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  • Anyone up for an entertaining writing exercise?

    I came across a question like this quite awhile back and found the answers quite entertaining, so I thought I would do something similar. Think of this as a unique writing exercise in dialogue and characterization.

    1. Go to This is a site where you can have a virtual conversation with a computer (the computer's name being Cleverbot).

    2. Select a character -- it can be a character from one of your favorite books, a character you created for one of your own original pieces of writing, or simply a character you formulated just for this exercise. Try to get into this character's mind and do your best to stay true to this character's personality when doing this exercise.

    3. Pretend the computer (Cleverbot) is another individual. Start a conversation with this other person using one of the following scenarios:

    -You are running late for work but decide to quickly stop at your favorite cafe for your favorite drink -- the computer is the person taking your order.

    -There is a kitten stuck up in a nearby tree and you need help rescuing the kitten -- the computer is the only person around to help you.

    -You were just pulled over by a police officer and you don't know why -- the computer is the police officer who pulled you over.

    Have fun!

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How long is your "to be read" list?

    I recently noticed that my list of books that I intend to read in the near future is growing to be an ungodly length. But I refuse to admit defeat.

    So, how long is your "to be read" list? And, if you care to share, what are some of the books on this list?

    And, of course, Happy New Year!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • The best and the worst of fantasy cliches...?

    I've been reading a lot of books in the fantasy genre as of late. That being said, it's become abundantly clear to me that the fantasy genre certainly abounds with a great many cliches.

    So, what cliches do you most commonly come across in the fantasy genre? Which fantasy genre cliches do you absolutely hate? Are there any cliches that you actually like coming across in a fantasy book?

    BQ1: I've been seeing a lot of excitement over Pottermore in B&A. Did you snag an early account?

    BQ2: Y!A just suggested I put this question in the category Sports > Fantasy Sports. What is the funniest category Y!A has erroneously suggested for one of your questions?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Just a little something for fun: What famous author do you write like?

    Someone earlier mentioned that the questions in B&A have been a little boring lately, and so I tried to come up with a question that might be at least a little "fun." So...

    First, is there a famous author that you think you write like? Or is there a famous author whose style inspires you or an author whose style you at least somewhat try to emulate?

    Second, a friend recently showed me this website: On this website, you can enter a small piece of your writing and it will analyze which famous author your writing is most similar to. Of course, the analysis of your writing is not necessarily all that accurate, but it is at least somewhat fun. I entered various essays I've written for some of my courses, and the majority of the time I was told I write like James Joyce. So, what famous author do you write like?

    13 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's the longest you've gone without reading a book?

    Meaning, what's the longest amount of time you've gone without having at least one book started?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What famous, classic book have you never read?

    What's a classic book that is very famous and read by many people (such as in schools, etc.) but that you have never read?

    I'll somewhat embarrassedly admit that I have read neither Adventures of Huckleberry Finn nor The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. I was never required to read either of them in school, and I never got around to reading them on my own (although I do plan on reading them both sometime in the future). How about you? What famous, classic book(s) have you never read?

    18 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you allow yourself to start a book and not finish it?

    Do you always make yourself finish any book you've started reading, even if you don't like the book? Or does it make you feel guilty to start a book and never finish it?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you often reread books?

    I have noticed that I don't reread books too often. And when I do reread a book, it's either because I truly enjoyed it very much the first time around, or because it was a complex book and I want to read it again in order to catch things that I didn't catch the first time around.

    What makes you want to reread a book? What book have you reread the most times, and how many times have you read it?

    18 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Has a book character ever appeared in your dreams?

    If so, what character and from what book?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is the worst plot hole you have come across in a book?

    I know that no author is perfect, and so sometimes plot holes happen in books by even the best of authors. But what is the worst plot hole (whether it be an inconsistency in the storyline, in a character's behavior or actions, etc.) that you can recall coming across in a book?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Some random questions about the books in your book collection...?

    Just some random questions about the books you own...

    1.) Approximately how many books do you own?

    2.) Do you organize your books in any special fashion (such as alphabetically by author, by genre, etc.)?

    3.) Do you own a significantly larger number of books in any certain genre(s)? If so, which genre(s)?

    4.) What author holds the most number of spots in your book collection?

    5.) What is (are) your favorite book(s) in your book collection?

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why are your favorite authors your favorite authors?

    Who are some of your favorite authors? And why are they your favorite authors?

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What books are on your reading list?

    Do you create a sort of reading list for yourself, so that you always know what books you will be reading in the near future? If so, what books are currently on that list?

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Bookworms: How and/or when did your love for reading start?

    Have you simply always enjoyed reading? Did your parents encourage you to read? Was there a specific book that got you interested in reading? etc...?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Handedness poll (left-handed vs. right-handed habits)...?

    I've always been somewhat interested in handedness, and how left-handed vs. right-handed people do certain things differently. That being said...

    What is your handedness (do you write with your left hand or right hand)?

    When on the phone, do you hold the phone with your left or right hand?

    Do you use your computer's mouse with your left or right hand?

    If you are female/if this applies, do you hold your purse on your right or left shoulder?

    If you are male/if this applies, in which pocket do you keep your money/wallet?

    40 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What would you choose as your favorite book character's theme song?

    For some reason, I have been seeing a lot of questions lately about choosing songs that fit certain books and/or characters. So, I was wondering what you would choose as your favorite character's (from any book) theme song? Or, what is a song that, overall, suits your favorite book?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What are some non-famous yet well-written and entertaining fantasy novels?

    I am a big fan of the fantasy genre, and I am looking to read something new in that genre. I am looking for a book that is not well-known but that is an excellent read. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are some of my absolute favorite fantasy works, if that tells you anything...

    I welcome any suggestions. Thank you!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How many babies are actually born on their estimated due date?

    Were you born on your estimated due date? If not, how close to (or far from) your due date were you born?

    19 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago