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I am not looking for responses from "children" (under 18) or rude "trollers"! I hope there may be some people out there who can respect that. If you like an answer, or response, I give you, I will be happy to tell you more about myself. Other than that, blow off!

  • Is it normal for pain to increase around a large hematoma?

    I have a very large hematoma on my hip. Approx one foot by six in. It is from a slip in the tub. It didn't bruise for a couple of days & then turned into a hematoma about a day after the bruise came. The accident was six days ago. I've been to my dr, & the ER earlier this week & was given some pain meds & told to put ice on it, which I've done. My concern is that as it gets bigger (which they said it would "travel") the pain is decreasing where the hematoma & bruising is at, but is increasing in pain around it. Mostly in my low abdominal, upper groin area. I haven't been able to find anything online about an increase in pain. Any tips you have would be greatly appreciated. I will be contacting my dr'a ofc, but they are not open on the wknd.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management10 years ago
  • What is the best mp3 player that is affordable?

    I know it sounds nerdy, but I actually am looking for one to download audio books. I need one that has enough memory to hold at least one book. I am using it as motivation to get myself to the gym. I can only listen to the book when I am at the gym. I can download books for free at the library. I am on a very strict budget.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • My friend is looking for a small (mini) yorkie... Advice?

    My friend's girlfriend's mother recently died. She has wanted a small (mini or teacup) yorkie for years. She is longing for it more than ever since her mother died. They live in north FL, but the boyfriend is willing to make a trip to get this puppy for her if the price is right.

    They are young, don't have much money, but he really wants to find one for her. I work w/ homeless animals, and have given him some good information, that has helped some. I have gotten on several lists, including the local shelter & some rescue groups. He actually found one for only $300 (papers & all) w/ the groups I hooked him up with, but it didn't work out.

    He does not want to breed it, he just wants to get her what she wants with her mother passing recently. They would rather adopt a homeless pet, but she has been searching for a couple of months now, & is becoming desperate. She almost paid $4000 for one.

    If you have any info I could pass on to him, please let me know! Thank you for your time

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Relationships... Only 25 & over answer..?

    When is when? You love someone... You have been together for years.. Have plenty in common... You drive eachother crazy!!! I am 31, and want a mature answer! I have been with a man for six years, and it did not work out. I think I am just trying to hard because I don't want to give up. We have not had any sort of sexual relations in over a year & a half. I have gotten to the point where I can't stand him touching me. Am I just giving up, not giving him a chance? OR is it just way past time to move on? We love eachother. I am wondering if we are loving eachother as friends, and nothing more. Should I just give in, and accept that we are just friends, and quit putting off the truth?

    20 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • It is just as plain as the nose on your face, but it's a little further south...?

    A riddle for a gift from my boyfriend... Any ideas what it may be? It is not a necklace, shirt, bracelet or ring... Or anything naughty...

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you have advice on blood sugar issues?

    I had my yearly physical last week. My physcian wanted to test my thyroid for the 3rd year in a row. It always comes back normal. My mother has severe hyperthyroid, so my dr. always worries. After reveiwing my file, she decided to skip the thyroid test. Since I had not had anything to eat or drink (other than water) she decided to test my blood sugar. It came back as 106. Since then she has had me monitor my glucose level. It typically stays around 120 or so, but has gotten as high as 151. It has dipped below 100 a couple of times, and I got the shakes & felt really sick. I fasted for over 24 hrs & tested, just to see where it was at. It dropped to 74. Besides feeling very hungery, I felt great. My dr. thinks my body is just out of wack because I never sleep and eat less than 1000 cal. a day. On top of that I have tons of food allergies, and I am on my feet and carrying heavy things at work everyday. I am very active, but can't loose weight. Any advice????

    8 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • I am able to log on to Yahoo, but when I try to check my mail it says it can't find the server.?

    All other yahoo options work for me, and all other web sites, just not my mail. My boyfriend is able to check his yahoo email from the same computer with out any problems. I was able to check it at our public library with no problems, and deleted most of my emails, however, I am still not able to check it at home. Is anyone else having similar problems? Anyone know what is going on or how to resolve this issue?

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago