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  • Can you recommend a compiler for C/C++?

    In the past I used Dev C++ but it's been a long time and I don't think it is up to date. Can you help?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • Whydo peopl complain dat their payments don't post to their creditcards whentheir check is put in the postoffi

    Seriously, I work at a bank's Call Center as a Customer Care representative and every day I get to hear people who calls in really mad yelling at us because we charged them a late fee coz their payment arived "only" two days after the day it was supposed to arrive, they even tell us "I put it in the mail three days before, why the hell haven't you discounted that amount from my balance", OK guys, I know this is my job, but c'mon, they really expect us to have a hidden camera at the post office and go "hey, there's Mr. Johnson sending us a check, let's reduce his balance right away". Guys, we're no fortune teller's and even if you sent your payment two weeks ago, if it got lost in the mail and we don't get it, it's not our fault that we didn't receive your checks. What do you guys think?

    5 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I just want to thank the Australian government for donating 10,000 dollars to our brothers in Tabasco, Mexico?

    You know, the whole state is flooded, people have lived on the roof of their houses for over a week, running out of food and drinking water and I just wanted to Thank the embassy for this donation. the truth is I was shocked to read the news that Australia had donated, when it's such a far country and mexican-australian brotherhood is not something you hear very often. Thank you from deep down inside our hearts.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you feel comfortable when there is people just looking at you while your'e exercizing?

    I'm in this aerobics class, not the athletic type but I do my best. Lately, some people enter our classroom, sit and stare at us the whole class, some of them laugh at us and our teacher does nothing about it. The class is composed mostly of ladies in their 30's-40's, a little overweight and they don't bounce to the music as gracefully as the teacher does. Am I too paranoid to feel uncomfortable when these people go to the class just to look and make fun of us? Should the teacher ask them to leave the classroom? and one more thing, classmates and voyeurs take their children to the class and the kids run around, hit you as they pass and get knocked down by the people doing aerobics, do you think the teacher should do or say something about taking children to the class?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Qué puedo hacer si se hacen mensos con las utilidades en la empresa donde trabaje el año pasado?

    No me llamaron en todo mayo para decirme de las utilidades asi que el dia 31 yo les hablé y la contadora me dijo que a los empleados activos se les pagaba en mayo y a los que se habian ido en junio, lo cual ello se lo sacaron de la manga pues yo se que a todo mundo se les debe pagar en mayo. Me dijo que le hablara en una semana y cuando le llamé me dijo que todavía no pasaba la relación de las personas con las cantidades correspondientes a quien tenia que hacer los cheques y que ademas al parecer no había dinero. Ahora tengo que llamarle el día 15 para ver si ya se digno dar la información para ver cuando se les ocurre programar el pago. ¿Qué puedo hacer? porque estos tipos nada mas estan jineteando el dinero y salen con su basura de "a ustedes hasta junio" ¿es esto legal? en caso de tomar accion legal, que es lo mejor que se puede conseguir, indemnización adicional o únicamente lograr el pago que se están negando a hacer?

    2 AnswersLegal1 decade ago
  • My bf is always late and when i recriminate this he just yeels SHUT UP! should I chop off his head?

    He is always late, and I don't mean ten or fifteen minutes, I have had to wait for him for over an hour and a half, no matter if it's raining or i have to wait in the sunray and dehidratate. We meet at school and it's the same, he says he'll be there punctually and he's two or three hours late and when he finally gets there i tell him, well, where were you? what were you doing? did something happen? and he'll go mmm nothing, I'm here already, and then i go yeah, been waitin 4 U for two hours already and he becomes mad!! he wants to do this and wants me not to freak out about it but come on! what should i do with him?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • cuando renuncie me hicieron firmar que no me debian prestaciones, pero que pasa con las utilidades?

    Yo renuncie en enero, y me hicieron un desglose de cosas en mi finiquito entre las que no estaban las utilidades, y ahora que estamos en mayo, que? yo les tengo que hablar o ellos me tienen que hablar, o como les firme que no me debian nada ya no me las van a pagar o que onda?

    6 AnswersOtros - Carreras y Empleos1 decade ago
  • I broke up with my bf & i told another guy i liked him then my bf asked to come back and i agreed what to do?

    Things were awful with my bf so I ended it. When i told this other friend I liked him he wasn't much excited about it. he knew I had broken up and he acted weird the next two weeks, distant, sad, i dunno, and never talks about what i told him. Then after 2 weeks my bf came begging please and i took him back for a reason i still don't know and when the other friend fout out we we're back, he was back to normal, fun, tender, and all the thinkgs he used to be. I recently asked him what should i do if someone in a relationship told me he liked me and he said. if things are not ok with his girl and u like him give it a shot, but if he and his girl are ok, pretend he didn't say anything. so, relating to our situation, what should it mean? he's pretending i didn't say anything, he doesn't care, he isn't interested in me or what?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • He's asked me to go on a date twice but that's all, is he just trying to find out if I'd actually date him

    We have been giving hints to each other but we never really do something. Last holidays he asked me out, but that's all he said 'you wanna go out with me?' and i said yeah, that'd be cool, but nothing happened with that, now this week he said 'would you like to go on something like a date with me?' and again I said, yes, if you want to, that'd be nice. I'm breaking up with my boyfriend, actually, we have tried to break up for about three months. I'm really interested in this friend of mine but i think he's afraid I might get back with my ex-bf . Everyone has told me my friend has been asking questions about "suppose you like this girl who is in a messy relationship and about to break up..." I'm more than through with my ex-bf, which he doesn't seem to understand and I'm really interested in this friend of mine. What should I do in this situation?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I sent him a message telling him i missed him & then he called me and said he missed me what should i do now?

    we went on holidays for one week, three days after he calls saying he had this number and didn't know whose number it was, but when he "realized" it was me it was clear that call wasn't an accident. the next day i sent an sms telling him i missed him and had no one else around to pick on trying to be ironic and funny. the next day he calls and tells me he read my message and misses me a lot, but in a kind of serious and vehement way, emphazising and repeating several times he missed me "a lot", then I called him for no reason and pretended no "I miss you" thing had happened, just to catch up and find out how his vacation was going, all the time calling him friend and schoolmate, and then he didn't call me again, now we're back to school, i have not seen him and don't know what to do, how to act or if i even should mention our "I miss you" thing. should i pretend nothing hapened or should I tell him it was great that he, my friend, called me?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I licked his cheek and he didnt complainnor became upset, i like him a lot, should i do something about it?

    We have become real close we go to school and spend all our time together, he's extra fun and very very good looking. A week ago Instead of kissing his cheek goodbye I licked it and he was like surprised. I totally panicked and sent a sms telling him i was ashamed and i wouldn't do it again. The next day he told me he was not angry but surprised and that he thinks of the incident as a friendly thing to do. Should I jump at him or fulfill my promise of controlling my impulses on him?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My bf attends two schools & prefers to take extra courses even on saturdays than being with me, shoud I end it

    He never has time for me and on weekends he attends more classes, when we're together he's sleepy and/or tired all the time, never wants to have sex or even make out. I've tried to break up but he always says he loves me a lot and he doesn't want to be without me. For some strange reason all my friends at school always tell me they think he is madly in love with me and I shouldn't treat him like I do. Some even tell me I'm a ***** for treating him like that but they don't see that he completely ignores me the very few seconds we get to spend together. He promised to change a thousand times but he doesn't and I don't want him to change, just want to go separate ways and be calm, what should i do?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How long will it take me to complete my excercise routine? (Spinning)?

    Last week I started doing spinning and pilates (a package offered by the gym) but I can't do the entire routine, when the others are doing all the other positions, I can't do them for more than 1 minute and the trainer normally wants us to do them for 2 or 3 minutes, and it's the same with the pilates. Yesterday new people joined the class and even though they're beginners they resist more than me! I had never done any excercise before and it's hard for me (not that I'm quitting, I'm totally convinced I want to do it and I will do it) while all other people seem to do it soooo naturally. Am I not meant to excercise this body I was given?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What do you think about skinny models being turned away from spanish catwalks?

    I read they're not granting them access to the catwalk if their BMI is less than 18, which I think is still too low. I'm 1.65m (5ft 5 in), then I should be at least 49 kg (108 pounds) to model, anyway, I'm 60 kg (132 pounds), my BMI is 22 and I'm totally OK with that. 49 kg would be pretty scary for me and I still can't understand why women want to look like Skeletor. What do you think girls? Is there any other thing the world could do to save girls from eating disorders?

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Who thinks LOST (TV series) has become extremely complicated in the second season?

    I mean, discovering stations, DHARMA videos, other survivors, connections among the survivors and their lives before the crash, smoke, crazy people on the other side of the island, taking hostages and letting them go, hunting for "good people", survivors being healed from whatever disfunctions or illnesses and yes, it is very strange that people just accepted the idea of living on the island instead of trying to somehow sail away or ask for help. It's gonna take them at least ten more seasons to solve all this stuff.

    4 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago
  • How do you say in french "Johnny, leave Vanessa Paradis, and come live with me in Cancun, the caribbean?

    paradise, I will devote myself to you, bring your children along and I'll love them and take care of them as If they were mine and I will have your babies, as many as you want!!!!

    Haha, kinda desperate,isn't it? Though, I guess I don't have to say it in french, just if he likes it :)

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I just want to tell you italian guys rock! you're a lottaFun, great sense of humor & you're hot, i love you

    When Nek came to my country he conducted an interview and he was fun as hell, his personality and the way he spoke and the translation were amazing and i laughed my head off that day. I thought it was his personality, but recently At my company we had an advisor from Italy coming to the office and you guys got a great sense of humor, you're always looking at the bright side of things and I think that's great. Thanks Italy for having such great people visiting us, sharing with us your joy and your passion. Sorry that I don't speak a word of Italian, I would love to.

    5 AnswersLingue1 decade ago
  • Why is my mom always criticizing me? I recently moved back in with her after leaving my alcoholic dad. I had?

    never worked before so I had a casual look, you know, jeans & tennis shoes & that, & when I had to get a job I started buying clothes for the office & had to wear make up, which I had never done, so I didnt have much idea about this stuff, I've tried to do my best, bearing in mind that it’s a small office & that people don't go dressed & made up as if they worked for Donald Trump. My mom keeps telling me that i should buy elegant suits & fancy clothes & that i should use more make up & that i should try more hairstyles (she has the farrah fawcet style) & well I'm no gisele bundchen, but i feel good, i like the way i look & the clothes i wear & i admit i'm not that comfortable wearing the office clothes, but hey! i'm new at this & she makes me feel i have no style at all, & smtimes she makes me feel so bad i dont even wanna go to work, sometimes when she's telling me all this i tell her i feel fine & she gets offended & stops, but the next day its all the same, what's wrong with her?

    7 AnswersFamily1 decade ago