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  • I need some advice on how much to pay our nanny during a wedding!?

    My husbands sister is getting married and we are flying our former nanny into town to watch our 4 kids plus 3 cousins. Friday night she'll be at the rehearsal with us and then take the kids back home and stay overnight with just my 4 kids(my husband will go back to the house eventually after we finish at the rehearsal dinner). Saturday will be an early start and a full day. She'll be in charge of getting the kids ready and will have the kids at the wedding as well. For the portion at the church she'll have a friend with her to help out since there are 2 newborns, 2 two year olds and 3 others. After the wedding she'll take the kids back to hotel and they'll be able to have a fun night there. At that point there will be one less newborn and the older kids will probably go down to the reception for a while. She will spend the night with the kid Saturday night and then will be done with the monsters Sunday morning. We want to make sure that she gets a fair amount of money for the work but are not sure how to actually figure out the pay. We are paying for 1/2 her plane ticket but don't know how to break down the weekend. We paid $15/hour when she worked for us. Also how do we make sure her friend gets compensated? Do we up the pay for those few hours so that they can split it? Any help is appreciated!

    I realize this may not be a typical parenting question but I think the parents would have a better answer for me than in the wedding section :) Thanks!

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Please Help! Serious suggestions for lower back pain?

    I have a doctors appt schedule but can't get in until Thursday afternoon and I was hoping someone could offer me some pointers. I've been having lower back pain since Friday, it's a dull pain but is making it very hard for me to lift my youngest daughter (I've ceased lifting her unless totally necessary i.e. getting in and out of the car and her crib), it is also very hard to get in and out of a chair or the couch as well as if I sit down on the floor.

    Friday the pain was the worst with the pain shooting into my leg. I've been taking advil and aleve but neither seem to really get rid of the pain. I'm sleeping with a pillow between my legs which makes sleep a little better but I'm still in pain. Any help would be greatly appreciated, but serious answers only please!

    Thanks in advance for any help :0)

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago