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Lv 32,070 points

solas lethe

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im a silk screen printer. ive printed a variety of materials. right now i print on shirts. i love horses. i have a dog named sky.hes the closest thing i have to a kid right now. ive been in a serious relationship for 13 years. i absolutely love it. i enjoy my friends and family. i like sharing with others and im a great listener. im openminded and respect everyones beliefs and ideals. ive been through alot of emotional ups and downs in life and ive learned alot as far as moving past these issues. anyone who needs a friend is welcome to talk if needed. im always counceling my friends. and they help me too. i enjoy all types of music. except new country. old countrys great. i would consider myself a dork. im kinda dark sometimes, but i try to stay possitive. im spiritual ,no longer religious. i feel my relationship with god has grown since i actually learned how to pay attention to him i try to go with the flow and accept what comes my way

  • fibromyalgia makes it hard to lose weight, help please?

    im always sore and weak. i know i eat the wrong things sometimes and even lose motivation quite a bit. im starting to figure out what it is that i need to eat. its the energy and pain and fatigue that's hurting me. what am i supposed to do if i feel like crap all the time. are people with this disorder lacking something that we need to have drive? i get depressed at times and im always exhausted. and even if i will myself up to do the work, something seems to happen that either i get hurt or just plain too tired to work out or even be motivated with the eating. so sometimes i reach for comfort food. how do i stop this cycle. im 32 and sick and tired of being sick and tired. i need hope.

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • st johns wort helps depression and alot of other anxiety problems?

    i know from experience. im just getting the info out there. alot of you need help and this herbal over the counter can do it. it doesnt have any of the annoying side effect as the doctors prescriptions. trust me ive taken prozac, xanax, cymbalta, lexapro, paxil and this is the best by far. the only side effect is possible photosensetivity, which i never experienced. email me if you try it and how it works.

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • i have a possible solution for yall!!!!?

    im hearing alot of similar depressions. and this has been going on for a while. and with this economy who can afford a doctor and pills. i found 21 century -st johns wort. this stuff was my rescue. i have depressive disoder and manic depression. i get racing thoughts and break easily. now im not trying to push pills on all of ya but hear me out.almost everyone in their life goes through some kind of stress related depression at one time or another. and alot revive like it was nothing. but for a fair majority of us we keep sinking and sinking with no lifeline. we actually are the people who will need drug treatment at times if not all the time. i know that people think theyr weak if they take anything to help. but dont. because when you get the help you need you can retrain yourself to think differently so that if you find yourself in this stressful turmoil again, it wont be so hard to cant just take pills and expect it to always do the work. if you take the time to think possitively when your feeling better, it will cross over into the times when things arent so good. i took 1 pill for about 3 days a didnt really feel anything. then i uped it to 2 a day and after a few hours i noticed the thoughts instantly stopped. i could finally think of one thing at a time. and it was selective thinking. i didnt have all the annoying jumbled thoughts in my head anymore. also i started to see more energy and didnt feel sad or consumed with greif. also it helped me fall asleep at night. i felt more confident and was able to be around more people. there were no sexual side effects. the only one i heard of was photosensitivity, but i never experienced it. the best thing is this stuff is cheap.about 5 dollars for 60 pills. it works fast and doesnt stay in the system so i recomend taking it every day. the pharmacist says it has the strength of prozac, but ive taken prozac and trust me this stuff is way better. anyone who reads this please email me and let me know how it good luck

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • curious, is there anything special about my sign?

    6/3/77 in waukegan ill. now i know alot about chinese astrology but is there something im missing. something about my sign i dont know? i tend to be very always one step ahead. i can read people like ive known them for years. i have sphychic dreams and am somehow able to see and feel spirits. i used to be very religious but am now very spiritual. im constantly councelling people around me.but i feel like there something missing about myself that i cant figure out. you guys intrigued me with the spirit guide stuff. im board. entertain me.

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • just curious, anything special about my sign?

    6/3/77 at 2;30 am in waukegani tend to be extremely clairvoiant. i feel kinda dark and secluded inside always observing others and learning. im constantly counceling people. i have a connection with the dead some how and my dreams are intense. now i kinda know alot about my sign persay, but i really want to know if maybe theres something in my life im missin?i used to be quite religious but now im extremely spiritual. ive writtin alot of ghost stories for you guys and explained a few of my sphychic any of you spychics know anything about me i dont? doubt it but it be interesting if you did. i guess im tired of always being a step ahead and knowing all these things ahead of time. but am i missing something? i feel like i am

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • for all you to whom ive answered?

    sorry if my jokes are annoying. but i need to laugh. so if ive offended dont be. im always so serial in here and i need to let loose so...yeah

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • is there any smart doctors that can tell me what is going on with me?

    ive been sick a good part of my life. my mid twenties i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. its been progressively getting worse. but for a little while newsymptoms have been comming about. strong needle and pins feels especially in my legs, my front muscles by my arm pits and breasts and the back of my head. ive always felt fatigued but lately its been worse. almost my legs give out on me and i feel light headed. my hearts been beating fast. i clocked about 170 to 180 a minute. if i even slightly bump a muscle like mythigh or any muscle at that, it grows into an extremely intense pain. i have the most horrific back pain. i have these two mucles in both shoulder blades that are knotted up. oh yeah also whats weird is for some reason somethings going on with my feet.

    i remember going to great america one day and walked around forever. when i came home and took off my shoes, on each big toe on the inside of the nail closest to my 2nd toe, was what had looked like i had smached or injured it because i could see this darkness there like blood. now normally when you hurt yourself the wound grows out with the nail. now its been almost 2 and a half months and it hasnt moved from either toe. its still in the same spot and hasnt even diminished in shade. also one more thing thats bizzarre. on my left foot i have what looks loke 2 warts. my friend says theyre planters worts, now im not sure but how the hell did they get there? ive never had a wort in my life. so people, what the hell is wrong with me?

    heres just one more thing. i smoke, ive been kinda drinking alot of soda lately which im changing yesterday. and because of the body pain i havent gotten alot of exercise. do i have more than fibromyalgia? ms or whatever? im 31 years old. no one should feel this bad

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • is there any smart doctors that can tell me what the hell is going on with me?

    ive been sick a good part of my life. my mid twenties i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. its been progressively getting worse. but for a little while newsymptoms have been comming about. strong needle and pins feels especially in my legs, my front muscles by my arm pits and breasts and the back of my head. ive always felt fatigued but lately its been worse. almost my legs give out on me and i feel light headed. my hearts been beating fast. i clocked about 170 to 180 a minute. if i even slightly bump a muscle like mythigh or any muscle at that, it grows into an extremely intense pain. i have the most horrific back pain. i have these two mucles in both shoulder blades that are knotted up. oh yeah also whats weird is for some reason somethings going on with my feet.

    i remember going to great america one day and walked around forever. when i came home and took off my shoes, on each big toe on the inside of the nail closest to my 2nd toe, was what had looked like i had smached or injured it because i could see this darkness there like blood. now normally when you hurt yourself the wound grows out with the nail. now its been almost 2 and a half months and it hasnt moved from either toe. its still in the same spot and hasnt even diminished in shade. also one more thing thats bizzarre. on my left foot i have what looks loke 2 warts. my friend says theyre planters worts, now im not sure but how the hell did they get there? ive never had a wort in my life. so people, what the hell is wrong with me?

    heres just one more thing. i smoke, ive been kinda drinking alot of soda lately which im changing yesterday. and because of the body pain i havent gotten alot of exercise. do i have more than fibromyalgia? ms or whatever? im 31 years old. no one should feel this bad

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • my dogs feeling sick , help.?

    all day hes bben licking the carpet and a few times has had to puck or gag, so whats the deal and is there anything around the house safe enough to calm down his tummy? anything natural i can give him tonight so he feels better so i can go to sleep.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • heres a real good for all of ya. i need some advise.?

    recently i had the opportunity to apply for a new job. now i wasnt even looking mind you. but i got it. i gave my boss notice and this is when it all hit the fan.

    my boss is a control freak. i have always had financial difficulty. i think she saw this as a way to keep me at my job. every time something went wrong, oh we'll pay for it, you pay us back. i never asked. every day she nagged me about my leaking car on her driveway. she said, if you get a new one we'll pay for it and you pay us so you have less of an interest rate.i was very reluctant. but after a torential car bying deal, i finally got a new car. now she owns me.

    ever since she tries to do nice things but totally bullys me along the way. telling me she could do better work than me even though im phenominal at what i do. shes always correcting me. or if i come up with a great idea, shed say it wasnt useable.or something to that matter. my self esteem has been battered and when this new job fell in my lap for supervisor position with insurance and more vacation, i was all over that.

    now the whole time i was working with this current employer i felt that if my car wasnt paid for before i left that she would hold it over me in some way.i only have 4 months left. she said either i sell the car, or i work it off on the weekends. so not only do i have to work a physical 40 hours at my new job, but now i have another 11 hours on the weekend. its going to comprimise my new job.we never signed any documentation saying i had to continue working for her till it was paid. she refuses to let me continue to pay her weekly.

    so heres my question. can she do this? is this legal? i feel sick to my stomach. oh yeah, shes very unorganized. she had this job that she had 2 months notice on. 1500 peice forest green shirt with white print on front and back. now printing white is very hard because its so thick. she left this job for 2 weeks before it was due. and im the only printer and this wasnt the only job i had to do. now i feel way too tired for tomorrow. this situation sucks. i need real advise here.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • what should i wear for my new job?

    im a screen printer whos clothes get ful of ink. now im about to start a job as a screen print supervisor. i suppose jeans and t shirt is out of the question hey? ill still be getting dirty though. i suppose i should just look more professional. even if its a small tweak

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • is there anyone in here over the age of 18 maybe even over 25. these kids have no idea.i want to help them?

    but they are just too young to understand. i say stop focusing on the fairytail romances that dont exist and start enjoying being kids again because once you turn 18 thats it. relationships are hard. be friends with people first.

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • who agrees that theres more to astrology than the birth month. its so vague. if you look into your year ...?

    wont you get more answers , i know i do. im not just a gemini but im a snake. my element is fire. what i suggest is read suzanne whites " the new chinese astrology" this book helped me realize why some people get along and why some dont. also it m ade me realize more about myself that maybe i wouldnt have admitted to before. you have to be real about it. has anyone read the book? what do you think about chinese astrology? i think everyone needs to own this book. then they would beable to see , oh this is why this happened or htis is why i do this or this is why i do or dont get along with this person. let me know your feed back

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • who here wants to read a really good chinese astrology book telling you more indepth about yourselves. read on

    i want everyone who has ever read suzanne whites " the new chinese astrology " to give me your take. and everyone here who has questions about yourselves, i suggest read it. who here agrees that chinese astrology delves much deeper into your personality? anyways i want feed back.

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • how long have you been with your partner before you concidered being married. hows it working for ya?

    i see so many people who get married so soon after they just met. they havent even had time to find out if they could be best friends first. i remember that when i was young i thought of relationships like in the fairy tails. i think our parents should have warned us.i feel like before you get married you should know the person atleast 4 years and live with them atleast 3 of those 4. i suppose i want to take a poll . i want all of you to tell me how long you knew your partner and how long if at all did you live together before you tied the knot.. then i want to know, howd it work out for ya. i want younger couples to realize that its important that love isnt rushed.theres so much more than the whole romance thing. how mature are they and how good of partners , friends, and a team they can be.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • who here has read suzanne whites new chinese astrology. i find it to be extremely accurate and helpful.?

    ive been reading the different signs for the year and observing the behaviors of the people i know. what i noticed is that the month is just one part to it. the bigger part is the year. the other thing i like about the book is it tells how compatable certain signs are. ive observed relationships and ive been very surprised.

    i know alot of people say random everyday things are put there and anyone can relate. for what ive sen its just not so. its to coincodental that all these signs seem to hit it on the head.

    i believe that each person is different. life experience and so forth. those things make us who we are. but im starting to think that there really are things in our birth day and year that strongly influence us , to be outgoing or introverted. lazy or hyper, stubborn or giving. etc. we are all born with free will. if we could all realize that changing our lives is up to us maybe wed all be a bit happier.

    i hope i havent confused anyone im just curious what you all think

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • st johns wort may help alot of you overcome depression. its cheap, over the counter and works fast.?

    me and a few other online users have found sweet relief with this. i wrote a whole big thing on it earlier. i take 21st century st johns wort. ive had depression my whole life, did the whole pill doctor thing, now cant afford that. so i tryed st johns wort. i take 2 in the morn,it works fast. my racing mind quieted down, i am more confident, can deal with the most stressful things now. have more energy, less stress, and sleep better. and there arent any side effects.try it. and for those who have your opinions, think about this, have you ever actually been depressed? because if not, quit telling people what you think you should do when youve never experienced it. im trying to help people.

    remember. everyone is different so it may work, it may not. just like any prescription. so try it you never know. i just dont want people to feell like i have. what works for me may work for someone else. take every day. if you stop your old feelings come back fast. it dosnt stay in your body long.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • depressed or know someone?read my possible quick solution. i made a statement earlier. read it. may change lif

    i made a statement earlier. read it. i know its long but i want to help. the more people that know the better. it was before this.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • anyone here having problems with relationships because of depression? go see what i had to say in mental helth

    possible life changing solution. see ya there. look for my name and statement to depressed anxious, over thinking.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • to everyone here whos depressed, anxious, racing mind, read up , this is very important info?

    ok this isnt a question its a statement.. ive found this herbal suppliment called st johns wort. you can get it almost anywhere. its cheap. now everybodys different soit mat work it may not. but for those it does work for its a god send. your over thinking mind quiets down so that you can concentrate on better things than putting yourself down. you have more energy because the weight of stress has been lifted. i sleep better at night and im more comfortable in normally uncomfortable situations. to those who keep seeing me type about this , is because i feel that self help is very important. and if something can save you tons of money and time from having to be in a doctor office then i want to spred the word. ive been taking 21st century st johns wort for 8 months. my life is better because of it. i would never state my opinion so strongly unless the statement im stating was factual for me. so i hope i helped. oh and for those of you looking for quick relief, this was it for me.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago