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  • Is it wrong to be angry at my parents for this?

    My parents pulled me out of a public school, at which I was receiving all As (high As mind you--96%-100%) and put me into home schooling in the middle of 9th grade. I've been doing home school for about 1.5 years now, and right now I have a B in pre-calculus--- a 90%... I'm not at all satisfied with my work and I am not used to receiving a low grade like this. Yes, to me, 90% is low. I feel very angry with my parents for putting me into home school, because all of my school work is done online. It only involves me reading a lesson that has very few examples and then having me answer a series of questions from the lesson, then quizzes and tests... I have no teacher to explain the things I don't understand... not fully, anyhow. I have a "grader" who grades my work, and I can ask him questions, but that takes a lot of time because notes have to go through the system and I don't get an answer immediately. This makes communication slow and to me, pretty much inadequate for my learning experience. It is very difficult to teach oneself pre-calculus and expect to get high As in the subject at the same time.

    What can I do to make it through this year and pull up my grades? I'm also getting a bit low in Chemistry... a 94%... I'm very worried and stressed out..... I'm studying for the ACT at the moment as well.

    My parents are Asian... so I guess that automatically makes them incapable of responding my needs adequately... They will NOT listen to me... I've tried, and voiced my opinions in a calm manner and all they do is tell me I have to get through with it... they won't put me in another school.

    I also find it unfair that the situation they have pinned me in disallows me to take part in any extra curricular activities that would help my get into a great college.... I was never allowed to do sports, I was never allowed to stay after school for anything-- that means no clubs or anything... I was never allowed to do anything really. My family is not religious... no church activities. I'm not allowed to get a job. So all in all I am not allowed to benefit myself through normal adolescent experiences. I don't have friends, I'm not allowed to go anywhere without a parent, even though I have a driver's license... I've never been to a movie with friends... I've never been to a high school football game or dance... and I'm totally not allowed to date... (I broke that rule in 9th grade [not real dating-- just in school and I never did anything; I've never even had my first kiss], and that's why they put me in home school) I've never done drugs, alcohol, or sex, and I NEVER planned to nor do I even want to. I have never portrayed an attitude that would make my parents think otherwise.

    So, Yahoo!Answers, how are my parents to you? What can I do to make my life better?

    I'm very angry and disappointed with everything that I am forced to miss out on as a teenager.

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Would it be wrong to be angry with my parents for this?

    My parents pulled me out of a public school, at which I was receiving all As (high As mind you--96%-100%) and put me into home schooling in the middle of 9th grade. I've been doing home school for about 1.5 years now, and right now I have a B in pre-calculus--- a 90%... I'm not at all satisfied with my work and I am not used to receiving a low grade like this. Yes, to me, 90% is low. I feel very angry with my parents for putting me into home school, because all of my school work is done online. It only involves me reading a lesson that has very few examples and then having me answer a series of questions from the lesson, then quizzes and tests... I have no teacher to explain the things I don't understand... not fully, anyhow. I have a "grader" who grades my work, and I can ask him questions, but that takes a lot of time because notes have to go through the system and I don't get an answer immediately. This makes communication slow and to me, pretty much inadequate for my learning experience. It is very difficult to teach oneself pre-calculus and expect to get high As in the subject at the same time.

    What can I do to make it through this year and pull up my grades? I'm also getting a bit low in Chemistry... a 94%... I'm very worried and stressed out..... I'm studying for the ACT at the moment as well.

    My parents are Asian... so I guess that automatically makes them incapable of responding my needs adequately... They will NOT listen to me... I've tried, and voiced my opinions in a calm manner and all they do is tell me I have to get through with it... they won't put me in another school.

    I also find it unfair that the situation they have pinned me in disallows me to take part in any extra curricular activities that would help my get into a great college.... I was never allowed to do sports, I was never allowed to stay after school for anything-- that means no clubs or anything... I was never allowed to do anything really. My family is not religious... no church activities. I'm not allowed to get a job. So all in all I am not allowed to benefit myself through normal adolescent experiences. I don't have friends, I'm not allowed to go anywhere without a parent, even though I have a driver's license... I've never been to a movie with friends... I've never been to a high school football game or dance... and I'm totally not allowed to date... (I broke that rule in 9th grade [not real dating-- just in school and I never did anything; I've never even had my first kiss], and that's why they put me in home school) I've never done drugs, alcohol, or sex, and I NEVER planned to nor do I even want to. I have never portrayed an attitude that would make my parents think otherwise.

    So, Yahoo!Answers, how are my parents to you? What can I do to make my life better?

    I'm very angry and disappointed with everything that I am forced to miss out on as a teenager.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Does Universal Studio's park-hopper ticket include Wet N' Wild?

    OK, so we're thinking about buying the 7-day park hopper package for our family (4 people, 2 adults, 2 juniors 15&16y/o). Here's the text that explains the package:

    This ticket includes unlimited park-to-park admission to Universal Studios in Florida and Universal's Island of Adventure plus the paid venues of Universal City Walk over a (&) consecutive day period, including the first day any theme park or City Walk portion of the ticket is used.

    So my question is, does this ticket deal include the water park Wet N' Wild?

    2 AnswersOrlando1 decade ago
  • How? What's the difference between (-1)^2/4 and (-1)^1/2?

    I don't know how to explain this?! Math is not explained well in my school.

    6 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Which do you prefer? ?

    Honey or Peanut butter (in general):

    Socks or shoes:

    By car or by bike(motor or regular):

    Diving board or scuba diving:

    Metal or Funk:

    Red or Blue:

    Snowing or Raining:

    Dark or Light:

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Long division- polynomials? I don't have a teach' or book to explain to me?

    I'm not asking you to do my homework.

    I need this explained so I can do it myself...

    I've worked both of these problems out numerous times... I've gone to purple math and various math websites to try to figure this out. Can someone give me example problems that are quite similar to this one and explain to me the steps so I can figure out what I'm doing wrong?

    Thank you.

    Also: I always pick a best answer.... It never goes to voting.

    This one has no remainder:

    (9x ^4 + 3x^3 y - 5x^2 y^2 + xy^3)


    (3x^3 + 2x^2 y - x y^2)

    (dotted line = divided by)

    and this problem has a remainder:

    (a^2n - a^n - 6)


    (a^n + 8)

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Does revving your truck warm the engine up?

    I have the ANNOYING neighbor who in the mornings revs his truck for about 15-20 minutes and wakes me up. I was told that revving the truck doesn't warm it THAT much quicker, and was also told that you would have to get the truck moving for it to significantly warm up. I was told that just revving it doesn't do much because nothing is actually moving and that you'd have to get your truck moving for it to significantly warm up. Am I right, or am I just going to have to live with the annoyance?

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • So, do you actually LISTEN?

    Do you actually listen carefully to the music you hear and carefully note how every beat of each instrument comes together to develop the intense emotion and feeling of the song? Or are you like me and let is calm you as your mind floats away into the distance as dreams and wonderings occur.

    Also- Pertaining to the band Tool... (without using wiki you freaks!)

    Do you believe they have a bit of African drum beats influencing some of their music and rhythm? Take the song "Disgustipated" for example.

    And, does listening to your music softly or loudly calm you the most? It's loud for me-- but I could NEVER sleep to music.

    13 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Sims 2 Apartment life and University Crashes?

    I'm doing a legacy and I have all the EPS installed. I'm on my 3rd generation and my heiress just got back from uni and when I moved her back into the legacy home, I would enter the home and the game would crash within a minute or two- with no exaggeration. ONE or TWO minutes. What would happen when it crashes and it goes slow- like snail attatched to a 5 pound block. Then the video starts messing up. Then goes to black and white dangerously shapr edges instead of ANY sims 2 content at all.

    I doubt it's my video card. (MY dad is an IT network and computer engineer for 10+ years)

    Is this an apartment life glitch with university? It's only my legacy house that makes it crash.

    The uni was sim state university and the town is desiderata valley if that makes a difference.

    ALSO: The game loads fine. As quick as ever was before. Then I get to a neighborhood. It now loads slow in the neighborhoods. I can slowly get in a house- And then I can play any house- but it's WAY slower than it used to be. If I play the legacy house -it crashes.


    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • For those who listen to rock...?

    Why don't most of you not like country music? It has the same roots as rock. And those who listen to metal- it has the same roots as rock which has the same roots of country. And I'm talking about real country music. Not this new pop-country hits.

    34 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P Help me find new music.?

    Ok- I am VERY picky. I do not know alot of bands- I just like songs that I just happen to hear- don't expect me to know the name of the song or the band. Haha...

    anyway here's what I like:

    Pre- black album metallica. I like rough vocals, but not NILE rough. I do not like guy singers who sing clearly. I need a rough/scratchy voice.

    So basically- alot of metal has great music. but the vocals do affect my enjoyment of the music. Again, I'm very picky.

    Metal only please. None of this mainstream rock crap.

    I don't really like girl singers- while they do have talent and can growl and all that stuff, when I hear a girl singing, the music's not heavy enough for me. lol.... This definitely ain't no prejudice thing, because I'm female.

    I need music that will rip my brains out! ARRGH!!! Haha.... but please no vocals similar to that of nile. I can bare it, but it just takes so much enjoyment because then I can barely hear the intruments.


    Yahoo wanted my to put this in the sports section. O.o

    9 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Guitar techies? ?

    Ok, first.

    I have 2 crate amps, one is larger and older than the other.

    They are both fed through my Metal Muff pedal.

    The newer smaller one, When I turn the reverb up all the way (it sounds better) It gives annoying feedback. I don't play toward the speaker, I know it's the amp-not me... Is there any way I can rig this amp so I can have the reverb all the way up without the feedback. P.s. the feedback is like a one tone sound coming out... not a buzz.

    Second. My guitar is 12-14 years old, and something is wrong with the volume pot. You have to have it at a certain position for the sound to work right. I you accidently nudge it a little bit while your playing, the sound stops. I've opened up the guitar and cleaned the pot a couple times with precision electronics cleaner from radioshack. It gives the desired effect, but only for a short time. Is there anyway I can fix it. Should I replace the pot, or is there some re-wiring needed to be done?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • find the name of a book about a group of people in a house playing a dead guy's game.?

    It was called "The W_____ Game"

    I can't remember the middle word.

    It was a group of people living in this house playing this dead guy's game to get his fortune. (something along those lines)

    It was a great book.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Sims 2 Apartment Life: How to make the apartmentbuildbuyrestriction off work?

    That cheat won't work for me... Am I doing something wrong?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • What is up with the obsession of Rick Roll!?!?!?!

    I see this video of rick roll as answers to questions....


    13 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Favorite Healthy Snacks?

    What are some of your favorite healthy snacks? Mine is cornflakes cooked in a little bit of butter. I'm eating some right now. And yeah, I consider it healthy, compared to all these hostess crap people eat.

    13 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Here's one for you rock fans of the 90's?

    Name every excerpt from the song "Down with the ship (Slight return)" by scatterbrain. Name the song and the artist.

    For a better chance of best answer, name the excerpts from "Down with the ship [new &improved]" :D Have fun!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What is an electric cooperative?

    What is it exactly... and can you give me an example?

    2 AnswersOther - Local Businesses1 decade ago