take care of it (uncle fixes cars, and still believes it’s fat, even though the Fat makes grandma hurt)

    My mom says:

    1).Get more testing, listen to the doctor from dad’s side

    2).Ask grandma what she would like to do and if she would like operation (they have not told her the results. Mom thinks that it’s better to tell her)

    3).Ask grandma to name the person that will take care of her

    And so what do you think? How can there be people like this? What part of mom’s argument is not reasonable? Any suggestions? And what would you do and why?

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • How would you kill off....?

    Harry Potter? or perhaps Ron?


    2).Making the talking hat sufficate them?

    3).Other (make up your own)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who is your enemy? Rival?

    No, don't put a celebrity that you hate for looks/ snobby...Actually put people that you have met and why they are your rival/enemy...

    Try to actually put reasons why, put more than "Because she thinks she is better than me" ..put a reason why...

    I don’t have any enemy, because I have not gone trough that, so I want to hear stories to see If I can avoid these situations...


    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is the name of this old weird movie?

    About five or ten years ago I saw this movie in Spanish (not sure if it was an English dub) It's very weird, but it goes like this:

    It was about these people that went to a ranch and had their tongues cut off, and then they were buried with bodies under the earth, and only their heads popped up. That's all that I remember


    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago