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Lv 44,980 points

Andrew Wiggin

Favorite Answers29%

I travel a lot, and I have been all over the world. I have worked as an airport manager, private investigator, Dominos pizza driver, Legal secretary, IT consultant, movie production. I enjoy photography, science fiction, aviation (private pilot), movies and history (my degree is in military history) (I have a pretty diverse background)

  • Why did Auto repair shops stop turning rotors?

    They claim that rotors made today are thinner than they used to be. Or, they claim that they are microscopically warped. Or, they make some other claim. But, rotors (in general) should be able to survive through 2 or 3 sets of pads. Now, it seems that every time I go to any shop or dealership they are telling me I have to REPLACE the rotors. So, what's the truth here? Are they just out to make more money on the upsold parts?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Why does Yahoo Answers keep sending me the same congratulatory message over and over again?

    I keep getting the same exact "You have been chosen as the best answer" message over and over and over. Every couple of hours...

    Do you think you can stop generating them?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Given the current economic situation, given the opportunity, would you choose "more savings" or "less debt"?

    I consider myself very lucky to have this question on my mind. I have been told that I will not lose my job in the next few months (no guarantees after that) but, I happen to have the cash on hand to either:

    1. eliminate my debt (leaving a very small amount of savings)


    2. hold onto enough savings to tide me over for a few months while I try to find a new job (should I lose mine)

    So, what do you think is the appropriate action, and why?

    on the off chance that this information might be helpful to some other folks out there, I request that you star this question to earn it preference in the list of questions.. Thanks...

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Is it more important to protect freedom of speech, or to stop hate speech that leads to societal conflict?

    I'm personally conflicted. I truly understand both arguments.

    On the one hand, you have the freedom of speech. The key freedom that enables our modern society to grow.

    On the other hand, you have hate speech. Divisive, ugly, and a necessary component of the world's most horrific acts of violence and brutality.

    Does taking legal measures to prevent hate speech diminish the freedom of speech?

    Do we have to honor the right of a person to say the things that we would spend our lifetimes fighting against? Or, would it be better to outlaw hate speech and spend our lives doing something more productive?

    9 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How large of an impact has technological convergence had on the global economic crisis?

    In the past, people had to buy:

    - Phones

    - Computers

    - Cameras

    - Prints of pictures

    - Televisions

    - VHS / CDs / DVDs

    - Radios

    - Alarm Clocks

    - Typewriters

    - Newspapers

    - Video Game Consoles (and games)

    - Video Cameras

    - Envelopes, Stamps, labels

    They had to pay specialized people to:

    - Book travel for them

    - Find information

    - Carry important mail, or other courier services

    - Investigate potential employees, or find lost friends

    - Prepare their taxes for them

    - Collect and analyze the news

    (I could go on)

    But the question is: People are buying less and less of these pieces of technology, and services, from the free market. They are opting instead for one decent mobile phone to do all that for them with convenience. Is this one reason we are in the economic turmoil we are in right now?

    Are our cell phones killing our economy?

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Can the US heal the wounds of this election? Are we becoming even more divided with less hope of unity?

    I'm increasingly concerned about these trends of recent elections:

    More lies are bandied about as truth

    More money is being spent

    More time is taken up

    More hatred is sown in the voting public

    More rhetoric and opinion is accepted as fact

    Less reasoning is given

    Less substance to platform positions

    Less civility among people debating in the public sphere

    What do you think? Where are we heading with all this negative electioneering? Are we one or two elections away from candidates spitting on each other and throwing real sucker-punches? What kind of a world will that lead to?

    If you are concerned (as I am) about this... Get the concern into the public sphere by Starring this question.

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Someone is using my email account to spam my contact list.?

    I know this is probably not a "hack" since they didn't change my password (step one if they can do it)... But, the real thrust of my question is this: Is there a way to prevent it? I really can't afford to have my contact list pointed toward random Chinese websites anymore. (It looks bad, and I have business contacts in my yahoo account)

    Any ideas on preventing?

    Side note: One of the scary things about this is that the unauthorized emails that were sent out actually were in my SENT folder in yahoo. They were going through my A's through F's in my contact list from 5:00 am through 5:01am this morning. Sending out the spam from my yahoo account.

    (Embarrassing. What should I do now? How can I prevent later?)

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Would it be more effective for the US to challenge evil leaders to CREATE rather than to DESTROY?


    1. Destruction is essentially an impotent act by a person (or group of persons) that lack the ability to "create" as they see fit

    2. The US still has the capacity and ability to "out-create" any evil doers out there

    3. The major conflicts of the 20th century have taught strategic thinkers that the best weapons in conflict are "not fired"

    4. That Clausewitz was right and that you judge your victory in a war by removing your enemies "Will to Resist"

    Given all that, wouldn't it make sense for the next US President to challenge N. Korea, Iran, Al Queda, Al-Bashir, Mugabe, Chavez to a war of creation?

    "We will build 4 hospitals for each clinic you establish!"

    "We will fund 2 schools for every classroom you supply!"

    "We will plant 3 acres of crops for every meal you provide!"

    Because THAT is real POWER. Creation is hard work, Destruction is impotent and easy.

    Do you agree that a new US "bomb them with food" strategy is something that can't be condemned by any in the world?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would funds collected by pro-life activists be better spent on adoption programs rather than shame tactics?

    It occurs to me that the amount of money and effort that has been put into shaming teenage girls since 1972 could have (by my rough calculations) saved tens of thousands of children's lives AND had the added benefit of setting a good example.

    Instead, the strategy of the last 4 decades has been one of hassling and bullying terrified kids into seeing the issue their way.

    I'm not taking sides... I truly think that a moderate viewpoint is possible on this issue. I just want to know what the consensus is on the question of pro-life strategy.. What do you think?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people roll around in the lies of "their candidate" the way my Shepherd rolls in other dog's poop?

    Everyone KNOWS they are lying... Yet, they propagate their lies. Why? To get people to BELIEVE in their candidate.

    "BELIEVE MY LIES!" appears to be the battlecry of American politics.

    McCain is not the same as GWB. McCain did not sell US Secrets as a POW to get special treatment.

    Obama is not a "secret Muslim". And, he really does have concrete plans for accomplishing his presidential goals.

    People KNOW these facts to be true. however, they continue to fling their feces out there in the hopes of making themselves smell better.

    It's disgusting, and we shouldn't continue to put up with it.

    I suggest a new debate format: Hook both candidates up to a lie detector!


    STAR THIS IF YOU AGREE - Make it visible


    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is it acceptable in politics to lie to get people to believe in your cause / your candidate?

    There are so many spins, half-truths, and whole-fabrications out there, it is nearly impossible for "real" people (people who do not have time to do their political research on their own) to sift through the morass and pick a candidate that matches their own beliefs.

    Both parties are guilty of the lies... And, forums like Y!Answer appear to be breeding grounds for the furtherance of the lie-machines.

    Why is that?

    Why do the Republican pundants want to paint Obama as a "secret Muslim".? Clearly, he is not.

    Why do the Democrats want to paint McCain as "Bush II"? Clearly, he is very different.

    It just seems like an exercise in futility (and an enormous expenditure of calories) to continue to lie to the people that you need to support your candidate / your party. So, why do they do it?

    Are we so stupid now that the parties feel that they can count on our votes EVEN AFTER THEY LIED TO GET OUR VOTES LAST TIME?

    BTW: If you use this as an opportunity to spread your cause's lie, FU.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Gov.Huckabee using his influence protect his son from an Animal Cruelty charge raise morality questions?

    For more details go to snopes:

    Personally, I'm more concerned about the fact that he lied about trying to protect his son, and that there is a "veil of secrecy" surrounding his son's actions.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Gov.Huckabee using his influence protect his son from an Animal Cruelty charge raise morality questions?

    For more details go to snopes:

    Personally, I'm more concerned about the fact that he lied about trying to protect his son, and that there is a "veil of secrecy" surrounding his son's actions.

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Are there any Mobile Phone rentals available at Mumbai airport?

    If so, what companies offer these rentals at Mumbai's International Airport?

    4 AnswersMumbai1 decade ago
  • What would you need in order to live completely self sufficient and "off the grid"? Land, Power, Resources?

    Assuming you would need to do all of the following for a group of 10 people indefinitely:

    1. Grow your own food, (assume both livestock & agri needs)

    2. Make your own clothes,

    3. Educate your children,

    4. Provide for your own power,

    5. Secure and normalize potable water sources

    6. Make any necessary repairs to infrastructure

    7. Provide for the maintenance of health & mental wellbeing

    Is there a manual out there that describes what you'd need if there was a general failure of the modern infrastructure?

    I know this is a lot of data I'm requesting, so the obvious things don't really need to be laid out. I'm looking for the bigger questions that I might have missed the boat on:

    How much arable land is necessary to support the dietary needs of 10 people?

    How many chickens, goats and cows?

    What books would be invaluable?

    What tools would be invaluable?

    Really any productive thoughts would be useful....

    10 AnswersGreen Living1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else HATE Yahoo! advertisements that automatically pipe SOUND from your speakers??!?!?

    Isn't this annoying?

    How dare they interrupt my music?

    Can I get an AMEN? Please?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Do women ever feel guilty about taking advantage of unfair divorce laws that exploit their former husbands?

    It seems like there are an awful lot of articles and opinions expressed in support of the notion that there are men's responsibilities and failures in this arena. (Like deadbeat dads, absentee fathers, etc.) And, of course, "cheating men" is the subject of SO MANY articles and questions, it is hardly worth asking another one here.

    But, there is a second side to every story.... What sort of record do divorced women have?

    It seems reasonably obvious that at least SOME divorces happen through no fault of the man. Sometimes the wife cheats, or she "decides it is time to go in another direction" or she doesn't find her husband attractive anymore.

    In THOSE cases, do the women involved feel guilty or ashamed about taking advantage of child support and divorce laws that are intentionally biased in their favor?

    (Before I get jumped on, please note that I have not gone through a divorce, and I have no misogynistic tendencies. I'm simply interested if there is any guilt out there.)

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • School Shootings & mall massacres-What are the root causes that drove these kids to go out in a blaze of glory

    Throughout our American history, haven't we always had access to guns? School Bullies? Socio-Economic frustrations?

    So, what's different? What is causing this seeming increase in this type of "lashing out" violence?

    My personal theory (feel free to debunk) is that the current generation of kids is being taught that each of them as individuals are "the most important person in the world." There is a proliferation of "self-esteem" education materials and methodologies out there that are forcing kids to evaluate their own sense of self-esteem against the esteem given to them by peers, teachers, parents, siblings, etc. etc.... I'm sure it is a frustrating realization for these kids that school-reality they are taught does not translate to societal appreciation of them. Hence, their decision to "go out in a blaze of glory". To achieve for themselves that necessary fame to match their own (taught to them) sense of worth. "They'll notice me now"!!!

    What do you think?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What are possible root causes of a recurring nightmare that involves me being executed.?

    Over the years, the method of execution has changed. sometimes it is electrocution, sometimes gas chamber, sometimes hanging. Lethal injection is in there, too.

    In all cases, people who are important in my life are active participants in the plan. (But not mean about it.)... For instance, a swimming coach I once had encouraged me to not eat much before being electrocuted because it would make the death last longer and be more painful. In other examples, family members would lead me "down the hall" toward my doom. And, while they wouldn't let me go, they would encourage me to accept my fate in relatively nice ways...

    I've had this dream since I was about 9. I'm 35 now. I've probably had it about a dozen or so times.

    I feel like it must be important because it is one of those dreams that you can't really "shake". Ya know? Normally if a dream bothers you, you can wake up and choose to not revisit it. Not so with this nightmare. I wake up, try to shake it, and WHAM, back in.

    11 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • What advice would you give to a man that is about to have his first kid? What would you have wanted to know?

    We just decided to start trying in August. And, we are already pregnant! I feel like we've covered all our bases.

    I'm 35. My wife is 28. We are healthy. We are living in a great community. We are on a retirement plan. We both work very hard. We keep ourselves within a budget. We moved to be close to her very supportive family.

    The current plan is for her to stay at home with the kid(s) for a couple of years before rejoining the workforce.

    I currently do a lot of traveling for work, but I know that is a problem and my prospects for being close to home are pretty good.

    What haven't I thought of? What is missing from my checklist of preparation tasks?

    I feel ready... But, going into the unknown, it is nice to have another opinion. And, since we are not "announcing" the pregnancy until 3 months has gone by, I can't really ask my own parents.

    So, I'm asking you instead. What would you have wanted to know at this key point in your life that you know now?


    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago