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  • Sometimes I can't tell when I ***?

    I'm 15, and I'm a girl, and sometimes when I touch myself I can't tell if I've had an orgasm or not. About the time when I would ***, nothing happens, but I just stop feeling horny.. When that happens, did I still orgasm? or is it like my body has just given up? Sorry if that doesn't make sense, and please don't call me gross :c

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • Can someone please help me stop eating?

    I'm 15 and I'm a girl, I'm seeing a psychologist to help with depression and anxiety and possibly BDD and anorexia. For the past three or four months I have been restricting what I eat a lot and I've lost a noticeable amount of weight because of it. Over the last 5 days I have been eating whatever I want whenever I want, which is usually bad foods like chips or chocolate and soft drink etc. I feel like I am constantly eating and I feel really bad now because of it. I keep thinking I'll eat until I feel sick but I don't even feel full when I've eaten almost all day.

    My psychologist has told me that she is neither going to tell me that my eating habits are right or wrong, even though she thinks I should still eat more, but what I have been eating is too much for a person who has no symptoms of an ED whatsoever.

    How can I cut down on this? I don't want to be eating this much. I only ever eat nothing or too much, and I don't throw it up afterwards (although I have considered it) so it stays in my stomach. I'm scared I'm going to gain weight because of this now. I'm not asking you to tell me I'm fat so I stop eating, I just need some advice on how to stop binging. Thank you, and please don't put in any rude comments, I really need help.

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Is this an anxiety attack?

    My counsellor tells me that my anxiety is slightly above average, which makes sense to me because I'm not one of those people who have massive panic attacks when I feel anxious, but I read something about anxiety attacks which made me wonder if I was getting mild ones

    Basically, if i ever have to put my hand up to answer a question in class, or if i have to stand up and talk, i get really shaky and i start to get really hot and sweat a little. I'm not sure if this is just because I have such low self confidence or if they're small anxiety attacks. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Question about antidepressants?

    I'm 14, 15 in August, and I've been depressed since the end of 2011 and lately i've been feeling worse and worse about myself and my thoughts (and dreams) are getting more concerning. I started seeing the school counsellor about two months ago and it doesn't seem to be doing anything (I know that it's meant to be a slow process but it's just making me feel weak and stupid.)

    Do you need to be anything in particular to be prescribed antidepressants? Like, do you need to be a certain age or have a certain degree of depression? Just wondering.

    Thank you!

    (please don't leave any hateful comments)

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • i need some help with dream/nightmare interpretations?

    ok so i have two dreams that are really confusing me and i would like some kind of help.

    dream a:

    i was playing basketball with some other people and i tried to get the ball into the hoop and i just couldnt do it. i tried one more time and it didnt work so i dropped the ball and ran out of the gym to a gate. (i remember it being set out like someones front yard) there were two or three boys there and i started shaking the gate to get out but i couldn't. i was crying and panting and i was about to break down so i ran around the side of the gym before the boys came up to me and started to bash me while i was on the ground. they left and then i was on the ground crying.

    that was all i remember and i've never had a dream like that before. it was a nightmare to me and i dont understand it. i do have a tendency to get very angry at times and i do just want to sit and cry my eyes out but i dont understand why i was beaten.

    dream b (this one is very different)

    i was at a girls house and there were some boys there (i was friends with the girl for a little bit years ago) and she told them all to leave. then she sat beside me on the bed and told me to kiss her. i kept making excuses like 'i havent kissed anyone before it will be really bad' and 'but i think my breath smells' but she kissed me anyway. nothing happened after that except she kept on trying to get me to kiss her more throughout the day.

    im really confused because im not a lesbian and i havent talked to her in years. does it mean something?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • question about antidepressants?

    can anyone get them? and i dont mean *anyone*, but do you have to have a certain level of depression or be a certain age before you can use them? things like that. thank you xx

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • what is classified as a suicidal thought?

    is it thinking something like

    a) i wonder what would happen if i jumped out of this window.


    b) i am going to jump out of this window

    or is it both of them? i just want to know because if my therapist asks me i want to know how to respond correctly.

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • how do i tell a close friend to stop bullying me?

    im a 14 year old girl, and so is my "friend". (i havent told my parents or friends about how i feel)

    she pretty much physically pushes me into things like walls, doors, lockers and people.

    today while she was doing it, she said to me (in a joking tone) "gosh, why do you keep bullying me!! you're such a bully!' then continued!! she knows shes bullying me, yet she still continues to do it!

    i really want to tell her to stop but i dont know how. i cant just make new friends because the people i sit with like her and i like the people i sit with (obviously lol)

    but shes really b*itchy to me. she'll always make "jokes" about me which i take personally because that's just the person i am.

    i have actually become scared of her. + i think i could have depression and anxiety and she is only contributing to both those things T^T

    i also watched this video and this guy that i really look up to said that bullies don't feel any empathy and i think it's 100% true because she doesnt understand that i dont take it as a joke and she is already making me feel more worthless than i already do. and sometimes at lunch ill think she's feeling depressed like how i feel, but then we'll walk somewhere and shell push me around and start smiling and laughing... and the thing is i dont smile or laugh when she does it so she must know i dont like it

    how should i approach this situation? if i tell her to stop she'll just think i'm weak and can't take a joke and go "hahah pms much??" or "woah, calm down. it was just a joke,ok?" (a joke tha'ts been going on since the start of the year.)

    5 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • need advice on depression/anxiety + a self harm question?

    im a 14 year old girl and i don't know if i'm depressed or a have anxiety because i haven't had any tests done by professionals or anything. i've done a couple of online ones and if they're accurate i could have Cyclothymia (+mild depression) and i also have more symptoms of anxiety than i think i did.

    If you want a little bit of background here it is:

    I keep my feelings to myself.. im just a really private person and im afraid people are judging me no matter what i do. im embarrassed about my school work (like when i have to read out what i have written in english) and would rather stay at the back of the class and not answer anything. i have pretty much no self confidence and hate everything about myself.

    I have a couple of friends. One of them is a close friend who i like sometimes and hate other times. the reason i hate her sometimes is because she teams up with my other "friend" at times which makes me feel worse about myself. another friend i have annoys me so much that i really just want to slap her to make her quiet. (sorry, but that's how i feel)

    I've also become scared of one of my friends. yeah, i know. The friend that my good friend teams up with too :L sometimes i think she's depressed like i am, but then she bullies me. She pushes me around (literally) into people and into things and it's just annoying and she has actually caused me to bleed once! she went to me today (in a joking tone after pushing me) "GOSH, WHY ARE YOU SUCH A BULLY? WHY ARE YOU BULLYING ME? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!" which is really annoying because she knows that shes bullying me yet doesnt stop. also, that is what i feel like saying to her.. it makes me feel like shes mocking me in a way. +shes always insulting me as jokes but i take them personally and i just hate her to be honest.

    ok.. question time

    1. do you know anything i can do to stop the anxiety? i havent been diagnosed or anything but i just know that i must have some form of it. I really dont want to be one of those super anxious people..

    2. Cutting makes me feel light headed. I dont cut, but i do see pictures and what people write about how it feels good. (thats what makes me feel that way).. i dont self harm.. at least i dont think i do. My hands are really dry. so dry that they begin to split open and occasionally bleed and sting... but i dont do anything about it. my mum always tells me to put cream on them and i know i should but i just dont. I kinda like when they sting and bleed because it gives me something to focus on instead of my life and whats going on around me..... even know i'm not really doing anything.. is it still self harm? (sometimes ill pick at it too :L)

    3. WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT MY FRIEND? i try just ignoring her when she pushes me but i dont think it's working. i also dont want to confront her around my friends because theyll just think im weak and can't take a joke... but i dont want to do it when it's just her because i know she'll just tell them what i said to her.

    if you read this, thank you. and any kind of advice would really help me at the moment! ;n;

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Please help figure our my dreams?

    **reposted again, i know, but i'm not trolling**

    Im a 14 year old girl and for some reason i have started to get nightmares one night after another. The one i had last night really disturbed me and i would like some help with the meaning..

    The dream was that i was at an indoor swimming pool, and i was standing at the end where a man was holding me down while he explained what the room opposite me was. he told me that if i didn't let him rape me he was going to get the other man to take me into the other room and kill me. I refused so he started to walk me over as i was struggling to get free and then i woke up...

    I also had another more random one (the night before) where a little boy, around 5/6 was following me, but he was crumbling to pieces and his skin was grey and his eyes were black and he just kept following me. He eventually caught up to me and tried to bite me (like a zombie) before disintegrating right in front of me..

    There was also one the night before the one above, and i actually can't remember it too well at all, but basically i was super scared to be alone. I was almost going to tell my mum that i didn't want to go into my room and be alone because i was so scared from my dream..

    I'm actually scared to sleep now because even though they may not sound scary, they are the creepiest things i have ever experienced since i didn't get that many nightmares when i was younger. and i am not one to get easily scared/grossed out..please help me T^T

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Please help me with my nightmares!!?

    Im a 14 year old girl and for some reason i have started to get nightmares one night after another. The one i had last night really disturbed me and i would like some help with the meaning..

    The dream was that i was at an indoor swimming pool, and i was standing at the end where a man was holding me down while he explained what the room opposite me was. he told me that if i didn't let him rape me he was going to get the other man to take me into the other room and kill me. I refused so he started to walk me over as i was struggling to get free and then i woke up...

    I also had another more random one (the night before) where a little boy, around 5/6 was following me, but he was crumbling to pieces and his skin was grey and his eyes were black and he just kept following me. He eventually caught up to me and tried to bite me (like a zombie) before disintegrating right in front of me..

    I'm actually scared to sleep now because even though they may not sound scary, they are the creepiest things i have ever experienced since i didn't get that many nightmares when i was younger. and i am not one to get easily scared/grossed out..please help me T^T

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • i REALLY need help with explaining to my mum?

    a friend of mine told me as a joke "lol. you have a mono brow" and it really hurt me. the year before i became really self concious about it (thanks puberty) and now i dont know what to do (im a 14 year old girl btw)

    i started to pull the hairs out with my fingers, but now i have the little ones that i just can't reach. i need to ask my mum whether she has tweezers or not, but i am really embarrassed.

    i already got my period, and that was hard for me to tell her about, and she already told me that me hating my eyebrows "was just puberty".. but i am reeeeally embarrassed because if i leave it and go to school everyone can see all the little hairs and i am already incredibly self concious.

    HELP ME ;~; I BEG YOU. what do i say to her? TT~TT i was thinking of just going

    "...hey mum, do you have any tweezers? i need to fix my eyebrows up" , but i dont want her knowing that i already started pulling them out because i know she will just be sad for me and we'll probably both start crying....please help...(im already crying)

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • can masturbating give you a UTI?

    ive read that if you masturbate and then dont pee, you could get a urinary tract infection. (female)

    im 13 and havent been masturbating long, but i find that after i climax i can sleep really thats why i do it late at night. But i never get up to pee afterwards because its too late, ill wake my family (im 13) and if i get out of bed, it doesnt help me sleep.

    i only rub. no penetration.

    will i get a UTI??

    please help!!

    (ps. how is a uti caused?)

    4 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • how to keep photos private, but not be suspicious?

    i have this celeb guy i like.

    and i have photos of him...well...i guess just because xD

    but the thing is, they are in no way dirty, theyre just pictures.

    tomorrow i have my friends coming over, and there is no way i want them to see the photos.

    (some things are just private. id be yeah.)

    But i dont want to seem suspicious by like, hiding the pictures in heaps of folders, because theyll probably think its porn. and for a 14 year old girl..thats not the best thing for your friends to think xD

    does anybody know any **free** apps from the app store that i can use to make them private? (i use a mac) or any widgits or something? im just really worried theyll find them D:

    3 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • maternity pads vs super pads?

    i have had my period for just under 6 months now and i asked my mum to buy me some night time pads because my period has been unusually heavy (even while i am lying down at night)...

    instead of overnight ones, she bought me maternity pads.

    whats the difference between a maternity pad and a super pad (for example) and which would be better for a heavy flow during the day?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • what does a leg cramp feel like?

    im on the first day of my period and it was unusually heavy.

    i have a really bad achey feeling from the top of my thighs to my knees and it makes it sooo uncomfortable. i cant sleep or even sit without having to change my position in less than 5 mins.

    to explain it in more detail, it feels like my muscles are stretched out. (it feels better when i extend my leg, but when i bring it back it just hurst even worse.) its not a throbbing pain, its just there. and its really sore, well, acehy. help?

    are these cramps?

    if not, what are they? i am assuming they are from pms because i did not have them yesterday....and it has happened one other time. but they werent this bad.

    (ps, ive got a party tonight, im leaving in around an hour...they havent gone away all day and i am thinking of taking pain relief medication to help it...would it make a difference?)

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago

    im 13

    just got my period last night (not first)

    i realised i felt wet so i went and put on a regular pad


    it wasnt big spots because i kept on moving

    BUTT I HAVE A BIRTHDAY PART TONIGHT, AND I AM GOING TO BE THE ONLY GILR (under 30( THEREEEE! (well..there is one other girl, but shes like, 9 or something and wouldnt understand. trust me.) but yeah

    im REALLY worried about leaking. im going to see if my mum can buy me some overnight pads because i dont know what else to do TTTT~~TTTTT

    (ps, i dont use tampons.)

    5 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • i hate my body..... ):?

    im 13 (female,have my period)

    i weigh 53.1 kg (117ibs) and im 150cm (4.9 feet)

    i get that im a normal weight from people, but in no way do i feel it.

    i have stretch marks on my thighs, and what i hate the most is my stomach area.

    i have stretch marks on the side, and my stomach sticks out heaps.

    my friends are sticks. like, completely flat, and then im just there looking all fat.

    i dont knoww...opinions or something?

    im just feeling really bad about my body image at the moment

    3 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • would you still eat it?

    my mum packs me my lunch for school right, and she usually packs too much for me to eat at school, so ill eat it after school. sometimes i eat it while im waiting for her, and then ill get home and see that she has something there for me to eat. would you still eat it because you ate the other food just before? the way i see it is that i might have eaten it during the day anyway, so it makes no difference.....i dont know. what do you think?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago