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  • Diapers for newborns?

    How many diapers do newborns usually go through in a day? Iam going to TRY and nurse, but Iam guessing I will be nursing/formula feeding at the same time as I did with my first son. Iam talking the first weeks home from the hospital, what is the average usage of diapers...

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 38 weeks...dehyderated?

    Iam retaining water like no tomorrow. No matter what I do, even if Iam just sitting with my feet up, Iam retianing water REALLY bad in my face and feet. I drink , literally, one bottled water an hour if not more. So I defiently know Iam getting enough fluids. But Iam constantly thirsty... what is that all about??

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gifts for " daddy" to be?

    What are some gift ideas for the daddy to be?? Just because he has dealth with my extreme bitchiness for the past 9 months and has rubbed my feet daily and spoiled me. :) Just want to see what you guys think might be some good ideas for a gift for him for after the little ray of sunshine decides to make his appearance. Thanks!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about Labor...37 weeks and 4 days..?

    I literally have NO symptoms right now. :( My feet are sooooooo swollen right now. They are HUGE. Iam barley dialated to a 1 right now, and he is not engaged. Can I still go into labor like this, or will I go over my due date ( the 22nd)??? This is my second baby...I dont know if that helps.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need some advice concerning custody, please!?

    Alright, so here is the deal. I live in Japan ( my husband is military). I have a 6 year old ( different father), and he is also stationed here as well. Everything was FINE up until 3 months ago with custody. He decided he wanted to fight for full custody of our son. He filed first, so the court gave him temporary custody. I have no idea HOW that works, but he has our 6 year old now, until we decide on custody or go to trial for it. But here is the sketchy part...last year, in June... him and I wrote up an agreement that he would have residential custody until November 2009, then starting Nov. 15, 2009 I would get our son permanetly. We both signed this paper and there were a few other minor details thrown in about summers and holidays and whatnot. The only problem with this letter, is that it was not notarized, only signed by the two of us. ( And my dumba*s does not have the orginal, only the scanned version---I dont know what happened to the orginal!!). I only want the best for my son, and what he is exposed to at his dad's house right now is insane. I have tried getting the military involved, and if anyone is familiary with the military they know that they all "stick together". So its making things really hard. He has been in for 7 years and has had two article 15's ( loss of rank/pay) both due to alcohol related incidents. He is extremely unfit to be a primary parent. I have tried telling everyone this. My lawyer says the paper we signed is a legal document and that I should get him in November. But Iam worried that when it comes down to it, that I wont. What can I do to get him back! I dont have the money to fly back and forth from the states to Japan for court hearings, etc. We filed through KS, so if anyone has any kind of info. I would GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • I really need some advice concerning custody....?

    Alright, so here is the deal. I live in Japan ( my husband is military). I have a 6 year old ( different father), and he is also stationed here as well. Everything was FINE up until 3 months ago with custody. He decided he wanted to fight for full custody of our son. He filed first, so the court gave him temporary custody. I have no idea HOW that works, but he has our 6 year old now, until we decide on custody or go to trial for it. But here is the sketchy part...last year, in June... him and I wrote up an agreement that he would have residential custody until November 2009, then starting Nov. 15, 2009 I would get our son permanetly. We both signed this paper and there were a few other minor details thrown in about summers and holidays and whatnot. The only problem with this letter, is that it was not notarized, only signed by the two of us. ( And my dumba*s does not have the orginal, only the scanned version---I dont know what happened to the orginal!!). I only want the best for my son, and what he is exposed to at his dad's house right now is insane. I have tried getting the military involved, and if anyone is familiary with the military they know that they all "stick together". So its making things really hard. He has been in for 7 years and has had two article 15's ( loss of rank/pay) both due to alcohol related incidents. He is extremely unfit to be a primary parent. I have tried telling everyone this. My lawyer says the paper we signed is a legal document and that I should get him in November. But Iam worried that when it comes down to it, that I wont. What can I do to get him back! I dont have the money to fly back and forth from the states to Japan for court hearings, etc. We filed through KS, so if anyone has any kind of info. I would GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch tv shows online ( free) ?

    Iam trying to find a good fast site to watch Dexter on? Any ideas??? Thanks!

    Drama1 decade ago
  • Anyone else had this either while pregnant or after delivery?

    I have these little bumps around my nipples? They are not pimples or anything like, I have no idea what it is. They are only around my nipples? Anyone had this or know what it is, do they go away!?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Engaged, then disenganged?!!?

    So a week ago, my little guy was fully engaged and as of 3 days ago he wasnt even engaged a little. I didnt think they did that?? Or it was pretty rare anyway. Iam 36 weeks right now. Will he engage again before he comes??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Alright...Iam 36 weeks....?

    I know its NORMAL to be tired...but I went from hardly sleeping at now, where Iam sooo exhausted that if I sit for more than 5 minutes I will pass out and could sleep all day and night if you let me! lol. Is that normal?!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Kind of a silly question.....?

    My dog has a BAD case of diarrhea. She has to sleep outside at night. I feel horrible and there is a huge waiting list to get her into the vet. Is there anything over the counter or home remedy that will help her until I get to the vet??

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • question about baby dropping...?

    Iam 35 weeks... the baby has been head down for a while now. Like, 1-2 months. But the Dr ( last week) said that he is engaged now. Does that mean he dropped? What is the difference between "dropping" and "engaging"? I have been having really bad contractions ( braxton hicks...but painful...for about two weeks now. I have been to labor and delivery, but they dont really seem too concerned about it. But I have also been having bad menstrual type cramps as well. Does this mean he is coming sooner!?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Advice anyone?? Steady contractions...but only 35 weeks....?

    Alright, I have been in and out of Labor and Delivery for numerous issues. First being that I was having steady contractions, they are like braxton hicks...but they HURT. They dont wrap around to my back or anything like that, but the hurt really bad. They start from down in my cervix area and go upwards. I have been getting these for about two weeks now. The Dr. just sent me home because they died down and didnt really say what to do when they start back up. But this is an every day/night occurance. I have the WORST hip pain. The Dr said he is engaged but Iam not dialated ( as of last week). I have an Appt. tomorrow and Iam going to ask all this tomorrow. But I just wanted to see what you guys had to say, maybe you have been there done that type thing. :) He is usually REALLY active and hasnt really moved a whole lot yesterday and today. I have drank juice, and he moved a little, but not like usual. Am I going to make it all the way to my due date you think??

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Since it is 11pm ( Japan time) and Iam completly bored..all the pregnant ladies, check this out. Kinda fun....?

    Apparantly it " reads you" and tells you when your baby will be born, if its a boy or girl, what time of on and so forth. haha. Eventhough Iam MOST definetly having a boy, she says I will have a girl weighing 4lbs. Riiiiight. :) Post your answers!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Very weird, intimate question. Dont read if you get offended easy!?

    Alright...Iam 35 weeks pregnant. Sex has OBVIOUSLY become a little more intresting! But I feel like Iam more swollen, which is normal. But my husband says i "taste salty", and now he doesnt really "go down there" anymore. Has anyone else ever heard that before? Iam so embarassed...

    16 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Nursing help??? Please.....?

    I need any advice on nursing...Iam getting ready to have my baby in a couple weeks and Iam so lost. I have read up and I still feel like there is so much to know about it. I have heard it is really easy to get mastitis ( spelling)...any advice will help. Thanks in advance!!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Body Building?

    Im trying to find a book about the science behind body building? Does anyone have any suggestions??

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Book about Body Building....?

    Iam looking for a book about body building and the science behind it. I know there are a couple books out there, does anyone know any good ones?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How long does this take?

    Does anyone know about how long a divorce takes to be final in Japan?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Tv shows online?

    Does anyone know where I can watch Tv shows online?? For free...

    4 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago