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Favorite Answers15%
  • How do you erase web memory on a mac laptop?

    My teenage nephew was over this weekend and when using the computer today, I realized he'd been to a few porn sites. I asked him about it and it turns out he also went various other sites, particularly craigslist. I know how to delete the history, and have done so, but the craigslist website still has the "casual encounters" tab highlighted. My wife comes back tomorrow and although I could explain it to her, I'd rather her not think I'm some perv. Any help please.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • Oil change: 3 months or 3000 miles?

    What's more important, to get an oil change every 3 months or every 3000 miles? We just got a new car & the older one is being used for a lot of work-based travel & I drive about 2000 miles a month, mostly interstate. Should I change the oil at the 3000 mile mark or the 3 months?

    15 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Check engine light: thermostat?

    My car's (2002 Chevy Malibu) check engine light came ona couple days ago. I went to Autozone and ran a free diagnostics check and it came back saying that the coolant level was low. I checked that but it's fine so I'm thinking the thermostat is defective. Does that sound right? What do y'all think it might be?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is the Brady-Manning debate finally settled?

    Did the last two weeks finally end the debate in showing that Brady is definitely better than Manning? All the Manning homers are saying that he's had issues because the injuries have finally caught up to him & that he's now playing with nobodies on his team. If I remember correctly, Brady has been playing with nobodies his entire career &, for all intents & purposes, he's a nobody himself (in that he wasn't a high draft pick & no one could have thoight he'd be this good). What do y'all think.

    2 AnswersFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Saints at Cowboys, who wins and why?

    I think this is the only good game for Thanksgiving day. I'm leaning towards the Cowboys taking it right now, I think they have the momentum and match up well with the Saints. The Cowboys' weakest part is their secondary but the Saints don't have a real physical receiver, they have more quick receivers. I think it'll come to a shoot out and who's defense and special teams make more plays. Right now, I'd take the Cowboys D and special teams over the Saints'. What do y'all think?

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Puppy's behavioral changes?

    My 8 month old pup has started acting a little moopy & depressed during the past couple of weeks. She used to always be very excited but now she just lays & wimpers every now & then. I thought she might be sick but she's eating fine & nothing else seems to be out of whack. She's fine outside, it's just inside the house. She's been spayed for a couple months now so I don't think it's that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would Cowboys have won had Romo not gone down?

    I say yes. He had just completed a pass to the 29 yd line when he gets knocked out of the game. I say they score a TD if Romo doesn't go out. I also say they don't go for 5 three and outs to start the second half if Romo is running the offense instead of Kitna. What do y'all think?

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • "Going to the ground" penalty on Peterson?

    Peterson just scored and knelt down and made a prayer like motion, how was that not a penalty? I thought the rule was that you can't "go to the ground" as a celebration? Last week the Cowboys got a penalty for one of their players falling down. They recently told Jared Allen that he can't get on his knees after a sack because it violates the rule. Why the special treatment?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How has Ed Werder not been fired yet?

    First, he had that horrible report citing "undisclosed sources" regarding the fall out between Romo and TO. Then, he had that stupid report a couple days ago regarding the issues he fabricated between Phillips and Garrett. And then right now I heard him on the radio talking about the game between Dallas and Chicago tomorrow where he stated that both teams lost their openers (not true, Chicago won), that the quarterback for Chicago is Kyle Orton (it's Jay Cutler) and that the Cowboys should watch out because Lovie Smith and Mike Martz are great together and have chemistry ever since they were both on the Rams super bowl winning team (not true, Lovie didn't join that staff until the year after they won the super bowl.) If I can simply remember these thing without having to do any research, as I would assume a "reporter" would do for a story, then why can't he get it right? This guy just tries to start sh*t all the time and never does his research, just inserts opinions. He's like Bill O'Reilly. Why doesn't ESPN just fire him?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What was your puppy's experience being spayed?

    We just spayed our puppy and she hasn't been taking it well. She vomited immediately upon coming to from being under anesthesia. She vomited again on the way home and once at home. After about 4 hours of being home, she hadn't vomited and it was the time that the vet had suggested giving her some water. We gave her a little and she drank it fine and held it for about 30 mins. We gave her a little more along with some food. She didn't care much about the food and she drank a little more. About 20 mins later, she vomited again. The vet said to take food and water away and try again in the morning. I'm just wondering what your guys' experiences with spaying your puppies have been. She looks so pathetic.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Puppy vomited up some mucous?

    My puppy has had the flu for the past three weeks and she's been on antibiotics. She's gotten a lot better and is pretty much over it. She doesn't have a runny nose anymore, the only time any mucous comes out is when she sneezes and even that has lessened. She's snorting a bit, kinda like she's trying to keep the mucous in. She snorted in a couple of times this morning and then vomited up some mucous. Is this common or should I be more worried and take her to the vet? She's not acting lethargic nor is anything else different. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Puppy adjusts a lot during sleep?

    My five month old pup is constantly re-adjusting throughout the night while she's sleeping. She's not getting up and roaming around the house, instead she just moves from one place to another, like she's trying to get comfortable. We got her a little bed and she goes to it when she's going to bed but then she gets up and goes somewhere else over and over. I don't think it's a major issue, she's always done it, just wondering if anyone has dealt with this. I don't want her to be uncomfortable.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to get my puppy to eat from her bowl again?

    My pup was sick for a couple of weeks with a flu and she really wasn't eating much during that time because she was lethargic and whatnot. During those weeks we started to try and make food more interesting by putting some kibble on the floor and in her kong. That worked pretty well and we were able to have her eat about 1/2-2/3 of her regular amount. As she got better, she started to eat from the bowl again but not on her regular schedule at all. More like she ate a little whenever she felt hungry. We would leave the bowl out because she was sick and all we cared about what her eating and not so much about when. Now that she's back to normal, she still doesn't really eat on her regular schedule. We tried having her go without dinner one night so that she would start up as usual again but it didn't work. She'll eat when she feels like it and she'll only eat a little bit at a time. This has been happening for the past week and a half. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to get a scared puppy to stop barking at visitors?

    My four and a half month old puppy is afraid of strangers coming into the house. Specifically men. When they come in she goes into a frenzy, barking at them but she's clearly afraid, not being aggressive. She doesn't lunge at them or try to bite. She simply bites a lot and tries to run away from them. She hides behind me and barks. I got her to stay in the same room by giving her treats while she sat on my lap but she was obviously still stressing out. Any suggestions on how to nip this in the bud? It just started recently (about a week ago). Outside of the house she doesn't bark. She's still weary of people and tries her hardest to avoid them. Unless the person has a dog or other dogs are nearby. If dogs are around then she's perfectly fine, she lets people pet her and she even goes up to people when dogs are around. It's really only when they come in to the house. Again, it's not an aggressive/defending the house type of thing. It's more of a scared thing. Her tail is between her legs and she's trying to run away as she barks.

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Puppy pooped fresh blood?

    I took my puppy for a walk and she pooped normally until the end. She was still squatting and a couple of drops of fresh blood came out. Imagine pricking your finger and fresh blood drops, like that. What could cause this? I didn't want to take her to the emergency vet b/c I'm heard that blood in dog poop isn't too bad, not nearly as bad as in human poop. If anyone has any ideas or help, it'd be greatly appreciated. There wasn't any additional blood or mucuous in the poop, just those drops at the end.


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Problems while walking puppy?

    My puppy is finally able to walk outdoors since she recently got her final set of shots. I started walking her and she starts off pretty well but then about half way in she starts to run and pull, like she can't get home fast enough. I stop and wait for her to stop and she does pretty quickly, she turns back to me or sits down and waits. The problem is that when I praise her for slackening her leash she starts to run and pull again. Any advice as to how to calm her down and get her to walk well. ALSO, please no suggestions on doing things the way Cesar Millan does b/c I don't agree with his methods, I believe he's really educated regarding dog psychology but don't agree with his approach.


    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How soon after applying Advantage can I shower my puppy?

    It so happens that her shower day (today) falls on the first this month and that's when we apply the topical treatment on her. I would hate to wait until after she showers to put it on b/c it will stay on her hair and stink but I also don't want to wash it off and have her having exposed to fleas all month.


    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • When do puppies start pooping less?

    My pup is only pooping about twice a day now, she eats three times (morning, afternoon and evening). She'll only poop after the morning feeding and the evening feeding. She's also peeing a lot more infrequently. She used to poop about 3-5 times a day and she used to pee about every two hours. Now she's pooping 2 times a day and peeing about every 4-5 hours. She's not going in the house or anything else, she just seems disinterested when we go outside. Inside she's perfectly fine, running around and acting like a hyper puppy but outside she just seems like she doesn't want to be out there when she used to run out and pee immediately.

    Is this something to be worried about or just her growing up? She's 15 weeks. Thanks.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What flea preventative should I give my puppy?

    I'm trying to decide between Comfortis, Advantix and Frontline Plus. What do y'all use and recommend and why? My vet recommended Comfortis but I'm afraid b/c it has the worst side-effects of them all. I just want to know what your experience with these have been and what you recommend.

    My pup is 15 weeks, weighs 21 pounds and is some form of German Shepherd mix, probably mixed with Pit and labs.


    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is it OK to allow a puppy to graze?

    Our three month old puppy will eat about half to 2/3 of her food in that first sitting. We used to take it away when she finished but she'd look for her food continuously later. She'd even sit in front of where it usually is and whimper. We've heard that you're not supposed to let them graze due to potty training. However, she's pretty much potty trained and since I don't have a job, I'll be at home for most of the day with her for the next month and a half to two months. Is there any reason besides potty training that should lead me to not let her graze? I'd hate to take food away from her if she's going to be hungry later.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago