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Lv 57,771 points

Jordie0587 *Diesel's Momma*

Favorite Answers10%

I am a DOG NUT, I love Large Strong breeds, particularly my Dobermans, but I also love Akitas, Pitt bulls, and all other Big muscley dogs lol. I also love my pet rats, yes rats, they're actually REALLY cool pets. I am generally knowledgeable about dog behavior, and different breeds got a question, ASK ME! I'm also 21 and own my own 4 bedroom house, so I'm kind of a business minded homebody... I am also involved with Doberman Rescue, I love the dogs, they are my passion. I am VERY anti Animal Rights.... EXTREMELY pro Animal WELFARE. There is a difference. Please educate yourself in that difference. I wish everyone knew that PETA/HSUS are anti domestic animal. They want to rid the world of all pets. ALL PETS. They are making greats strides in their campaign because of the uninformed. Please EDUCATE YOURSELF. It may be the difference between keeping your pets and losing them.

  • What song is playing when Ivy hits her head on 90210 episode Liars?

    Anyone have any idea what song was playing and where I can find it? Love the song, can't figure it out.

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Dogs that will roll over vs dogs that will not?

    I have lately noticed that with the various dogs I've come across at home and at rescue, some dogs are more apt to roll over and display their bellies than others.

    For instance, my female will absolutely NOT roll over and show her belly willingly. She will do it if I make her, but she is not comfortable with the situation at all! My male however, doesn't mind so much (actually none of the 3 males here mind at all).

    What I am wondering, is this a reaction a typical alpha type dog displays? The other dogs I can think of that will NOT roll over are all true "alpha type" dogs (geez I hate using that cliche, but it works best here).

    Are true "alpha" dogs less inclined to roll over on their backs than a naturally submissive dog?

    This isn't speaking to the dogs relationship with me, I'm just wondering if it's an ingrained mentality in certain personalities. More submissive dogs are perfectly happy with belly rubs, my female prefers her neck being scratched lol.

    Oh, and Hi everbody :)

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • LG Voyager Help Please!!!?

    My phone is reading my text messages out loud. It's driving me insane and I don't know how to turn it off. I'm not sure how it got turned on in the first place. Help?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Gossip Girl Music anybody?

    Anybody have any idea what song was playing during the Wedding scene through when Blair found Chuck in her room?

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Do you have a Toyota FJ Cruiser?

    What are your experiences with them.

    How is the gas mileage and what are some of the good and bad things about them.

    I really love the look and heard they had decent gas mileage for an SUV.

    Opinions? Love? Hate?

    Getting a new car soon and am really considering them.

    4 AnswersToyota1 decade ago

    HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE! The "contact us" link is down, but you can still send an email at the address below.

    By ERIC OLSON, Associated Press Writer Thu Aug 14, 4:18 AM ET

    HICKMAN, Neb. - Talk about your one-horse town. This burg of 1,084 residents is just that.

    But some folks don't want that distinction. They want an aging horse named Peter Rabbit, who lives in a pasture in town, gone for good.

    Other folks say the horse should stay, despite an ordinance that bans livestock inside city limits.

    "I feel bad for the poor horse. He's probably going to die soon anyway," said Jamie Cox, who manages the town bar, Sadie's Place. "As long as he's being taken care of, they should leave him alone."

    Hickman, once a sleepy farm town, has become a bedroom community for the capital city of Lincoln and is one of the fastest-growing cities in Nebraska.

    With houses having sprung up around Peter Rabbit's pasture, Mayor Jim Hrouda and five of the six City Council members are determined to enforce the livestock ban. Shortly after a council meeting Tuesday, the horse's owner, 76-year-old Harley Scott, was served an eviction notice that orders the animal off the land.

    Scott said he has no intention of complying with the Sept. 15 deadline. He faces the prospect of being fined up to $100 a day if he's convicted of violating the ordinance.

    Longtime council member Robert Harms said the livestock ordinance dates to 1988. He said allowing Peter Rabbit to stay would make it difficult to keep other livestock out.

    Scott said he has raised Peter Rabbit since the brown Morgan-quarter horse crossbreed was born in his pasture in the spring of 1976. Scott said there have been horses on the land since his father bought 40 acres in 1935.

    Only about four acres remain in the family. The rest has been sold to developers.

    His land was annexed in 2006, but Scott said no one said anything to him at the time about having to give up the horse.

    Scott said Peter Rabbit, who is as healthy as a 32-year-old horse can be, is too old to move. Horses have a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years.

    "He could drop dead today," Scott said. "I would prefer to have him remain as stable as he is and be able to enjoy his life. I like to go out and pet him. It's just a matter of feeding and petting him."


    On the Net:

    City of Hickman:


    City Office & City Council:

    115 Locust

    P.O. Box 127

    Hickman, Nebraska 68372

    (402) 792-2212

    Email -

    What would you do?

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Have you ever missed something?

    Have you ever just missed something that you SHOULD have known what was going on and didn't realize it until it was too late?

    I've been trying not to think about it all day and I feel horrible right now.

    I'm still house-sitting at the rescue because the directors husband is useless when it comes to feeding and cleaning up, plus he works long hours.

    Well, his heartdog Cheyenne was 13yrs old. A wonderful sweet old girl whom I really wish I had known when she was younger and livelier.

    Last night she wasn't feeling well and vomited once or twice and then continued to gag. We both though she had an upset stomach and was just under the weather as old dogs often are. About 11 she walked off during the evening pottybreak and I had to walk around to find her. When I brought her in I noticed her *chest* was huge. I asked Bruce about it but didn't put two and two together. Along with the fact that she wouldn't lay down and had "sticky" saliva.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • APBT owners, would this make you mad?

    I posted pictures of a rescue filly (female baby horse lol, just in case ;) that we have here at our Dobie rescue on a horse forum and told people her story. She was "weaned" by a backyard breeder in the neighbors yard. The poor little girl was left in there with a dog that ate her mane, tail and ripped open her abdomen exposing and rupturing her intestines. She should have died, but amazingly is VERY alive and will be ridable when she is old enough (me thinks she is gonna be MY riding horse <VBG>). The way I wrote the story though, I wrote that she was attacked by an APBT. I mentioned this becuase her name is Pitty.

    Ok now, I have dobermans, they are very often maligned and bashed by people (not near so much though) and at our rescue we have a WONDERFUL pit named Smilin Jack who is IMO the typical APBT temperament. I didn't ever insinuate that the dog was a bad dog for hurting her, I think he just did what most dogs would do when left with a helpless prey animal.

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog owners in PA!?!?

    Do you own a cropped, docked or dew claw removed breed?

    You better be moving! I just heard you can be fined for criminal animal cruelty for owning a dog that has had any of the above without PROOF that a veterinarian performed the procedure.

    Is there any truth in this, what's the deal with it?

    Also, Dallas residents.... hope you don't own any intact show dogs. If you do... get ready to spend some big bucks!

    I think I might cry, pet owners are totally taking it up the ... this time!

    Not even starting on California.

    What ridiculous dog laws affect or could affect you in the near future?

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Isn't that just nice?

    Haven't been here for almost 2 weeks, ask a simple question, totally dog related and didn't even get to read the answers.

    NOW I remember why I haven't been on.

    Sooo, do you have any plans with your dogs this summer? (for the jerks)

    20 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help with Swelling?

    Ok, so my birthday is this friday. The big *21* and I have PINKEYE!!!

    The opthamologist said that with the eyedrops she gave me, the redness and swelling *should* go away by friday. Is there anything I can do to help it go down faster. My eye is horribly swollen and looks disgusting.

    God knows where I got it, I've not been in contact with many people in the last month and those I have been around don't have it... although they may soon 0_0

    HELP! My friends are throwing a HUGE party and I don't want to be a cyclops!

    I've been putting a warm wash-rag on it and leaving it on until it's pretty cool. Kind of alternating. What else can I do!?!

    8 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Head Carriage?

    When my female Doberman walks, she tends to carry her head down, level with her back. Could there be a reason for this? Such as a conformational fault (I've been told by many that she has very good conformation) or could it be something more, like wobblers? I've just never seen another dobie walk with their head level like this... I was watching all the house dogs at a friends and just noticed it. It gives her a slightly wolfish appearance lol.

    Like this

    What do you think?

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Have you read this one?

    I lost my house

    I lost my job

    my boyfriend thinks

    the pets are slobs

    I didn't know

    they'd need the vet

    and shelter when

    outside was wet

    they were so cute

    when young and furry

    but now they must go

    in a hurry

    they're big! they eat!

    and require care

    I'm getting allergic

    to the hair

    what was a lark

    is now a bore

    I don't want to do

    any more pet chores

    I've let them get

    out of control

    they have no manners

    help save their souls

    I can not wait

    to get them out

    I swear I'll take them

    to the pound

    if you don't fix

    all my mistakes

    and take them in

    and let them stay

    so please come now

    and pay a fee

    to care for

    my responsibility.


    Kinda sad, it's what we get to see on a daily basis here.

    Do you have anything to add? Any Comments?

    Vent a little.

    14 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Temperament?

    Ok, I've found a horse. Breed I want, color I want, looks I want, age, in my price range, close enough to make it easy to check him out and pick him up.... everything is PERFECT about this horse.... except he is a stallion.

    I would OF COURSE check him out and meet him before, with the help of knowledgeable horse people. And the seller has offered to have him gelded in the package.

    I've never had a stallion or a horse gelded late in life. He's 7, and I'm re-learning to ride. Or to right "correctly". I haven't started lessons yet, but I figured I could have him gelded, or not if it won't make a difference, take the lessons, have whatever training he needs done (According to them, he's good mannered and has been ridden a lot) and when I'm ready, I can begin to ride him. If it doesn't work out, I suppose I could always sell him.

    So, is this a good idea? Will gelding him make any difference? I am going to talk to my friends about it first but I wanted outside opinions.

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Training to Heel?

    How do YOU train your dog to heel?

    Do you use a halti? Gentle Leader? No Pull Harness? Choke? Prong?

    Do you let the dog hit the end of the leash and change direction?

    Or do you get the dogs attention and correct when they get distracted?

    Do you use treats to start off with?

    Do your dogs heel off-lead? With what consistancy?

    Do they heel whithout whatever training tool you use?

    I suppose there are no right or wrong answers, I just would like to know how others do it. I have my own opinions.

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I messed up?

    I did a LOT of things right with my dogs, they're well socialized, have had extensive training and are overall WONDERFUL dogs. My male decided as of January that he doesn't like new dogs. That's fine, I can deal with that. It's a pain, but not really that big of a deal and I did my best to socialize him, so we're going on genetics... They still have their "puppy problems" as both are still under two and are still puppies.

    So my only really REALLY irritating problem (and screw up) is them playing, running and wrestling inside. I let them do it as puppies and that was a BIG MISTAKE, now I always tell people with new puppies not to let them roughouse inside.

    So how do I get them to stop.

    When they start, I make them go outside, but then they sit at the door and whine. Diesel will keep it up for 30 minutes. When he finally stops, I make them sit and stay for over a minute and then let them in. Then they IMMEDIATELY get excited and start all over again.


    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Anyone else?

    Who has AOL webmail having trouble getting to the main page?

    I don't use the program, but have had my email so long I just check it from the webpage. Is there a reason it's not working? Am I the only one?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Getting a dog into a crate?

    When he doesn't want to go?

    So... obviously, we have some issues that need to be worked on. I'm willing to do it. The two of my dogs that have been with me since they were puppies are fine in their crates. They go in there and lay down when they don't want to be bothered.... the third.... I've been working with him for WEEKS trying to get him into the crate. He's 107lbs and I'm kind of at a loss on how to get him in there. I'm going to borrow a solid metal crate from my granfather (he used it for hunting) because I don't think a plastic crate will contain him.

    I can't let him run around anymore. He's getting an attitude and I think crate training is step one in working on attitude issues. He's sleeping in the dogs room tonight, but I don't want him tearing it up and that's not the same thing.

    Any suggestions on how to get him into a crate? I'm past the point of bribery, because it's just not going to work. After a month, I'm giving up on "accommodating" the dog.

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I don't even know what to think?

    I just took my dogs to the dogpark, Amara has been going her whole life and Mali went with me this summer and has been going since I got him a little over a month ago. There's never been a SINGLE problem. Not once.

    Today, I took Diesel with me who hasn't been since December. Becuase he was with me I took them back to the very far corner of the park away from all the people and dogs. There were only a few there so I thought all would be ok.

    Well, everyone started to trickle towards me and I kept moving away until we were literally backed into a corner. They all started talking to me, being very nice etc. and their two little girls came over. They weren't being rowdy or anything, but kept trying to touch Amara and Malachi on the butt (I had Diesel in a down because of all the other dogs around). I looked at Diesel to make sure he was still down and heard a "wuff" and one of the little girls screamed.

    Not finished>>>>

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Another Saddle Q?

    What do you think about Australian Stock Saddles?

    They look more comfy than a western saddle, which is what I'm "used to". When I rode as a little girl, I wasn't allowed a saddle until I could gallop bareback and western saddles just aren't that comfy!

    I'll be mostly trail riding and basic training. Are these saddles good for that? I'm in Tx so I bet I'll never find one lol.

    Any experience with one and can you give comparisons as to why one is better than the other?

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago