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  • buying a salon just after buying a house?

    I have been working at a salon for almost 7 years now and the current owner has decided to sell. I've always been the first choice for the next owner and would love to own it, I know I can make it even more successful, but the problem is my husband and I just bought a house. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she would be selling now of all times. So I guess my question is, am I going to be able to get financing, even though my credit score has been lowered, it's at 671 now when it was 742 just before the home shopping started (we shopped around for mortgages, 3 of them) and we closed on the mortgage 4 days ago.

    Has anyone else been in a situation like this? The salon will pay for the business loan itself. Its been in operation for over 30 years and is profitable already. I'm just worried I can't convince a bank that I'm not taking on too much at once, I know I'm not, but will they?

    O and I have collateral from my dad who would like to invest with me, we both know how great an opportunity this salon is. I hope this makes sense, the whole story is very long. Thanks!

    2 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • buying a business and a home at the same time?

    I have been working at a salon for almost 7 years now and the current owner has decided to sell. I've always been the first choice for the next owner and would love to own it, I know I can make it even more successful, but the problem is my husband and I just bought a house. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she would be selling now of all times. So I guess my question is, am I going to be able to get financing, even though my credit score has been lowered, it's at 671 now when it was 742 just before the home shopping started (we shopped around for mortgages, 3 of them) and we closed on the mortgage 4 days ago.

    Has anyone else been in a situation like this? The salon will pay for the business loan itself. Its been in operation for over 30 years and is profitable already. I'm just worried I can't convince a bank that I'm not taking on too much at once, I know I'm not, but will they?

    O and I have collateral from my dad who would like to invest with me, we both know how great an opportunity this salon is. I hope this makes sense, the whole story is very long. Thanks!

  • Anyone use Wella Color?

    I'm going to be buying the salon I work in soon and right now we use Framesi, which is nice, but I feel limited by it. The more I've researched Wella the more it makes sense to switch. Plus it might be more cost effective. So anyone use it? What are the pros and cons? And even if you're not a pro, how do you like it as the customer? Thanks!

    1 AnswerHair10 years ago
  • How much does your baby eat?

    My daughter is 11 months and she drinks a ton, but doesn't seem very interested in real food. I just read this article that says that a baby her age should be eating 1/2 c vegetables, 1/2 c fruit, 1/3 c dairy, 1/4 protein, 1/2 grains per day (the article was on babycenter's website) I know there is no way my kid eats that much. I'm lucky if she'll eat 2 oz at a time. I feed her food first and then her bottle. She seems like she's a healthy weight and the doctors don't have any issues with her size... so you think she's eating enough?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 1st bday invite wording help?

    My daughter's first birthday is coming up in a couple months and she's very tall. She's already wearing 18 month sizes and when it comes to gift clothing, no one has been able to give her an appropriate size because she out grows it before the season hits. I'm tired of packing away clothes with tags on and praying we have another girl who can wear them. Is there anyway I can say "please give 24 months or bigger for clothes and make them for winter" without sounding rude?

    I just don't want anyone's money wasted. Thanks!

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • 1st birthday invite wording help?

    My daughter's first birthday is coming up in a couple months and she's very tall. She's already wearing 18 month sizes and when it comes to gift clothing, no one has been able to give her an appropriate size because she out grows it before the season hits. I'm tired of packing away clothes with tags on and praying we have another girl who can wear them. Is there anyway I can say "please give 24 months or bigger for clothes and make them for winter" without sounding rude?

    I just don't want anyone's money wasted. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What kind of high chair do you have?

    We're looking into getting one, but we don't have a lot of space, so we're looking into the kind that fit on the table. It just seems so unsafe to me though looking at it! So what kind do you have, and if you have the table kind, how do you like it?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Organic baby food question?

    Even though our 6mo's ped. told us to introduce foods around 4 months, we delayed it for a month and she's been eating wonderfully, she really likes veggies! But now I've been reading we should be giving her meats now and her ped. said to as well. But I feel like I should continue to introduce her to one new thing a week still... Can you mix introducing meat with a new vegetable/fruit? Are there allergy risks? And does anyone know of an organic brand that makes meat? I was on Gerber's site and didn't see any, didn't check Earth's Best... I personally make all her food, but jars are convenient if I forget to pack her bag with something.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Did anyone realize that beinggirl experts was really a promoter of always products and such?

    I've been seeing this "person" beinggirl experts and looked at this website they want everyone to check out and it's a website sponsored by always. I'm sorry, but "people" should not be on here promoting and spinning their answers to promote their company. Besides, it's known that major companies like always use chemical ingredients to make their products so absorbent, not exactly I want my daughter looking and wanting to try for when she starts her period.

    You guys think companies should be allowed on here?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • When did you start your period after giving birth, and was it different?

    I had my daughter 6 months ago and have been breast feeding, so I know it's normal to have a delayed period. And I think it's back? I'm a little confused because it's sooo light, like I wouldn't notice it if I didn't have white undies on and I'm used to a heavy one. Sorry if that's TMI, but I'm curious if anyone else had this happen.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How many of you are going to have a natural birth after you've experienced a hospital birth?

    I went into the hospital with a natural birth plan, but 12 hours into it my doctor told me I had to use pitocin since the baby wasn't coming down fast enough for him. Now I've learned that pitocin is being linked to autism and can suffocate babies who are still too high and are being subjected to extreme levels of pressure that the artificial contractions make.

    And then my "good" doctor left the room when I was pushing because I was a first timer and he didn't think I'd be abel to get her out in under 30 minutes. I had to have 22 stitches because of him leaving.

    I'm never going back to a hospital and getting a midwife for sure next time!! Anyone else convinced they'd be better off letting nature do it's job?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How to get formula smell out of bottles?

    My bottles are about 3 months old now and smell like formula all the time even after I tried boiling them! I always rinse the bottle right after I feed my daughter so I have no clue what's going on! Should I just replace them?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My 4mo daughter is constipated and dr said to give a little prune juice?

    My daughter who is 4 months old has been experiencing solid poops for a week. She is half breast fed and half formula, but we haven't switched brands and it's a low iron formula so I don't know what's going on! And when I asked her ped, she told me to put a mixture of 1/2 prune juice, 1/2 water and give her a couple oz. Any suggestions? Should I do this?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • if this just a forum to make other mothers feel like sh*t?

    I posted a question on here earlier and all I got was negative feedback because my 3 month old is not interested in my breasts anymore and only wants a bottle with some rice cereal and formula in it (AND YES MY DOCTOR GAVE ME THE OK TO DO THIS.) I think it's disgusting that instead of us uniting and learning from each other on here, which I was under the impression that is what this was supposed to be for. We have know it alls who have to put others down when they're not medically qualified or just think they're better because their babies are just perfect along with their breasts who produce enough to feed their children. I'm sorry to rant but I'm tired of feeling like **** already because my body failed my daughter. I just wanted some help from maybe someone else who's maybe had the same problem not a lecture on how horrible I am because I can't physically breast feed.

    That being said, does anyone have any useful knowledge on young babies having problems with not being interested in breast milk anymore? And wanting more substantial food?

    21 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I gave my 3 month old rice cereal and now she won't eat my breast milk!?

    I know it's not nipple confusion because she's been eating formula and breast milk from 2 weeks old, but a couple days ago I started to give her rice cereal in her formula at night and now she's not satisfied with anything but. I'm afraid I'll dry up my already small supply of milk if she doesn't eat and my pump just plain sucks, worst $250 I ever spent. Should I just give up breast feeding and continue with rice and formula? Or just not give her the option of rice anymore? So confused!

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How soon after giving birth did you have sex?

    My daughter was born a month ago yesterday and I'm going crazy! We tried but it still hurt too much to even get it in an inch and I'm sick of acting like a 13 yr old who's making out with her boyfriend all the time...even though I did forget how fun that can be, it gets old! So do I really have to wait another 2 weeks like the doctor said, or even longer? I did naturally tear in two places if that matters. Please tell me I don't have to wait much longer haha.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else's baby squeak?

    My 2 week old literally squeaks, just like a dog toy! It's sooo funny, especially when she's hiccuping and these tiny little squeaks come out! But I don't think I've ever heard of anyone's baby squeaking. Is it cause she's so new, or do I just have a squeaker on my hands?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone have major pain form where they placed the epidural?

    I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl on sat and had an epidural, which I LOVED, but ever since then I'm having some sharp pains when I lay down right in the spot they placed the needle. They told me I'd be sore there but it's really getting painful. So, anyone else have this happen? And when did it go away for you? Thanks!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does a doctor have to report you if you admitted to smoking weed before you even knew you were pregnant?!?

    I was just reading an article and in the comment section a person said that doctor's have to report you to child protective services if you admit to smoking weed while pregnant. I'm freaking out now! I haven't smoked since I found out I was pregnant, but I still told my doctors when they asked if I used. I thought honesty was the best policy! Has anyone had to deal with this?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago