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Favorite Answers22%
  • I have to have a direct internet connection (no wireless) to my computer that I work from home on...?

    But I would still like wireless available so that others in the household can use their computers or Netflix.

    A: If I use another ethernet cord and link into the computer from the router, does that put the information on the computer at a higher risk? Or does it just split the internet service between the router and the out port?

    B: If that doesn't work, can I buy another modem and have that set up elsewhere with the router?

    I refuse to pay for another line of internet service through charter, the others will just not have internet if there isn't a way (this has been the only advice I have received at the store)

    4 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • How do I teach my 6 year old to blow his nose when it needs to blown?

    Now that my son is in school and I am no longer there to remind him, his runny nose is becoming a serious issue. While the teacher tries, she can't possibly be on him enough to keep up - there are 20 other kids. What can I do to get him to do this on his own? I am tried of picking him up to find him with a green patch of snot crusted under his nose. And to top it off...when he does decide to clean it up, he eats it. His lips are chapped from licking it off. I am at my whits end. I have tried telling him the social ramifications. I have explained it over and over. But he just doesn't listen...HELP!!

    5 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • What causes a constantly running nose?

    My son has had a runny nose essentially since birth (he will be 6 this week) Doc just always dismisses the problem as allergies or cold...but seriously - 6 years? He takes an adult dose of claritin every day, doesn't help. I tried zyrtec at one point and that didn't help either, but made him crankier so I switched back to Claritin

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases9 years ago
  • What are the steps to restoring my lawn?

    8 years ago when we bought our house, it had a nice yard. It had some clover, but that was about it for 'weeds' since some consider clover to be a weed/nuisance. Anyway, over time it has declined greatly. Overcome with crab grass and dead areas. And now, without my hubby here to help, I need to make it look better, but am at a complete loss as to where to even start. I've excepted it won't happen this year but thought there are maybe somethings I can do before winter comes (I live in northern Wi where we get some cold weather & lots of snow at times) to get it ready to be great next year. Any suggestions would be great. Don't feel like you have to get too detailed...I can google techniques...just kind of need basic plan...Thank you for your time;)

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • Ustream capabilities?

    Can a person join ustream and be able to commmunicate 1on1 with someone, without anyone else being able to see it?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Anyone ever eaten @ Garfields?

    We used to have a Garfields in my home town. There was a meal, FIERY CAJUN CHICKEN PASTA, that I absolutely loved. Sadly, Garfields closed here and it us now a 8+ hour drive to get to one. I'm not a very good cook, I've attempted to recreate with absolutely NO success. If u have had this, worked there and have any suggestions for possible copy cat recipe, my craving & I would be very grateful.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • installing a digital thermostat...?

    What do I need to do to install a new digital one to replace the old dial type? Difficult job? My husband was supposed to do it 2 yrs ago but keeps putting off saying he doesn't know how...I'm tired of waiting so I need to just do it myself!

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • Installing a fan in the bathroom...what is the easiet way to vent the fan. ?

    We live in an older home that the main bathroom doesn't have an exhaust fan. Due to construction on the other bathroom we are going to have to use the fanless bathroom for showering. The other problem we are facing is that the original builders/owners thought it would be a great idea to put a window, a wood cased window right in the shower. So we have to figure out how to make this as waterproof as possible! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)10 years ago
  • How long are eggs good outside of the shell?

    Does the shelf life of an egg change if they aren't in the shell? We make scrambled eggs for breakfast frequently and I was thinking it would be great to have them in a container ready to pour in the pan. How many days in advance can I go?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Air conditioning compresser ?

    This appears to have burned up in my Jeep Liberty. What do we have to do to replace this? Are we going to have to drain the freon (sp?) Out in order to replace it? Is this something we can do our selves or do we have to take it to a shop?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • 3 yr old hates doing everything & fights me every matter what?

    First - my son will be 4 in a month, just FYI

    Ok, every single thing we do is a battle. Getting dressed, brushing teeth, eating breakfast, going to the store, eating supper, so on and so on...

    The only thing he doesn't fight me on is watching his t.v. shows. Even if we are doing something fun he doesn't want to (until we are there - then he doesn't have a problem;) Today, his preschool was going on a field trip to the fire station which should be like heaven to him because he talks about them EVERY time we drive by one. But ALL morning it was a huge temper tantrum because he didn't want to...I heard it at least 100x But AS soon as we got out of the car @ the school he was a completely different kid.

    I AM SOOOOOOO FRUSTRATED!!! How should I deal with this. I've tried the ignore plan, I've tried just not doing the things (obviously some of them have to be done though) and he doesn't really seem to care anyways. Is this normal for this age?? He is also very oppositional. If I say something like 'jets use different kind of gas than cars do' he replies with 'no they don't' and that is with basically everything I say. I realize that he is too young to know any better but it is getting really old!! Is this normal??

    I just feel like there has to be something going on here that I don't understand. Have any of you experienced this??

    Sorry for the 20 questions~

    frustrated momma

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I am 32 and was recently diagnosed with ADHD...?

    anyone out there have any suggestions/tips for coping with this disorder?? I am constantly overwhelmed by life, have little-to-no organizational skills, my finances are in bad shape. And I just truly don't know where to start;(

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Potty training help...almost 4 yr old says he isn't old enough yet...?

    He absolutely refuses to even discuss or try it...I'm at my wit's end!! No preschools will take him and he desperately needs the social interaction...what should I do???

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 3.5 yr old son enjoys inflicting pain on our 11 month old...?

    Is this just normal behavior in response to the jealousy he experiences?? Or is this stemming from somewhere else??

    We don't do physical punishments, he has maybe gotten 2 spankings in his life. We use the time-out method (not that that really seems to work) but I'm just at a loss here. He also really lashes out when he gets in trouble - hitting the walls and/or himself.

    Please give me your thoughts...I'm scared of making this worse, not better! And I obviously just want him to be happy and healthy!

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How can I get Fishville to work on my computer?

    Everything was fine for several weeks. I play Mafia Wars, Farmville and Fishville on Facebook. Now starting yesterday, Fishville will no longer finish loading. I have reinstalled Java, updated flash player, installed FireFox and Google something - but none of it works!! What is going on?? Oh, the other weird loads on my husbands account (same computer - same everything) but it wont load on mine. I would really appreciate some help!

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding problems...?

    I really want to breastfeed my son, however we are struggling. He wants to be there ALL of the time since as soon as he gets there he falls asleep. This is causing my nipples to HURT! What can I do to keep him awake??? The other problem...he won't sleep unless he falls asleep at the breast and then I hold him to my chest. The moment I put him down he awakes. He's only 9 days old...

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • If you have had a c-section...?

    I am facing the reality that I will probably have to have a c-section due to a stubborn little baby that refuses to flip into a head down position. So is there anything you can think of ...pointers, tips on what to have on hand. Things to do, things to have on hand...???

    I'm really nervous about this procedure and maybe if I have more info I will feel better.


    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 37 weeks and baby is still breech...?

    My doctor suggested having a procedure called 'version' where they attempt to turn baby with a deep (painful from what I understand) massage.

    What do you know about this procedure - have you had it done?

    I think I am going to do it because I really do not want a c-section for a variety of reasons. Just looking for others who know about this first hand.

    And also, does anyone know of any 'tricks' to get baby to flip naturally?


    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What to do in Chicago while on vacation with 2.5 yr old?

    My husband and I are on vacation with our 2.5 year old son in Chicago area. We are looking for some fun (cheaper the better - but willing to spend $$ if the activity is worth it) activities to do as a family. The weather isn't supposed to be the greatest, so indoor activities would probably be best. Any help would really be appreciated by us!! Our son is the typical 2 year old. Explorative and on-the-go constantly!

    Thanks in advance!

    10 AnswersChicago1 decade ago