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Baghdad Pete !
Work in Iraq as a Security Advisor to the Military. Some of these people are not innocent at all and much deserve what they get. Ummm, I dunno what to tell ya. Happily a very conservative Republican Christian from New Hampshire. Just bought a home and enjoy living there. I do believe that Iraq and Afghanistan were positive moves and I wouldn't be here in Baghdad if I thought otherwise. Who knew it would turn into such a mess, but our military is cleaning house! Being against illegal immigration isn't about being a racist, its about people who trespass and who break the law. That is a weak excuse. Being Christian doesn't mean that I'm a bible thumper or all fanatical about it. Keep God in the United States as it was founded upon by Chrisitan and very religious men. Freedom of Religion, NOT Freedom from Religion...
Will I have to replace my fuel cans?
I currently have a plastic fuel can that has been used to hold gasoline, is it possible to air out and then clean out said gas can and start using it to hold diesel fuel? Or should I just buy new cans for the diesel?
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoI am considering renting my address to a friend, tax purposes...?
We both work as contractors overseas and he needs a US Address for tax purposes. Need some Pro's and Con's about doing this please.
5 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoIf you knew that Obama would be pushing the agenda he's pushing, would you have voted for him?
His attempted Health Care being pushed on us?
His Socialist agenda?
His sometimes racist Czar's making statements?
His tax dodging cabinet picks?
Just asking and lets keep to the question this time, no diverting or blaming someone else. As Libs typically do...
13 AnswersElections1 decade agoObama's Pledge Video!!! Do we work for the President or does the President work for us?
I pledge to vote for anyone than Obama....
15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago2010 and 2012 folks.... Since we've found out the truth about Obama and his Czars.?
What color will your county, state or the country be??? RED or BLUE...
Also, what are your thoughts for Presidential Candidates, both Democrats and Republicans and other parties...?
For the very smart Liberals and other people who can't understand too good out there, I put 2010 b/c it is mid term elections...
9 AnswersElections1 decade ago2010 and 2012 folks.... Since we've found out the truth about Obama and his Czars.?
What color will your county, state or the country be??? RED or BLUE...
Also, what are your thoughts for Presidential Candidates, both Democrats and Republicans and other parties...?
3 AnswersElections1 decade agoOK folks, a Presidential CZAR apologies for his racial remarks. Why didn't other news agencies pick it up?
CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC and other major news agencies don't pick it up "UNTIL" after Fox News reported on the GREEN CZAR spewing racist remarks and then Van Jones apologized?
Obama supporters out there, does this bother you that the Presidents Green Czar said the things he said and are you OK with it and are you wondering why you haven't heard about it until after the story popped up on Fox News???
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDont people realize that the Democrats took control of the Federal Purse back in 2006 when they took control?
of the House and Senate ??? The president has some, but not alot of spending powers!!!
14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoGood job Comrade Amerika for Nancy Pelosi !!! What to do about Nancy ?
Pelosi needs to resign, although she will probably survive as the press will not hold her to account. and will move on to other things soon, hoping the public will forget . She needs to go along with Chris Dodd, William Jefferson, John Murtha, Charlie Rangel, Harry Reid and the rest of the sleazy crowd. And Obama's administration, with its tax dodgers, conflicts of interest galore and former lobbyists is shaping up to be one of the most corrupt in history. So with this Congress and administration, the U.S. is in for a bad ride. I say send her back to San Fran and those "such great" values of that city...
7 AnswersElections1 decade agoDoes anyone find it crazy that Obama is doing all this ?
The Possible Nationalization of GM and Chrysler? Our Banks are already run by the Government... Obama has blocked the media from certain events of his. His budget or another piece of economical legislation was giving to the Republican side of Congress a day or two before the vote? That's he is spending so much "made up out of thin air" money? Europe is starting to turn on him? He picked that Noh guy, who is basically saying hey its ok to have Sharia Law in the US and that we should run our countries laws by how other nations read our Constitution??? Basically he will allow the United Nations to dictate our laws and policies. Are you people ok with this???
I mean you blame Bush for the Economy mess, but Congress had been democratically controlled for years before Bush left office... There is so much coming out about Obama and that the media left out before the election. Obama's support for ACORN, who were found red handed by the FBI to have supported voter fraud... His changed promised to the Liberals to the quick, now slow pull out of Iraq and his quick fix to don't ask - dont tell which is put on the wayyyyy back burner...
I mean c'mon people how Liberal do you want things? Dont you see this mans flaws and his lack of experience??? Yet there are people saying he is doing a fantastic job. It gives me a headache how obtuse some of you are... How much longer will you Obama Nazi's support this man who will take a battered economy and make it worse or he'll tare up our constitution and impliment UN Mandate...
When will you people wake up and think ???
25 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDoes it bother you that Obama is turning the United States into a Socialist Country?
Also, you give Former President Bush crap - but keep in mind that Congress was in full control by Democrats for the last two years of his Presidency (2006)?
So your fine with his insane budget ($3.6 Trillion) eventually bankrupting the United States? If this Budget passes, we are all in trouble to include your kids and their kids...
12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoDoes it bother you "few" remaining Obama folks that...?
Obama has created more National Debt with the numerous Trillion $$$ Stimulus packages than all the previous US Presidents from George Washington to George Bush, put together....
The Day before Obama took office the US Debt stood at $8.8 Trillion or $29,000. per person, thats after 225 years...
With "The Savior" in office and his spending packages that Trillion Debt Amont will rise to about $39,000 per person.
So you folks think that it is ok to just print more money out of thin air? Which in turn will create hyper-inflatin, which destroyed the German Economy in the 1930's and brought rise to the Nazi Party?
Oil and gasoline prices will rise, prices of food will rise while more Americans lose their jobs... China owns us people, they are our daddy... Thank you Mister Obama, you will be a one term president...
20 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoDo you all recall seeing Palestinians and Arabs singing and dancing in the street on 9/11?
What comes around, goes around! How do you like them apples ?!?!
18 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoAll of you who voted for OBAMA....?
What are your thoughts about his picks of Washington Insiders and Experienced Politicians? Is this the change that he was preaching, by picking more of the same ole Washington people? I just see more of the same don't you? I see an unexperienced leader surrounding himself with former "enemies" and the former Clinton gang. Wouldn't you rather he pick no name people for his cabinet as he himself preached the Change Slogan???
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade agook folks, lets say Obama gets in and a year down the road our economy is worse and taxes are through the roof?
Are you still going to blame Bush? Are you going to be totally blind to the fact that your Elected Democrat-Controlled Congress screwed you? When will you realize that this Barack guy was / is as bad for you as Economist informed you or was his sweet song that great that you just didn't care? I will be possibly buying my "Blame yourself, I voted for the other guy" bumper sticker if Good Ole Barack gets in... My question is how long after our country tanks and goes into a recession that will make the 70's look like payday will you Obama voter take off your knee pads and wipe that Obama funk off your chin???
22 AnswersElections1 decade agoOK folks, now that Iowa has been flooded. I dont see the "locals" acting like animals... Some but different.
I mean New Orleans sinks and everyone knows the demographic of that city, so when their city becase Atlantis. It was total chaos, totally wild and a total break down in civilization. All those people who were sent to other cities actually made the crime rate shoot up. FEMA moves in an everyone wants money and equipment, lots of gimmie gimmie gimmie. Enough said.... You know what I'm talking about...
Now Iowa is flooded, Levees failed. But I dont see the breakdown in society that New Orleans endured. Does that say something about the racial make up of the areas?
I guess some folks are just pieces of **** from the moment of being born, I dunno...
Can anyone offer a clue to why the results are not identical?
7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago$50K to invest, I'm 33 and wont touch it until I retire at 60. Need a good Roth or IRA???
Got $50K to play with (invest) but want to sink it into a Roth or IRA, I'm not a day trader or short termer. Looking to retire at age 60 and maybe do something to keep me busy after that but nothing full time or to difficult.
Plan on being debt free when that time comes around. I make over $100K per year now and max my contributions now along with high rate CD's and some odd stocks here and there. But my main question is where should I park that $50K egg??? Thanks
3 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago