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  • I found these bugs in the cat food and around the cat food eating it what were they and how can I get rid?

    They were like small brownish red. I didnt notice if they had legs or not but from what I found they were not maggots...they were shedding their skin as well...I am thinking they are moth larvae but I cant find a picture to help me define what they look like. whats the the best way to go about it and killing them off...Does that mean there are more around? and if so what do i do? I am pretty sure it is just in that area. I just did all of our laundry and I never fond one of them on our clothes. Do I have to throw everything in our cupboards out? could it just have been in the cat food? It was right beside the dog food bag so would the dog food be contaminated as well? Should I throw it out. I poured the dog food in a thick plastic sealed container and I didnt find any of the bugs in the dog food.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets9 years ago
  • how to get rid of adult acne?

    My man keeps getting acne around his mouth. He uses some zit stuff but I dont think it is working. Is there a way we can get them to go away and not come back? I guess it sounds stupid but we have tried a lot of things and its not working. It isnt really bad but hes getting really self concious about it.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • What are some good dramatic romance action type novels that are good to read?

    I guess something like twilight except not like it lol. I like vampire books but I want something that I will not be able to put down. Something full of drama and mystery kind of stuff.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I dont get it? Can someone explain please!?

    Im feeling really down and awful about myself. I dont know maybe I am crazy? So just to explain why, my man and I have a very healthy sex life and we always have sex almost everyday and its always good. So we havent had sex the past week and I have been getting sexually frustrated and I have told him about it and explained to him how I feel and asked him if there is something wrong. He said everything was fine he just wasnt horny. So I came home after work and he was drunk and he said he has no desire to have sex with me anymore. I said wtf? what are you saying? I will say we have had a threesome and it was a lot of fun and now he thinks we should have one ALL the time and I dont want to ALL the time. Its nice to have sex just us it creates the intimacy in our relationship. He said that if I would just agree to have threesome he would be excited more to have sex with me and I got very mad. I left. He started crying a bit and calling for me to come back to bed. I said i wasnt going to sleep with a pig. He got mad and called me a dumb who*e. I said f(ck you im out of here. So I left because I didnt want to put up with him. I came backearly inthe morning got him ready and he didnt even know he said that. was that just drunken talk? or did he actually mean it? He said that the threesome was exciting but that I also excite him to sometimes. sometimes? wtf does that mean? Am I not supposed to excite him all the time? am I overreacting? I started to feel really down about myself and I feel like my self esteem has gone down and I just hate myself. I dont feel pretty or desirable anymore and like we had sex kind of last night but it wasnt the same. It felt like he was forcing himself to and I just pushed away from him and ended that nonsense. It wasnt even good neither one of us finished and I dont know probably becuase I wasnt into having sex with him. He also was checking out the waitress everytime she walked by. Normally I dont really care if ithappens but it just really got to me last night and he said who cares where I get excited from as long as your getting it right? Is that normal? Like whats wrong with me. Im really upset and I feel really awful and I dont know what to do. Maybe I should just leave him or something. Im really down. I never thought I was ugly either. am I?

    Im in the middle. The whitest one lol. Maybe im ugly because Im so pasty white. I cant tan either it just doesnt happen. Not like I havent tried that before.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • How to convince my man we gotta move?

    His dad loves to run the show. Right now we are renting from him and neither one of us wants to buy this sh*tty little house and even if we did we would demolish and rebuild new anyways. But hes just starting out an apprenticeship and I am waiting to go back to school. So neither one of us has the finances right now to have a mortgage and we prefer renting just becasue it suites our life better at the moment. His dad is always coming over and b*itching at us because we are not buying the house so yesterday he said buy it by April1st or get out. So I told him we will just get out. I started looking online for pet friendly places and I told him about some and said that I was going to make appointments for us to go look and he started getting stressed out. So when he gets stressed out he gets really quiet and acts like he isnt listening and says mhmm. So I take things in control to get him moving. But I need to convince him this is the best solution. His dad is constantly breathing down our necks and I am so tired of him getting on us. We can only work as fast as we can with what we have. We will be buying a house in 2 years after im done schooling and hes far enough in his apprenticeship. We are young yet so we shouldnt have to buy. But I dont want him getting mad at me for pushing him to hard into finding a new place? What should I do and how should I talk to him? I talked to my mom about it and she said we could rent herbasement for dirt cheap. I mean real cheap and I told him but I dont think I want to live under my moms roof again becasue that relationship has finally gotten better since I did. So how should I convince him this is the best move for us? or should we stay until his dad actually kicks us out? it isnt like we are sloppy or crazy people I clean something in the house everyday and make sure things look perfect.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Need Help Quitting Smoking?

    So I have been smoking for 5 years. I know not as long as some but enough to get me addicted, I amoke like half a pack a day which again isnt as much as others smoke. Sometimes I smoke less depending on what I am doing. But When I try quitting I cant seem to keep going with it. It also sucks cuz my man smokes and we live together. He said if I quit first then he will quit. We tried quitting together and then he started smoking cigars and on the 4th day I started smoking again. I need help getting to that 21 day mark. I want to quit cold turkey because I dont want chemicals or anything in my body. I also live in a shitty city where we dont have resources like allen car or whatever quitting smoking center it is. We dont have much and its awful. All my friends smoke my mom smokes my bf smokes. Like I dont think I know 1 person that doesnt smoke and I am trying to quit! It feels impossible and I would like to know some tricks and tips that people have done that helped them quit cold turkey. And when I crave one I really crave one and I get super grouchy and snappy and Im not as patient as I usually am. I get very very irritated easily and I hate myself when Im like that.

    4 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • What kind of a video camera is the best?

    My bf and I are going to buy a video camera but I dont know what kind is the best, Money isnt really an issue but i was wanting something smaller in size nothing huge but something with a good quality picture to it? We are thinking about going to visions as well?

    3 AnswersCamcorders9 years ago
  • What are the best ways to burn belly fat quickly?

    The only place I have ever gained weight is in my belly. I want to get rid of it once and for all. I eat healthy and started to excercise everyday so any helpful hints would be great I am not quite sure what I need to do. Also how do you tighten your arms like I have that icky wiggly flappy part. It isnt that big but I still want it gone. I am a 20 year old female and I used to be extremely active if that counts or makes a difference

    15 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • One sided open relationship confused?

    My boyfriend and I live together and one night we went out with friends seperatly and when we came home we were both intoxicated. I dont know how this came up but he told me he wanted to sleep with a few different women and asked if I would be willing to have an open relationship. I was so hurt and I cried my eyes out and I passed out and woke up not remembering the conversation until it hit me. So I sent him a text while he was at work and I asked him if he was actually serious about it or if this was just drunken nonsense talk. He said that he has been feeling like he wants to have sex with other women for like two weeks but just purely for sex and I was dumbfounded. I never thought in a million years he would even ask this of me. So i freaked i cried and i packed up all of my bags and was going to leave him but when he came home from work we started to talk about it and he said that he wants us and he wants the relationship and he loves me and this is a desire of his and he talked to some older men coworkers and they said this is what they wanted to do when they were younger and regretted it. So as stupid as I am i started to consider it and I said well how do you feel about sharing me with other men and he said he hated that idea but if he was having sex with other women i should be able to do the same. However I said F that i cant even think about another man touching me and I wouldnt want to anyways. I never even considered this. So I came up with hypothetical situations on how we could over come this. He said that he is attracted to skinny women and I am not skinny. I am not ugly either just not as skinny as I once was. So I have been working out for my sake not his and I am losing weight that i have gained so he said he might not evn go through with it because he loves me. So i still dont know how to overcome the feelings towards this situation. Basically I said if you have this then I will not be paying rent you have to pay it from now on until this stops and I will work on getting the things i need for my life to get on track like going to school and getting my drivers license back and othe things like that. He agreed to this as he said that it would give him motivation to not do what he has been thinking about. Now i get men have lustful feelings towards other women and all that and he really does love me as we have a very good balanced relationship. I had no idea he was feeling what he was feeling but I am extremely hurt. We went through so many different scenarios on what I could do and what we wanted. At the begning of our relationship he was looking for somebody to settle down with and share his life with someone and I wanted that too. I never pressured him to marry me or anything and I said that i was willing to wait for all that stuff we wanted. We dont have to move to fast. He said he was getting cold feet and I dont know how to make them warm again. Like I know he loves me and hes always 100% honest with me and he doesnt even consider having a relationship with anybody else aside from a sexual one. I am starting to lose the weight I gained i used to be a ize 5 and now im not anymore. I love him and I want him to realize this is just all stupid nonsense. I dont know what to do. I made a decision that I would stay but I am feeling so many different things and I am so lost and confused. It blows my mind. I go back and forth thinking wtf I should leave him and then I go back to the fact that he will stop and I know he will and I should stay. Even though its hard but if we have a srtong enough relationship and we love each other the way we think we do then no matter what kind of problems that come up we can pull through this. I don't know im so confused and I can't even describe how I am feeling and ugh please i need advice badly!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago