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  • All AT&T Sales Reps - I have a Question for you.....?

    I am thinking about switching from Sprint to AT&T (to get an iPhone) and I want to get the best discounts I can. I know reps get comission of some sort and I am wondering what is the best time to sign a new contract...... Also, is there any way to get the activation fee waived? I have thought of maybe buying accesories for the phone and negotiating for the waiver of the fee. Any tips anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I am in need of some aquarium filter expertise?

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium and my filter just doesn't seem to be doing a good job (Penn-Plax Cascade 100....I don't reccommend it) so I am going to buy a marineland penguin filter with the biowheel (I already have a biowheel one for my 5 gallon tank and love it), so here is my delimma....which one do I get? I am trying to decide between the Penguin 100 for up to 20 gallon tanks and filters 100gph, and Penguin 150 for up to 30 gal tanks and filters 150gph. I am leaning toward the 150 because it has a bigger biowheel and larger filter cartridge and frankly I am a bit paranoid because the crappy penn plax is for up to 20 gallons and can't cut a 10 gallon aquarium. I guess my main question is will my fishies be hurt by me using a filter that is recommended for "all aquariums up to 30 gallons"? Here is a link with info about the filters.

    Please, only post if you really know what you're talking about. Thanks!

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Reasons why Prostitution should be Legal?

    I have a paper due next week and I say yes, it should be legal.....but now I need reasons why. Any help anyone can give will be greatly appreciated. Serious answers only please.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago