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I am your typical midwestern united states country boy. I like my blue jeans and t-shirts. I love to listen to music, and loud at that, I love to sing along to my country music, but really enjoy the exilleration of my rock music. I love doing stuff outdoors, hunting, horseback riding, camping, fishing, hiking, backpacking, biking etc. I really enjoy a peaceful drive, but with the way gas prices are going that is getting pretty painful. I am a computer aided drafter/ commmercial estimator for a decent sized HVAC company in central Illinois. I would love to live out in Colorado, or New Mexico some day, I am tired of the land of laws. Y'all have a great day ya hear!?
Possible relationship, I need advice.?
First off, I know how this is going to sound, but read through and you decide. I recently met a girl on craigslist, I know not the best place to meet people for an honest relationship. After chatting for the last few weeks, including becoming Facebook friends, I know she is who she says she is, or at least if she isn't, she's mighty good at really elaborate hoaxes. I'm recently out of a three year long relationship, and she just broke up with her fiancé, and it sounds like for similar reasons on both accounts. I'm looking for someone to make happy for the rest of her/ my life. It sounds like that's what she is looking for too. We are taking it slow because she is about to deploy to the Middle East for nearly a year with the army national guard. I have connected with her better than anyone I've very talked to, otherwise there wouldn't be a question. We have the same political and similar religious views. I guess, what are your thoughts, am I crazy to pursue her?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoIs it a good idea to try again?
About a year ago, someone I had known for years, and thought of as friends became more than just friends to me. We dated for a short time, and broke up. We have been in contact ever since, and she is still really close in my heart. I found out the other day through her mom that it turns out this girl is still in love with me, and her mom wanted to know if I still loved her. (I do by the way, and have been there when she has needed me most even when we broke up, she lives about three hours away, a little important detail I had completely forgotten about) It turns out when something rough is going on in her life she will say "I wish stormdog3269 (only my real name) was here, or whenever she would talk to me, her mom said she was always a little more chipper. I guess my point is, I know she cares for me a lot, and I still care for her, but do you think it is worth the chance that I might be hurt real bad again? It has been a year, she has done a lot of growing up and unfortunately gone through a lot of rough times, I am just a little worried that it will end in the same sort of mess we were in a little over a year ago. BTW she was my first real girl friend, and I haven't really dated anyone since, only because I hadn't found anyone, not because I haven't gotten over her. I would like to hear what you guys have to say about it. Thanks for your input.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat is wrong if when you go over bumps while turning?
And the steering wheel moves almost exactly with the contour of the bumps? It never used to do that, I just installed one size bigger tires, I am concerned that there is something wrong with the truck. I have a 2001 ford ranger edge 4x4 4.0l, it came with 255 70 r 16 tires, and I just installed 265 75 r 16 tires. I replaced the ball joints over the weekend, and just got the alignment taken care of when I got the new tires installed. What could be wrong? Or is there anything wrong, it's just something I will have to live with since I have sligthtly oversized tires, I wouldn't think that one size would do that much to it though. Thanks in advance for any advice. BTW Ford sells a very similar setup in their fx4 level2 ranger, it has 31x10.5 tires, so it should not be a problem to have 265's on it.
2 AnswersFord1 decade agoWhat do y'all think?
I feel like my job has become a redundant dead end job. I have all but lost out on my relationship with the girl I love, and am feeling like I need a change of pace, like a really big change of pace. I work as a drafter/ commercial estimator for a HVAC company, well I don't hate my job, but it is not what I want to do with my life. I am not the kind of person that is happy if I have to sit still all day every day. I need some adventure in my life, and haven't really got much to lose. I am seriously considering joining the military. So what do you think about someone like me joining the Marines? I am an Eagle scout with an associates degree, so as soon as I graduate from basic I am going to be a Lance Corporal, two ranks from the lowest. I plan to go to officer training, flight school and become a helicopter pilot, something I have always wanted to do. I am in good enough physical shape, I have good enough eyesight, and have tons of motivation. How bout it?
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoSmiling...?
Have you ever noticed that the older you get, the harder it is to just be happy for no reason at all, but just happy with everything. From what I have noticed, little kids are happy the most, it doens't take much, and they can be happy for no reason at all. Don't you wish it was as easy to be happy as it was when you were a kid?
10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoGirls, question for you. What is your opinion on...?
Guys that have body hair, not excessivly thick, but pretty much everywhere. Just curious, I am sure you like it better without, but do you care if we have hair on our bodies (I mean other than on our head or crotch)
11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat do you do to hep you through a long distance relationship?
I have been in a long distance relationship with a girl I fell in love with six months ago, for the last five months. We communicate really well, and I go visit her as much as I can, but it isn't enough for either of us. She needs me there and I need her right by me too. We love each other, but I am afraid that if something doesn't change soon, we might end up being over. What do you guys do to help cope with a long distance relationship? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you guys a bunch.
8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoI am having a tough time trying to either let go or stick with this girl, what do you think?
I fell in love with a girl a few months back, and about a month into it she broke it off with me because she was getting counceling, and that she is still in high school. If it wasn't for the strong bond we created in that month, and have carried on so far I would be willing to just gve up and try to find someone else. This girl and I have almost everything in common, and really help each other make it through. The real problem lies in some of the things she has been telling me lately. Because of her past (being beaten and sexually abused as a child) she doesn't have any faith in men, and isn't sure she will be able to commit to anyone. That scares me, as that is what I want more than anything, someone who will be able to make a commitment to me and love me as much as I love them. We live 3 hours apart so I get to see her twice a month at best, it is really like we are bf gf but without the title. Do you think that if I love her and she loves me, I should stay or move on?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat should I do?
Last saturday night, I met a girl. From insider information (her frined that set me up with her is also my friend) she really likes me, and had a great time. In fact she gave me her phone number at the end of the occasion. I have since called and left a message on her phone, and she has not called back. How long do I wait for her to call, or should I try again. It has been two days since I left the message. I really like her, please help.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoSo when do I call back?
I went with my friends saturday night to meet a new friend/ potential new girlfriend. She has made it clear to them that she really likes me. All four of us went bowling, then my two current friends went home and got me and this girl to go spend time one on one. At the end of the evening, she offered me her number. She is a very attractive young lady, and I really like her. I have heard in the past that I should wait to call, how long should I wait?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow far do you think we are from WW3?
Russia is re-arming, our only real ally in the middle east is attacking radical muslims in pre-emptive strikes. We no longer have the support of the UN, North Koea hates us still, and the Japanese are buying up all the scrap metal in the united states. Last time that happened, was world war 2. What do y'all think?
20 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWho do I choose?
I found a girl friend a few months back. We have very similar lifestyles, and very similar interests. We really clicked. Because of her past she is now seeing a counselor, and cannot have a serious relationship with anyone, and as you might have already guessed, we are no longer dating. I love her dearly, but for the time being, she cannot return the feelings. We are still really close, in fact she is my best friend, we really click still. This is all well and good, but she doesn't have any idea when she will be able to be in a relationship with anyone, in fact she told me I should move on. I told her I would wait, as I felt she was worth it, btw I truly love her, and she has told me that she loves me as well. Anyhow, for the question, a good friend of mine wants to set me up with another girl, more my age, and who apparently really likes me. She is very cute and I think we would get along great, but I don't want to hurt my best friend. What should I do?
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago