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LilMissLunatic [YummyMummy]

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  • What are these white marks on my window? Infestation maybe?

    Hi, we ve recently moved to the countryside and we re still learning how to not be city slickers anymore! Anyway, we awoke this morning to a maggot infestation in the kitchen due to the kids putting food in the bin instead of the food waste box and the unreasonable heat of the last few days. We dealt with that and think we got rid of most if not all of the maggots but we went out for an hour and when we came back, the kitchen windows are covered in white streaks on the inside, along with a glass vase that I had left on the windowsill. I wonder if the two have anything to do with each other or if we re looking at two separate incidents? Do maggots leave trails across Windows?

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden5 years ago
  • Can I shorten my period with the evra patch?

    Took my patch off last sunday and the withdrawal bleed only kicked in on wednesday, long distance boyfriend is visiting on tuesday and it's still flowing very red and very heavy, is there any way I can stop it by tuesday if I put the next patch on now or something?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What else can I do? Moving to different part of country - on dss.?

    So basically I have 2 very small children, one is 3 years old and the youngest is just 16 months old and we're in a really bad place at the moment - their father is harassing me and I've been advised to leave the area for my safety by my solicitor. When we split up back in February he kicked us out of our house and we had to get the first house we could find, it has turned out to be damp, bug infested and dangerous, with no heating and badly fitted windows and doors. The damp is making us ill and the letting agency are too lazy to do anything other than give us a dehumidifyer for a few days at a time and charge us for it. My ex is great with the kids and he has them overnight once a week but he is horrible to me in front of them, he once burst into my house and shouted at me in front of the kids and I was so scared that he now picks the kids up from my mums house every week which is a 40 minute walk from where I live. I'm getting prank calls in the night which means I have to leave the phone off the hook and my father is disabled so I need the phone just in case anything happens. I don't have any friends around here anymore as the ex has systematically alienated everyone by lying about things I've said and/or done and my only friends and family other than my parents are in a different county, approximately a 2 hour drive from here. I want to move up there to be away from my ex, away from this house and be nearer my only support network as I feel it's better for the kids if they have a mum who isn't scared all the time and struggling to cope without anyone to help. Because they are so young I feel unable to go back to work just yet so I am claiming income support and housing benefit, before when we all lived together my ex went out to work and he supported us but since kicking us out I've had to go on benefits as even if I wanted to go back to work, the area I am in is one of the poorest areas in the country and there are no jobs available. I'm looking online for houses in the area I wish to move to and I have friends and family up there that are looking in papers and asking in letting agencies but no-one is willing to accept DSS and it feels like we have hit a brick wall. None of my friends or family can put us up, it's a case of trying to find a place of our own but it doesn't seem to be possible with no landlords accepting DSS. I'm sure there has to be something I'm missing, something I haven't thought of, but obviously I don't know what. I've signed up to lots of sites and I've put ads out everywhere but have had no responses. I understand that as a single mum on benefits I'm a liability but I honestly never wanted to be in this situation, all I want is to feel safe and to be able to look after my children. Is there anything else I can do? Are there any avenues I haven't explored in the search for a landlord willing to take on a tenant with so many risks? Hoping so hard that someone out there can help me!

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Looking for a picture, meme or demotivational?

    Ages ago I came accross a picture online of a guy dressed up badly for battle, he had long straggly hair and was wearing, if I remember correctly, a loin cloth or boxers, and was weilding a broom or something, it was hilarious and the caption was either "The internet is serious business" or "Ruler of Teh Interwebz" or something like that, now I have google searched it for like 3 days to try and show my friend but I can't seem to find it, does anyone have a clue where it might be??

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • looking for a picture, meme or demotivational?

    Ages ago I came accross a picture online of a guy dressed up badly for battle, he had long straggly hair and was wearing, if I remember correctly, a loin cloth or boxers, and was weilding a broom or something, it was hilarious and the caption was either "The internet is serious business" or "Ruler of Teh Interwebz" or something like that, now I have google searched it for like 3 days to try and show my friend but I can't seem to find it, does anyone have a clue where it might be??

    1 AnswerPhotography1 decade ago
  • There was a mini-ad by Currys when they sponsered the Simpsons on Sky 1 recently...?

    And I can't find it anywhere to show my friend, basically, the guy is waiting at a window, falls asleep leaning on his hand, face plants the window, wakes up not knowing what the hells going on and falls over backwards, the tag line is "Bored of waiting in all day?" I found it hilarious and I want to show my friend but I can't seem to find it on youtube or anything, does anyone know what I'm talking about and maybe have a link to it somewhere?

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • Song lyric help please!?

    I keep hearing a song on radio 1 and other chart music stations (I don't really listen to mainstream music so I don't follow whats popular or whatever these days) and its like a guy rapping but it sounds like a talking kind of rap, not MCing, and the first line is something like "Oh baby please forgive me if I come on too strong..." and thats all that I remember apart from the chorus being full of "woah woah"s...

    Any ideas?

    7 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me find out what this oriental symbol is please?

    My partener found a tattoo he wants but it had this symbol in the middle of it...

    and of course he doesn't want to get the symbol if he doesn't know what it means (sensible man!) so does anyone out there know? We've been googling for 2 hours now, to no avail!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and told by doctor to lose weight?

    Hi, I'm not THAT overweight, my BMI is 36 instead of 35 but my doctor advised me to try to lose a bit of weight so that I wont have to have a glucose test next month, but everywhere I look online it advises against weight lost while pregnant, so is my doctor wrong? And if he isn't then how do I go about losing some pounds in a month? I am thoroughly confused!!

    27 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy not as far along as thought...?

    I need some help to clear up some confusion, I thought that sperm could only live in the female body for up to 5 days right, so I times intercourse with my partner in the hopes that we could conceive a girl if we did it a few days before my ovulation, I went for my 12 week scan today and they told me that I'm actually 11 weeks tomorrow, not 12.5 weeks like I thought... now my partner and I only had intercourse once in august, about 10 days after my period, thinking that then the male sperm would die off, leaving the females still there 4 days later when ovulation occurred but if I'm only 11 weeks, not 12.5 then surely that means that I ovulated a week and a half AFTER I was meant to, meaning that the sperm must have survived for over a fortnight inside of me? God I'm so confused! I mean if that's happened then it's gotta be super sperm! But this isn't biologically possible is it? My days of ovulation were only a guess as my periods have never been regular and it was difficult trying to get the time for intercourse as my partner works nights, and we already have a 14 month old whirlwind running around wrecking the place, I'm just so confused as to how I could have conceived at all! I thought I knew a fair bit about pregnancy and ovulation after having been through it all once already but this has totally blown my mind, can anyone out there help me??

    By the way my last period was the 14th August and I don't remember the exact dates but I must have had sex around the 23rd-25th august (by my estimations and we already know that I can't add up properly!)

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Morning sickness with an active 12 month old?

    I've just found out I'm 6 weeks pregnant and my gosh the morning sickness has set in badly! I just want to lay down and maybe have a little snooze, maybe stick my head down the toilet... but this time around I can't, my first born has just turned a year old and he's become quite clingy so I always have to carry or cuddle him but he also likes to slap and pinch so I'm constantly telling him off if I'm holding him but if I'm not holding him then he's emptying the bin, pulling the sky box off the shelf (through the bars of the safety guard there) trying to eat the computer mouse... I can't keep up with him! He's only been naughty for the last few days so I'm hoping it's a stage but I hate that it's coincided with the worst stage of pregnancy! Is it possible he knows I'm pregnant? I've not stopped giving him attention or playing with him, I'm doing everything I normally do. He's also refusing to nap so there goes my chill out time too!

    Oh I know I'll get through this I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on what to do or even why we do things like this to ourselves!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I get my 11 month old to sleep through the night when...?

    My partner insists I go wake him up around midnight to change his nappy otherwise he'll wet through, my partner works nights and often comes home at 5/6am, he comes to bed around 8am so I ask him that if our son wakes up, can he change his nappy and give him a bottle for me so I can sleep, this is fine but quite often I will get woken up and moaned at because the nappy was full or it leaked a little bit. How can I teach my son to sleep through the night (which he has done on a few occasions but I did get moaned at for letting him sleep and not wake up for a nappy change) when I have to wake him up to change his nappy? I just feel that trying to get him to sleep through is futile! We use Pampers nappies that are supposed to be good for 12 hours but I put my little one to bed at 8pm last night with a fresh nappy on and by 4am my partner was having a go at me because he'd had to change the cot sheets and our sons PJ's because they were wet, that's fair enough, it's cruel to leave him in that condition BUT he hadn't woken up and cried so I didn't go to him so how was I to know? He's always happy when he wakes up in the morning and he has 2 naps in the daytime, each lasting around an hour so he is getting enough sleep, I just don't see how I can get him to do a 12 hour sleep stretch at night if he keeps weeing so much he needs a change of nappy at around midnight!

    Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Implantation bleeding?

    Ok so my last period was 22nd June - 27th June and I didn't have my period 28 days later as I thought I would but today (38 days later) I thought I was having my period as I woke up in agony and I had light bleeding with quite a lot of discharge (TMI?) it looks like the bleeding has stopped now and so have the cramps but I remember that I had implantation bleeding when I concieved my son and it was very simillar, I'm wondering about the time frame, if I'm pregnant then it makes it 25 days past my estimated ovulation, can implantation bleeding occur this much later? I took a pregnancy test 4 days ago and it said negative, so I'm really confused now!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Fable 2 voice actors?

    Hi, can anyone tell me who does the voice of Giles the farmer in Fable 2? I suspect it may be Richard Ridings but I really hope it isn't coz that voice just does it for me but Richard Ridings really doesn't lol

    If anyone knows if it is him or the name of who does it can you please let me know and put me out of my misery?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Pure experience extract Fable 2?

    I can't find it anywhere, if anyone can tell me where to get it from please or if anyone has some they can give me my name is LilMissLunatic and I'll be on til 7:30 tonight and I can exchange it for whatever, just let me know!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Do you think my baby could be a model?

    I'm not asking seriously, I'm not going to try to get him into modelling unless he wants to when he's older, I'm just wondering if people think he's good looking enough to get into modelling, this woman stopped me in the street today and said that he was...

    I like dressing him up btw lol

    11 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • My son is 7 months old and I want to have another baby already?

    I had a C-section 7 months ago (to the day!) and I'm taking the pill but I'm on the week break at the moment and I'm wondering whether to take the next one on saturday or not, I've talked it over with my partner and he says its up to me, he wants a big family too :) but is it really wise to start trying for another baby after only 7 months after a C-section? I was told to wait 6-12 months which I've done but is my body really ready now? I feel like it is but I thought I'd ask other peoples opinions... I really really want another baby!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pros and cons of a juice fast?

    I put on loads of weight since having my son 6 months ago, I had a C-section and couldn't move for 8 weeks, it was a bad time and I had to go through physio to help my stomach muscles work again so I could stand up from sitting, I gained 5 stone in a very small space of time and now I am desperate to lose it again! I'm exercising, I'm eating sensibly, I don't know what else I can do, this weight will not go! I'm going to go and see my GP tomorrow and ask about maybe doing a juice or water diet, but I just wanted to ask if anyone on here has any experience of these types of diet and what their opinions were.

    I'd be very grateful for any information, I've already exhausted google for information, I'd now like to hear information from people not trying to sell me stuff!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Separation anxiety anyone else?

    Has anyone else found that they're the ones that experience separation anxiety and not their babies? I had to leave my baby overnight with my parents for the first time when he was about a week old as I was rushed into hospital with an infection of my C-section wound, I was fine with it for months, leaving him with them when I had hospital appointments etc, but now he's nearly 7 months old its getting harder for me to leave him, its my birthday next week and my parents have him for two nights as my partner is taking me away for the weekend and I'm dreading it, I'm looking forward to spending time with my partner and getting presents (yay!) but I just don't want to be away from my baby! I know he's safe and he loves spending time with his grandparents but I just miss him sooooo much when I'm not with him... Anyone else felt like this or am I just being an idiot?

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I have a bob hair cut and I want to have a vintage hairstyle but I don't know how...?

    My hair is layered and comes to just under my chin and I have a fringe that comes down to just under my mouth, I'm after something like these hairstyles but I don't know how to achieve them...


    4 AnswersHair1 decade ago